|Shiur |Yoreh Deah |Description |Pirchei Shoshanim |

|1 |87:1-2 |D'oraissa and D'rabbanan |1-6 |

|2 |87:3 |Chicken and Milk Cooked Together |7-13 |

|3 |87:4 |Maris Ayin |14-20 |

|4 |87:5-8 |Lesser Forms of Cooking |21-32 |

|5 |87:9-11 |Making Cheese |33-40 |

|6 |88 |Milk and Meat on the Same Table |41-47 |

|7 |89:1-2 |Waiting between Milk and Meat |48-55 |

|8 |89:3-4 |Waiting Between Tavshilim |56-63 |

|9 |90:1-2 |K’chal |64-72 |

|10 |90:3-4 |K’chal |73-78 |

|11 |91:1-3 |Meat and Milk Together: |79-86 |

| | |Placing food on Treif Plates | |

|12 |91:4 |Tata Gavar |87-92 |

|13 |91:5 |Meliach K’rosayach |93-101 |

|14 |91:6-8 |The Bird and the Kutach |102-111 |

|15 |92:1 |Mivlah Balah - Miflat Lo Palit |112-118 |

|16 |92:2 |Milk that Falls into a Pot of Meat- |119-123 |

| | |A drop of Milk felt into the Choulent | |

|17 |92:3-4 |Chaticha Na’aseh Nevaila |124-134 |

|18 |92:5-6 |A Drop on a Pot |135-141 |

|19 |92:7 |A Drop on a Pot: Splashes while Cooking |142-149 |

|20 |92:8-9 |Zai’ah: If Two Pots Touch |150-155 |

|21 |93 |Cooking Milk in a Meat Pot |156-164 |

|22 |94:1-2 |Spoons |165-171 |

|23 |94:3-5 |Using the Wrong Spoon |172-178 |

|24 |94:6 |Meaty Onions in a Milky Soup |179-184 |

|25 |94:7-9 |Cutting Meat |185-191 |

|26 |95:1-2 |Source of Not bar Not |192-199 |

|27 |95:3-7 |Washing Dishes |200-207 |

|28 |96:1-2 |Davar Charif: Spicy Vegetables |208-216 |

|29 |96:3-5 |Davar Charif: Spices, Lemonade, Squash |217-221 |

|30 |97 |Use Parve Dough |222-226 |

|1 |87:1-2 |D'oraissa and D'rabbanan |1-6 |

Mechaber- Only Bishul Assur M’d’oraissa

Rama- If not Assur M’do’oraissa then mutar B’hanah

Pri Megadim-Differences between Basar B’Chalav and sha’ar issurim:

|Case |Basar B’Chalav |Sha’ar Issurim |

|Mixed via cooking |Ossur B’hanah D’doraissa |Muter B’hanah M’doraissa (except Chametz, orlah and |

| | |klai hakerem |

|ch’n’n & |Md’oraissa |Md’rabbanan |

|efshar l’sochato | | |

|Ta’am Kikar |M’doraisa |M’darabbanan (some poskim) |

|Eating a Kezayis based on taste |Malkos |No malkos |

Rambam- Assur even if ate in an unusual way or even if tastes bad.

Ashes: Rambam- Assur, Minchas Yaakov – Mutar

Types of cooking:

|Kli Rishon |Assur M’doraisa (if removed immediately: Pri Chadash ossur m’drabbanan, Pri |

| |Megadim ossur md’oraissa) |

|Irui |sofek mid’oraisa whether it cooks k’dai klipa or not |

|Kli Shani |ossur mid’rabbanan |

|hot food falling onto cold food |mid’rabbanan ossur k’dai klipa |

|Tzli |ossur mid’oraisa |

|Tigun (frying) |Pri Chadash: ossur mid’oraisa, Minchas Yaakov: mid’rabbanan |

|Melicha, pickling for 24 hours, and kavush in |ossur mid’rabbanan (R' Akiva Eiger: cook afterwards ossur mid'oraisa) |

|tzir | |

|Meushan (smoking) | |

Bury. Rashal learns can flush down a toilet. Can’t feed to animals, because no hanah

-Can do bishul after bishul by Basar B’chalav

-Aruch Hashulchan learns from a Kal V’chomer that all milk is assur in Basar B’Chalav

-What if a non-Jew cooks it?

Kesef Mishna-mutar b’hanah

Rambam-assur b’hanah

|2 |87:3 |Chicken and Milk Cooked Together |7-13 |

Chicken and Milk together are Assur M’drabbanan

Almond Milk

-Mutar with Chicken

-Meat: place almonds on the plate; maris ayin

Tamei Milk with Tahor Meat and vice versa

Taz- 60 is only needed against Tamai milk not including the meat (because don’t say Ch’n’n, when one were assur beforehand).

Shach- If either milk or meat kosher, then say Ch’n’n


Rama: safek b'haima safek chaya. Assu rto cook with milk; machmir in a safek d’oraisa.

Chailev (or other Nevaila)

-No Issur to eat

-Rambam: no Issur Hanah (Degel Meruvah: Mutar B’hefsed Merubah;

-Pri Megadim and Chasam Sofer: Assur B’hanah

Milk and Fish; Meat and fish

-Mishna Berurah: Drink to wash out mouth between meat and fish

-Bais Yosef-Milk and fish there is a sakana to cook together

- l’chatchila: Fish and butter or fish and cheese.

Work at a McDonalds

-Cooking from a tahor b'haima: Even though it is assur to eat (because it wasn’t shechted) it is assur to cook with milk mid’oraisa.

Basar Chaya

-Yad Avraham: Because of Maris Ayin give the law of meat no chicken

|3 |87:4 |Maris Ayin |14-20 |

Meat with Human Milk-Maris Ayin

-Mechaber: Assur to cook; if fell in unintentionally then BATUL without a shiur

Almond milk with chicken

-Rashal: need to place

-Toras Chatas: no need; two removed from issur d’oraissa

-Shach-holds like Rashal; there is Maris Ayin by Issur M’drabbanan (ALSO RAMA)

Chalev Adom:

-Although basar adam is assur, doesn’t make the milk and blood tamai, because only from a positive commandment

-Why Maris Ayin here and not by milk of a Tamai animal

|Taz |Maris Ayin only by food can eat |

|Shach #1 |Only make Maris Ayin if not issur m’ikar hadin |

|Shach #2 |Only make a gezaira Maris Ayin by eating, cause can see if sick |

|Shach #3 |Since by eating can’t tell what it is, must make a gezaira |

Rama will assur Basar Tahor with Chalev T’maiah

Chicken and Milk

Taz-Assur Lchatchila because of Maris Ayin:

1. chicken looks like meat

2. More strict chicken than treifos (Tana holds basar ohf and chalav is assur mid’oraisa)

3. Not to think halacha R’ Yossi Haglili (chicken & milk mutar to eat mid’rabbanan.

Parve Hot Dog w/ butter

-Chaishev Ha'eifod: can eat margarine with meat

|4 |87:5-8 |Lesser Forms of Cooking |21-32 |


-R’ Yaakov; needs to be completed

-Tur: if Complete then mutar, if not then assur.


-Rashba: both chelmon and chelbon (MECHABER

-Rashi: if chelmon has finished developing; Mu’ura B’giddim means attached to ovaries.

-Bais Yosef: Mu’ura B’giddim means red streaks

-Can be eiver min hachai, but still not considered basar, since don’t taste like basar.


-Pri Chadash: Assur B’hanah because assur on Shabbos

-Aruch Hashulchan: Sofek D’oraissa and Assur b’hanah

Stoking a non-Jew’s fire

-Rama says Assur

-R’ Akiva Eiger-Psik Raisha works if (but only on Shabbos)

1) There is no intention to do an improper action (aino mtkavain).

2) There is no hana’ah from the issur that is done.

-Taz: mutar, because no intention and maybe no issur

-Stam Kli Aino Ben Yomo

-Rashba: Not used in last 24 hours and if was maybe only for water

-Tur: Not used last 24 hours, and if was maybe gave bad taste

Tur only will matir the food, but not the cooking

Mixing milk and meat dishwater together.

-Shach: must be Yad Soledes Bo to assur

Kli for making Shampoo

-The ashes will be Basar B’Chalav, so assur to use as a base for Shampoo

-The kli: can’t cook in it; can make shampoo, because no bishul after bishul by blios


-if made of metal, no problem; anything that spills will be burnt up on the hot stove

Cases 1,3 & 4 only CHUMRA B’ALMA

Case 2 would be assur, because hot water (Minchas Yaakov: cold water=chumra)

Embryo in milk= Chiav

Placenta, skin, tendons, bones, ikari karnaim, or soft hooves in milk=Patur

Microwave-Badai Hashulchan question whether like the hot springs

|5 |87:9-11 |Making Cheese |33-40 |

Chalav in the Kaiva

-Mechaber: Matir to cook even if liquid

-Rama: Assur; Assur to use lchatchila as a catalyst (if 60 against the maamid then mutar). If Solid then no issur, if liquid then solid like a liquid, but those than are maikel in a hefsed merubah.

Making Cheese

-Kosher Meat: If there is a meat taste then assur

-Nevaila, Traifa or Tamaia-a little bit will make assur

-Rama: if there was a kosher maamid used with the treifa, need 60 against the issur

Traif suckled with Kosher and vice versa

1. Rav Alfas (the Rif) and the Rambam: Milk found in the stomach is no longer called milk even if it is tzlul and is mutar to cook with meat. The reason that it is no longer called milk is because once it begins to be digested then it is called waste product, it is parve.

