Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes and IE 7) A ...

[Pages:11]Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes and IE 7)

This reference guide is meant to help those who wish to subscribe to a MessageShare member's Podcast.

Although there are several browsers and podcatching software products available, this guide is limited to covering Microsoft's IE 7 browser, Mozilla's Firefox 5, and the browser integrated into AOL's 9.0 VR offering. On the podcatching side, we are referencing iTunes 7 and Internet Explorer 7. All of these products are available as free downloads.

A. Internet Explorer 7 and Apple iTunes

The following steps refer to Microsoft's IE 7 browser and Apple's iTunes 7 and assumes that both are running on your computer.(Other browsers will be covered in Section B.)

Function: Allows a visitor to your site to capture your MessageShare Podcast URL for entry into iTunes Podcast subscription dialog box.


1. Navigate to the member's website page containing their messages. Note the RSS Podcast chicklet.


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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2. Click on the RSS Podcast chicklet.

IE 7 opens a new window as shown below. Although you can choose to use IE 7 as your podcatcher, the steps being covered will cover iTunes. (IE 7 as the podcatcher will be discussed in Section C.)

3. Select the URL in the IE address window (as noted above) and place on the Windows clipboard. (Highlight the URL and do a Ctrl+C)


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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4. In iTunes, select Podcasts from the left-hand navigation menu. 5. Choose Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast.

iTunes responds by presenting the Subscribe to Podcast dialog box.


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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6. Paste (or type) the member's MessageShare Podcast URL you captured in Step 3.

7. Click


iTunes adds the subscription to your Podcast list and begins to download a message (or messages) according to your preferences.

In the illustration below, iTunes has retrieved the most recent message in the Podcast stream and listed all the other messages that are available for retrieval. (These reflect my preference settings in iTunes where I've asked for new subscriptions to get the current message but list the rest so I can decide for myself what I choose to retrieve.)


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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Highlight any downloaded message in the list and click on the iTunes Play control to begin playing the message.

B. Non-IE 7 Browsers

Function: IE 6, Firefox, and AOL may present something much different when visitors to your site click on the RSS Podcast chicklet. However, the Podcast subscription can still be handled in much the same way.


1. Navigate to the member's website page containing their messages. Note the RSS Podcast chicklet.


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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2. Click on the RSS Podcast chicklet. Most browsers open a new window as shown below.

3. Select the URL in the IE address window (as noted above) and place on the Windows clipboard. (Highlight the URL and do a Ctrl+C)

4. In iTunes, select Podcasts from the left-hand navigation menu.


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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5. Choose Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast.

iTunes responds by presenting the Subscribe to Podcast dialog box. 6. Paste (or type) the member's MessageShare Podcast URL you captured in Step



Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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7. Click


iTunes adds the subscription to your Podcast list and begins to download a message (or messages) according to your preferences.

In the illustration below, iTunes has retrieved the most recent message in the Podcast stream and listed all the other messages that are available for retrieval. (These reflect my preference settings in iTunes where I've asked for new subscriptions to get the current message but list the rest so I can decide for myself what I choose to retrieve.)

Highlight any downloaded message in the list and click on the iTunes Play control to begin playing the message.


Subscribing to a MessageShare Podcast (iTunes)

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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