Introduction: Gear Reviews - billy1234567892

RoGo Magazines Issue #6



Welcome RoGo Readers, to the Thanksgiving Issue of RoGo Magazine! We have many great and cool things in this issue including an interview with a Super Moderator, Briguy9876! I know you're expecting an in-depth introduction to this issue,

but I've got Turkey to eat! And on that note, I leave you with this.

Shuriken of the Clan of the Crescent Moon

Gear Reviews:

Anybody see a ninja from the moon? Well, here's proof there is! A moon shuriken forged by ninjas from the moon will rapidly shoot several ninja

star blades to pulverize your opponent. There's nothing that can go wrong with causing numerous KOs.


Spam Cannon Limited

Mega Annoying


"Post this comment on 5 hats and you get 1 million Robux." Don't you HATE all of those spamming noobs? Ever wanted to get REVENGE on them? Now you can! With this Spam Cannon, you can shoot anyone.

With quotes like "Donate plox", you're unstoppable!


This green megaphone is quite possibly the most annoying thing you will hear on ROBLOX. Whether it's the laughter, the fans cheering, or beeping, this gear is very funny and annoying. I'm sure this gear will

make you and your friends go crazy with laughter!


RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

Dance Grenade

Deluxe Pumpkin Pie Timed

RoGo Magazines Issue #6


This isn't any grenade you would find in a game of COD. This is a Dance Grenade! With its vibrant colors, and looks of a disco ball, your victim

will be dancing 'til he drops. Once you toss this grenade, your friends will have raving moves!


Ah, finally, a classic remake is FINALLY out! Basically the same concept as the old Pumpkin Pie, yet this one is much better. This allows you to throw multiple pies instead of just one. It's a bit smaller, but big surprises come in little packages!


Z Ray Gun

This may be Turkey's last chance to back fight for his life! As Thanksgiving is coming up, Turkey is most likely planning his scheme of revenge! This powerful sword is the PERFECT Holiday themed weapon!

You will LOVE this sword!


Native Bow and Arrow

Ranged fighting just got easier. The Native Bow and Arrow, is a very powerful weapon. You can shoot a large amount of arrows at your target.

It's slender size is great for travel. This bow and arrow can be very useful. Just watch who you fire it at.


Magical Turkey Wand Limited

Abra-Cadabra-GOBBLE! Yes, I said gobble. With this Magical Turkey Wand, you can morph any of your foes into a turkey. This humorous wand, is always fun. Just watch out for Telamon. He gets hungry around



ROBLOX Updates:

ROBLOX have released two new materials.

Brick and Granite.

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #6


These two materials are available to the public as you read this. The materials are not in the current terrain plug in tools, but they can be found in a special tool that can be downloaded at IronNoob. (Sorry, no links.)

With Thanksgiving in a few days, the ROBLOX background has changed. Although there is no word on the Thanksgiving event, the background does give a few clues.. It's obvious that the game will include the terrain, which is featured on the new background. On the left, you find the ROBLOX Builder in his usual pose, but if you look to near his right shoulder, you find a turkey, and behind him you see two towers. On the right, you see Telamon eating fried turkey, a little different from his normal diet. I guess he is getting ready for the holidays. You also see the classic Happy Home, but a two story version.

The thing that is the most confusing is the jets. It does give the background a unique touch, but it's a little odd...

There is a new text feature. It's called, "TextStroke." This feature gives personality to your text. When you change the transparency so it's visible, you see a boarder around your text. The boarder is customizable, allowing you to change the

color of the boarder. The two options are found below.

Don't believe it's real? Check it out for yourself. This feature works on any text objects. (Textbox, TextButton, and Textlable) The options are located in the Text section of those proprieties.


RoGo Polls:

As a test to RoGo, we will be adding a poll to the magazine. To participate, send a message to RoGoMagazine with the subject as: RoGo Poll. In the message write, "My Vote is: " then put your answer. We will add up the votes and the results will be posted in the next issue.

1. Gear Reviews 2. RoGo Poll 3. ROBLOX Update 4. Scripting Help 5. Game Reviews 6. They all Rock!

What is your favorite section of the magazine?

Here are the results from last week. We had 84 people participate.

RoGo Scripting Help:

This scripting Idea was given by: Awalk2003

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #6


Leaderboard scripting

Thank you! Got any scripting ideas I should do? PM me it and you might be here! This time Ill give you the hole script and explain it on the next page. If you just want the script here it is, if you would like to

learn what it means and does read more at the bottom.

function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) local stats ="IntValue") stats.Name = "leaderstats" local cash ="IntValue") cash.Name = "Cash" cash.Value = 1000 cash.Parent = stats stats.Parent = newPlayer end


LEARNING: Now what this does is makes a leaderboard for everyone that comes into the game, there will be a stat called "cash. " This can be used in tycoons or a lot of other games. The function "onPlayerEntered(newPlayer)", causes the function to be triggered when a new player comes in the game. It will do the following; local stats ="IntValue") and stats.Name = "leaderstats". It always needs to be leaderstats. That makes it a leaderboard. With out that, it won't work or show up. Now let's talk about "local cash ="IntValue") and Cash.Name = "Cash." Cash can be change to

what you want. That will appear on the leaderboard, like: money, points or anything you want. :3

Cash.Value = 1000 is the money/point/whatever you want them to start with. It can be 0 or a negative number.