2. Rabbainu Tam: The Mishna is referring to tzlul and the Gemora is referring to karush. Therefore, tzlul is assur with meat but karush is mutar.

3. Rashi: did not have the words of the Gemora quoted above. Therefore, even chalav karush is assur to cook with meat.

-The Mechaber holds that the halacha is like Rav Alfas and the Rambam.

-The Rama holds like Rabbainu Tam.

-The Rashal holds like Rashi.


-Not-bar-not d'hetaira: machlokes: Mechaber and Rama if eat these vegetables with milk.

-Not-bar-not d'issura: No din of Not-Bar-Not since meat went directly into pot

Chalav Tzalul

-Lchatchila: Assur

-Bdieved: Macheber: Mutar; Rama: needs 60

Tzalul then Karush

-Shach only allows in a hefsed merubah (sfaik sfaika: maybe tzalul is ok, and if not, maybe if becomes Karush it is.

Dried like Wood

-Shach: should not be used L’chatchila to make cheese

-Pischai Teshuva & R’ Akiva Eigher: can use if 60


-Assur even if a little bit (only if assur m’atzmo; if kaiva kashaira only if gives taste, so after 60 mutar)

-if mixed, cheese kosher if kaiva issura was not enough to make cheese on its own.

|6 |88 |Milk and Meat on the Same Table |41-47 |

Milk and meat (or chicken) on the same table

-Assur to bring to the same table to eat

-if the two people eating are familiar with each other

-Mutar to for a table to be prepared

-Mutar to eat together if not familiar

-Mutar to eat together even if familiar if there is a haikar (for example, loaf of bread)

Sha’ar Issurim at same table

-Mutar to have on same table (except Neder, Chametz on Pesach)


-if brother’s are makpid still Assur

-if two people who are familiar are Makpid

-Rashal: Mutar

-Shach and Taz (Mechaber): Assur


-Bread: Rama says can be a haikar if not used as part of the meal

-Pri Megadim (Lavush): Bread must be whole

-Pri Megadim: Piece of Bread ok, Rama because said if eating not ok

-Sharing Food: haikar will not work, like a dip (Darchai Hateshuva)


-If not using it: Mutar

-If using it: must be an unusual decanter (Darchai Moshe and Shach)

-Menorah: Ok during day; ok during night if in different place

-Eating alone: Assur to eat if Milk and Milk at the same table

-Darchai Tshuva: haikar doesn’t help

-Chochmas Adam: haikar helps

-Badai Hashulchan: Machmir

-Chametz: haikar doesn’t help

-Ring or a Plate: Taz: doesn’t help (since menorah needs height)

-Shomer: R’ Akiva Eiger: doesn’t replace a haikar

-placemats: must be unusual placements to work as a Haikar (Badai Hashulchan)

No Haikar-Must remove issur immediately

Eating with a non-Jew

-As long as Non-Jew is eating non-kosher food it is ok.

-If eating kosher food and are familiar: Assur

Out of Reach -Badai Hashulchan: if food out of reach, don’t need a haikar

Raw Meat-Badai Hashulchan: Gzaira of “lo plug”

|7 |89:1-2 |Waiting between Milk and Meat |48-55 |

Waiting after eating meat or chicken before milk

-wait 6 hours

-must remove from teeth even after 6 hours

-Rama: must be washed out after removing meat

Seudah L’Seuda

-6 hours: Rambam, Rashba & Tur (magen Avroham says takes 6 hours to digest)

-1 hour: Zohar

-Shach: don’t need kinuach or hadacha

-Taz: need kinuach or hadacha (Mishb’tzos Zahav)

|4 hours |Pri Chadash (Gilion Maharsha) |

|6 hours |Mechaber and Rama |

|Full 6 hours |Badai Hashulchan |

|3 hours |German Jewry (Darchai Tshuva) |

Rambam and Rashi

-Rambam: Meet between the teeth

-Rashi: Until food finishes digesting it gives taste in the mouth

|Case |Rambam |Rashi |

|Chewing food for a child |Wait 6 hours |No wait 6 hours |

|Meet in teeth after 6 hours |Don’t remove (waste product) |Needs to remove |

|Swallowing without chewing |Can eat cheese |Wait 6 hours |

|Chewing shuman (fat) |No wait 6 hours (Gra) |Wait 6 hours |

|Hard Cheese or m’tula |No wait 6 hours (Taz) |Wait 6 hours |

|Dentures |Enough to change dentures |Not enough |

|Flossing Teeth |Can eat Cheese; Rashal: doesn’t help |Wait 6 hours |

Cheese after Chicken

-Ramabam: don’t need hadacha or kinuach

Meat after Cheese

-OK if check hands, mouth washed and wiped

-If chicken doesn’t need to do wipe hands or wash and wipe mouth

-Rama: Machmir to wait between hard cheese and chicken as meat

-Birchat Hamazon

-Soft Cheese: Don’t need to recite

-Hard Cheese:Must Recite

-Wait one hour (Zohar) or half-hour (lav davka)

-Hard Cheese: Rama: be machmir

-Taz: 6 months old or wormy

-Shach: six months old

-Today’s Cheese: Chutz L’Aretz: Maikel; Eretz: Machmir and Maikel

Fish after Meat-Mishna Brurah: kinuach and hadachah; Mechaber: also Netilas Yedaim

|8 |89:3-4 |Waiting Between Tavshilim |56-63 |

Tavshil-food cooked with meat or milk that has its flavor (egg in a choulent)

Tasvshil after Tavshil

-Mutar, don’t need to wash hands.

Cheese after Meat Tavshil or Meat after Cheese Tavshil

-Mechaber: Must wash hands (Rabbeinu Tam)

-Rama: Must wait 6 hours after eating tavshil of meat before cheese (Rabbeinu Shmuel)

Tavshil of a meat Pot-mutar to eat cheese afterwards

Soup as a Tavshil

-Badai Hashulchan: Like the taste of meat

-Pri Megadim: be machmir

-Taz: thick soup has the din of meat


-If meat not batel, still don’t need to wait

Meat Resteraunt- eat milk after eat food cooked in meat kli with kinuach and hadacha

Fish and Meat

-Mechaber: Need Mayim Emtzoim; Mishna Brurah: only need kinuach and hadacha

Cutting and onion

-If cut with a meat knife, have din of the knife

-Onion cut with a milk knife: must wait six hours to eat

-Onion cut with a meat knife: doesn’t need to wait 6 hours


-Eating off plate-Pischei Teshuva: can use same placemat; Bach: Use separate placemats

-Magan Avroham: washing tablecloth is enough, minhag to have separate

Cutting Bread

-Mechaber: Can’t use same knife to cut bread to eat with milk if used to cut meat

-Rama: After doing stabbing in earth 10 times it is mutar (Shach & R’ Akiva Eiger)

-Taz: need n’itza to cut cheese with knife used for meat; bread needs hadacha

-N’itza=scrubbing with steel wool or scotch brite is equivalent

Glasses-Mutar M’ikar hadin

Taste Chicken Soup- If don’t chew or swallow don’t have to wait (Darchei Teshuva)

|9 |90:1-2 |K’chal |64-72 |

Kchal-assur m’drabbanan

-to eat, msut be roasted, if cooked must be cut lengthwise and widthwise and pressed

Cooked with other meat

-without draining the milk, 60 IS NEEDED, including the kchal

--Rama: Cooked with meat: Mutar b'dieved in a hefsed m'rubeh must cut sh’si v’airev and tichu b’kosel.

Kchal fell into a second pot

-Mechaber: Need 60 again

-Rama: Fell into a pot less than 60, then would be assur and can’t count with 60

Roasted-Mutar if not cut

-should not be roasted with other meat l’chatchila

Kchal Counted as Part of 60

-Rambam: assur mid’rabbanan batel in 59, can add the issur itself to make 60.

-Tur and the Rosh hold that need 60 by issur d’rabbbanan, but kchal is different

-Rashba & Ran: k'chal mutar before cooked, because milk can be separated from meat and therefore if it fell into 59 the meat can be mitztaref to mevatel the milk.

Kchal Batel in 60, yet Issur

1. Maris ayin. (Shach, Taz in the name of the Ran)

2. Some milk stays behind in chambers of k'chal. (Shach, Taz in the name of the Rashba)

3. It has the din of a baria (Bach) However most poskin disagree with this.

Falling Into a Second Pot

-Mechaber: no Ch’n’n by Basar B’chalav d’Rabbanan, so kchal can count part of 2nd 60

-Rama: Yes Ch’n’n by issur d’Rabbanan, so kchal can’t be counted as part of 2nd 60

-Rama: fell into 60 and fell 2nd pot can count, cause only Maris Ayin (Taz)

Ch’n’n by Issurai D’Rabbanan

Rambam: Do no say (Mechaber)

Rashba: Do say (Rama)

|10 |90:3-4 |K’chal |73-78 |

Knife and Kchal

|Knife |Cutting |Halacha |

|Meat |Kchal |Mutar |

|Kchal |Meat |Mutar |

-mutar to eat meat with utensils used with K’chal

-Rama: Shpud mutar

Cutting Kchal that was roasted

|Sh’si v’airev |Tosefos |Rashba |

|Yes |Mutar |Mutar |

|No |Assur |Mutar |

-Mechaber: Rashba

-Rama: L’chatchila like Tosefos

Cooking after Roasting

-L’chatchila don’t cook even if open (Taz according to the Rashal)

-Pischai Teshuva in name of Pri Megadim: if not cut open than Assur B’dieved

Milk found in K’chal Cavities

-Assur D’rabbanan.


