Beginnings to 1750 ~ Early American Literature

Eng 1 – Spine Tinglers Unit


Precluded (v)

Retribution (n)

Connoisseur (n)

Accosted (v)

Afflicted (v)

Explicit (adj)

Recoiling (v)

Termination (n)

Subsided (v)

Palpable (adj)

Indolently (adv)

Bizarre (adj)

Naïve (adj)

Scruples (n)

Blandly (adv)

Grotesque (adj)

Futile (adj)

Pallor (n)

Wreathed (v)

Writhing (v)

Placid (adj)

Garish (adj)

Recounted (v)

Sullen (adj)

Furtively (adv)

Imperative (adj)

Reconnaissance (adj)

Fretful (adj)


The Cask of Amontillado - Poe pg. 5

The Most Dangerous Game – Connell pg. 17

Casey at the Bat – Thayer pg 36

The Birds – Dy Maurier pg. 46

The Red-Headed League – Doyle pg. 82

Day 1

The Short Story

• Go over short story PowerPoint with them taking notes

• Imply there may be a quiz tomorrow if they are taking notes

o If they are not taking notes give them a quiz that they can use their notes on

The Cask of Amontillado

• Pre-reading: What do you know about Poe?

• Read bio on page 2 – Discuss

• Vocabulary PowerPoint

o Fill out vocab sheets to be turned in with homework questions

• Terms PowerPoint

• Explain that the theme of this story is revenge

o Take out a piece of paper, draw a line between the 2nd and 3rd hole, write about revenge: Is revenge justified? Why or why not? Have you ever taken revenge, or wanted to take revenge, on someone? How did you feel after?

Day 2 - Cask

• Discuss revenge papers and collect

• Short Story Quiz

• Go through first paragraph with them

• Have them finish the story

• Questions under Critical Thinking 1-7, and Literary Focus 1-2 in complete sentences

Day 3 - MDG

• The Most Dangerous Game vocab PPT

• Pass out MDG WS 1

• Read page 17-21 together discussing and making predictions

• HW: The Most Dangerous Game Vocab

Day 4 –

• Turn in MDG WS 1

• Open books to page 22

• Pass out MDG WS 2

• Finish reading the story together discussing as we go

• Discuss conclusion to the story

Day 5 – MDG Final

• Worksheets: Vocab, Traps, Foreshadowing, Suspense, Ship-Trap Map

Day 6 – Casey at the Bat

• MDG Quiz

• Casey at the Bat vocab

• What makes stories suspenseful? How would you write a suspenseful story?

• Go over what a narrative poem and stanzas are

• Read the first two stanzas of Casey at the Bat (pg. 36)

o Lead a short discussion about the opening lines of the poem and what they establish. Who are the Mudville nine? Why isn't the outlook brilliant for them? To what hope are the Mudville fans clinging?

o Focus the discussion on tone and how phrases like "sickly silence" and "hope which springs eternal" are building tension in the poem, adding to the suspenseful mood that Thayer is building in these stanzas.

o Finally, ask students how the "patrons of the game" (the fans) feel about Casey? Read the next few stanzas of the poem, concentrating on the fifth and sixth stanzas, and how they highlight the fans' admiration of Casey:

• Read the rest of Casey at the Bat and discuss how the author builds suspense

• Discuss how poetry differs in form:

o – Casey Cartoon

o – James Earl Jones Reading

• Discuss what a parody is

• Look at the language of the 5th and 6th stanza to see how the audience feels about Casey

• Pass out Garrison Keillor’s Casey at the Bat (road trip)

• Before you read it discuss how the structure is similar

• Read the poem together and discuss how the language is similar and how it is different

• Put students into pairs and pass out comparison worksheet

Day 7 – Intro to The Birds

• Casey at the Bat quiz

• The Birds vocab PPT

• Du Maurier bio online scavenger hunt

• Begin reading

• The Birds worksheet

Day 8-9 Read the Birds

• Read The Birds together discussing as we go

o Highlight foreshadowing, building suspense, and how the birds’ behavior echoes the changing weather

