Creation Stories from Around the World

Creation Stories from Around the World


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2. Complete the questions below

Move your mouse over the map to find the area the creation story originated. Once you have found it click on the name, and answer the following questions.

Find Mayan. Click on Maya Creation Myth

1. In the beginning, what did the world look like?

2. Who were the 2 gods?

3. What did they look like?

4. Why were they there?

5. How was earth created?

6. Why did the gods create creatures to roam the earth?

7. Were they successful? Why or why not?

8. What did they decide to do?

9. How were men first created? What happened?

10. . How was the second race of men created? Why was it a better result at first?

11. What did the gods soon discover? What did they do?

12. What happened to a few of the men who escaped?

13. How did the gods make the next attempt at man? Why were they successful this time?

14. What was the only thing the gods wanted to fix? Why?

15. Who else did they create? Why?

Find Inuit. Click on The Inuit Creation

1. How did Raven make the world and water?

2. What power did Raven possess?

3. The earth was dark and silent. What did Raven create?

4. What happened after 5 days?

5. At first, what did man feel like? What did he do?

6. Man was hungry – how long did he wait for Raven to bring food? What did Raven bring?

7. Using clay, what did Raven create?

8. How did he bring life to everything he created?

9. What was created to make man fearful of something?

10. Why did Raven create woman?

Find Maori. Click on Maori Creation.

At the time of the Maori creation, there was only __________, the Father Sky, and his wife, ________ the Earth Mother.

They were so much in _______ that they held each other ____________ and ______________ to let go of each other.

Thus the ________ and the __________ were joined solidly _____________- there was no __________ on the earth as Rangi’s and Papa’s tight embrace _________________ it.

Papa and Rangi gave birth to over ______ children; _______________, god of the sea, __________, god of the forests and ____________, god of the winds, __________________, god of war, ___________, god of darkness, _______________________, god of the winds.

They were all _____________ between their parents and could hardly _________. The children talked about what they ___________ do.

_________ suggested that he would _____________ their parents. ___________ was angry with Tane, because he was the _____________, and he should be the one to do this. ___________ wanted their parents to be left _____________. Tumatauenga thought they should just _________ the parents. But in the end, most children agreed that Tane should push them ____________.

Tane, god of the forests, carried four __________ with him. He placed one of the poles by his parents’ ________ and one by their __________. He then pushed his parents _________. He pushed for _________ and __________.

Rangi the Sky and Papa the Earth were ______________ and became the ______ above and earth __________ as we know them today. The ____________ from Rangi became the red of the ______________. The blood from __________ became the red _________ ___________.

Light came into the ___________ at last. The children moved to the four _____________. But _______________ was very ____________ at what had been done. The ____________ grew in him until he couldn’t ________ it anymore.

Tawhiri ______________ out his _______ and threw them into the _____________, where they turned into the first two __________. He then turned his blind ________ on all his _____________. He blew hurricanes, _____________, cyclones. He made tsunamis and huge ___________. His anger had no ______.

Pap and Rangi were ___________. They _____________ each other so much that they ________and cried and cried. Rangi’s tears became __________ and ____________ and dew on the grass. The __________ that rise from the ground are from Papa, sighing with __________________.

Find Egyptian. Click on Egyptian Creation

_____ was the name of the ______, swirling __________ before the beginning of time.

Out of these waters rose _________; he created himself using his _____________ and the sheer force of his __________.

He created a _______, for there was nowhere he could ___________.

Atum was ___________ in the world. He was neither __________ nor _____________, and he had one _____________ eye that could roam the ________________. He joined with his _____________ to produce a son and a daughter.

Atum gave birth to his son by _____________ him out. He named him ______ and made him god of the ______.

Atum ___________ up his daughter. He named her ____________ and made her the goddess of ________ and moisture.

Shu and Tefnut were given the task of separating the chaos into principles of ______, ___________ and _____________. The chaos was divided into __________ and ________ and set into place.

This order was called __________, which formed the principles of _______ for all time. Maat was a _____________; it was light and pure.

Shu and Tefnut produced Geb, the ____________ and Nut the ________. At first these two were _____________ together as one.

Shu, god of the _______, pushed Nut up into the _____________. There she would remain __________ out over Geb, her _________.

They longed to be ______________, but in the name of _________ they had to be __________, to fulfill their _______________.

Nut produced ________ for Geb, and Geb made things _________ on earth.

As the sky, she gave __________ to the ______ every night before _________, and by day it would follow its ___________ over the earth and die at ______________.

Shu and Tefnut produced the other ______. Isis, the ___________ of the gods, Hathor, the goddess of _________ and beauty, Osiris the god of ____________ and _____________, Seth, the god of _________, Thoth, the god of _____________ and Nephthys the __________________ of the dead.

But the chaos was still _________ and not yet fully _________________ into the order of Maat. Shu and Tefnut once got ________ in the dark waters of Nu.

Atum was _________________ to find his children. He sent his all-seeing _____ throughout the heavens and earth to ____________ for them.

In time Shu and Tefnut ______________ with the eye. When Atum saw them again he was so ______________ that he wept tears of _____.

As these _________ hit the earth, they became the first _______.

As the men _______________ the earth they had to _____________ the truth and balance of _________. They had the task of ______________ the earth and ____________________ the gods.

The gods, in turn, _________________ and _________ their creations.


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