The Geologic Time Scale

Name: __________________________________________ Pd: ________ Due Date: 5 APRIL 2016

Make sure you hit the due date above. NO LATE PROJECTS!!!!!


1. Research information about the Geologic Time Scale. TIME SCALE IS ON THE BACK OF THIS (Your text is a good source, too.)

2. Use your creativity to recreate the geologic time scale using project board or any other material that will get your creative juices flowing.

3. Your project MUST be colorful, clearly labeled, and have pictures or drawings of common organisms which inhabited a particular era and period.

4. You should have on your project 3 fossils common to Virginia clearly labeled and in the appropriate era or period they are found.

5. Your project will be graded on accuracy, neatness, creativity and originality. It will count as one test grade.

6. Turn in this page in with your project board. This sheet will be returned to you with your grade based on the rubric below.

Project Rubric:

| |Excellent |Very Good |Good |Fair |Poor |

|Accuracy |The Geologic Time Scale|The Geologic Time Scale |The Geologic Time Scale is |The Geologic Time Scale is |The Geologic Time Scale is |

| |is accurately reflected|is accurately reflected |accurately reflected |not accurately reflected |mostly inaccurately reflected |

| |throughout the project.|throughout the project |throughout the project with |throughout the project with|throughout the project with a |

| |Correct dates are given|with few mistakes. |some mistakes. Mostly |numerous mistakes. There |very high number of mistakes. |

| |for Eras, Periods and |Mostly correct dates are|correct dates are given for |is a high number of |There is a high number of |

| |Epochs. Fossils are |given for Eras, Periods |Eras, Periods and Epochs. |incorrect dates are given |incorrect dates are given for |

| |correctly identified |and Epochs. Fossils are|Some time periods may be |for Eras, Periods and |Eras, Periods and Epochs. |

| |with their names and |mostly correctly |omitted. Fossils are fairly |Epochs. Several time |Several time periods are |

| |appropriate time. |identified with their |correctly identified with |periods are omitted. |omitted. Most fossils are |

| | |names and appropriate |their names and appropriate |Fossils are less than half |incorrectly identified with |

| | |time. |times mostly correct. |correctly identified with |their names and appropriate |

| | | | |their names and appropriate|times mostly incorrect. |

| | | | |times mostly incorrect. | |

|_____ Pts. of | | | | | |

|25 Max. Pts. | | | | | |

|Neatness |Project is clearly |Project is clearly |Project is mostly correctly |Project is mostly |Project is mostly incorrectly |

| |labeled and all text |labeled and most text |labeled and most text and |incorrectly labeled and |labeled. Most text and |

| |and pictures are easily|and pictures are fairly |pictures are readable. |most text and pictures are |pictures are difficult to read|

| |read and viewed. |easily read and viewed. |Overall layout of project is |difficult to read and |and interpret. Overall layout|

| |Overall layout of |Overall layout of |average. |interpret. Overall layout |of the project is sloppy and |

| |project is very |project is appealing. | |of project is below |reflects little concern for |

|_____ Pts. of |appealing. | | |average. |neatness. |

|25 Max. Pts. | | | | | |

|Creativity |Project reflects |Project reflects good |Project reflects some |Project reflects little |Project reflects no |

| |excellent creativity. |creativity. Some |creativity. Less than half |creativity. Few of the |creativity. Text and pictures|

| |Personally designed |personally designed |of the elements are added to |elements are added to the |are poorly copied. The |

| |elements are added to |elements are added to |the project are personally |project are personally |project is well below average |

| |the project. The |the project. The |design. The project is |design. The project is |in appeal and interest. |

| |project is colorful and|project is colorful and |somewhat colorful and fairly |below average in appeal and| |

|_____ Pts. of |well displayed. |nicely displayed. |decently displayed. |interest. | |

|25 Max Pts. | | | | | |

|Originality |Student has used |Student has used some |Student has used average |Student has used few |Student has used few personal |

| |personal skills to |personal skills to |personal skills to display |personal skills to display |skills to display information |

| |display information in |display information in a|information in a somewhat |information in an original |in an original format. No |

| |an original format. |mostly original format. |original format. |format. Little effort made|effort seems to have been made|

|_____ Pts. of | | | |to be original. |to be original. |

|25 Max. Pts. | | | | | |

_______ Total Points Earned




Geologic Time Scale Project



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