Day 10-12 – The Birds Film

• Pass out film guide

• Let them know to watch carefully as they will be writing a comparison essay after the film

• Watch movie

Day 13 - Writing Comparison Essay

• Quick Write: Take 5 minutes and in journal write a paragraph comparing rural and urban life

• Discuss how they wrote it – what process, divided or alternating

• Notes: 2 patterns – dividing and alternating

1. What does alternating mean? How would this look in a comparison?

2. What does divided mean? How do you think this would look?

• Pass out example of both for them to look at

• Steps to writing essay:

1. Choose a topic – The Birds

▪ Write a thesis statement

• What is a thesis statement

• What is my purpose?

• To accomplish this purpose what should I focus on?

2. Generate Ideas

▪ Do a Venn Diagram together in class comparing the birds film and text

3. Define your audience and purpose

▪ Purpose: Convince your readers that:

• one is better than the other

• They are equal

• One is unique in some way

▪ Audience – Me

4. Outline

5. Draft a paragraph

▪ Creating topic sentences

• Follow this example

• I will write about the similarities, differences, similarities and differences between The Birds short story by Daphne du Maurier and the Hitchcock film because I want to show that ____________________.

• Pair share to see if it is effective

▪ Compose supporting ideas

6. Revise

7. Peer Review

Homework: Create a Venn diagram for the reading and movie and write a thesis statement for the paper.

Day 14 – Outlining and rough draft

• Pass out sample outline

• Go over on computer via projector how to set up an outline and what it should include

• Allow rest of time to work on outline

o Check as they say they are done

o Once done they should start on rough draft

Day 15 – Rough Draft

• Today students have the entire period to work on rough draft. It is due on Thursday to Turnitin

Day 16 – Peer Review

• Go over how to effectively peer review

• Go on turnitin and peer edit 2 papers

• Once done they need to start making corrections

• Final draft due next class


Day 1

The Cask of Amontillado ~ Vocabulary

|K – Key Idea |I – Information |M – Memory Clue |

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|Precluded (v) | | |

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|Retribution (n) | | |

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|Connoisseur (n) | | |

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|Accosted (v) | | |

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|Afflicted (v) | | |

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|Explicit (adj) | | |

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|Recoiling (v) | | |

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|Termination (v) | | |

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|Subsided (v) | | |

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The Most Dangerous Game~ Vocabulary

|K – Key Idea |I – Information |M – Memory Clue |

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|Palpable (adj) | | |

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|Indolently (adv) | | |

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|Bizarre (adj) | | |

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|Naïve (adj) | | |

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|Scruples (n) | | |

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|Blandly (adv) | | |

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|Grotesque (adj) | | |

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|Futile (adj) | | |

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Casey at the Bat~ Vocabulary

