Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bibliography

Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bibliography

December 10, 1999

A Brief Anti-Aircraft Artillery Bibliography Compiled By Stephen R. Maynard

With help from Chris Koontz and Pat Easley Last Revised December 10, 1999


A * before an entry indicates a June, 1999, addition. Later additions have a date [YYMMDD] after the entry.


Campbell, D'Ann. "Women in Combat: The World War II Experience in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union," Military History 57/2: 301-323.

Campbell, D'Ann. "Women, Combat, and the Gender Line." Military History Quarterly 6 (Autumn 1993): 88-97.

Chant, Christopher. Air Defense Systems and Weapons: World AAA and SAM Systems in the 1990s. Washington, DC: Pergamon, 1989.

Eglin, James Meikle. Air Defense in the Nuclear Age. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.

Hogg, Ian V. Anti-Aircraft: A History of Air Defence. London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1978.

Payne, Keith B. Missile Defense in the 21st Century: Protection Against Limited Threats, Including Lessons from the Gulf War. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991.

Pfaltzgraph, Robert L., Jr. ed. Security Strategy and Missile Defense. McLean, VA: Brassey's, Inc., 1996.

Reamer, Edward D. A Method for Air Defense System Evaluation. Chevy Chase, MD: Johns Hopkins University, 1955.

Werrell, Kenneth P. Archie. Flak, AAA, and SAM: A Short

Operational History of Ground-Based Air Defense. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1988.M

AUSTRALIA Delaforce, Keith. 53rd Australian Composite Anti-Aircraft Regiment

R.A.A.: An Historical Record. Grafton, N.S.W.: K. Delaforce, 1995. [991210]

Southall, Colin Spenser. The Defense of Lithgao: Under the Threat of Invasion and Air Attack During the Second World War. Lithgow, NSW: The Greater Lithgow City Council, 1995.

AUSTRIA Banny, Leopold. Drohnender Himmel, brennendes Land: der Einsatz

der Luftwaffenhelfer in Osterreich 1943-1945. Wein: Bundesverlag, 1988.

Holzmann, Gustav. Der Einsatz der Flak-Batterien im Wiener Raum, 1940-1945. Wien: Osterr Bundesverlager, 1970.

Zeldegg, Viktor Zednik Edler von. Beschiesung lenkbarer Luftfahrzeuge. Wien: R. von Waldheim, Jos. Eberle & Co., 1911.

CANADA Bell, W. G., ed. Flak in Review: A Reprint of the Ninety Issues

of Flak: Official Weekly Bulletin of 6 Canadian LAA Regiment. ?:?, 1990


Moreno, Guevara A. La defensa antia?rea: organismo y funcionamiento.

Valparaiso, Chile: Universo, 1925.

CHINA Kao she wu ch'I hsi t'ung hsiao neng fen hsi. Pei-ching shih: Huo

fang kung yeh ch'u pan she: Hsin hua shu tien ching shou, 1991.

DENMARK Liebe, Poul Ib. Indholdsfortegnelse til luftvaerns artilleri-tidsskrift

.1947-1961. Copenhagen: Det Kgl. Garnisons biliothek i Kiobenhaven, 1977.

FRANCE Niessel, A. Pr?parons le D?fense AntiA?rienne. Paris: J.

Tallandier, 1929. Pagezy, Eug?ne. Tir Contre Avions et D.C.A. Paris:

Berger-Leurault, 1925. Sicard, Jacques. "L'Artillerie antia?rienne et ses insignes, 1914-

1945." Militaria Magazine #144 (Juillet 1997). *Unknown. "Doctrine of Anti-Aircraft Defense in France." The Coast

Artillery Corps Journal 58 (February 1923): 54-59. Vauthier, P. Questions D'Artillerie Antia?rienne. Paris:

Berger-Laurault, 1928. __________. Le Danger A?rien et L'Avenir Du Pays. Paris:

Berger-Laurault, 1930.

GERMANY 1st Battalion, 33rd Flakregiment. Mit der I./Flak 33 [i.e. ersten/Flak

dreiunddreissig] beim Panzerkorps Hoth 1940. Dusselforf: L. Schwann, 1941. AAA Bibliography Axthelm, Walther von. Answer to the American Questionnaire on the Study of the German Flak Artillery. ?: Historical Division, Headquarters, United States Army, Europe, Foreign Military Studies Branch, 1952/1954 [MS # D-302.] __________. The Role of Searchlights in World War II. ?: Historical Division, Headquarters, United States Army, Europe, Foreign Military Studies Branch, 1952/1954. [MS # D-042] __________. The Development of the "Super Battery" in German ZI Air Defenses Between 1940 and 1945. ?: Historical Division, Headquarters, United States Army, Europe, Foreign Military Studies Branch, 1952/1954. ["MS # D-011"] Bruning, Rudolf. Gegen Flugzeuge und Kampfwagen: Einsatz deutscher Flakartillerie in Westen und Osten. Berlin: Steiniger-Verlage, 1949. Derpa, Helmut. Die waffenausbildung in der flakartillerie. Berlin:

E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1940. Germany. Heer. 2 cm. Flak 38. Berlin: ?, 1940. Germany. Kriegsmarine. Wir von der Vlissinger Flak: Traditionsbuch der

Marine-Flak-Abteilung 703. ?:?, 1941/1945. Germany. Luftwaffe. Schusstafel und Flugbahnbilder fur die 2 cm

Flak 30. Berlin: Gedruckt in der Reichsdruckerei, 1939/1937. __________. Ausbildungsvorschift fur dir Flakartillerie (A.V.Flak):

Schiessausbildung. Berlin: Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, 1944/1945. Great Britain. Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center.

14 Flak Div: Its History, Organisation, Layout and Role in the Defence of Central Germany. ?, UK: Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center, 1945. Grimme, Hugo. Ehrenblatter der deutchen flakwaffe. Berlin: Bernard & Graefe, 1940. Grimmer, Robert. Ecoliers-soldats. Sarreguemines, France: Editions Pierron, 1989. Gmeline, Patrick de. La "Flack:" 1935-1945: la DCA allemande. Bayeux: Heimdal, 1986. Jaeckel, Gerhard. Flak; grundlagen, waffen und einsatz der flakartillerie. Berlin: Wiking verlag, 1941. Koch, Horst Adalbert. Flak: Die Geschichte der deutschen Flakartillerie. Bad Nauheim: Podzun, 1954.


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