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S.ID.5 [581026]StudentClassDate1.A group of people exiting a movie were asked if they enjoyed the movie they just watched. The results are shown in the table below.????Enjoyed??Did Not Enjoy??Males??27??7??Females??17????Sixty-five percent of the people who did not enjoy the movie were females. How many females did not enjoy the movie????A.13??B.32??C.49??D.94???2.The relative frequency table below shows the type of ice cream chosen by 50 people at a party.????Vanilla??Chocolate??Strawberry??Men??0.06??0.22??0.06??Women??0.08??0.08??0.14??Children??0.14??0.12??0.10?Approximatelywhat percent of the people who chose vanilla were women????A.4%??B.8%??C.27%??D.29%???3.The table below shows the number of students enrolled in different courses at a middle school. ????? Art??DanceMusicForeign LanguageMales35523978Females40546154What percent of the males are enrolled in music class????A.39%??B.24%??C.19%??D.9%???4.Prize?DestinationsEighty students, 40 girls and 40 boys, were asked this question: If you won an all-expense-paid vacation to any of the seven destinations listed below, which?destination would you choose?AlaskaBrazilItalyKenyaThailandAustraliaAntarcticaThe data from the survey were displayed in a two-way frequency table. The joint frequencies are shown below.???????? ?Part 1. Complete the table by filling in the marginal frequencies. Explain the entries in the last column titled "Total" in terms of the information initially given about the students who were surveyed.Part 2. If you calculate the relative frequencies for the entire table in decimal form, what would be the total for the row titled “Boys”? What would be the total for the row titled “Girls”? Explain your answer.Part 3. Complete the table below with the relative frequencies to the nearest?ten-thousandth,?as shown below.Part 4. Complete the table below with the relative frequencies rounded to the nearest hundredth of a percent.Part 5. Use the information in the tables from parts 1–4 to answer the questions below.Part a. What percent of the 80 students would?choose Antarctica?Part b. Of the boys surveyed, what percent would choose Brazil? Part c. If you wanted to plan a trip for this group of students that would appeal to as many students as possible, which destination would you choose? Explain your answer./files/assess_files/17d4a871-ca76-4cde-8b13-d74eb138671f/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf?????5.The table below shows the number of students who chose each type of ice cream provided at a class picnic.????Chocolate??Vanilla??Strawberry??Boys??6??4?3Girls4?8?5Which trend can be observed from the data????A.50% of the boys and girls chose vanilla.??B.50% of the boys and girls chose strawberry.??C.Boys were two times more likely to choose chocolate over vanilla.??D.Girls were two times more likely to choose vanilla than chocolate.???6.Serena asked students at her school who was planning to work over the summer. Her results are recorded in the frequency table below. ????Working??Not Working??8th Grade??10??39??9th Grade??25??31??10th Grade??56??12?Which statement is true????A.The percent of 10th graders working is about 6 times the percent of 8th?graders working.??B.The percent of 10th graders working is about 4 times the percent of 8th?graders working.??C.The percent of 10th graders not working is about 4 times the percent of 8th graders not working.??D.The percent of 8th graders not working is about 5.6 times the percent of 10th graders not working.???7.A group of 450 high school seniors were surveyed to see if they have a job. The results of the survey are displayed in the relative frequency table below.????Job??No Job??Males??0.26??0.16??Females??0.38??0.20?How many more females than males had a job????A.12??B.18??C.54??D.72???8.The tables below show the number of 3 brands of jeans sold at a store in April and May.?April Sales????Brand 1??Brand 2??Brand 3??Males??75??70??95??Females??90??80??60???May Sales????Brand 1??Brand 2??Brand 3??Males??85??70??90??Females??75??95??75?Which statement is true????A.The percentage of the males who purchased Brand 1 jeans in April is greater than the percentage of the males who purchased Brand 1 jeans in May.??B.The percentage of the males who purchased Brand 2 jeans in April is greater than the percentage of the males who purchased Brand 2 jeans in May.??C.The percentage of the females who purchased Brand 2 jeans in April is greater than the percentage of the females who purchased Brand 2 jeans in May.??D.The percentage of the