|K – Key Idea |I – Information |M – Memory Clue |

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|Pallor (n) | | |

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|Wreathed (v) | | |

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|Writhing (v) | | |

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The Birds~ Vocabulary

|K – Key Idea |I – Information |M – Memory Clue |

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|Placid (adj) | | |

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|Garish (adj) | | |

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|Recounted (v) | | |

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|Sullen (adj) | | |

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|Furtively (adv) | | |

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|Imperative (adj) | | |

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|Reconnaissance (adj) | | |

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|Fretful (adj) | | |

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Day 2

Short Story Quiz

1. Define




First-Person POV

Third-Person Limited POV

Third-Person Omniscient POV

Stated Theme

Implied Theme

2. Give Examples

External Conflict

Internal Conflict

3. List the 5 Stages of Plot

Day 3

The Most Dangerous Game Worksheet pg. 17-21

1. Who is our author?

2. Give three facts about him.

3. Who are our two main characters?

4. What island do they discuss?

5. What is the setting at the beginning?

6. What is “the best sport in the world” to them?

7. What two classes make up the world?

8. What sound does Rainsford hear in the night?

9. What happens to him?

10. What animal do you think Rainsford hears cry out?

11. Where is Rainsford from?

12. How is Rainsford greeted at the Chateau?

13. Who appears next?

14. What title does he have?

15. How does he know of Rainsford?

16. Who else is there besides Rainsford and General Zaroff?

17. What is he like?

18. Describe the Chateau.

19. What is mounted on the dining room wall?

20. Predict what will happen next.

The Most Dangerous Game WS Pg. 22-27

1. What does the general do to make Rainsford uncomfortable?

2. What does Rainsford say is the most dangerous game?

3. How does Zaroff reply?

4. How long has Zaroff been hunting?

5. What does he mean by the “debacle” in Russia?

6. What 4 locations does Zaroff say he has hunted at?

7. Why was Zaroff disappointed when hunting jaguars?

8. There is not greater bore than_________________.

9. Do you agree? Why or why not?

10. Instinct is no match for _______________.

11. What does Zaroff say was the solution to his problem?

12. According to Zaroff, why are the weak here?

13. How does Zaroff get his victims?

14. What does Zaroff give his “pupils” before they go hunting?

15. How does the “quarry” win?

16. What happens when Rainsford tries to leave his room?

17. What does Zaroff intend to do with Rainsford?

18. How does Zaroff treat Rainsford on page 27? Give examples.

Pg. 28-31

19. How does Rainsford first try to evade Zaroff?

20. Why does Rainsford think that Zaroff smiled before leaving?

21. What is the name of the first trap Rainsford sets for Zaroff?

22. How does Zaroff react to getting trapped by it?

23. What place does Rainsford end up that Zaroff warned him to avoid?

24. What is the second trap Rainsfored sets?

25. What clues let Rainsford know that Zaroff is coming?

26. Who does the pit catch?

27. What does Zaroff bring to help him hunt?

28. What does Rainsford believe are his 2 choices?

29. Who does his third trap kill?

30. How does Rainsford escape?

31. Why does Zaroff think that Rainsford hasn’t played the game?

32. What 2 things “annoy” the general after he goes home?

33. What is Rainsford’s final trap?

34. How do we know it works?

Casey at the Bat Quiz

1 “Casey at the Bat” is an example of

a narrative poem.

b. why poems have to rhyme.

c. an ancient Chinese proverb.

2. Narrative poems contain

a. characters and setting.

b. elements of plot.

c. both a and b.

3. The poem begins, “The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville Hens that day.” What was the author, Ernest Thayer, telling the reader?

a. It was not a beautiful, sunny day at the baseball game.

b. The Mudville Hens were losing.

c. The Mudville Hens had a great chance of winning the game.

4. A stanza is:

a. The rhyme scheme, or pattern, of a poem.

b. A grouping of lines within a poem that are set off by a space, often having a set pattern.

c. A pair of lines in a poem which rhyme.

5. Which adjectives would best describe Casey?

a. athletic and confident

b. humble and shy

c. respectful and wise

6. Why did Thayer end the second to last stanza with the words, “And now the air is shattered with the force of Casey’s blow?”

a. He wanted to show how powerful an athlete Casey was.

b. He wanted to trick the reader into thinking Casey hit the ball.

c. He wanted an exciting victory before wrapping up the story in the final stanza.

Day 7

Daphne du Maurier Online Scavenger Hunt

1. What year was Daphne du Maurier born?

2. Where was she born?

3. What was her father’s profession?

4. What was her grandfather’s profession?

5. How many siblings did she have?

6. Where did she go to school?

7. Did she ever want to be in theater?

8. What was her work Gerald about?

9. What was her first novel?

10. What genre was this novel?

11. How old was she when it was published?

12. Who did she marry?

13. What did he do for a living?

14. Where did they end up living?

15. How many children did she have?

16. Name 5 things she wrote?

17. What was her novel Rebecca about?

18. What year did her husband die?

19. What year did she die?

20. What genres of writing was she known for?

21. Which of her stories was made into a movie by the director Alfred Hitchcock?

The Birds by Daphne du Maurier

Literary focus: foreshadowing -- the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature.

