Somewhere in Hell


Adaptation for FoW of a Battlefront WWII scenario by José Pereira

Kursk 8 July 1943:

Operation Zitadelle has been raging for 3 days. The Germans have mounted dual attacks on the Kursk salient from the North and South. Model’s Northern attack encountered stiff resistance, and by the third day had barely progressed 10 miles into the salient. In the South, Von Manstein had done much better, achieving gains of 15-20 miles in some places by the start of the fourth day. For every mile gained however, the Russians have exacted a terrible cost in men and materials.In the evening hours of July 7, Soviet commander Vatutin and Party Leader Khruthchev reviewed the dire situation at hand on the Southern edge of the Kursk salient. Soviet high command is committed to stop the Germans before they reached the city of Oboyan. The battered 6th Guards Army was ordered to regroup and dig-in as the last line of defense for Oboyan. Due to the importance given to holding this line, the 1st Tank Army and 40th Army were rushed to the area as additional support and to potentially counterattack German spearheads. 4th Panzer Army was enjoying success on this front, and with 3rd, 11th Panzer, and Grossdeutschland Divisions, was pushing north to cross the Pena River and secure the road to Oboyan. This scenario portrays a German advance in the Southern sector leading up to the assault on the village of Syrtsevo. Can the Germans advance to contact and continue steamrolling over Russian resistance? Or, can the Russians defend their homeland and halt the onrushing armies of Germany?

Terrain and Scenario Notes

- The table should by 4, 20 m wide by 2 m deep.

- The Wooded area is "Cleared Woods".

- Tall Crops Sparse Concealment.

- The stream is deep along its length. It can be crossed by vehicles using the bridge.

- All hills and flat terrain are considered clear terrain.

- The roads are "unpaved".

- The game is 15 turns long. The nominal start time is 0600.

Briefing for Officer commanding German, leading Kampfgruppe of PzGren Div Grossdeutschland


The fighting over the past three days has been intense. The 4th Panzer Army is driving hard to the North, reaching onward toward the City of Oboyan, which is on the road to Kursk. Recent fighting has crushed the Russian 6th Guards Army, sending them to the North in retreat. The next objective is the village of Syrtsevo. Advance recon elements scouting a wooded area and hill have reported Russian hasty defenses setting up to the South of Srytsevo in a small hamlet at a cross-road. Further recon reports have been unavailable.


You are to clear the southern heights and a small hamlet at a cross-road leading toward Syrtsevo.


Your forces consist on a mixed Panzergenadier Kampfgruppe with companies of tanks and divisional attachments.

Starting Positions and Reinforcement Schedule:

- You move first.

- None of your forces start the game on the board. Up to three companies may enter each turn anywhere on the South Edge of the map on or between the two roads.


You must clear the hill and cross-road built up sectors of all Russian undisordered forces within the time limits of the game (or Turn 15) and destroy as many Russian vehicles and companies as possible.

German OB: (Hitler’s Fire Brigade German Intelligence Briefing)

(13000 Pts)

Kampfgruppe of PanzGrenadier Division Grossdeutschland

- 1 X Kampfgruppe HQ: Fearless Veteran

o Higher Command Team General major Otto-Ernest Remer

o Add a Kübelwagen

- 2 X Panzerkompanie: Confident Veteran

o 1 X Company HQ:

▪ 2 X Pz IVG,H

o 2 X Panzer Platoon:

▪ 5 X Pz IVG (late)

▪ Equip three panzer with Schürzen

o 1 X Pioneer Platoon:

▪ Full strength

▪ Add three SdKfz 251/7C

▪ Replace all 3-ton Trucks with Maultier half-tracks

▪ Replace two Pioneer Teams with two Pioneer Flame-thrower Teams

- 1 X Panzerkompanie: Confident Trained

o 1 X Company HQ:

▪ 2 X Pz V D Panther

o 2 X Panzer Platoon:

▪ 5 X Pz V D Panther

- 2 X Panzergrenadierkompanie: Confident Veteran

o 1 X Company HQ:

▪ Replace both Command SMG teams with Command Panzerknacker SMG Teams

▪ Replace all vehicles by a SdKfz 251/1 C

o 3 X Armored Panzergrenadier Platoons:

▪ Full strength

▪ Replace the Command SMG team with a Command Panzerknacker SMG Team

o 1 X Armored Heavy Platoon:

▪ HQ section

▪ 2 Machine-gun Sections

▪ Add a Mortar Section

▪ Add a Gun Section

o 1 X Heavy Infantry Gun Platoon:

▪ 2 Gun Sections

- Divisional Support Platoons: Have to be attached to either Panzer or Grenadierkompanies Confident Veteran

o 2 X Heavy Tank Platoon:

▪ 2 X Pz VI E Tiger

o 1 X Assault Gun Platoon:

▪ 3 X StuG III G

▪ Equip all StuG with Schürzen

o 1 X Limited Air Support:

▪ Ju-87 D Stuka with bombs

o 1 X Light Anti-aircraft Platoon:

▪ HQ Section

▪ 2 Anti-aircraft Section

o 1 X Light Anti-aircraft Platoon:

▪ HQ Section

▪ 2 Anti-aircraft Section

▪ Upgrade all SdKfz 10/5 (2.0 cm) with SdKfz 7/2 (3.7 cm)

o 2 X Artillery Batteries:

▪ 2 Gun Sections

▪ Replace Observer Teams Kübelwagen with SdKfz 250

o 1 X Rocket Launcher Battery:

▪ 2 Launcher Sections

▪ Replace Observer Teams Kübelwagen with SdKfz 250

Briefing for the Commanders of Russian Forces South of Oboyan and elements of the 1st Tank Army


Comrade! By direction of General Vatutin and Party Leader Khrushchev: “On no account must the Germans break through to Oboyan”. The second defense line has been breached and your forces are all that stands in front of the City of Oboyan and the road to Kursk.


You are to inflict maximum casualties on the Germans and prevent them from taking control of the cross-road that approach Syrtsevo and the small hill to the South. Without time or ATGs necessary to setup a defensive strongpoint, you are to launch a counter-offensive attack at the German spearhead to spoil their advance on Syrtsevo and onto Oboyan.


Forces from the retreating 6th Guards Army have erected hasty defenses at the cross road. Reinforcements from 1st Tank Army and 40th Army are expected soon. Scout units are on the Southern hill and report the German spearhead is within sight.

Starting Positions and Reinforcement Schedule:

- Set up is as indicated on the Russian OB. If nothing is indicated for a unit, then this unit can set up anywhere on the map but not within 50 cm from the south edge.

- ¼ of the Russian units can start the game ambushed. The companies which have to set up within 25 cm of an urban area (see Russian OB) may be revealed on these areas.

- Your reinforcements will arrive as a delayed reserve as indicated on the OB, the whole of a company at the same time.

- All Russian Forces start the game Gone to Ground.

- Only the observer from the Heavy Mortar Company can call it for a bombardment.

- The Germans move first.


You must hold the hill and cross-road built up sectors at the end of the game (or Turn 15) and destroy as many German vehicles and infantry units as possible.

Russian OB: (Stalingrad and Late War Soviet Intelligence Briefing)

(10264 Pts)

Russian Forces South of Oboyan

- 1 X Gvardeyskiy Strelkovy Batalon: Fearless Trained

o 1 X HQ Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ Battalion HQ

▪ Add Anti-tank Rifle Platoon

▪ Add Anti-aircraft Platoon

▪ 2 Snipers Teams

o 1 X Strelkovy Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 2 Rifle Platoons

▪ Upgrade all Rifle Teams to Rifle/MG Teams

▪ Add one Machine-gun Squad

▪ Add Komissar Team

o 1 X Strelkovy Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 3 Rifle Platoons

▪ Upgrade all Rifle Teams to Rifle/MG Teams

▪ Add Komissar Team

o 1 X Straf Company:

▪ 3 Rifle Platoons

▪ Upgrade all Rifle Teams to Rifle/MG Teams

▪ Add one Machine-gun Squad

▪ Add Komissar Team

o 1 X Submachine-gun Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 3 Submachine-gun Platoons

▪ Add Komissar Team

o 2 X Scout Platoons: (Late War) (set up entrenched on the southern hill)

▪ Add Komissar Team

o 1 X Machine-gun Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 1 Machine-gun Platoon

o 1 X Heavy Mortar Company:

▪ 3 Heavy Mortar Platoons

▪ Add Observer Team (must be attached to one of the two Scout Platoons)

o 1 X Heavy Tankovy Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 5 X KV-1s

o 1 X Heavy Tankovy Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 4 X KV-2

o 1 X Tankovy Company: (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 2 X T-28 obr 1940 (or 2 X T-60 obr1942)

o 1 X Light Tankovy Company

▪ 7 X T-70 obr 1943

o 1 X Assault Gun Company : (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 4 X SU-76i

o 1 X Assault Gun Company : (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 2 X SU-122

o 2 X Heavy Assault Gun Company : (set up within 25 cm of a building near a crossroad)