-Don’t say assur, because no gzaira l’gzaira since kavush and chalav shechuta by basar b’chalav only assur m’drabbanan (Taz)

-Rabbanim are stricter by chicken (Yad Avraham)

-Only mutar while still in Kchal, but if separated Kchal assur (Issur V’heter)

-Assur (Nekudas Hakesef & Dagul Meryava) since gzaiara l’gzaira

-Mutar only bdieved since Kchal was Salted without opening

Roasing or Salting Kchal with Other Meat

-Mechaber: Should be roasted under meat, if over meat then Bdieved mutar (like liver)

-Rama: Can’t be saled l’chatchila because doesn’t have enough blood to to give off

-Kchal can’t be roasted under meat (because the shpud might not be mahapech)

|11 |91:1-3 |Meat and Milk Together |79-86 |

Meat and Cheese Touching-Mutar, but need hadacha where they touched

-Shach: only need hadacha if wet

-If salting and dry, need hadacha

Food that Needs to be Rinsed on Treif Plates-treif plates considered issur b’ain

- cooked foods that don’t normally wash before eating: Assur L’chatchila

-Rama: Only applies to wet foods

-foods normally washed before eating (raw foods): Mutar L’Chatchila

-Rama: food dry and plate only cold issur food, then Mutar without washing

-if hot food then assur

-Taz: If Kli used hot issur can only put dry food on it; if cold issur then can put hot or wet

-Shach: Even if kli used for hot issur can be used for cold wet food

-Rashba: Can put hot food in Kli, if Kli was washed well beforehand

Kli Cheres

-Rashba: Assur to use for cold food

-Mechaber & Tur: Mutar to use for cold food

Charif Wet Spice-assur to place on a Kli even if absorved hot issur

Bread with Meat or Cheese-be careful, because will make it ossur if touches the other

-If touched on the outside, can wash off

-If touched on inside must remove

Matza in a Kli Chametz-Mutar

-Kli was washed and Matza is dry

-Kli was only used for cold chametz

-Treif Kli should be Kashered in order not to make a mistake using with hot food

Utensils Used Temporarily

-Pri Chadash and Sifsai Da’as only can if can be koshered, cause assumption will kasher

Treif Meat and Kosher Meat

-Mutar to put issur b’ain and heter in the same bag, even if the issur is shamain, if it is derech l’hadiach. (Rashba)

|12 |91:4 |Tata Gavar |87-92 |

Tatar Gavar=Bottom is stronger

-If hot is on bottom everything assur

-If cold on bottom, then Meat Assur K’dai Klipa and Milk Mutar

Mixed Cold-Just wash off the meat and then Mutar

-If not fully resting, then no Tatar Gavar

-If top much bigger

- Tatar Gavar-only if bottom is hot, even if top bigger.

-Yad Yehuda: still spreads to 60 if bottom cold; Darchei Teshuva says this is a chumra

-If meat falls in milk and falls to the bottom, but milk is stationary, no Tatar Gavar

K’dai Klipah

-If cooked without removing a klipa then Mutar B’dieved

-only spreads by liquid not by solid

-Klipa being assur is a chumra so batul b’rov

-Taz: says need 60 in the meat against the Klipa (argues with the Rama)

-Shach: needs 60 against the klipa in what is cooked with

-Magen Avroham (Halacha L’maaseh): only a klipa in our case cause of a chumra

|13 |91:5 |Meliach K’rosayach |93-101 |

Salted Meat

-Mechaber: Enough salt to Melicha; From the time that could melicha, not rinsed = hot

-Rama: There are those that say that only hot while in time of salting

Salty Meat and Cheese

-Area of contact ASSUR K’DAI KLIPAH

One Salty other Taful

-Satly mutar if washed; unsalty assur kdai klipah

-Rama: All Melicha needs 60 against it

Both Dry-Just wash off

-Rama: Any tzir that comes out of meat, even if salted just for Roasting, is HOT

-If Tzir falls on cheese or a kli, it will ASSUR

-Kli needs Haglah and Kli Cheres should be broken

-If fell only on a particular part, then remove a klipah

Can’t eat because of salt

-What is this amount?

Rashi: Amount of salt to preserve meat; only way to remove salt is to soak

R’ Yaakov Yisrael: Amount of salt used to dry meat for a journey

Rabbeinu Tam: The amount of salt used to extract blood in order to cook it (Bais Yosef)

-Ran: TIME Factor, meat doesn’t becomre Hot until after shiur melicha (18 minutes)

-Mechaber: If meat is salted less than amount needed for preservation or drying still hot

-Shach: Meat being salted a second time, because no blood after 18mintes Hot

-Mechaber and Rama arguing on:

|Case |Mechaber |Rama |

|Before 18 minutes |Not Rosayach |Rosayach |

|After 18 minutes |Rosayach |Not Rosayach |

-Aruch Hashulchan: Only argument after 18 minutes

Mechaber: Is Rosayach; Rama: isn’t Rosayach

-Halach L’Masah: before 18 minutes no maikel, after 18 minute acc. To Rama Maikel in hefsed merubah

Fresh Milk and Salty Meat: both assur (because salty meat will be absorbed by liquid)

Salty Milk and Unsalted Meat:

-Toras Chatas: Meat is assur, milk is mutar

-Shach: Meat and Milk Assur (small amount of meat blios will go into liquid)

Dry Meat

Rama: unsalted meat will only absorb if it is wet, but if dry won’t absorb liquid

Shach: Meat and Milk is MUTAR

Minchas Yaakov (Sifsai Da’as): Milk is MUTAR, Meat is ASSUR

|14 |91:6-8 |The Bird and the Kutach |102-111 |

Roasted Chicken into Milk Pudding

-if either piece is fatty, then Assur both (fat spreads easily)

Able to eat and not to eat

-Only applies to uncooked meat

Hot Roasted Meat in Salty Milk

-Assur Klipah (even if salty yet able to eat); Assur completely if still hot from roasting

-Rama: din also applies to Baked and Cooked meat

-Yaish Omrim: if meat is cold this is the din (custom unless Hefsed Merubah)

Melicha and Kavush-M’Drabbbanan Assur, but mutar b’hanah

Factors of Roasting and Salting

| |Tzli |Cracked or spiced |

|Rosh and Tur |Even cold needs a klippa. |Even cold and even raw is assur kulo. |

|Rashba and Ran |Only hot needs a klippa, cold only needs |Only hot tzli is assur kulo. |

| |rinsing. |Raw or cold tzli only needs rinsing. |

|Or Zarua and Hagaos Mordechai |Even cold needs a klippa. |Hot or even cold tzli is assur kulo, but raw only needs |

| | |rinsing. |

-The Mechaber holds like the Rashba;

Ran and the Rama holds like the Or Zarua and Hagaos Mordechai.

Baked or Cooked vs. Roasted

-Hagaos Sharai Dura (Darchai Mosher): Baked or cooked absorb quicker than Roasted

-Rashba & Ran: Machmir only by Tzli (Rama)

-Rama: Even if cold, it should be assur kdai klipah (unless hefsed merubah, just need hadacha)

-Shach: Hefsed Merubah should be machmir by cold tzli; raw meet assur cracks or spices

-Kaf Hachaim & Chavas Da’as: Cracks Assur if 60x, but spicy 60 OK

-Aruch Hashulchan: Most cooked or roasted meats have cracks

Melicha or Kevisha (pickling)-Only Assur B’achila (not hanah)

-Pri Megadim: If combined, assur to cook Mid’oraisa (if cooked, assur b’achila & Hanah)

|15 |92:1 |Mivlah Balah - Miflat Lo Palit |112-118 |

Meat into Boiling Pot of Milk

-Non-Jew must taste, if taste like meat, the milk is Assur; if doesn’t taste meat, milk mutar, but meat is assur

-If meat not removed (milk absorbed); If no taste, milk assur, unless 60

-Rama: Don’t rely on non-Jew; Need 60

Mivlah Balah Maflit Lo Palit

-Rabbeinu Shmuel: Meat doesn’t give blios until absorb milk, then need 60

-Rabbeinu Tam (Mechaber): Meat immediately gives off taste, blios that absorbs from milk only give off after stops boiling. If pulled out as boiling, will need a taste test.

-Rambam: Meat immediately gives off blios, after absorbed will start to give off, even before stops boling

Min B’Mino

Batel B’rov M’doraisa and Rabbanan made a gezaira need 60

Blios-blios are a separate entity when it goes into food. Doesn’t separate from the food and go into the walls of a kli



Rama: makes food hot immediately, whether it is salted the first or second time. Mechaber: the first time makes it hot immediately and when salting for the second time only after 18 minutes (according to the Shach)..

After 18 minutes

Rama: In hefsed m'rubeh and seudas mitzvah meat is cooled. If the meat salted for first time obvious that the blood did its job and has no more strength left, so cooled. But even where the meat salted a second time tzir will come out of meat and cool off salt.

Mechaber: takes 18 minutes to heat up the meat and the tzir will not cool it off. The only thing that reduces the strength of the salt is if it reacts with blood.

Difference between aino n'echol machmas malcho and n'echol machmas malcho

Aino n'echol machmas malcho means that salt ruins taste even though still edible. Machmir that all salty food has din of aino n'echol machmas malcho, only if has a strong taste of salt. A small taste of salt doesn’t give it the din of aino n'echol machmas malcho.