Cash.Parent = stats and stats.Parent = newPlayer puts the cash in the stats value we just made. The stats value will be put in the new person's player.

You can even have 2 or more leaderstats! Here's a list of creative ideas!

-How long you been playing -Level -Points -Health -Cash

Anything you want. If you want to add to the leaderstats to a player, you would do so like this:

game.Players.PLAYERSNAME.leaderstats.Cash.Value = game.Players.PLAYERSNAME.leaderstats.Cash.Value + 10

Thanks for reading and request more ideas for scripting and I might add you. :3


Reporter's Corner:

IROBLOX Popularity: How does it happen?

A lot of players on ROBLOX are very well known. Such as Telamon, Anaminus, Jardicel, alexnewtron, crazyman32, and xLEGOx (his name now changed to stravant). Each of them has gotten popular on ROBLOX for their own reasons. You can get popular on ROBLOX for any number of things! Telamon got popular because he is an admin and he made the first ROBLOX swords. Anaminus got popular because he is an amazing scripter. Jardicel got popular because he builds like none other. Alexnewtron and crazyman32 are both really good at scripting and building. The reason xLEGOx (stravant) got popular is because he was able to turn real-life games into ROBLOX games, such as Tetris and Solitaire, and even made a

few games on his own.

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

RoGo Magazines Issue #6


Though most players can get popular for doing the main things, scripting, building, creativity, and being an administrator/ moderator, a few can get popular in other ways, such as: Retexturing, having a very neat name (such as having a space/

period/underscore in the name, or having a word as your name), having a popular group, etc. If you want to be great a scripting, go to wiki. and absorb all the knowledge you can. Go ahead and try to get

popular, RoGo readers!


What draws you into an ad?

I thought it sounded like a good question to ask, and I investigated. To start, I asked the public what makes them click an ad. Hannah30000 says, "I always click on funny ads," and SCS says "I rarely click on ads, but when I do, it is because I find the advertisement to be very clever in one form or another, either through humor or appearance". Looking through

some ads, I tried to find some ads that are popular. The ads for comments on scoutywouty's "Find The Epic Faces" always seems to be popular, as are most funny ads. The ads that never work are the copied ads, ads that make no sense, and ads that have bad graphics. In my own personal opinion, I think that clever ads are the best ads to use, because most

people will click on them. Now, thank you for reading this week's reporter's corner for the week of 11/20/11. Have a great Thanksgiving, for those who celebrate it. This is RoGo Reporter Chriseon, signing off.


Questions and Answers:

Question: Do you think RoGo will ever be big enough to be Roblox's official magazine? -Christmangirl Answer: Although that is a large goal, we hope RoGo does grow into something that can change ROBLOX. We don't think it will be ROBLOX's official magazine soon, but it could be in the future. It will just take time.

Question: Why did you make RoGo? -WolfKodi Answer: We wanted to give ROBLOX something new. As you might have read before, RoGo started off as a ROBLOX Internet system using GUIs. When that didn't work, we needed a new idea. We wanted something original, and something that people can look forward to reading every other week. The answer, a magazine.

Place Reviews:

Epic Mining 2 BETA

Rubies? Diamonds? Silver? You hit the jackpot! Epic Mining 2 BETA is a very fun game where you can mine with your friends. There is much to explore, and do in this game. There is a variety of Diamonds, Sapphire, Rubies, Silver, Gold, and much more to mine. After your done mining, you may go and sell what's in your inventory for money. Good luck mining, just watch out for the monsters that lurk beneath. Just kidding. No really, I am.

Creator: Piedude777 Place Visits: 1.12 Million

Rating: 8/10

Reviewed By: BraveWalrus

Stranded [Not Completed.]

This is one of the most amazing game ever on roblox! The scripting is amazing the story line is amazing and the game play is amazing, even though it is not completed! In the game you are a plane with your best friend then suddenly it crashes on a island and you wake up and got to explore the place! As you are exploring you find: Coins, to

buy items and do stuff! I'll be watching this project over time. Its truly amazing!

Creator: Crazyman32 Place Vists: 130k Rating: 9.5/10

Reviewed By:

RoGo Magazine. ROBLOX's Original and First Magazine Company. Copyright 2005 ROBLOX Corporation All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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