PROGRAM SUMMARY - Global Ministries

Global Mission Fellows ProgramInternational TrackPlacement Site ApplicationThe Global Mission Fellows (GMF) Program is an initiative of The United Methodist Church that sends young adults between the ages of 20-30, out of their home context for two years of mission service. This is a faith and justice centered program that grew out of the historic US-2 and Mission Intern programs. The three core values, of the Global Mission Fellows Program aim to: ● ENGAGE with local communities; ● CONNECT the church in mission; ● GROW in personal and social holiness.The Global Mission Fellows Program develops strong young leaders who are committed to building just communities and a peaceful ANIZATION INFORMATIONPlacement Site NamePlacement Site AddressCity, State/Province/RegionPostal CodeCountryPlacement Site Website and Email AddressIf part of the United Methodist Church, please list: Annual Conference Bishop Name If not part of the United Methodist Church, please list:Denomination/Church affiliationHead of Church/DenominationContact Information for Head of ChurchName of Contact Person for this placement (including title/position within the Church/Organization) Contact Person InformationEmail address: Phone number:Skype:WhatsApp:Will the Contact Person also be the Direct Supervisor? Yes No If not, please list the Direct Supervisor for the positions included in this application.Supervisor NameSupervisor Contact InformationEmail address:Phone number:Skype: WhatsApp: Please list preferred method of communication:PhoneEmailSkypeWhatsAppOther _______________________________ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Cont.What is the primary social justice issue being addressed by this placement site?Children and YouthDomestic ViolenceEducationEnvironmental ProtectionGender JusticeHealth/HIV and AIDSHuman TraffickingIndigenous RightsImmigration and MigrationPeace Building and Conflict ResolutionRacial and Tribalism JusticeWorker’s RightsOther: ___________________________________________________________Describe the impact and benefit of having a Fellow serve with the placement site.Explain briefly the history and mission of the placement site, and how the history is related to the social issue noted above.Describe the context and demographics of the local community that the Fellow would be serving alongside. Include social, economic, and historic cultural context to explain why the population would be impacted by a Fellow’s service with the community.POSITION DESCRIPTION for the Global Mission FellowIf requesting multiple positions with different descriptions, please include a separate application form for each different position.POSITION TITLENUMBER OF FELLOWS FOR THIS POSITIONIf requesting multiple Fellows with the same position title, please note the number of positions requested above.POSITION DESCRIPTIONDescribe the specific duties and responsibilities required for this position, including hourly breakdown of a 35 hours’ work week. Use additional pages as needed.If the position includes working with children and youth, please include the age range and group size, as well as the child safety policy. A child safety policy is required for any agency where direct service with children or youth is part of the position description. Task/ResponsibilityTypical number of hours/week *Total number of hours should equal 35After the Fellow completes the 2-year term of service, what changes in the community do you expect to see?List the specific criteria and qualifications required for this position. Use additional pages as needed.Physical requirements (Check one or more that apply to this position):Able to walk 2 miles on uneven terrain: Able to carry 10 pounds: Other: If you checked “Other” please explain: ____________Language requirementsIn which language is the Fellow expected to work primarily? ____________If the Fellow is not fluent, what are the options for learning the language? ____________ Visa/Work Authorization requirementsGlobal Mission Fellows represent many different countries, and are expected to serve outside of their home country. It is important for Global Ministries to understand the visa/work authorization process for the placement country, to ensure that Fellows are able to travel to the country in a timely manner, and to live and work legally at the placement site for the full term of service. What is the type of visa/work permit is needed for a Fellow to enter the country?What type of visa/work permit is needed for a Fellow to live and work in the country for 22 months? (e.g. resident visa, work permit, multiple entry to country?)What type of documents are typically required for a Fellow to apply for a visa/work permit? Does a Fellow need to apply for a visa/work permit prior to arriving in the placement country? Please note whether the document should come from the Placement Site, from the Global Mission Fellow, or from Global Ministries (e.g. invitation letter from the Placement Site, etc.)Please list the typical costs for visas or work permits. Will the visa/work permit need to be renewed within the 20-month service period? What is the process for renewing a visa/work permit?Does the placement site have any experience working with an international visa or work authorization? Housing and TransportationPlacement sites are expected to work with the Area Liaisons for each region and Fellows to coordinate housing options, and to provide detailed orientation to the placement context. For additional information about guidelines and expectations for reasonable housing and transportation, please refer to the Global Mission Fellows Program Handbook – International Track.Describe the types of housing available for the Fellow in the community. Is the placement site able to provide housing or furnishings to the Fellow? *Please note that housing with the supervisor is NOT allowed.Describe the type of transportation available to the Fellow to travel to and from the placement site from their housing (may include walking a reasonable distance). Is the means of transportation safe and reliable?Is the placement site able to provide any additional funding or in-kind support to the Fellow for housing, transportation or other expenses?ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONDo you foresee any special safety concerns at the placement location (either within the site or in the larger placement community) that Global Ministries should be aware of? If yes, please provide an explanation below. Yes ? No ?Are there any restrictions that should be noted by Global Ministries when considering matching Fellows to this placement site? Restrictions may include issues related to visas/work permits, available housing, race, or gender. APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY:DATE SUBMITTED:Please email the completed application to: Global Ministries Area Liaison for your region with a copy to GMFellows@PROGRAM SUMMARYGlobal Mission Fellows (GMFs) are young adults from all over the world who are commissioned to serve for 24 months. Fellows will serve up to 22 months with an international placement site. The expected start of service is September, concluding 22 months later in June.GLOBAL MISSION FELLOWS CORE VALUESENGAGE * CONNECT * GROWGlobal Mission Fellows engage with local communities. They are called to do ministry with-- not to or for-- their local partners. Fellows serve alongside churches, community groups, and individuals to address the priorities of people in the community they are serving. They discover ways in which God is already at work. Fellows live simply. As learners and co-laborers, they commit to having the same standard of living as their local partners.Global Mission Fellows connect the church in mission. They tell stories in local churches about their experiences of God’s gracious love. They advocate for personal social change, and testifyabout hope in the face of injustice. Connecting the local church with the global church is one big way young adults are making disciples for the transformation of the world.Global Mission Fellows grow in personal and social holiness. John Wesley, our Methodist founder, used the terms “personal holiness” and “social holiness” to describe our inward growth in the love of God and neighbor, which in turn leads to outward works of love. Through service and contemplation, Fellowsgrow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Following Jesus’ example, they show compassion through presence, word, and deed.WHY BE A PLACEMENT SITE?Unique benefits of hosting Global Mission Fellows:Purposefully Selected and Trained: Young Adults are selected for skills, interests and experiences, and Global Ministries offers training and support. They are resourced with tools to add value to your work and ministry.Mission Endorsement: Young adults connect the church in mission by bringing awareness to your work and elevating central issues that affect your community to a larger audience.Cross Cultural Perspective: Young adults coming from different countries and regions bring assets of energy, creativity and curiosity. The cross-cultural connection between young adults and theological community facilitates the sharing of fresh perspectives.Discipleship: As a placement site, you have the platform to shape a young adult’s faith formation, and character development as a citizen in a global, interconnected world. These young adults will become servant leaders whose rich cross-cultural experience will provide them with a deeper understanding of and commitment to justice and the global church.4753610325755PlacementSiteGlobalMinistriesGlobalMission Fellows00PlacementSiteGlobalMinistriesGlobalMission FellowsGLOBAL MINISTRIES’ MODEL OF PARTNERSHIPTIMELINE3940175-635Placement SiteGlobal MinistriesSupervises and supports the growth of Global Mission Fellow(s) with a supervisor and spiritual mentorCovers programmatic costs related to the Fellow(s) assignment, including: orientation, workspace, equipment and work- related travelEncouraged but not required to cover other expenses (such as housing, furnishings, transportation, food)Assists the Global Mission Fellow(s) in being oriented and adjusted to the placement site communityMakes provisions for sick days and four weeks of vacationCovers Global Ministries training and orientation costs, travel and moving expenses to and from placement site, and medical insuranceProvides a living stipend for the Global Mission Fellow(s), which includes: stipend, housing, utilities, phone, internet, food, local transportation to and from work, miscellaneous and personal expensesProvides three weeks of initial training, plus Mid-Term and End- Term trainingsOffers quarterly webinars and accompaniment for Global Mission Fellow(s)Supervision support along with accompaniment from Global Ministries’ staff00Placement SiteGlobal MinistriesSupervises and supports the growth of Global Mission Fellow(s) with a supervisor and spiritual mentorCovers programmatic costs related to the Fellow(s) assignment, including: orientation, workspace, equipment and work- related travelEncouraged but not required to cover other expenses (such as housing, furnishings, transportation, food)Assists the Global Mission Fellow(s) in being oriented and adjusted to the placement site communityMakes provisions for sick days and four weeks of vacationCovers Global Ministries training and orientation costs, travel and moving expenses to and from placement site, and medical insuranceProvides a living stipend for the Global Mission Fellow(s), which includes: stipend, housing, utilities, phone, internet, food, local transportation to and from work, miscellaneous and personal expensesProvides three weeks of initial training, plus Mid-Term and End- Term trainingsOffers quarterly webinars and accompaniment for Global Mission Fellow(s)Supervision support along with accompaniment from Global Ministries’ staffPartner Request Forms accepted year round.Request Forms reviewed in consideration for the following year.Matches between Placement Site Partners and Global Mission Fellows are confirmed by both parties.Training event helps orient and guide Global Mission Fellows prior to going to placement sites.September - Global Mission Fellows begin international service.Mid-Term event is hosted between the first and second year of service.June - Global Mission Fellows complete international service.End-Term event is hosted to help Global Mission Fellows debrief and integrate back into home contexts.WORK AND FOCUS AREAS FOR GLOBAL MISSION FELLOWSType of Work :Disaster ReliefDirect ServiceEducationCommunity DevelopmentCollegiate MinistriesCommunity OrganizingAdvocacyVolunteers in Mission workCongregational DevelopmentType of Focus Areas:HomelessnessPovertyGender JusticeDomestic ViolenceWorker’s RightsMigrationImmigrationEco-JusticePeace BuildingHealth/HIV and AIDSChildren and YouthRacial JusticeRESPONSIBILITIES ................

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