1. Read the first few paragraphs of page 47. Draw a picture of Nat based on the character description on this page. Write some of the words that describe him around the picture.

Nat Hocken:

2. On December 3rd two apparently minor incidents occur. One involves a farmer and one involves Nat. What are the incidents and how do they foreshadow what the stories’ conflict will be?

3. What fact in the incident with Nat seems most threatening to you?

4. On page 48, what might the birds’ restlessness and large numbers foreshadow?

5. Beginning on page 49, what happens in the children’s room?

6. What is significance of the following statement? “There were robins, finches, sparrows, blue tits, larks and bramblings, birds that by nature’s law kept to their own flock and their own territory, and now, joining one with another in their urge for battle, had destroyed themselves against the bedroom walls or in the strife had been destroyed by him.”

7. List at least 5 ominous details about the weather in the paragraph starting “the sky was hard” on page 50.

8. Overnight, “black winter” has taken hold of the countryside. What might the suddenness of this change foreshadow?

9. How does the changing weather parallel the aggressiveness of the birds?

10. Nat keeps trying to rationalize the birds’ behavior. What explanations does he purpose? What explanations do other people in the story give?

11. What is Mrs. Trigg’s response to Nat’s story (on page 51-52)?

12. About half-way down page 53, Nat says “Then he saw them”. What does he see?

13. Briefly, what steps does Nat take to prepare his house against the birds

14. “Upstairs in the bedrooms all was quiet. No further scraping and slabbing at the windows. A lull in battle. Forces regrouping. Wasn’t that what they called it in the old wartime bulletins?” Which war is Nat referring to? Circle one:

A) The Civil War B) World War I C) World War II D) War in Iraq

15. On page 70, the family ventures out of their fortress home, and to the Trigg’s farm. Why are they not afraid of the birds at this point?

Keep reading …. the last two questions refer to the few pages at the end of the story:


16. What do they find at the Trigg’s farm?

17. What happens once they return to their home?

18. Is this the ending you were expecting? If not what did you expect?

After Reading Questions:

1. Is there a climax to the story? Or do you think the climax is yet to come? Explain your answer.

2. Do you think the scene at the Trigg’s foreshadows what will happen to Nat and his family? Or do you think they will survive?

3. Why do you think the writer chose birds to be the attackers in the story?

4. Is the main conflict in this story external or internal?

5. Du Maurier includes details that are critical of people and the way they respond to disaster. List two ways people responded. Do you think this is how people would respond if this happened today?

The Birds Quiz

1. Who is the author?

2. Who is our main character?

3. List 3 weird things the birds do.

4. How do the birds get in his house?

5. Who do they first attack?

6. Are they all the same kind of bird?

7. What reason does our main character give for the birds’ behavior?

8. What does our main character see in the water?

9. Why does our main character take the threat more seriously than the rest of the town?

10. List 3 parts of his plan for surviving if the birds attack.

The Birds Quiz 2

1. What are the bird doing when Nat goes outside for the first time?

2. Why would Nat not want his wife and kids to go into the farm with him?

3. What happened to the Triggs?

4. Does Nat see anyone else while he is out?

5. What do you think this means?

6. Why does Nat think that no army help has arrived?

7. What was Nat’s plan for the windows to make them more secure?

8. How does the story end?

9. What do you think would happen if the story continued?

Day 13

Essay Note sheet

The two patterns for writing comparison essays are ________________ and ________________.