Tata Gavar

The bottom will cook or cool the top. cold cheese fell onto a hot steak everything assur even if roasted. We do not know the fine line between fat and lean. If no rotev the fat will spread issur. According to Mechaber if both pieces are kachush then bottom hot and top cold the issur is only k'dai klipa.

Butter on a steak

It is safe to assume that butter is fat (unless we know for sure that it came from a kachush animal) and will spread until 60 if it falls on a hot steak. Even if there is 60, klipa still needs to be removed.

|16 |92:2 |Milk that Falls into a Pot of Meat- |119-123 |

| | |A drop of Milk felt into the Choulent | |

Milk Fell into Pot of Meat

-Mechaber: Non-Jew should taste piece of meat; if tastes like meat then ASSUR

-Rama: No Non-Jew taster; needs 60, if not 60 then ASSUR

-Measure using all contents of the pot, if 60 then contents MUTAR, but piece ASSUR

-Only if not if not stirred or covered, but stirred after drop dissolved

-If stirred the whole time or covered immeadiately, then everything (including the piece) can mitztaref to mvatel the drop

-Rama: If not covered, if 60 then only drop and piece it fell on are ASSUR

-if stirred at the beginning or covered immediately the food is MUTAR

Fell into Soup or Don’t Know Where it Fell

-Mechaber: Stir the pot until absorbed completely; non-Jew taste and if no taste Mutar

-if no non-Jew to taste, need 60 to be MUTAR

-Rama: Only helps to stir if done immediately

-Rashi: Pot needs to be stirred or covered

-R’ Yitzchak: Can push meat into rotav or cover pot

-R’ Akiva Eigher & Plasi: need 60 against the drop to make mutar spot where fell

-Rambam: pot must be stirred between beginning and end

-Tur: Only have to stir when milk falls in

-Taz: Tur understand beginning to end means till removed from fire

-Shach: says all hold like R’Yitzchak

-Rama worried about both opinions; 60 is needed in the meat against the drop

-Taz: Mechaber like Rashi; Rama holds like R’Y except Machmir that piece ASSUR

-60 is needed against whole piece of meat not jus the pot (Rama)

N’tila or Completely ASSUR

-Why not only N’tila assur?

1. Maharshal:there is a difference between a liquid and a solid.

2. Ran:steam in the pot will help spread the milk.

3. Taz & Shach: milk is a fatty thing and will spread throughout the piece.

Rashba that holds that milk is not a davar shamain.

Stirring-Isn’t this bittul issur l’chatchila?

-Bais Yosef: Since we stirred immediately and never became assur (Rambam)

-Taz & Shach: Don’t know where fell in, everything a safek

-can be stirred after a little time

-Tur: Assur to stir pot (bittul issur l’chatchila); non-Jew must taste each piece

-Rama: if not stirred immediately, will not help to stir later.

|17 |92:3-4 |Chaticha Na’aseh Nevaila |124-134 |

| | |The Whole Piece Becomes Assur | |

Meat That Has Become Assur

-if cooked with other pieces, need 60 against the piece

-If distinguishable, take out and Mutar

-If indistinguishable, then gravy and other food in pot is mutar

-if assur meat r’uya l’hischabed, all pieces are assur

-Even if not davuk and partially not in the rotav still Ch’n’n

Ch’n’n by Shaari Issurim

-Mechaber: No

-Rama: Yes

-If chaticha in rotav and not davuk, no Ch’n’n; pot mitztaref to mevatel

-One should be machmir and say it is ASSUR

-Yaish Omrim, that no Ch’n’n if lach b’lach; only 60 needed against issur

-only by Shaar Issurim in a Hefsed Merubah

-Shach & Taz: M’Drabbanan; R’ Akiva Eiger: M’Doraisa

Dry Things-No Ch’n’n

Kli-no Ch’n’n if absorbed issur and only needs against absorbed issur

Taste-If gives taste then will make something a nevaila

Rotav-Tur: mutar even if Ch’n’n; all the pieces are assur if R’yua L’hischabed

Efsher L’Sochato

-Rabbeinu Efraim: Efsher L’sochato Mutar by Sha’ar Issurim, but Basar B’Chalav Assur

-Efsher L’sochato=able to spread out, nullified by 60 to make first piece mutar

-Rabbeinu Tam: Efsher L’Sochato is Assur (Kol Shecain) RAMA

-Rosh holds like Rabbeinu Efraim (Tur): Basar B’Chalav is a issur machmas atzmo

-Mecahber: Holds like like R’ Efraim

Can’t Taste Issur (Mashehu)

-Need 60 in the second pot to assur it, but will not assur anything else

Nikar by Tasting-It shouldn’t be batul because it is nikar if non-Jew tastes it?

-Sifsai Da’as: Don’t rely on a non-Jew to be lenient nor strict

-Chavas Da’as: Meat still Mutar because each piece is batul B’rov, so don’t need taste

-Badai Hashulchan: There is no taste left once the milk leaves the meat

Issur Davuk=Absorbed quickly, Rotav can’t reach RAMA

-if not davuk, stirred later, need against drop, piece assur but pot not assur

-In Basar B’chalav, need against whole piece of meat

Lach B’Lach-don’t need against the water that Dam falls into, only 60 against blood

-Ran: lach b’lach only issur in Bishul (only Ch’n’n by cooking)

Dry and Dry-Safek issur no Bitul

-If fell in same pot only need 60; if fell into two pots, need 60 on each

Trai Mashehu

-Taz: Mashehu will make assur, but won’t make a nevaila

-Shach: Mashehu will come out of piece that had a mashehu and assur other pieces

-Only in things that are assur Min B’shaino Mino (Chametz)

|18 |92:5-6 |A Drop on a Pot |135-141 |

Drop of Milk Fell On Pot While Cooking

-Mechaber: Below Food Line, then 60 against the drop

-If fell against empty section above the food line, area of raikan is Assur and Tavshil is assur if poured on side of drop; Takanah: Let sit until it cools

Large Amounts Fall on Pot

-Mechaber; Not Heter, unless fell below the Rotav (need 60)

-Rama: Pot is assur even if 60 in the Tavshil; Pour out food on other side

Blios Spreading Through a Kli: Just Kadshim or Other Issurim?

-Smag: Does spread by Other Issurim; Ch’n’n will make whole pot assur

-Bach says that Smag will hold that food that keeps its taste is Mutar

-Maharam M’Rotenberg: Only spreads by Kadshim;

-Other Issurim: If spreads beyond 60 then Bitul; need 60 kaful 60

-Bais Yosef: Doesn’t matter if falls against rotav or raikan

-Smak: No matter where it falls it will be mutar, because will spread to 60 or not at all

-Bais Yosef & Shach: rotav will spread as much as possible, or through walls

-Taz: Either spread into the pot or not spread at all

-If falls against the raikan then 60 minus the drop because might not reach rotav

The Pot- Pot Is Sssur because of Maris Ayin

-Taz: Maharam M’Rotenberg

-Chumra #1: Even if drop fell against Rotav, it is not Batel; #2: The pot is assur

-Kula: Food can be poured out immediately, because issur is bitul 60 kaful 60

-Smak- Halacha Lamaseh

-Kula #1: If drop fell against the Rotav it is Batul, #2: M’ikar Hadin pot is mutar

-Chumra: If drop falls against the Raikan 60 kaful 60, so let cool

-Shach: Pot Assur, something might have been left behind for 2nd cooking

-Mordechai (Prisha): Pot remains assur, even if food is mutar; might stay in walls

The Takanah-If falls against Rotav, Rama: pour food out the opposite side quickly

-Shach: Drop doesn’t have a chance to spread

Falls Against Raikan- let cool; can’t m’vatel issur l’chatchila by pouring food over it

New Pot--Rama: New pot in both cases just need 60; How can it be a new pot (Shach)?

1) Drop doesn’t spread: food in the pot won’t spread upwards. If drop does spread: even food spreads upwards and mevatels drop. Mutar pour food out other side. (Taz disagrees)

2) When drop fell, the pot was not hot and therefore the drop did not spread. By the time the pot becomes hot the blios from the rotev will spread to the top and mevatel the drop.

3) No meat in pot when drop fell on it; new pot in relationship to drop of milk. When meat placed in pot, blios of drop are batel (never was a ch’n’n in walls of pot beforehand; until now drop was only in contact with parve food). When rotev mixes with blios of drop need 60 against drop and not 60 kaful 60.

Drop Falls On Side Away from Fire

-Mechaber: Assur (Pri Megadim Agrees; Shach Disagree)

-To save the food, pour out immediately if the drop fell against the rotev

-if drop fell above the rotev everything is assur.

-Shach & Taz: We worry rotev came in contact with the ch’n’n above food line and no 60 kaful 60 to mevatel it.

|19 |92:7 |A Drop on a Pot: Splashes while Cooking Part 2 |142-149 |

Shas Hadchak

-Mechaber: Matir even if doesn’t fall against the rotav as long as there is 60

-Rabbeinu Yechiel:Matir even if not kneged rotav or kneged h’aish as long as 60

Hot Spilled on the Floor

-Rama: If hot pot on the floor, not close to the fire, spill is considered a kli shani

-Pot assur (bolaya); food mutar (tata gvar)

Overflow-Overflowed from hot pot and reached a cold pot

-Overflow=kli shani, if nifsak then like irui and if yad soledes bo=pot assur, food mutar

-If kdaira hot, and kli rishon, all the more so if by fire, then even if overflow is cold everything Assur (Tata Gavar)=Tzonain L’toch Tam

Drop falls on Cover

-Like fell on side of rotav; boiling steam, contact with cover and going back in Rotav

Blios in the Wall-What is shas hadchak

-Pri Megadim: we are not afraid that rotav Ch’n’n with above rotav

-If not 60x60: let cool or pour out the other side

-Need 60x60: If poured over side of the drop

-Biur Hagra: In Shas Hadchak, no blios by ch’n’n; if poured on side of drop only need 60

-Aruch Hashulchan: Pot hot, drop spreads food, need 60 in food (Rashi & Tosofos)

-Taz: Drop assur more 60 times its size; Blios and drop assur no matter how thinly spread

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: If time, let it cool (Taz), if no time, pour out other side

-If no 60, food assur even if didn’t fall kneged rotav.

