Psalm 119 (2015) - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD'S WORD

[Pages:2]The Book of Psalms Psalm 119

"For the Love of God's Word!"

Introduction: This is the longest and most carefully worked out of the alphabetical or acrostic wisdom psalms. The psalm is divided into twenty-two sections, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each section is composed of eight verses. Each verse in the Hebrew begins with a word the initial letter of which is the letter heading the division. The theme of the psalm is the glorious law of the Lord, and the wholehearted observance of that law (cf. 2, 10, 34, 58, 69, 145). M'Caw notes that "the basic word translated law is torah, a term much broader in meaning than our English word "law" would suggest. Torah is, in fact, the will of God as made known to Israel. It carries with it the idea of guidance, and its basic meaning is teaching or instruction. The major feature of the psalm is the repetition of eight synonyms of the will of God, the law, the torah; testimonies, the general principles of action; precepts (piqqudim), particularly rules of conduct; statutes (huqqim), social regulations; commandments (mitzvah), religious principles; ordinances (mishpattim), the right judgments which should operate in human relations; word (dabhar), the declared will of God, His promises, decrees, etc.; word (imra), the word or speech of God as it is brought to light among men." Morgan refers to the same terms: "A careful consideration of them will reveal one underlying conception. It is the conception of the will of God as that will has been made known to man. Every word reveals some aspect of the will in itself, of the method of its revelation, and its value in human life." Oesterley writes, "The law is the expression of the divine will . . . he loves the law because it tells of God's will; and he loves it because he loves God first. Unless this fact is recognized all through, we shall neither do justice to the writer, nor apprehend the deeply religious character of the whole psalm."1

(v1-8) ALEPH: Blessed is "happy." Undefiled is "the perfect, upright, blameless." The law is the Torah. We must learn, live and walk in the ways of the Lord to be happy and not ashamed. - Deal with that which is displeasing to God: iniquities - Unrighteousness, lawlessness. The Bible often uses this word to describe evil and wickedness.

(v9-16) BETH: Notice that this wisdom is particularly for a young man to cleanse his life and to keep his heart right. Feel the soul or emotional desire of the psalmist in the following words "whole heart, teach me, I will declare, rejoicing, meditate, contemplate, delight, I will not forget." - Deal with that which is displeasing to God: sin - Lawlessness (1 John 3:4) or transgression of God's will, either by omitting to do what God's law requires or by doing what it forbids. The transgression can occur in thought (1 John 3:15), word (Mt 5:22), or deed (Ro 1:32)

(v17-24) GIMEL: (v17) a prayer; (v18) a petition; (v19-21) a purpose; (v22-24) a provision. - Deal with that which is displeasing to God: pride.

(v25-32) DALETH: Revival & strength comes according to God's Word. Repentance, grace, truth and a big heart is developed through God's law, judgments, testimonies, and commandments. - Deal with that which is displeasing to God: lying.

(v33- 40) HE: Teach me, give me, make me, incline my, revive me, turn away my eyes, revive me in your righteousness. - Deal with that which is displeasing to God: covetousness -An intense desire to possess something (or someone) that belongs to another person. The Ten Commandments prohibit this attitude (Ex 20:17; Deut 5:21). Covetousness springs from a greedy self-centeredness and an arrogant disregard of God's law. The best way to avoid a self-centered, covetous attitude is to trust the Lord and to face one's responsibilities (Gal 6:7-9; 2 Thess 3:6-15). To those tempted by "covetousness" and "worthless things" (Ps 119:36), Jesus declares, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses" (Luke 12:15).

(v41-48) WAW: Observe the progression - Mercy, salvation, faith, hope, eternity, liberty, testimonies, love. Deal with that which is displeasing to God: the lack of consistency.

1 Beacons Bible Commentary, pg. 388-389

(v49-56) ZAYIN: Notice the dedication- Your servant, comfort in affliction & derision. God's word is the servant's song on his pilgrimage (he knows heaven is his home). Deal with that which is displeasing to God: vengeance belongs to God not us.

(v57-64) HETH: Let's think about our ways (v59); Let's stay in fellowship with those who fear the LORD (v63)

(v65-72) TETH: A great request of God- Teach good judgment and knowledge. Notice the discipline in verse 67 ? Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word. In addition is to understand that which is of true value- God's Word. Deal with that which is displeasing to God: Don't go astray.

(v73-80) YOD: God the creator, counselor & comforter.

(v81-88) KAPH: This portion shares the human elements of distress, despair, demands, and dedication.

(v89-96) LAMED: God the eternal creator, sustainer and savior!

(v97-104) MEM: Oh, how I love Your law! Thought provoking all day long.

(v105-112) NUN: His word guides our life and keeps us from stumbling. What is our heritage? The testimonies of God, which rejoices our hearts!

(v113-120) SAMEK: A moment of decision that determines division between right and wrong.

(v121-128) AYIN: The way of justice, righteousness and a disdain of corruption.

(v129-136) PE: God's Word gives light and understanding; and it directs our steps. Our hearts are broken and we weep for those who do not keep God's Word.

(v137-144) TSADDE: God's testimonies are faithful, His word is pure, His law is truth, and is our delight and life!

(v145-152) QOPH: Seek the LORD early and cry out to HIM!

(v153-160) RESH: Revive me according to Your word (v154); Revive me according to Your judgments (v156); Revive me according to Your lovingkindness (v159).

(v161-168) SHIN: Another great passage! God's Word brings rejoicing, praise, peace, & hope!

(v169-176) TAU: Notice prayer and the Word of God working together in verses 169-170. When the sheep have gone astray the Shepherd will go and find that sheep - Luke 15:1-7 - Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, "This Man receives sinners and eats with them." So He spoke this parable to them, saying: "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!' I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.


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