We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20).”

Volume 10, Issue 6 A newsletter for the Pastors and Lay Leadership of the Charlottesville District July 2012

The Start of a New Conference Year

Changes on the Charlottesville District


❖ William King ~ Professor, Albright College

❖ Rosemary Welch ~ Pastor, Hinton Avenue

Pastors Leaving the Charlottesville District:

❖ Chris Donald, Greene Charge ~ UVA Extension Ministry

❖ Catharine Guest, Stanardsville ~ Franconia, Alexandria District

❖ Robert Haley, Louisa ~ First (Newport News), York River District

❖ Derek Koolman, Batesville Charge ~ Christ (Norfolk), Elizabeth River District

❖ Conni LeFon, South Fluvanna Charge

❖ Raymond Rowley, Bethlehem (Roseland)

Pastors Beginning New Appointments on the Charlottesville District:

❖ Elizabeth “Liz” Buxton, Batesville Charge ~ coming from the Farmville District

❖ Edwin M. Childress, Bethlehem (Roseland)

❖ Daniel D. Elmore, Restoration ~ coming from the Arlington District

❖ Robert D. Lewis, Hinton Avenue

❖ Gordon K. Meriwether, III, Greene Charge

❖ Gregory E. Miller, South Fluvanna Charge

❖ David R. Palmer, Louisa ~ coming from the Harrisonburg District

❖ Charles S. Winner, Stanardsville ~ coming from the York River District

Annual Conference Celebrations

Licensing as Local Pastor:

❖ Gordon K. Meriwether, III (Culpeper)

❖ Gregory E. Miller (Trinity—Orange)

Commissioning and Provisional Membership

❖ Pamela J. Baldwin (Rock Spring)

❖ Shin Woo Hong (Bethany-Sardis)

❖ Bruce N. Lugn (Southern Albemarle)

Ordination and Full Membership

❖ Ashley Abarca-Mitchell (First)

❖ Bryan K. Buckles (Mineral-Mt. Pleasant)

❖ Thomas E. Frost (Cunningham)

❖ Andrew B. Willson (Salem)

Restoration UMC

A new thing is happening on the Charlottesville District! The first church plant in fifty years is being started, and my family and I are excited to take the lead on this awesome journey in faith. We are born and raised Virginia United Methodists, coming from families that have always been active in their local churches. I have served three appointments in Virginia in a variety of settings: rural, urban, and Northern Virginia suburban. Now, we look forward to living in and getting to know the people of the Route 29 North corridor of Charlottesville, as we begin the work of planting Restoration United Methodist Church!

You might ask, “Why Restoration?” Well, when you seek to restore something, say a piece of furniture, a car, or even a house, you seek to do two things: You hope to return it to some sense of its original condition, or at least its original purpose. But you also usually seek to make it into something new, or like new. There’s a sense of taking what once was and giving it new life. We believe that’s a great metaphor for what God seeks to do with us. When we give God what once was, with all the blemishes, the brokenness, and sinfulness, God does the work to restore us into the original condition and purpose intended for us. For we are made in the image of God to reflect God’s attributes, the chief of which is love.

There’s more to the story, of course, and I’d love to share more with you and perhaps your church, your small group, your UMW or UMM, or anyone who you think might partner with us in this work. For most of the remaining Sundays in July and August, I am free for pulpit supply if you still need someone to fill in. Please contact me if you have any questions at revdanelmore@. There are a variety of ways you can help, and maybe God has already laid it on your heart to be a part of this in some way, shape, or form. Most importantly, we ask for your prayers to the Lord of the harvest on our behalf.

God’s best,

Dan Elmore

The Ambassador by email

If you would like to receive The Ambassador by email, or if your email address has changed recently, please send an email to the District Office with your request to CharlottesvilleDistrict@

Stop Hunger Now

Scottsville United Methodist Church is hosting a Stop Hunger Now Meal Packaging Event on September 29th from 10:00am - 12:00pm!

Join the movement to end hunger in our lifetime! Help us reach our goal to package 10,000+ meals on Saturday September 29, 2012. Working together we can create a world without hunger. You may register and/or donate by clicking the following link. 

Bruce Lugn, Pastor

Southern Albemarle Charge: Scottsville and Mt. Zion

434-286-4736, 434-286-3355: sumc-


Charlottesville Youth News

District Youth Rally

August 26, 2012

Salem UMC in Palmyra

Registration begins at 3 p.m.

RSVP to Rebecca Wagner at brrewagner@ with approximate number of people attending by August 17.  

We will be collecting school supplies and Campbell Soup Labels for the Henry Fork Service Center. 


Save the date!! 