Blios in Kli- There are three situations concerning ch’n’n by blios (Shach):

-Kli Chadash: no kli cheres nevaila. Rama: new kli cheres nevaila. Shach argues.

-Wood or metal kailim:

-sha’ar issurim maikil in small loss, blios do not become a nevaila.

-issur basar b’chalav maikil in hefsed m'rubeh.

-Kli Cheres: basar b’chalav not maikil hefsed m'rubeh; sha’ar issurim maikil hefsed m'rubeh.

Rama: Navaila (can’t separate by Hagalah); no difference between meat and

Kli Shani-spilled milk=kli shani; milk fell on it assur k’dai klipah; next to fire, need 60

Afar-R’ Akiva Eiger (Minchas Yaakov): Milk mixes with dirt lifgam, won’t assur pot

-Rama: only b’dieved (like shampoo)

-Nekudas Hakesef: if there is a small amount of food then lifgam

-Soap mixed with Milk will not make pot assur

The Puddle:

-Only have to measure part under pot, and not entire puddle. (liquid is not a connection)

Tatar Gavar:Rama: Even kli rishon on a kli shaini assur k’dai klipa

Irui: Rama:irui along the stove=kli shani (Sifsai Da’as & Yad Avraham)

Kisui-Rama: If there is a cover, whole pot=chaticha as long as there is zaia (vapor)

-Taz (Rashal):Zaia different than rotav (not always rising and falling);

-issur m’doraisa: 60x60 need

-issur m’drabbanan: 60 need

|20 |92:8-9 |Zai’ah: If Two Pots Touch |150-155 |

Shallow Pan of Milk in a Stove Under Pot of Meat

-Mechaber: The Steam (Zai’ah) will rise and make meat assur

-Rama: 60 needed against the milk; only if yad soledet bo

-Permitted to hang meat over pots of milk cooking;milk pan covered, mutar b’dieved

Molten Chailev falls on kli-needs hagalah


-Bais Yosef (Rosh): 60 kaful 60 needed in pot against the milk in the machvas

-HaRav M’Rotenberg (Darchei Mosher): milk spread in kli (60) then food (60)

-Dagul Mervavah: pan is assur; drop falls back into pan is assur (Machatzis Hashekel)

Liquid or Food

-Pri Megadim(Pischai Teshuvah): steam of liquid has din of liquid; steam of food doesn’t

-Mutar if bottom pan is food, even if food is giving off steam and yad soledet bo

-Darchai Teshuva: even zai’ah of food has din of food;

-food has din m’drabbanan; liquid has din m’doraisa

Dry-Yad Yehudah (Darchei Teshuva): don’t worry about zai’ah, unless we see the zai’ah

Yad Soledet Bo

-Bais Yoesf: the pot on top must be yad soledet bo (Trumas Hadeshen)

-Pri Megadim: as long as zai’ah is yad soledet bo, the top can be cold

-Assur if pot is yad soledet bo even if zai’ah is not yad soledet bo

Safek-R’ Akiva Eiger: safek yad soledet bo if enclosed Assur, if zai’ah can escape Mutar

Parve-if pan is parve, can matir pot, even if ben yomo milk (Zai’ah is a not bar not)

-Water poured from meat ben yomo kli on a ben yomo milk kli, milk assur (irui connects)

Spice Containers-Aruch Hashulchan:if enclosed, zai’ah is assur, open zai’ah like rayach

Ovens-zai’ah will take out of the enclosed walls previous blios

-If cooking opposite need to cover, even parve that wants to be eaten with opposite

-for Dry Food: don’t need to cover

Two Pots-Rama: Covered Pan like case of Two Pots that touch on the stove

-blios won’t transfer between pots without rotav

-Chavas Da’as: like by Tzli blios won’t transfer one to another without Rotav

-Rama: L’chatchila be careful to not let two pots touch (opinions say blios can transfer)

-Food placed on issure kli will become assur; our case kli won’t absorb like food

Candle made of chailev drip on kli-kli needs scraping

-regular candle has din of regular drop from pot that is nifsak hakiluach

-Mechber holds by melted candle needs hagalah; R’ Akiva Eiger: kdai’ klipah

Ladles-Maharil: Has a din of kli shaini; irui can’t be done with a kli shaini

-Taz Argues that it is a kli rishon, 6 reasons:

1) hagalah=kli immersed in boiling water is maflit its blios.

2) Spoon out of pot compared to taking a pot off the fire. Both retain the name kli rishon.

3) kli immersed small amount time kli rishon, becomes kli rishon.

4) Told servant draw water from bath w/ kli shaini. Said kli shaini specifically

5) Difference kli rishon & kli shaini: walls kli shaini cool food

6) See by removing fly from pot of soup, triefs the spoon.

- Taz: if the ladle is empty then it does not have the din of a kli rishon.

-Empty Ladle-Taz:kli shaini; Pri Megadim: kli rishon

-Taz:machmir ladle is kli shaini and can’t use for irui (Tosofos)

|21 |93 |Cooking Milk in a Meat Pot |156-164 |

Nosain Tam Lifgam

-Mechaber: Pot Used for meat shouldn’t be used for cooking milk

-if cooked within 24 hours, assur if meat can be tasted

-Need to measure 60 against the entire pot if can be tastsed

-If 24 hours has passed, blios give off a bad taste, tavshil is mutar, but pot is assur for milk or meat

-Rama: Pot can use Parve; need 70 if ben yoma

Hot Cover take off pot of meat and put on pot of milk

-If both milk pot and cover hot: both assur (as long as food in both pots)

-If cover cooled, but milk pot hot: both assur (as long as pot giving zai’ah

-If cover hot, but pot cold: both mutar; food assur k’dai klipah if can remove, if not mutar

-if no food in pot, everything mutar cause din of two pots touching each other

Doing Hagalah with Food-Tur 3 Opinions:

-Baal Haitur: If milk cooked in meat ben yomo pot, if 60 can cook either milk or meat

-Bais Yosef: heter applies milk poured while boiling (hagalah works any liquid)

-No Pot with 60 against itself?

A.Ravad: Can estimate how much meat comes out.

B. We know how much meat was in the pot and it is batel.

C.We are speaking about a wide thin pot that can hold 60 against itself.

-Rabbeinu Peretz: Even if used for as a aino ben yomo cannot be used for milk or meat

-can’t use for milk because afraid might use for ben yomo milk

-Rashba: If vegetables used in the pot after the meat can use for milk (weakened taste)

Niklash Ta’am

-Bais Yosef: Cooking in a Kli Cheres will not weaken taste, absorbs a lot

-R’ Yeruchum: R’ Peretz & Rashba agree cooking milk in meat pot won’t weaken taste

-B’Y: Gzeira that milk can’t make hagalah ; milk doesn’t have ability to weaken

-Shach: Simple Cooking not enough, need full Hagalah

-Chavas Da’as: Hagalah by cooking if have 60 (meat spoon in boiling milk with 60)

Covers -Rama: same din as pot, some say Cover ben yomo (hefsed or shabbos matir)

-Maharshal: Chumrah by narrow top covers that can’t clean; Taz: measure for 60 to matir

Kli Cheres:

Gentile Cheres Cup: Rav Asi: Assur; Rav Ashi: Mutar

Halacha: 1st & 2nd time mutar, 3rd time assur (Rashi: becomes full)

New Kli Cheres: When will it absorb?:

-R”Y Halava (Bais Yosef): Full won’t absorb if left full whole night (bolaya a few times)

-if never used will absorb even cold

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: Will absorb even in twelve hours, possible even 1 hour

-Nekudas Hakesef: kli cheres same as food and takes 24 hours to absorb

-holds like Tosofos: must be washed 3 times to be used

-Pri Megadim: Unless Hefsed Merubah hold like Taz: after using kli twice mutar

-New kli used for assur is assur even in hefsed merubah


-Lavush & Bach: If put milk in an old milk kli cheres, even if 24 milk won’t be absorbed

-if cook meat Mutar since aino ben yoma still since milk won’t absorb

-Taz: Kli will absorb after 24 hours, cause is a ben yoma; if cook meat will be assur

|22 |94:1-2 |Spoons |165-171 |

Milk Spoon into Meat Pot/ Meat Spoon into Milk Pot

-Measure 60 against part plunged into pot if ben yoma

-Some say: if spoon metal measure against whole spoon (hot for part, hot for all)

-If spoon plunged twice, need 2x 60

-Rama: 1x 60 is enough

Cham M’ktatzo Cham Kulo-2 Opinions when applies

-R’ Peretz: Pot absorb from spoon, even cold portion; part out of pot absorb need hagalah

-Maharem Metz: Even only part spoon used issur enough kasher that part (won’t spread)

-If cold part touching issur then issur (hot for part, hot for all)

-Halach La’maseh: If whole spoon hot, need 60 in pot against whole spoon including tip

-cold spoon used for cooking: only need 60 in pot against part of spoon that is hot

-spoon or kli is used for tzli, need 60 against whole spoon (will mavlia and maflit)

Mavlia or Maflit

-Shach: Mechaber doesn’t hold blios from 1 part of spoon will spread to rest or vice versa

-Magen Avraham: though blios will not maflit from cold part, will mavlia into cold part

Tochav B’Kadaira

Chavas Da’as: average use of a spoon is entire round part

-Mechaber said measure what is tochav, even handle in the pot, and not just part in food

-providing that the zai’ah=yad soledes bo

120 (60x2)

-Mechaber requires 2x60 in the pot against the spoon because he holds Ch’N’N by blios

-1st 60 needed against meat that went out of spoon

-2nd 60 needed against spoon: milk taken with spoon will make walls nevaila

-since second techiva min b’mino, 2nd 60 gzaira m’drabbanan (against aino mino)

Bitul Requires Knowledge

-R’ Shimon (Rosh): terumah falls into 100x, and another falls in before we know=Assur

-by Sha’ar Issurim will be ok as long knew about the bitul before 2nd issur fell in

Chozair V’Niur-99:6

-The issur that was bitul can be reawakened

-Even if Noda and min b’mino

-What about our case (Shach)?

