Introduction: Gear Reviews - billy1234567892

RoGo Magazines Issue #8



Welcome to the Holiday issue of RoGo Magazine! This is our biggest and best issue of 2011! This issue has an interview with Stickmasterluke, information we released early during the RoGo Convention, and a special surprise, The RoGo

Awards! You may have noticed that this issue was released a little later then all the previous ones, instead of 2 weeks from the last issue, it's been 3 weeks. That is because we want this to be the best issue ever! This issue had all three teams

work on it, including the Presidents. We have some new sections as well, such as RoTextures and Fan Art! So get ready for the longest RoGo Magazine you've ever read!

Santa's Jolly Jetpack

Gear Reviews:

There's delivering presents - and then there's doing it in style. With Santa's Jolly Jetpack, you can fly to just about anywhere. Being the first jetpack to be made (besides a rentable test one), this is quite a popular

item. I totally recommend it.



The Merry Avenger Limited

Do you think Christmas is da bomb? With this holly, jolly grenade, every room can be very merry. Just pull the pin, throw it, and watch Christmas

items fly everywhere! If you are a slow decorator, this gear is a must have to prepare for the holidays!


His vengeance is swift and just..... And merry! That's right, the Merry Avenger! This is almost a one hit KO weapon Just a slash takes half-life

away! It's tough and turns bricks and your enemies to gold! -Pogostick22

Annoying Elf: ReeseMcBlox Limited

This elf is bound to get you frustrated. With its high-pitched voice, and its annoying actions, there is no way to stop you from going insane!

Although on first glance she seems kind, wearing her vibrant pink cloak, but believe me- you don't know her well enough.


RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #8


Annoying Elf: Finsurf Limited

In a blue-green uniform, another one of Santa's helpers has arrived! From far back, you won't know if he is cute or evil. Both are wrong. He is ANNOYING. Since he is so small, he is a little trouble-maker always

looking for something to go mess up.


Snowman Cannon

Deluxe Snowball Cannon 3000

Santa's Sleigh

Blizzard Wand Limited

The Snowman Cannon. It is great for snow battles! Click and hold to create a snowman turret. You can only have three turrets at a time, so place them wisely! To attack, press "Q" then click a player or a turret to

destroy it! -Pogostick

Faster than any other snowball cannon on the market. The Deluxe Snowball Cannon 3000 can fire multiple shots in quick succession. It does no damage, though it blind it's target. The perfect weapon for a

snowball fight!


So, you hear stories about how Santa flies around, delivering gifts to angelic children. Well, now you can live it! This gear allows you to fly non-stop, wherever you want to go! However, it is a little pricy, so don't go getting excited yet. My suggestion? Buy it if you have the money,

otherwise, don't stress it.


The Great Blizzard Wand beckons you towards the limitless power of snow, all in the palm of your hand. With one flick of your arm, the Wand summons a flurry that freezes your surrounding opponents, and makes

snow dance across your screen. A wonderous weapon indeed.


RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #8


ROBLOX Updates:

New Terrain Materials Recently, ROBLOX created 12 new terrain materials. Some of the new textures are different metals, 2 types of plastic, 2 types of wood, and different rocks. Along with these new materials, they also came out with a material painter. This material painter allows you to edit the terrain using the plugin. The plugin is given out through everyone's built-in plugins. With these materials, it gives builders a large opportunity to create many different games. The one material I am still

waiting for is Snow. I wonder when they come out with that?


RoGo Polls:

To participate, send a message to RoGoMagazine with the subject as: RoGo Poll. In the message write, "My Vote is: " then put your answer.

We will add up the votes and the results will be posted in the next issue.

Did you enjoy the ROBLOX Holidays this year?

1. Yes 2. No

Here are the results from last week. We had 85 people participate.

RoGo Scripting Help:

I think a lot of you hate reading, so I added lots of photos :3

Now, most of us might not know how to edit and build a script. First you got to open studio mode: (Only on windows)

Go to Start, then search: roblox studio It should pop up, and when you find the current game you want to edit press:

Then, a whole new thing will appear! Now, you should see something called explorer on your screen that looks like this:

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #8


(If you don't see it, go to the top and press: View>Explorer) What are all that stuff you might ask? That's the stuff in your workspace. The workspace is every visible thing you see in

your game. Bricks and models will go in here. :D (Also Camera.) (If your explorer doesn't look like the one above that's okay! This one is mine from a game that is finished! It will show

everything that YOUR game has!) Now, you would notice that some stuff has a + beside it. That means there is stuff in it. Press the + or double click the word

to open inside of it. A Script has the Icons like this: Double click it to view the script. If you want to insert a script, at the top press: Insert>Object and this will pop

up: That's everything you can INSERT. :D (If you have something selected in the explorer, it will insert into the selected object. If you don't, it will just automatically go to the workspace. So, find Script. (Which is at the bottom middle for me.) There's also something called: LocalScript. We will learn more about that later. We will do normal script, so press script then press

OK. Then you inserted a script. :D When you open the script up, (by double clicking it.)