females who purchased Brand 3 jeans in April is greater than the percentage of the females who purchased Brand 3 jeans in May.???9.The table below shows the numbers of tickets sold to each age group for two movies. ????Adult??Child??Senior Citizen??Movie Y??80??35??24??Movie Z??115??6??32?Approximately what percent of the ticket sales were senior citizen tickets to Movie Z????A.8%??B.11%??C.21%??D.57%???10.A random selection of students were asked if they participate in a school sport. The results are shown in the table below.????Yes??No??Freshmen??6??10??Sophomores??7??5??Juniors??12??8??Seniors??8??9?Which result contains the lowest percentage of the students????A.Sophomores who play a sport??B.Seniors who do not play a sport??C.students who play a sport that are Juniors??D.students who do not play a sport that are Freshmen???11.The table below shows the exercise preferences of the students in a high school gym class. ????Running??Weights??Yoga??Males??10?7?5?Females? 126?7Aboutwhat percent of the male students preferred running????A.21%??B.45%??C.48%??D.83%???12.Mrs. Smith took a survey in her math class to determine how her students like to study. The results are shown in the table below.????By Themselves??With a Friend??In a Group??Males??2??8??3??Females??5??3??5?Approximately what percent of the females surveyed like to study in a group????A.19%??B.28%??C.38%??D.63%???13.The table below shows the number of different types of doughnuts sold during a weekend.????Glazed??Jelly??Powdered??Chocolate??Saturday??82??53??42??36??Sunday??94??46??39??42?Which type of doughnut had the highest percentage of its doughnuts sold on Sunday????A.Glazed??B.Jelly??C.Powdered??D.Chocolate???14.Naoko and Pam compared the music on their MP3 players.??RockCountryNaoko522315Pam118145?What is a reasonable estimate of the probability that a song randomly selected from their collections is a country song and is on Pam’s MP3 player?/files/assess_files/1270d8af-0f82-447b-881c-caa62369e91b/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.0.15??B.0.24??C.0.42??D.0.53???15.People were asked if they like jazz music. The results are shown in the table below.????Like Jazz??Do Not Like Jazz??Males??55??11??Females??121??20?Approximatelywhat percent of the people who Like Jazz are males????A.27%??B.31%??C.45%??D.83%???16.Mrs. Moore’s class researched the relationship between grade level and support for school uniforms. The results are shown in the frequency table below.????For Uniforms??Against Uniforms??No Opinion??9th Grade??24??21??15??10th Grade??13??30??7??11th Grade?14?9??8??12th Grade??19??22??19?Which grade level has the highest percentage of students for uniforms????A.9th grade??B.10th grade??C.11th grade??D.12th grade???17.A group of students at a school were surveyed on their favorite brand of shoe.????Brand 1??Brand 2??Brand 3??Other??Males??24??23??15??2??Females??12??18??9??21?What is the approximate relative frequency of the males surveyed who chose Brand 3 or Other????A.0.137??B.0.266??C.0.362??D.0.567???18.The?two-way relative frequency table below represents the relationship between the number of sports played and the gender of the students playing each of these sports at a high school.?Which of these interpretations about the data is NOT correct?/files/assess_files/25b7c7ae-18d0-4a8b-ba80-c6e0bec87979/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.7.89% of females do not play any sport.??B.8% of the students do not play any sport.??C.50% of the males play exactly two sports.??D.5% of the students who play no sports are male.???19.Jason asked 120 students whether they prefer to play an instrument or sing. The results are shown in the relative frequency table below.????Instrument?? Sing?? Males?0.175?? 0.325 ??Females? 0.200? 0.300?How many more males than females preferred singing????A.3??B.12??C.18??D.25???20.A group of students were surveyed to see if they play a musical instrument. The results of the survey are shown in the table below.????Plays an Instrument??Does Not Play an Instrument??Males??37??26??Females??23??24?What is the approximatedifference in the percentage of the male students who play an instrument and the percentage of female students who play an instrument????A.10%??B.13%??C.14%??D.16%???21.In a survey, 50 students were asked if they like scary movies. The relative frequency table below shows their responses.????Yes??No??Boys??0.38??0.10?Girls0.160.36What percentage of the girls did not like scary movies????A.21%??B.36%??C.69%??D.78%???22.The table below shows the number of students in each grade at Lincoln High School and whether they attended a football game.??Freshman SophomoreJuniorSeniorAttended4890224254Did NOT Attend182141368?Which of these statements can be concluded based on the table?