-Sifsai Daa’s: two different tasting issurim, but have same name should reawaken:

1. milk blios into meat (min b’aino mino)

2. meat blios with milk taste into meat (min b’mino)

-Shach: since second techiva is min b’mino maikel in case of Noda

-Sifsai Da’as: since min b’mino batul b’rov, Rabbanan require 60 as precaution in case it falls into aino mino and becomes a case of minn b’aino mino

-need 60 against 1st tochav since aino mino, as long used only in this pot

-Taz: spoons tochav twice not worried chozair v’niur since milk not issur chadash

1x60 time is Enough-Rama

-Since spoon when it comes out can be considered a kli shaini and blios won’t be ch’n’n

|23 |94:3-5 |Using the Wrong Spoon |172-178 |

Not Bar Not

-if 60 against spoon in pot, pot and food are mutar, but spoon assur to use milk or meat

-spoon ben yomo will assur next tavshil

-If no 60, then everything assur b’hanah; pot is assur, but mutar for fruit or cold food

-spoon aino ben yomo: food and pot mutar; spoon assur l’chatchila for milk or meat

-bdieved not assur because aino ben yomo

-New pot cook water and milk spoon tochav in water and water poured out and new water put in and meat spoon tochav in new water

-both spoons ben yomo, not 60 against either: assur to use pot for milk or meat

-mutar to use pot for parve, cause new pot never used for milk or meat\

-Rama: If used inadverdantly for milk or meat: Mutar (NOT BAR NOT)

-Aino Ben Yomo pot cooked veggies/ water, ben yomo spoon put in or vice versa: Mutar

-or if 60 against the spoon

If there is 60 against the spoon, why is it assur?-Bais Yosef answers

1) Spoon tochav partially, so we say blios stay behind. Now spoon blios both milk/ meat.

2) Hagala works if sure food in pot boiling, in thiscase we are not sure the food was boiling.

Using the Kli

-Shach: mutar to use kli cold wet food; but don’t use spoon at all (machmir by cheres)

Lifgam Blios are Batel B’rov

-Taz: After 24 hours kli Mutar to heat water for washing hair (no benefit from blios)

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: basar b’chalav assur mid’oraisa, tam kikar blios not mid’oraissa

Not Bar Not-Taste of a Taste

-When taste of food transferred to utensil called nosain tam (1st Not)

-from utensil into food not bar not (2nd Not)

-Shach: Taste passes through water is weakend

-if ben yomo milk spoon plunged into water, blios are 3rd generation from milk

-1milk into spoon, 2spoon into water, 3water into pot

Establishing Status of the Kli

Shach: According to the Shach we should be able to use pot based on what 2nd spoon was

Bair Haitiv: If spoons dirty and using pot second time assur l’chatchil cause of not bar not

-1) The grease taste into the pot and 2) the pot into the water being cooked.

-Gra: agrees with Shach. Use pot with same type food as 2nd spoon (halacha l’ma’aseh

K’min or B’min-Rama:Machmir eat with same food as ben yomo kli; osser aino ben yomo kli (mikar hadin everything permitted)

-Shach: B’min not K’min; use with same kailim as ben yomo spoon

-but not same food as ben yomo spoon

-Not Bar Not assur to eat l’chatchila with opposite food (Rama)

1) Only few places osser aino ben yomo kl (basis for Rama saying assur chumra b’alma)

2) Assur to put the food in same kailim as aino ben yomo kli because haiker.

3) Machmir to osser cooking aino ben yomo kli; no osser washing dishes-water discarded

-Gra: Chumra: food (should be be eaten with same kailim as ben yomo kli; and kli (assur)

|24 |94:6 |Meaty Onions in a Milky Soup |179-184 |

Onions or Vegetables Absorb Meat Blios and Cooked in Milk Pot

-Mechaber: Only require 60 against meat blios if known how much meat blios there is

-Rama: Since onions never had din of Ch’N’N before fell in, so only need meat blios

-Rama: ben yomo milk pot cook water, while ben yomo cook meat: 60 against only Milk

Hetaira Bala

-Tur & B”Y: Onions absorb blios=issur balua;

-blios issura: need 60 against onion and stays assur; onion was assur before fell in

-blios basar: in our case only balua with meat, so only need 60 against meat blios

Not Bar Not by Sha’ar Issurim

-Shach: water heated in ben yomo issur pot; blios lifgam after 24 hours from water heated

-Smak: Water becomes Ch’N’N and pot becomes assur from water

-B’Y: holds like Smak; this din doesn’t apply by Sha’ar Issurim

-Shach: Those who say no Ch’N’N by sha’ar issurim, wait 24 hours from water heated

-No din of Not Bar Not by sha’ar issurim; weak taste assur unless tastes bad

- heter blios (milk or meat) unless strong taste won’t be basar’ b’chalav

Ch’N’N by Sha’ar Issurim-Shitas Harosh

-Rosh: water boiled in ben yomo issur pot: 24 hours from water heating

-Rosh holds Ch’N’N by Sha’ar Issurim

-Shach: holds must count 24 horus from water since no Not Bar Not (any taste)

-Dagul Mairevava:no heter of Not Bar Not issur blios; still count 24 from issur cooking

-only count what came into water; according to Cheshbon too little blios to assur

-Mata Yehonatan: Small amount osser food; less 60 wait 24 hrs after issur blios refreshed

Haba M’Basar B’Chalav

-meat cooked with milk is new issur “Ch’N’N”

-Blios Basar B’chalav mix w/ food called m’basar b’chalav

-Do these blios have din of basar b’chalav or sha’ar issurim?

-B”Y: has din of Basar B’chalav; any food absorbs Basar B’chalav din of Basar B’Chalav

-if water cooked in pot has blios basar b’chalav count 24 hours time became assur

-Shach: din Sha’ar Issurim; heter not Ch’N’N; fell in taaruvos, need 60 vs. original blios

-din basar b’chalav only occurs when heter milk and heter meat; not issur blios

Onions-Cut with a meat knife and then cooked with milk

-Shach & Taz: Mutar as long as 60 against blios in onion

-Chavas Da’as: onions don’t become assur cause meat blios weak by cooking

-R’ Akiva Eiger: Need 60 against onion; milk go into onion and be Ch’N’N, ossur pot

-even if 60, onion assur;

-Sifsai Dais: Acc to Shach blios that come from onion have din of m’basar b’chalav

-like Sha’ar Issurim; say Ch’n’n by Sha’ar Issurim, only M’drabban

-milk blios of onion=min b’mino, no Ch’n’n by milk blios, 60 against meat blios

-Pri Megadim: Onion remain ossur

-Halach L’Maasah: Onion assur; Shach & Taz permit if hefsed (60 against meat blios)

-Onion cut with Aino Ben Yomo knife, onion not davar charif b’dieved

|25 |94:7-9 |Cutting Meat |185-191 |

Hot Meat Cut with Milk Knife

-Mechaber: Assir if not 60 against part of knife used to cut meat

-aino ben yomo knife or safek ben yomo or aino ben yomo=kdai klipa meat assur

-Rama: only applies if hot meat in a kli rishon

-if knife ben yomo meat not 60 against knife=meat assur, knife needs hagalah

-if meat in kli shaini, meat assur kdai klipah, knife needs naitzah in ground

-aino ben yomo knife meat assur kdai klipah from shumanis (grease) on knife

Honey Cooked in Ben Yomo Pan Emptied into Ben Yomo Milk Bowl

-Mechaber: Mutar; because it is Not Bar Not of a heter taste

Rama: Will agree to Mechaber; grease from meat is lifgam in relation to honey

The Knife

-R’ Peretz (Tur): holds that the heat of part of it is the heat of all of it

-Therefor if hot meat cut with knife 60 needed against whole knife

-Mechaber: dooesn’t hold heat of part of it is heat of all of it; only 60 against part cutting

-Rashal (Taz): need 60 for entire knife blade since that is what usually contacts meat

-Shach: Generally need 60 for entire blade; sure how much used only need against that

Aino Ben Yoma Knife

-Only klipah assur because of shumannis on knife; so small won’t spread more

-Taz: Ben Yoma knife and 60, the klipah where issur entered heter assur (impression)

Davar Gush

-Meat Yad Soledes Bo will cook if in kli rishon; Placed on kli, machlokes if din kli rishon

-Rashal: solid food cooks if yad soledes bo (retains heat long time); liquid loses heat

-Rama: kli’s walls cool, b’dieved won’t cook; liquid in kli shaini keep more heat vs. solid

-Bach: kli shaini yad soledes bo will mafli and mavlia into something else

-knife assur from cutting meat, can’t absorb blios from knife; meat mutar

Cooked Dry Rice

-Rashal: Rice retains heat of kli rishon, since solid, as long as yad soledes bo

-Meat spoon plunged into rice cooked with milk, rice Ch’n’n from spoon

-spoon doesn’t have own blios, gives off blios without rotav

-Pri Megadim: if mashmashos of milk, spoon assur; rice only blios milk, spoon mutar

-Chavas Da’as: if only blios of milk in rice=spoon assur

-Taz: holds like Rashal if friction caused by cutting.

