To: Editor, writer, news director @ Bryan-College Eagle

To: Editor, writer, news director at the Bryan-College Eagle newspaper

Re: opinions & news

October 28, 2002

Dear Donnis Bagget & Christopher Ferrell & news director:

In contradistinction to the opinion of Walter Cronkite (October 19, 2002 Eagle interview and college speech), World War III is already here. It is a common theme—that WW-III has yet to begin—and I see it perpetuated by politicians and officials and news people everywhere.

However, while the exact date that it began is certainly unclear, millions of people have already died. Let’s consider the true role of Walter Cronkite in this. 

For a brief synopsis:


▪ Thousands of innocent men, women and children fleeing the impending attack against Afghanistan die in the refugees exodus alone;

▪ Thousands of innocent Afghans die as the US prosecutes its war of terror in Afghanistan;

▪ US covert forces operating against newly defined “terrorists” (read: liberation fighters and innocent people suffering under western corporate and military oppression) escalate activities (read: terrorism) in Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Sudan, Columbia, Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, Thailand, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Algeria, Congo, Uganda, Malaysia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Iran.


▪ US steps up its scorched earth terrorism in Columbia (Plan Columbia);


▪ April 6, 1994 the United States through its proxy army the Rwandan Patriotic Front invades Rwanda. Some 300,000 or so people die at the hands of pro-French forces, over 1,000,000 people die at the hands of pro-US Rwandan and Ugandan forces. 

▪ From 1983 to present over 1,000,000 people die in Sudan: from 1989 to present (at least) US supports the Sudan People’s Liberation Army.

▪ August 1996, US covert forces and military spearhead invasion of Zaire/DRCongo;

▪ August 1998, US covert forces and military spearhead second invasion of DRCongo: over four million people dead since 1998 alone; US covert forces newly define “terrorist” groups in central Africa after 2001.

▪ US persecution of Puerto Ricans in Viequez continues.

▪ Sanctions against Iraq claim—what is it? a million lives?

▪ US covert forces support terrorism in Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Angola

▪ US covert forces support terrorism in India, Nepal and Pakistan

▪ late 1990’s US invades the Balkans

▪ Tens of thousands of people (minimum) die of starvation, poverty, disease monthly—exacerbated and institutionalized by protectionist polices and “free trade” of the United States. 

That is a short list and, a.k.a., US covert forces are working all over the world to undermine, torture, brutalize, diappear people interested only in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

World War III is raging.

The US/European proxy wars in Central Africa continue, in almost total whiteout, and with systemic misreporting at best. Currently, Isreal, Philippines, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Sudan, Angola, Niger, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Columbia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Eritrea, DRCongo, Brazil, Equador, Bolivia, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Gabon, South Africa, Uganda, China—are involved in major low-intensity wars, conflicts or insurgencies—all of which the United Statse plays a major overt or covert role in. Another short list.

(See keith harmon snow, The Globalization of Terror,  .)

Thus I find it rather ironical that Walter Cronkite criticizes the news establishment, or the government, for censorship. Cronkite’s carreer began in 1962, and amongst the first deceptions Cronkite helped deliver to the American people were the deceptions of the “Cuban Missile Crises.” What he did not report, and has never reported, were the clandestine operations against the Cuban people including the release of the dengue fever virus on the island. Now, that is biologicval warfare, and it was never explored.

Walter Cronkite helped whip up the Cold War.

Another major deception Cronkite perpetuated was the attribution of “terrorist organization” to self defense and public service entities like the Black Panther Party and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the American Indian Movement. Meanwhile, the FBI instituted the now famous counter-intelligence programs (COINTELLPRO) that systematically destroyed the lives of hundreds (minimum) and perhaps thousands of African Americans and native Americans.

Walter Cronkite, of course, was there.

And that is why Walter Cronkite in his recent comments suggests that certain details (e.g. the Office of Homeland Security) might better be left unsaid (unreported). There is the uncritical “good German” at work—an idea Cronkite so uneloquently introduces. 