/files/assess_files/ddae3a90-6f85-4bd0-90d8-ab6bc2451d87/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.Of the students who did not attend the game, 8.0% are seniors.??B.Of the students who attended the game, 22.8% are juniors.??C.Of the students who attended the game, 46.9% are freshmen or sophomores.??D.Of the students who attended the game, 77.6% are juniors or seniors.???23.The number of students who attended a school dance are shown in the table below.????9th Grade??10th Grade??11th Grade??12th Grade??Males??43??67??79??86??Females??51??75??71??84?Approximately what percent of the female students who attended the dance were in the 12th grade????A.15%??B.30%??C.43%??D.49%???24.The table below shows the results of a survey conducted among the students of a school to find what activity they most like to do in their free time.?What is the marginal frequency of students who like to watch TV?/files/assess_files/71c23e9b-3b96-4f2a-ae62-abc32ada0570/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.? 40??B.? 44??C.? 84??D.136???25.Patrick surveyed a group of people to see whether they drive 2-door or 4-door cars. The results are shown in the table below.????2-Door??4-Door??Males??71??57??Females??59??72?Approximately what percent of the males surveyed drive 2-door cars????A.45%??B.55%??C.57%??D.71%???26.The following information is known about the employees of a company.There are 58 male and 42 female employees.42 of the male employees are married, while 19 of the female employees are unmarried.Part A. Prepare a two-way frequency table for the given data.Part B. What is the highest marginal frequency observed in the table? What does it represent?Part C. What is the lowest joint frequency observed in the table? What does it represent?Part D. What is the conditional relative frequency for married female employees of the company? Compare it with that for unmarried male employees of the company.Use words, numbers, and/or pictures to show your work./files/assess_files/677d47d4-76cf-4a81-be8a-9e495287a537/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf?????27.A group of students were surveyed to see whether they prefer science, language arts, or math. The results of the survey are shown in the table below.????Science??Language Arts??Math??Males??12?22?15??Females??24??11??15?Which statement correctly describes a trend in the data????A.About 25% of the students who preferred language arts are female.??B.About 45% of the male students preferred language arts.??C.About 50% of the students who preferred science are male.??D.About 50% of the female students preferred math.???28.The table below shows the favorite school subject of students at a middle school. ?????? Math????Language Arts? ? Science ??Social Studies??6th??95??65?76677th88?90?76738th93100?7567Which statement is true????A.The percentage of 7th-graders whose favorite subject is math is greater than the percentage of 8th-graders whose favorite subject is math.???B.The percentage of 6th-graders whose favorite subject is science is greater than the percentage of 7th-graders whose favorite subject is science.??C.The percentage of 6th-graders whose favorite subject is social studies is equal to the percentage of 8th-graders whose favorite subject is social studies.??D.The percentage of 6th-graders whose favorite subject is science is equal to the percentage of 7th-graders whose favorite subject is science.???29.The table below shows the amount of time students in Mr. Roy’s math class studied the night before their last quiz.????Boys??Girls??Studied At Least 30 Minutes??6??10??Studied Less Than 30 Minutes?9?7What percent of the girls studied less than 30 minutes????A.41%??B.44%??C.59%??D.70%???30.The table below shows the number of students in art club, band, and chorus at a school.???Band??Chorus??Art Club??9th Grade?223026?10th Grade??25?22?24??11th Grade??31??32??20??12th Grade?28?17??25?For which grade level is the percentage of the students in the art club the greatest????A.9th??B.10th??C.11th??D.12th???31.The relative frequency table below shows the results of a survey that explored college plans of 150 high school seniors who?had committed to a college. ????2-Year College??4-Year College??Males??0.24??0.26??Females??0.12??0.38?How many more males than females were committed to a 2-year college????A.12??B.18??C.24??D.36???32.The two-way frequency table shows the number of students who play sports and how long they practice each day.What is the conditional relative frequency of students who play football given that they practice less than one hour each day? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.??A..14??B..24??C..37??D..66???33.The table below shows the number of students planning to attend a school dance.????Attending??Not Attending??Males??380??240??Females??360??Approximately 37.9% of the females are not planning to attend the school dance. How many total students are at the school????A.1,100??B.1,120??C.1,200??D.1,350???34.A drug company tested the effectiveness of two flu vaccines. The tables below show the effect the two vaccines had on a sample of males and females.? ?Vaccine 1 Results????Symptoms??No Symptoms??Males??27??85??Females??31??71???Vaccine 2 Results????Symptoms??No Symptoms??Males?1552?Females??2741?Which statement is true????A.A higher percentage of the males that received Vaccine 2 showed symptoms than the males that received Vaccine 1.??B.A higher percentage of the females that received Vaccine 2 showed symptoms than the females that received Vaccine 1.??C.A higher percentage of the males that received Vaccine 1 showed no symptoms than the males that received Vaccine 2.??D.A higher percentage of the females that received Vaccine 2 showed no symptoms than the males that received Vaccine 1.???35.A survey was conducted among a group of college students to find the amount of time they spend online every day. The results are shown below.?What is the conditional relative frequency,?to the nearest hundredth, of the girls who spend less than 3 hours online each day?/files/assess_files/c2cbf830-55fb-47af-9c7a-44314f79166b/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.0.22??B.0.26??C.0.38??D.0.65???36.A selected group of students at a high school were asked if they have a pet. The results of the survey are shown in the table below.????Yes??No??Freshmen??72??65??Sophomores?75?51??Juniors??81??65??Seniors??66??42?Which group of students were most likelyto have a pet????A.Freshman??B.Sophomores??C.Juniors??D.Seniors???37.The frequency table below shows the number of flights in a day out of two cities made by different airplane companies.????Company X??Company Y??Company Z??City 1??78??91??56??City 2??80??65??89?What is the approximate difference between the percent of Company X flights out of City 1 and the percent of City 1 flights from Company X????A.0%??B.15% ??C.17%??D.45%???38.A classroom teacher keeps track of the amount of time it takes each of her students to complete a puzzle. The table below shows the teacher’s results.? ?Based on the data in the table, which statement best describes whether there is evidence to support that the puzzle is easier to solve for one gender than the other?/files/assess_files/68fd6feb-560d-4af6-a7fa-eeed480bdfac/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.There is evidence that the puzzle is easier for the boys because 10 boys took less than 2 minutes as compared with 8 girls.??B.There is evidence that the puzzle is easier for the girls because only 4 girls took more than 2 minutes as compared with 5 boys.??C.There is no evidence to prove that the puzzle was easier for either gender because equal percentages of boys and girls took less than and more than 2 minutes.??D.There is no evidence to prove that the puzzle was easier for either gender because the number of boys is not the same as the number of girls.???39.The table below shows the results of a survey conducted among the employees of a company to find their preferred choices for investments.??Which marginal frequency is the greatest?/files/assess_files/12577d93-9b1e-4ebd-8a06-31e6048ff36f/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.Employees who want to invest in bonds.??B.Employees whose age is 40 years or more.??C.Employees whose age is less than 40 years.??D.Employees who want to invest in fixed deposits.???40.The table below shows the results of a survey on whether people prefer dogs or cats as pets.????Dogs??Cats? ?Men?350150?Women?400300Which statement is true???A.The percentage of the people who preferred Dogs is greater amongst males than females.??B.The percentage of the people who preferred Cats is greater amongst males than females.??C.The percentage of the men who preferred Cats is greater than the percentage of the women who preferred Cats.??D.The percentage of the men who preferred Dogs is greater than the percentage of the women who preferred Dogs.???41.The two-way frequency table below shows the favorite after-school activities of 50 eighth-grade students.Based on the data from the table, which conclusion is correct?