It will look like this:

Why does it say "print("hello world")"? You will find out next week. Till then, thanks for reading! -SpongebobWorldOnline[Head Scripter]

Reporter's Corner:

What would you like from Roblox as an update? Reporting to you live from the RoGo Copter, I am Chriseon, and I am here to give you my newest story that you all seem to enjoy. This week I came across this question, and asked the public. One of the Responses I got was from AnnaBananaSplitz. She commented "I would like to see fonts on the forums." Crazyguy66the2nd also commented. He said he would like to see "less lag". I was looking into it, and made up a list of updates I would like to see. I would like to see

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #8


the ability to use studio mode in Personal Build Servers. I would also like to see the ability to use HTML tags on forums and your blurb. Have any other Ideas? Pm them to me and you may be put in a User thought of the week (If we ever start

something like that) or talk about it on the RoGo wall. I am reporter Chriseon wishing you a happy holidays, and now signing off.


Christmas on ROBLOX. This year, and last year, how do they compare?

Ahhh, at last, Christmas time is here. It's really the time of year that Robloxians look forward to getting new items, collecting gifts, and so forth. But how good has this Christmas been? Was last year better? For me, I wasn't active for last Christmas, so I headed to the forums to get other people's opinions. Here is what they had to say on the matter. Superzac8

says : "I love the fact that they used the same classic present model for all of them. I certainly enjoyed this Christmas because it felt like all the stupid things I did in the past two years are paying off." Tiger12289 says : "I enjoyed this year.

The gifts are turning out much better than I expected. It makes up for the gifts that they made last year, which was a disappointment." Lightoftruth says : "I think that ROBLOX could have made this Christmas better by having a official ROBLOX Christmas game." So with all of that feedback, I think in general, Robloxians feel like this year was better for Christmas, but there could have been some improvements. What I would like to address though, is what makes Christmas special. It's not about whether you got the gifts free, or if you had to buy Robux to get them. It's really about who you spend Christmas with. So with that, this is me, Heatran20, signing off. I wish you a Merry Christmas [And a Happy New



What does Christmas mean to ROBLOXia?

Hi, RoGo Readers! This is my first report for the big Christmas Issue! Welcome! It's Christmas season, so I decided to do a COMMUNITY report, like Chiseon for Team B usually does. Before I begin my report, I would like to dedicate this community report IDEA to another staff member, Christmangirl, Editor for Team B. Which, she told me her name was

supposed to be Christmasgirl, and she made a typing error. Ironic. It's Christmas season right now, lol. Anyway, on with the report! First, I made a forum post on it in the 'ROBLOX Talk Forums' titled "What does

Christmas mean to you?". Which that post got 75 replies total! Some of them were talking about the true meaning of Christmas and being nice and sentimental, while some other were funny. I'm giving an excerpt of the ones I like the most

in this report. BESTn00bpwnzer said "It's all about being with family and friends!". Ironman5747 said "Christmas is that time of the year where families unite, have a magical feast together, and have fun with friends, share gifts with everyone, and especially celebrate the birth of Jesus and say thanks that he died to save us". AnnaBananaSplitz said "Where you have fun giving presents and remembering what Christmas really is, and also getting together with family, and opening presents :D". And I even got a reply from NintendoZACHERY! He said "I usually spend my Christmas either giving away free admin for my

games (ROBLOX), or giving away Robux for free. I feel the gift of giving is the best you can afford.". ZACHERY is nice when he said "I feel the gift of giving is the best you can afford" :). FunteristicMichael said "Christmas is a day to celebrate

the birth of Jesus. Also, about getting together with family and friends and giving.", which is nice. But my favorite reply must be by snickers229, which I had also met at the RoGo Convention. She

said "Christmas, to me, means about spending time with family and having a good time. I also think that Christmas is a time of giving thanks that you are able to be with family. And of course Christmas means to me the real reason why it even

started in the first place: because it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Anyway, That's it for this! I know you gave your time to read this whole thing! It's pretty long! Well, Merry

Christmas to all. To some, Happy Hanukkah. And also, Happy New Year!!!


Questions and Answers:

Question: What is the best part of having a successful magazine on ROBLOX? - xGEaZYx Answer: The fans. Without them, RoGo will be nothing. They help support RoGo in so many ways. Without them, this section you are reading now will be pointless. Thanks to all the fans!

Question: How popular do you think RoGo will become in time? -Nicechuck98 Answer: We hope RoGo gets very popular. We are doing as much as we can to get the word out. Advertising is one thing, but with all the fans, they could help help even further. The more people tell about RoGo, the more successful it becomes.

Place Reviews:

Freeze Tag

TwoShue's "Freeze Tag" is a classic game that never seems to get old. It proves that

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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