Walter Cronkite brought us the “Vietnam War” but we now know, if we are willing to explore reality, that this was the American invasion of  South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and Walter Cronkite helped to cover up the atrocites by the US and its agents. One of these was the US of weather modification technologies then openly under development.

Walter Cronkite brought us the first vestiges of the “space race” and never told us about how the US government—first openly and then at the most secret levels—was instituting a now completely covert program in developing weather as a weapon. 

Walter Cronkite was silent when East Timor was invaded.

Walter Cronkite supported the egregious terroism perpetrated by the Reagan “government” as death squads trained by teh School of the Americas roamed Latin America (Asia, and Africa) beheading, torturing, raping and “disappearing” innocent men, women and children interetsed in freedom, equality, democracy and control of their own air, water, land and bodies. 

Walter Cronkite brought us “atoms for peace” and said narry a word about the scale of the nuclear poisons that are causing epidemics of cancers, leukemias, downs syndrome, birth defects and—worse than that—the secret nuclear programs experimenting on humans.       

It is remarkable that Cronkite would speak about the “good Germans” who wept after learning about the horrors at such places as Buchenwald, as he has played such a commanding role as a “good American” for six decades. Indeed, his role cannot be overstated. Not surpirsing however, and far less remarkable, is that Walter Cronkite in his pivitol role or rewriting history by and for the US government helped to bury the following facts:

[1]  the victorious Allied powers pillaged out of Thuringia the precious arts and treasures and gold collected by the Nazis and these remain in the coffers of the Amero-European elites;

[2] the USAF B-1 bomber came directly from the all wing single-engine jet plane prototype Go 229 V-3 developed in secret programs by the Nazis—using slave labor from Buchenwald, for which tens of thousands died;

[3]  that US multinational corporations were developing munitions, aircraft, tank and rocket parts with the Allies AND the Axis powers in the occupied territoires and in Germany—again with the slave labor and torture of over 1.7 million prisoners and immeasurebale brutality and death. 

Indeed, GM through the General Motors Adam-Opel establishment at Russelsheim manufactured 50 % of all Junkers Ju 88 propulsion systems. The German mega-conglomertate IG Farben was the second largest stockholder in Jersey Standard Oil – Rockefellars were the first—and the gas used to gas concentration camp internees was Zyklon B, supplied by IG Farben. 

Nuremberg cleared the worst criminal offenders during denazification, and these were brought into the US and served dutifully throughout the Kennedy and Johnson Adminsitrations—and beyond—in NASA and USGov laboratories. The International Criminal tribunal on Rwnada is clearing the worst criminal offenders in that arena—many of them former US generals, intelligence operatives like former CIA station chief Lawrence Devlin, current intelligence operatives in the DIA, CIA, CIO, etc., and military experts like Rwandan “president” Pual Kagame—trained at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. These people are responsible for genocide.

What does Walter Cronkite say about that? Nothing.

It was the Dulles brothers and their law firm Cromwell and Sullivan that secured the inetrests of IG Farben, but to cronkite—ever a mouthpiece for US foreign policy disinformation—the Dulles brothers were patriotic Americans who served their country honorably. Curiously, some of the same players who traded with teh Nazis, and then brought them into the halls of American power, are those who have helped to bury the truth and lies of 9/11.    

Where was Walter Cronkite when the CIA was assasinating thousands of innocent people in the Congo to consolidate the power of CIA choice Mobutu Sese Seko? Where was Cronkite when “presidents” Mobutu, Bongo, Moi, Mugabe, Biya, Eyadema were purging “their” countries of “terrorists” ? 

In 1967 after a prolonged series of detailed requests, the US awarded GM a total of $33 million tax exemption on profits for the “troubles and destruction occasioned to its airplane and motorized vehicle factories in germany, Austria in WWII.” 

Meanwhile, Walter Cronkite manned the helm of the American news establishment and steered the American people into the serious mental illness that now grips this country.

All of these things are very well documented. It is not particularly surprising, then, that Walter Cronkite is allowed to speak, is the chosen voice, the celebrated icon, because, in fact, he says nothing at all.


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