The 6 steps to writing an essay

1. Choosing a topic

a. The topic for this essay is _________________________

b. A thesis statement is

2. ________________________________

3. Define your audience and purpose

a. Your audience is _______________

b. Your purpose is…

i. ____________________________

ii. ____________________________

iii. ____________________________

4. _________________

5. Draft a paragraph

a. Create a _________________________________

b. Find _________________________________

6. Revise

7. ____________________________

Eng 1 – Spine Tinglers Study Guide


Retribution (n)

Connoisseur (n)

Accosted (v)

Afflicted (v)

Explicit (adj)

Recoiling (v)

Termination (n)

Subsided (v)

Palpable (adj)

Indolently (adv)

Bizarre (adj)

Naïve (adj)

Grotesque (adj)

Futile (adj)

Recounted (v)

Sullen (adj)

Imperative (adj)

Fretful (adj)











The Short Story

1. Know the difference between protagonist and antagonist

2. Define and give an example for internal and external conflict

Know the Author

The Cask of Amontillado

The Most Dangerous Game

Casey at the Bat

The Birds

The Red-Headed League

The Cask of Amontillado – page 5

1. Who are our two main characters?

2. Why does Montresor hate Fortunato?

3. What does “the injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could” mean?

4. How does Montresor persuade Fortunato to go to the catacombs?

5. What happens to Fortunato at the end of the story? Be specific.

6. Explain why Montresor acts as a friend to Fortunato.

7. What does it mean to be a connoisseur of wine?

8. Why is Fortunato so easy to lure to the crypts?

9. How long has Montressor gotten away with the crime?

10. Montresor acts as a judge and executioner in this story. Explain whether you think individuals are ever justified in taking justice into their own hands.

The Most Dangerous Game – page 17

1. What is “the best sport in the world?”

2. How is Rainsford first greeted at the Chateaux?

3. What two people live at the Chateaux?

4. How does Zaroff know Rainsford?

5. How long has Zaroff been hunting?

6. What was wrong with hunting Jaguars according to Zaroff?

7. There is not a greater bore than _______________.

8. Instinct is no match for ________________

9. What does Zaroff like to hunt?

10. Why is this the perfect game?

11. How does Zaroff get his victims?

12. How does the “quarry” win?

13. Describe one trap Rainsford set and tell who it captured.

14. How does Rainsford escape Zaroff?

15. What happens to Zaroff in the end?

Casey at the Bat-page 36

1. Casey at the Bat is an example of what type of writing?

2. What kind of person is Casey?

3. Why did Thayer end the second to last stanza with the words, “And now the air is shattered with the force of Casey’s blow?”

4. The poem begins, “The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville Hens that day.” What was the author, Ernest Thayer, telling the reader?

The Birds – book – page 46

1. What is our main character’s name?

2. How do the birds get in the house?

3. Are all the birds the same type?

4. What is one reason given for the birds’ behavior?

5. Why does no one in town take the threat as seriously as Nat?

6. What are two things the main character does to survive?

7. What does Nat find at the Trigg farm?

8. What reason does Nat give for the military not arriving? What is the real reason?

9. How does the story end?

10. Compare the ending of the book to that of the movie.

The Red-Headed League – page 82

1. When did Sherlock Holmes first appear?

2. Why did Doyle kill off Sherlock Holmes?

3. Why did he bring him back?

4. Who in the city did Holmes use for help? What did he call them?

5. What other job did Watson have besides helping Holmes solve mysteries?

6. Was elementary my dear Watson ever said in the novels?

7. Who is our main character?

8. Who is our narrator?

9. Describe Jabez Wilson.

10. What was Jabez Wilson’s profession?

11. As a member of the Red-Headed league, what job is Wilson given?

12. Why did criminals want Jabez Wilson out of the pawnbroker’s shop?

13. Why was the Red-Headed League dissolved?

14. What was Vincent Spaulding also known as?

15. Holmes said that Vincent Spaulding was what?

16. Who was the founder of the Red-Headed League?

17. What was the real reason that Vincent agreed to work for half pay?

18. What was Wilson’s assignment for the Red-Headed League?

19. Why did Wilson go to Holmes when the Red-Headed League was dissolved?

20. What details from the story make it clear that it took place in London a long time ago?

21. What steps did Vincent Spaulding and Duncan Ross take to plan their scheme?
















In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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