/files/assess_files/b18f00c1-2f6f-4067-b95d-f698db8d2002/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.Boys have a greater preference for track than basketball.??B.Girls have a greater preference for dance than boys.??C.For both boys and girls, track has greater appeal than dance.??D.Dance and track appear to have equal appeal to girls.???42.The two-way frequency table below shows the color of vehicles in a parking lot.????Red??Blue??Black??White ??Other??Car??12??12??5??9??5??Truck??7??3??12??11??8?What is the approximaterelative frequency of a car being blue????A.0.14??B.0.28??C.0.39??D.0.80???43.A school?is looking to expand its facilities based on its enrollment. The table below shows the ages of students at the school.?Age??Males??Females??5–12??72??82??13–18??102??98?In order to build a new playground, 50% of the population must be in the 5–12 age group. Will the school be able to build the new playground with its current enrollment????A.No. The population for ages 5–12 is?at 20.3%.??B.Yes. The population for ages 5–12 is?at 53%.??C.No. The population for ages 5–12 is at 43.5%.??D.Yes. The population for ages 5–12 is at 62.3%.???44.Given that a particular shirt has a print, the probability that the shirt has short sleeves is 25%. Which set of data is associated with this probability?/files/assess_files/5f33e483-f4da-42e6-acd0-998001c1ec20/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.??B.??C.??D.???45.A town conducted a survey to determine which sport lessons community members would most be interested in. Community members were only permitted to vote for one choice. The results of the survey are shown below.????Golf??Tennis??Ice-Skating??Women??107??214??127??Men??315??72??138?Approximatelywhat percent of the women surveyed are interested in ice-skating lessons????A.48%??B.40%??C.28%??D.13%???46.A restaurant cooked a total of 200 steaks on Saturday and Sunday. The table below shows the relative frequencies of steaks that were cooked rare, medium, and well-done on each day. ???Rare??Medium??Well-Done??Saturday??0.10??0.24??0.20??Sunday??0.12??0.32??0.02?What was the total number of steaks that were cooked Well-Done????A.22??B.40??C.44??D.80???47.Chad asked students at his school whether they prefer to watch soccer, baseball, or hockey. The results of the survey are shown in the table below. ????Soccer??Baseball??Hockey??Male??84??51??61??Female??71??70??50?Which statement is true????A.The percent of males who prefer Baseball is approximately the same as the percent of females who prefer Hockey.??B.The percent of females who prefer to watch Soccer is greater than the percent of males who prefer to watch Soccer.??C.The percent of males who prefer Soccer is approximately the same as the percent of males who prefer Hockey.??D.The percent of females who prefer Baseball is less than the percent of females who prefer Hockey.???48.The two-way frequency table shows the male and female students at Central High School who have afterschool jobs.?Which?statement best describes which gender at Central High School?is more likely to have an afterschool?job and why?/files/assess_files/7bd75acc-1791-4c25-8068-13c870c5190b/formula_sheets/FL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdfFL-IBTP_Math_Reference_Sheet_Grade_9-12.pdf??A.A boy is more likely to have a job because there are more boys with a job.??B.A boy is more likely to have a job because the total number of boys is larger.??C.A girl is more likely to have a job because there are fewer girls with no jobs.??D.A girl is more likely to have a job because a greater percentage of girls have jobs.???49.Brittany asked 50 of her classmates if they prefer to vacation in the mountains or at the beach. The results of the survey are shown below.????Beach??Mountains??Males??12??17?Females?16?5What is the approximatedifference in the percentage of the males who preferred the mountains to the percentage of the females who preferred the mountains????A.24%??B.35%??C.54%??D.77%???50.The owner of a pizza shop recorded the kind and size of pizzas ordered by 80 customers. Pepperoni pizzas were ordered by 20 customers. The conditional relative frequency of customers who ordered small pizzas given that they ordered pepperoni pizzas was .35. How many of the customers did not order small pepperoni pizzas???A.52??B.59??C.67??D.73??? ................

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