Geometry - Santa Ana Unified School District

Mrs. Valencia

Syllabus and Course Expectations Room 1-246

School Phone Number: 714-433-6600

Email: claudia.valencia@


Course Syllabus and Expectations

Welcome to another great year at Godinez Fundamental High School!

Geometry is a fascinating topic in mathematics that involves the study of shapes and their relationships. In this class, you will work with a study team to discover new mathematical relationships and together, you will solve complex problems in a variety of real-life situations. It is my goal that by the end of this course, you will not only enjoy learning Geometry, but also develop an appreciation for this subject.

To be successful in this class, students are expected to:

1. Follow district and fundamental school policies at all times.

2. Be prompt. Arrive to class on time. This means you need to be in your seat and ready to work before the tardy bell rings. You are expected to enter my classroom in a courteous and respectful manner.

3. Be prepared. Bring your materials to class daily.

• Chromebooks. During class time, you will use your device to access the online version of the Geometry textbook. You are required to bring your Chromebook to class every day! Failure to do so will result in a consequence.

The following materials are recommended for this course:

• Scientific Calculator. You will not be allowed to use your cell phone in class.

• Graph Notebook for homework.

• Red Pen for correcting mistakes on homework and tests.

• Pencils and Erasers. All classwork and homework must be completed in pencil.

• Compass, Protractor, and Ruler. These materials will be used often throughout the year.

• Dry-Erase Marker. You will use personal whiteboards in this class to demonstrate your learning.

• Highlighters. Color-coding your notes will help you study more effectively.

• Markers or Colored Pencils to use for illustrating posters and projects.

4. Complete all homework to the best of your ability. Homework is important because it will help you practice and improve the skills you learned in class. It should be neat, organized and it must reflect your best effort.

• Homework must be turned in BEFORE the tardy bell rings. Late work will not be accepted.

• Your homework assignment must be completed in pencil and include the following:

- Your first and last name is written on the top right corner of the page and is highlighted.

- Each assignment should have a title: Lesson Number, Review & Preview, Problem Numbers

- Each problem number and part is highlighted.

- You must copy each diagram. Graphs must be drawn neatly and accurately.

- Box your answers.

• Expect homework daily, including the weekends.

• Your homework should demonstrate your best effort. Show all your work! NO WORK = NO CREDIT

• Hints and step-by-step solutions for most homework problems are available online.

Please visit .

• If you need help additional support with your homework, please attend math tutoring before or after school. I expect you to attempt every problem in your homework. “I didn’t know how to do it” is not an acceptable excuse for incomplete work. If you do not know how to do a problem, ask for help before the assignment is due. Each homework assignment is worth 4 points. You will lose points for incomplete work. A score of 2 or lower will result in a consequence and will be recorded on your homework card.

• Absent? When you return, you are expected to turn in the homework that was previously assigned.

MATH TUTORING is available Monday thru Thursday, before and after school. You are encouraged to attend tutoring if you need help with your math homework or to prepare for a test. Extra credit will not offered for your time spent in tutoring. Mandatory Tutoring will be assigned if you are earning a D/F in my class or as a consequence from a homework card disciplinary step.

WORKING IN TEAMS: You will work and study in collaborative learning teams during class. While working in teams can be enjoyable, learning will happen only if conversations stay on topic and voices stay relatively quiet. You are expected to monitor your own behavior and work respectfully with others. Everyone is expected to participate during team activities! Each team member will be assigned a specific role and you are expected to fulfill your duties (Task Manager, Facilitator, Communicator and Resource Manager). You will have a new team at the beginning of each chapter.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: You are expected to complete your own work. However, it is permissible to complete assignments in collaboration with other peers. Collaboration is the sharing of information, expertise, and opinions with others. Collaboration does NOT mean you can copy from someone else’s paper or allow anyone to copy from your paper. This is cheating and it will not be tolerated. Please be honest with your work!

EXTRA CREDIT assignments will not be offered in my class. You cannot make up points lost due to a lack of responsibility.

GRADING SCALE: Traditional standard grading scale is used to convert percentages into letter grades;

A=90% and above B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F= 59% and below


|Cumulative Tests |40% |These are comprehensive exams used to assess your mastery of all concepts studied in this course. You will not be able to |

| | |retake these tests. |

|Mastery Checkpoints |30% |These tests are short assessments designed to measure your level of understanding of specific Common Core standards. They |

|(Sticker Tests) | |will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. |

| | | |

| | |Mastery Checkpoint Rubric |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Score |

| | |Justification |

| | | |

| | |Pass |

| | |8 |

| | |No errors. Student demonstrates mastery of concept. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |7 |

| | |Minor, non-critical error. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |6 |

| | |Minor error(s). Student demonstrates a satisfactory level of understanding of concept. |

| | | |

| | |Not Yet |

| | |5 |

| | |Critical error(s). Student has failed to demonstrate understanding of concept. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |1-4 |

| | |Too many critical errors. Student is in danger of failing the next cumulative test and must attend tutoring. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |If you fail a Mastery Checkpoint test, you have to opportunity to re-take it for partial credit (6 out of 7 points possible). |

| | |The process for re-taking a test is as follows: |

| | | |

| | |Step 1: Fix the mistakes on your original test using a red pen. Answer keys will be provided. |

| | |Step 2: Have your parent sign the Test Re-Take Notification Form. |

| | |Step 3: Attend tutoring and complete a study guide. |

| | |Step 4: Make an appointment with me to re-take test before or after school. Answers in study guide must be correct before |

| | |you can re-take your test. |

|Team Tests/ |10% |At the end of every chapter, you will complete a test with the support of your team. These assessments contain difficult |

|Participation | |problems that are designed to challenge you to think critically and creatively. All team members are required to participate |

| | |during a team test. |

|Classwork/ Homework |20% |Scores for each assignment will be added and recorded at the end of each week. |

Parents, I want your child to be successful!

Please do not hesitate to communicate with me about his/her needs.

Let’s work together and make this a great year. (


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