District Youth Retreat

Westview on the James

February 22-24, 2013


Upcoming events in the area 

Night in a Box

Friday August 10 - Saturday August 11

Admiral Richard E Byrd Middle School

Winchster, VA  


Proceeds benefit Teens Opposing Poverty


For more information or to register:

Teens Oposing Povery

PO Box 933

Berryville, VA  22611



Newsletter Deadline July 15

Please send your submissions for the June issue of The Ambassador to Carol Frost at cifrost@.

United Methodist Women 

July 27-29, July 30-Aug 1 School of Christian Mission, Blackstone

Sept 21-22 Young Women’s Event, place TBA

Oct 6 Charlottesville District UMW Annual Meeting, place TBA

Dec 1 Advent Prayer Breakfast, place TBA 

The Virginia Conference UMW website, , is a wonderful source of information, and has any forms you may need available to print. 

Frances Garwood, UMW President, fgarwood2012@, phone 540-456-6718.

News from Westview: Summer Camp

After the close of camp each week at Westview, the staff gathers into The Counselor Circle for a time to share success stories and to evaluate areas we need to improve. One of our Senior Counselors shared this classic camp moment.

The counselors in Hogan 4 took their eleven year old boys on a “Night Hike”. Hiking in the woods is fun anytime, but at night it takes on a whole new feel; what was once familiar becomes unfamiliar and a little bit scary for some. If you hike with periods of silence it allows campers to hear the many nocturnal creatures that call Westview their home too. But a night hike is also a great time to talk. Talking can help relax fears of the darkness, of not knowing exactly where you and quiet that feeling that someone or something is following you. During this hike the boys raised questions about the creation story; did God create everything, and did God really create everything in 6 days? Walking and talking in the midst of God’s creations is a perfect place and time to have this discussion.

This is the power of camp at Westview, anytime is an opportunity to learn and grow in faith. The activities we offer may bring the children to camp, but it is the time spent with counselors who listen and share that really make a difference, and is just one of the reasons we were recognized as the Best Camp in Central Virginia by the readers of Virginia Living Magazine this year.

Share this camp story in your church. It’s still not too late to sign up for a week of camp in July. Sign up online at or call the camp office for a summer camp brochure.

Camp times are the best of times!


Camp Director

|Saturday 8:30-9 coffee |

|Saturday 9-12 and 1-5 |

|Sunday 1:00-4:00 |

|Cost $25.00 Please check your |

|choice |

|Please include your name and |

|address, phone and email |


MAKE CHECKS OUT TO: Charlottesville UMC and send, aong with registration form to

Carol Recknor, 452 Buffalo Run Rd, Stanardsville, VA 22973

Registration due three weeks before class to obtain text

Lay Speaking Training

Charlottesville District 2012

August 25 and 26, 2012 at Aldersgate, 1500 E. Rio Rd Charlottesville 22901

____ Basic Jeanne Hamlin CLS

____ I Love To Tell the Story David Bailey CLS

September 29 and 30, 2012 at Culpeper UMC 1233 Oaklawn Dr. Culpeper 22701

_____ Basic Wyatt Mills

_____ Survey of Apologetics For Lay Speakers Charles C.G, Miller

Basic: This course is the foundation for all the other courses. In this course you are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts and God intended. It offers guidelines for best practices as a church leader and in mission and ministry in the community and daily life.

Apologetics: This class will identify the most common questions that act as stumbling blocks to faith and belief. Some questions are: Can we know God exists? Is the bible true and reliable? How can a loving God allow evil?

REQUIRED TEXT: Holman Quick Source Guide to Christian Apologetics by Doug Powell. Text included in registration fee.

Story Telling: In this class participants will learn different approaches to telling Bible Stories. They will study techniques for learning and fleshing out stories from scripture and contemporary events. The participant will tell short stories and have lots of feedback to enhance the storytelling experience. There will be lots of opportunities to explore any particular aspect of storytelling and modify a story for different types of audiences. A resource list is included. Required Text: Dancing With Words by Ray Buckley. The text is included in the registration fee.

Lay Speaking isn't just for prospective preachers anymore.  In fact the name has been changed to lay servant ministries.  Anyone is able to take a class that interests them.  If you wish to have general knowledge of areas of service, take the basic class.  You may take an advanced class, however the basic class is the start of the process to be certified as a lay speaker.  Currently there is no certification for lay servants, but this may change in the future.  

A synopsis of the offered classes is on the registration form.  Note the deadlines for the classes as texts must be ordered and then sent to the registrants.  

Lay Speaking ministry team for the Charlottesville District.

The United Methodist Church

Charlottesville District Office

914 E. Jefferson St., Suite 104

Charlottesville, Virginia 22902

Email: CharlottesvilleDistrict@

Newsletter Editor: Carol Frost


Calendar of Events

August 1 Clergy Welcome Picnic

September 9 District Conference

November 17 District Leadership Training






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