-Maikel if spoon stuck in rice cause spoon scooping rice doesn’t cause friction

Cheese on Tanur Panadish or Ben Yomo Meat Tray-Mechaber: assur kdai klipah

-Shach: panadish is assur k’dai klipah, but cheese is assur k’dai n’tilah

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: since two hot dry foods that touch assur k’dai ntilah

-Panadish assur k’dai klipah, because cheese solid and kachush

1. First din learn cheese only get absorbed into something else k'dai klipa.

2. Second din learn that blios of a pot will only go into cheese k'dai klipah

-Taz: Tanur Panadish=hot tray used to make tavshil called panadish

-Chazan Ish: kli harder than food, doesn’t spread blios more than klipah unless rotav

-Food soft and blios spread k’dai n’tilah without rotav

-kli assur k’dai klipah, cheese assur k’dai n’tilah (1st & 2nd din teach same thing)

-Dagul Mairevava: holds that if panadish shamain=assur kulo; not experts=assur kulo

|26 |95:1-2 |Source of Not bar Not |192-199 |

Fish Cooked or Roasted in a Pot

-wash and clean pot of all grease, mutar to eat with kutach (not bar not d’hetaira)

-pot not clean and no 60 against grease, then fish assur to eat with kutach

Egg Boiled in Water in Milk Pot-Mutar to use as stuffing for chicken

Egg Boiled with Meat-even if shell not removed, assur to eat with kutach

-Rema: Roasting and Cooking assur to eat with kutach (not bar not)

-custom: assur l’chatchila, mutar b’dieved

Issur of Not Bar Not: Rama: assur only eat food, l’chatchila place food opposite kailim

-if only put on hot meat kli, mutar to eat with kutach

-kli used for bishul lifgam (aino ben yomo): custom to eat food with opposite kind

-Lifgam applies if food not davar charif; assur b’dieved unless 60 opposite blios

-food not charif unless all charif or majority (rubo kulo) not just added

Fish Alu on a Meat Platter-what is “alu”

-Rashi: Alu includes whether cooked or roasted in meat pot; even if cooked mutar

-Rivan: Hot fish on cold meat plate mutar; bishul assur extract all pot’s blios, strong taste

-Rosh & Sefer Hatrumah-Cooking not roasting; fish cooked in meat pot mutar (3 nots)

-tzli assur: leaves strong taste and blios go directly from pot to food

-B”Y: Rambam, Rashba & Ran: Tzli and Bishul Mutar

Cooking in a Meat Pot and Eating the Food With Milk

-Mechaber: no difference tzli & bisul; can eat food cooked in meat with milk (Rashi)

-Rama: L’chatchila can’t eat food cooked or roasted in meat with milk; b’dieved mutar

-Shach: Tzli assur even b’dieved (Sefer Hatrumah)

-boil Fish or rice meat pot, assur to mix water with milk b’dieved (strong taste)

-fish or rice mutar b’dieved (receive a third ta’am)

-Chavas Da’as: 3 nots, same whether first ta’am goes into kli or water

- meat cooked in water then roast fish in pan: mutar b’dieved if mixed with milk -Mishb’tzos Zahav: 1st ta’am enters kli that reawakens; not 1st ta’am from food

-Chachmas Adam: Few drops of meat fall on parve pot, cook water for milk (always 60)

During Cooking

-Chavas Da’as: drop of milk falls while parve cooking in pot and not 60: no Not Bar Not

-Reason: blios in kli connected to food, and as if food cooked with milk

-Pischai Teshuva: Argues with Chavas Da’as; R’ Akiva Eiger holds like Chavas Da’as

Halacha La’Ma’asah

-Sephardim: Mechaber: one may not intentionally cook food in a meat pot with milk

-Ashkenazim: Shach: If food roasted in meat pot dry only klipah assur to eat with milk

-kli will not osser more than a klipah without rotav

Meat and Fish-Mechaber: don’t eat meat and fish together (causes leprosy)

-Taz: only if cooked together; if small amount fish falls into meat=not batel 60

-Nekudas HaKesef: only poisen not batel in 60;

-mutar cook fish in meat kli, even if ben yomo; only meat taste into fish not actual meat

-Sifsai Da’as: Count water & fish to mevatel leftover grease (loses din mamashush)

Irui: Rama: L’chatchila the food can be placed in opposite Kailim

-Shach: Food shouldn’t be poured on kailm, but placed on opposite kailim

-Food poured mutar in a hefsed Merubah

|27 |95:3-7 |Washing Dishes |200-207 |

Meat Plates Washed in Milk Basin Using Water Yad Soledet Bo

-Mechaber: Mutar, even both ben yomo (not bar not d’hetaira); as long no shuman stuck

-60 needed in water against shuman stuck to surface of ka’ara

-Rama: Some assur the pots washed in basin, even no shuman

-Both pots ben Yomo washed in kli rishon=everything assur

-If not washed together or washed together in kli shaini=everything mutar

-Food poured from meat kli rishon onto milk kli=assur if ben yomo milk

-if boiling water not milk or meat poured over meat and milk dish together

-even if shuman attach everything mutar (irui not like kli rishon)

-If milk kli found with meat pots=mutar; not worried washed in way assur

Ashes Added to Hot Water before Pots Wased Together

-Mechaber: Mutar (Afar makes blios lifgam); even if shuman davuk

-Mechaber: don’t place Kli with Kutach next kli w/ Salt; can place next to kli w/ vinegar

-Rama: applies open kailim; placed side by side don’t worry kutach fall into salt

-L’chatchila best not to place next to each other

-Mechaber: Mutar put milk container & meat container side by side in cabinet (covered)

-Rama: Machmir L’chatchila and good be careful unless need to do otherwise

-Mechaber: Salt sitting in meat pot can be used with milk;

-Rama: Machmir if kli not cleaned well (Nekudas Hakesef);

Taz: mutar to hold salt in meat kli and use w/milk;

-Tosefos: no Not Bar Not by tzli or bishul (both pull out taste of blios)

-davar charif cut with meat knife, davar charif has dine of ONE NOT

-Cooking and Roasting is no less than cutting davar chair, so ONE NOT

1) Pots may touch and blios directly transferred one to other without entering water.

2) when blios given off from pot, mix immediately with each other before water weakens

-water becomes assur and in turn will osser pot

-Tur: Sefer Hatruman: kailim washed together assur )Darchei Moshe); Rosh: matir (B”Y)

-Shach: Mechaber: Permits dishes b’dieved if washed together

-Sifsai Da’as: issur based on Gezara not to mix not bar not l’chatchila

-Sifsai Da’as: Mechaber: L’chatchila worried about Sefer Terumah

-Rama: blios not weak immeadiately leaving kli, only by themselves not bar not d’hetaira

-Assur if wash dishes together

Taz: Rama: Tosofos’ 2nd reason why no wash milk & meat kli at once; water mutar (60)

Rama: one pot aino ben yomo blios kli rishon; shuman=need 60 in water to be matir

-since absorbed blios are lifgam, bdieved nothing assur; water not davar chashuv so assur

-Minchas Yaakov: heat water in ben yomo pot, aino ben yomo spoon used to stir mutar

-Taz: In our case no fear Maris Ayin, since throwing away water; aino ben yomo mutar

Irui-2 cases by Rama

1. Water ben yoma meat kli onto ben yoma milk kli or vice versa (din of kli rishon)

-Taz: direct connection; Shach: Maikel hefsed merubah; Chavas Da’as kli assur (minhag)

2. Water from a kettle onto meat and milk kailim (maikel)

-Shach: if kailim dirty assur kdai klipah; Sifsai Da’as: even clean assur (hefsed mutar)

-Chachmas Adam: wait 24 hours (fear issur d’oraisa)

Balua: A Din of Basar B’Chalav-Sifsai Da’as: cook in pot w/ milk & meat blios-mutar

Ashes-Nekudas Hakesef: Rama small amounts of shuman stuck to kli, so ashes ruin

|28 |96:1-2 |Davar Charif: Spicy Vegetables |208-216 |

Spicy Vegetables (tznon) Cut w/ Ben Yomo Meat Knife, or Knife not Cleaned

-Mechaber: Assur eat with milk, need k’dai natila (thumb width) removed from where cut

-or tasted, and didn’t taste of meat=Mutar to eat with milk after washing

-Y”O: Same law applies even if Aino Ben Yomo and clean; also knife non-Jew

-K’dai natila not removed ortasted, cooked with milk=need 60 against area cut

-Rama: chopped=60 against entire volume; Y”O: Cut once w/ knife issur=tznon assur

-cut w/ knife absorbed meat, assur eat vegetable w/ milk (only l’chatchila)

-If green on top of vegetable cut, no need to worry

-in place where only tznon cut with knife, custom to remove k’dai natila

Cuts Garlic, Onion or Leeks, Dvar Charif or Tart Frut or Salty Fish=cutting tznon

-Rama: Mutar to eat spices ground by non-Jews, for example, ginger (special kailim for)

Two Readings: Chullin- Tznon Charif (absorb), cucumbers (need scraping)

-Rashi #1: tznon cut w/ meat knife absorb shumanis stuck to knife

-Rashi #2: spicy, greater ability absorb, combined w/ knife pressure, draw out strong taste

Refreshing the Taste-Tosofos: chiltis change aino ben yomo to ben yomo; will tznon?