▪ 2 X SU-152

o 1 X Sporadic Air Support:

▪ Il-2 Sturmovik “Flying tanks”

o 1 X Anti-tank Company:

▪ 2 Anti-tank Platoons

▪ Upgrade all gun to 45 mm obr 1942 guns

▪ Add one jeep for the HQ section

▪ Add four Universal Carriers to tow the guns

o 1 X Tank Destruction Company:

▪ 2 Anti-tank Platoons

▪ Upgrade all gun to 76 mm ZIS-3 gun

o 1 X Anti-aircraft Company:

▪ 1 Anti-aircraft Platoon

o 2 X Artillery Battalion:

▪ 4 Gun Platoons

▪ 2 Howitzer Platoons

▪ Add Observer Team

o Fortifications:

▪ 2 X 20 cm Minfields

▪ 2 X 20 cm Barbed wire

- 2 X Tankovaya Bataljon: Fearless Trained (arrive on the NW road as Delayed Reserves)

o 1 X Bataljon HQ

▪ 1 X T-34 obr 1942

▪ Fit T-34 obr 1942 with cupola

o 2 X Tankovaya Company:

▪ 5 X T-34 obr 1942

▪ Fit all T-34 obr 1942 with cupola

- 1 X Tankovaya Bataljon: Fearless Trained (arrive on the NE road as Delayed Reserves after Turn 8)

o 1 X Bataljon HQ

▪ 1 X T-34 obr 1942

▪ Fit T-34 obr 1942 with cupola

o 2 X Tankovaya Company:

▪ 5 X T-34 obr 1942

▪ Fit all T-34 obr 1942 with cupola

Referee Notes (from the author of the Battlefront WWII scenario)

This scenario was designed for large convention play for 8-10 total players (4-5 experienced with Battlefront) and a GM. The miniatures required to play this scenario are significant, and were assembled by pooling the resources of 3 gamers in Houston, TX.

The map and OOBs were developed to get lots of players into early-contact and have large armored forces clashing in the open areas between the hill and the cross-road. The tall crop fields will help vehicles hide once they enter. Sparse cover does not block LOS to targets beyond so this will encourage tankers to close-range to gain concealment (and better gunnery).

This scenario is meant to be fun, and inspire good use of tactics and ability to shift from offense to defense (German) or vice versa (Russian). The game begins with an assault by an overpowering Kampfgruppe that has a good chance of success. The Russians being with a defensive mind-set but initiate a strong counterattack just as the Germans are pressing home and looking for the kill. A smaller counterattack is potentially available late in the game to support Russia’s situation as defender with access to lots of reinforcements.

To win, the German must move boldly with the initiative early, and gain as much ground for as little damage as possible. The initial advantage will soon be offset, and adequate forces will be necessary to take the ultimate objective and survive the counterattacks.

The Russian must bleed the German advance and hold out until the Turn 4 counterattack. Trading ground for German kills is a good deal. Conserve that infantry and hold the cross road at all costs. Help is on the way! The T-34s when they arrive should totally disrupt the German attack and cause them to go defensive. Use the high speed of the T-34 to exploit and breakup the attack rather than driving straight into the nearest German unit. T-34s are fast, use them!

The Infantry in this game are precious. Neither side can meet their objectives if they lose their infantry prematurely. Russians are challenged with the situation where their infantry have a long walk across open ground if they try to take the hill. Germans have armored infantry, but very few in numbers. The Russian units are hurting from recent fighting and are at reduced strength. The trained company and optional Straf company represent last ditch reserves and rear-area troops being thrown into the line after 3 days of constant fighting.

Depending on the German entry move, the Russians will have to decide to keep the Scout platoon in place or evacuate. An aggressive Russian plan would be to push-off early to hit the hill before the Germans can consolidate their gains, or even before the Germans take it from the Scout platoon. If the Russians make a push for the hill later in the game, the regular Russian infantry ME s are all designed to be tank rider capable on any armored ME (except the Straf ME and the Assault Gun ME).

The choices each side makes on what divisional attachments should be made before the game begins, and committed to the GM. Each has options for Air, anti-air, ATG, and increased infantry. Every game will be unique based on each side’s choices.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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