-Sefer Hatrumah: garlic and onion will refresh taste; aino ben yomo have din ben yomo

-Maharam M’Rotenberg: Don’t say will refresh taste by onion, garlic and tznon

Amount that is Bolayah

-Rashba: tznon absorbs until 60

-B”Y: Most Rishonim: tznon bolaya till k’dai natila

-Rosh: tznon bolaya k’dai klipah; chiltis assur kula (small and difficult know where cut)

-Mechaber: Rashi (both) & Maharam

-knife ben yomo & tznon=assur k’dai natila; chiltis= charif refresh aino ben yomo

-Y”O Mechaber: Sefer Hatrumah: knife aino ben yomo, charifas of tznon will refresh

Sephardim: Kaf H’chaim: Loss no 60 not ben yomo mutar; Yalkut Yosef: mutar b’deived

Halacha for Ashkenazim:

Tznon Cut w/ Meat Knife & Cooked w/ Milk:

Rama: L’chatchila need 60 (Rashba); b’dieved tznon cooked=k’dai natila, mutar if 60

Tznon Cut with Issur Knife then Cooked

-One cut: L’Chatchila all assur; b’dieved after cooked=need 60 against k’dai natila

-R’ Akiva Eiger: k’dai natila is issur davuk and need 60 against whole tznon

-Chopped: Need 60 against entire tznon; even if 60 tznon remains assur

Tznon Cut With Milk And Meat Knife=tznon assur; meat knife assur? (Pri Megadim)

Taste Test: Mechaber: L’chatchila permits taste test (don’t need expert)

-Shach: only b’dieved can taste test if tznon already mixed

-Rashal: don’t taste meat, we know there is mashmashos so assur to eat with milk

-Sifsai Da’as: Eatw/ milk (meat is batel in tznon like milk batel in water)

-R’ Akiva Eiger: machmir; blios don’t spread evenly, need taste k’dai natila

Rama:If safek that cut with issur knife, can be maikel; can buy tznon cut on end

-Shach: if knife ben yomo= assur (safek d’oraisa l’chumra);

-Pri Megadim & Chavas Da’as: maikel by aino ben yomo tznon (only chiltis refreshes)

Cutting Boards: Herring or Pickes cut on on Issur Cuttin Board

-Chachmas Adam: Assur (knife’s pressure draws board’s blios); Darche Teshuva: maikel

Onion cut meat knife & milk board: onion absorb milk & meat; board/knife mutar

Dry Spices- Shach: dry spices cut w/ issur knife=mutar

|29 |96:3-5 |Davar Charif: Spices, Lemonade, Squash |217-221 |

Spices ground in Ben Yomo Meat Pestle

-Mechaber: assur to eat w/ milk; Rama: Even Aino Ben Yomo assur to eat with milk

Lemonade And Pickled Fish Made By Non-Jews And Brough In Their Barrels

-Mechaber: Mutar; Rama: Since make so much at once, the assur ones are batul= Mutar

- applies in simlar cases; like some communities eat cabbage sliced by Non-jews

-Mechaber: squash cut w/ meat knife=mutar w/ milk by scraping area clean

- turnips cut with meat knife=needs only washing and not scraping

-Tznon cut after picked turnips (lefet)=mutar w/ washing (taste negated since different)

-Rama: only lefet has different taste; only able to cut once after lefet

-R’ Eiger: If balua is davar heter rely on 2 shitos:

-charif can’t refresh aino ben yomo blios; charif are not bar not mutar)

-by onions and spices not everyone says knife’s friction brings out spices

-Bais Meir: Rama maikil onions & spices b’dieved=aino ben yomo blios & knife friction

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: great loss=mutar even if blios heter; unless other reason maikel

-b’dieved mutar to cook with milk onion, garlic or hot pepper cut w/ aino ben yomo knife

-because b’dieved rely only tznon maflit; only chitlis refresh aino ben yomo blios


Darchei Teshuva: salt not davar charif because it is a stone (only food davar charif)

Shach: Some places says Salt is davar charif; other places says Salt isn’t davar charif

Mishb’tzos Zahav: salt cut by aino ben yomo milk knife used for salting meat

-meat assur (davar charif); hefsed m’rubah: do not hold that will refresh blios

Lemonade-Why won’t assur lemon be ch’n’n, blios go back in knife, ossur next lemon?

Mata Yehonatan: Davar Charif only has the ability to push in or take out, but not both

-lemon assur will not ossur knife back; after cutting few lemons=mutar

-For Example: k’dai natila= 10x volume of the blade cutting; account both halves

-only 1st 5 lemons assur. 11 lemons cut, mixed up= mutar


-Shach: k’dai klipah (peel’s width) thinnest amount removed in one piece;

-graida less than k’dai klipah; elsewhere Shach: naitza & Graida equal klipah?

-Sifsai’ Da’as: Sometimes Equals width of klipah, sometimes Less than klipah

Lefet-changes taste of meat and milk blios, but not issur blios

-Sifsai Da’as: Lefet cut by chance w/ issur knife, then mixed w/ food=mutar b’dieved

|30 |97 |Use Parve Dough |222-226 |

-Mechaber: Don’t knead dough w/ milk since may be eaten with meat

-dough kneaded w/ milk=bread assur to eat even on its own

-Mutar if one meal’s worth made or special shape remind not eat w/ meat

-bread baked in oven greased w/ fat=assur (same reason as bread kneaded w/ milk

-Rama: Ok cook Bread w/ milk Shavuaot & bread w/ shuman for shabbos (small amount)

-cheease or meat bereka: mutar; fat leaks into bread, din being kneaded w/ bread

-Custom to put parve food in opening of oven where meat or milk being cooked

-even if in pan, custom is to be strict l’chatchila

-Mechaber: Over greased w/ fat shouldn’t be used to bake bread, until fired to Libun

-an oven that heats from outside needs to be Fired to Libun on inside

-Bread baked w/ roasted meat or fish roasted w/ meat: Assur w/ milk; ONLY Small oven

-if meat covered or opening of patshida covered=mutar even in small oven

K’ain Tura-Mutar; What does it mean?

Rashi: small amount size of an eye of an ox (since will be eaten at once)

Rif: make the dough shape of an ox

-Mechaber: both can be done

-Taz: parve spice crusher absorbed meat taste along with spice: can’t use meat bread

-Pri Chadash, Minchas Yaakov, etc: Gezaira only applies to bread (staple of diet)

Safek S’faika-Rama: don’t bake bread with meat or chese bareka (fat may leak)

Shach: 1) maybe liquid didn’t seep out 2) if did, maybe blios didn’t reach bread

-If seeped out, but didn’t reach bread; Shach & Taz: bread assur

-Pischai Teshuva: bread mutar (not bar not: into floor and floor into bread)

-Chavas Da’as: don’t say not bar not while food cooks (agrees w/ Shach and Taz)

-Bais Ephraim: Butter roll that butter seeped onto floor=mutar; 2 reasons:

-Not Bar Not (not like Chavas Da’as); very little amount butter (batel in 60)

-1st reason: can’t eat w/ meat l’chatchila; 2nd reason: eat w/ meat l’chatchila

Baking Cakes-If cake is baked in small meat oven can eat with milk on 2 conditions

-1. The oven is clean; 2. There is no Zai’ah

Cleaning Oven-Taz: can’t clean average oven by wiping; can’t cook bread if greasy

-Chavas Da’as: If 60 against grease, bread assur (cracks don’t let spread evenly)

-Bais Efraim: If 60 against drop=need n’tilas makom from area where drop fell

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: bread baked in dirty oven= mutar eat w/ opposite food

-as long as no milk/ meat taste

-Halacha L’maseh: mutar use oven to bake bread to eat with opposite food if oven clea

12 Esronim: Mechaber: Mutar bake in big oven if hold 12 esronim and door left open

-Sifsai Da’as: 3 ways to explain how to measure 12 esronim:

1. Yad Eliyahu: The twelve esronim can fill the entire volume of the oven.

2. Pri Chadash & Minchas Yaakov: Oven floor must hold 12 esronim 1 tefach heighth

3. Kraisi U'palsi: 12 esronim put on 4 sides of oven. (used to stick bread on oven’s walls)

-Sifsai Da’as: Pri Chadash & Minchas Yaakov

Chachmas Adam: Kraisi; 2 esronim=50 cubic tefachim, 12 esronim=300 cubic tefachim

-each wall would have to have 12.5x6=75 cubic tefachim

-Chazon Ish: Tefach=10cm; each wall has to have 12.5x60cm=750cm

-R’ Chaim Naeh: Tefach=8cm; each wall has to have 12.5x48cm=600cm


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