Notice the light colored boxes below each set of ...

Welcome to keyboarding!

In this program, you will learn how to Touch Type. This is when you become good at typing without looking at your fingers. It’s actually brain training! That’s because every time you type a character correctly your brain becomes more and more programmed to memorize that key. This is called muscle memory, and it also happens when you play an instrument, create art, ride a bike, and many other things that require practice.

So, one of your main goals will be learning to type using the correct fingers without looking them. Doing this will help you type with less mistakes and faster speed. So, stay focused, be patient with yourself, and get ready to be GREAT at keyboarding!

Keyboarding Safety


Keyboard safety—keyboarding isn’t dangerous! Or is it?

By using good habits, you can keep your fingers, arms, neck, shoulders and back from harmful typing habits. You should use these good habits anytime you are on a computer. Good habits include:

• Using a “Puppet Posture”—sitting up straight as though a string were attached to the top center of your head as though being held from a puppet string.

• Keeping our shoulders relaxed without hunching or raising them to keep the muscles in our neck and back loose. Tight muscles can be painful.

• Making sure our lower and upper back rests against the back of our chair.

• Making sure our wrists and elbows are at an even height—our lower arms should not be slanted.

• Curving our fingers as they rest and type on the keyboard.

• Making sure our eyes are level with the middle center of our screen.

• Positioning our legs and feet in front of us and not crossing them. If you are able, it is best if your feet touch the floor.

Lesson 1—Home Row Keys

You can think of the home row as a safety row. It the place your fingers will rest and return to the most on the keyboard. We learn to type the home row characters first.

• Place your left pointing finger on the “F” and your right pointing finger on the “J”. Notice there is a little bump on each of these keys—this is so you can always tell if you are on the home row without looking.

• The three fingers next to your pointing fingers will gently set on the keys along side of your pointing fingers.

• Gently rest your thumbs on the Space Bar.


You are now in home row position.

Time to practice!_______________________________________________________

Notice the light colored boxes below each set of characters on this page. You will:

• practice typing in these boxes.

• key each row 3 times in its appropriate box.

• stretch your pinky finger & press the enter key at the end of each row. This will move you down to the next line space.

• press tab to automatically move to the next box. Let’s get started!

|ffff jjjj ffff jjjj ffff jjjj fjfj fjfj ffjj ffjj fj fj ffff jjjj ffff |

|      |

|dddd kkkk dddd kkkk dkdk ddkk dkdk dddd kkkk |

|      |

|fdsa jkl; fdsa jkl; fdsa jkl; fjdksla; fjdks fdsa jkl; |

|      |

|aaaa ;;;; aaaa ;;;; aaaa ;;;; a;a; aa;; aaaa ;;;; |

|      |

|ssss llll ssss llll ssss llll slsl ssll slsl ssll ssss llll ssss |

|      |

| |

|fjdksla; fjdksla; fjdksla; fjdk sla; fjdk sla; fjdksla; |

|      |

|jjj fff j;j; kkk jjj lll jljl ;;; jkjk jljl jkjk jljl jjj fff j;j ; |

|      |

|fff jjj ddd kkk ss lll aaa ;;; fjdksla; fjdks fff jjj ddd |

|      |

|fff jjj ddd kkk sss lll aaa ;;; fjf dkd sls a fff jjj ddd |

|      |

|fdsa jkl; fdsa jkl; fj dk sl a; fj dk sl a;a fdsa jkl; fd |

|      |

Let’s keep practicing!


|ddd aaa ddd dad sss aaa sss sad sas as dd aa dd |

|      |

|lll aaa ddd sss lll aaa ddd sss lads lads al ll aa dd |

|      |

|fff aaa lll sss fff aaa lll sss falls falls falls ff aa ll ss |

|      |

|ff ll aa ss kk flask ask; fs la kk flask ask flask ask |

|      |

|dad sad falls ask flask; dad sad falls ask dad sad |

|      |

Lesson 2 and (See chart below before you practice these new letters)

|hj hj hj hj hjh hjh hjh hhjj hhjj jhj jhj hh jj hh jj |

|      |

|ed ed ed ed ede ede ede eedd eedd ded ee dd ee |

|      |

|jjhj jjhj hjkl hjkl had had hall hall halls h jjhj jhj |

|      |

|dded dded deed deed deeds seed seeds dded ded |

|      |

|desk desks seeks seeks leak leaks deal a desks |

|      |

|he she feed feeds seals; she feeds a seal; seal; |

|      |

and continued…[pic]

|he he he he heh heh heh hhee hhee ehe he heh |

|      |

|he has a head; she has a head; a head has she |

|      |

|deal deals feel feels led fled flee flees as has deal |

|      |

|he led sled sleds leak leaks sleek sea sea she he |

|      |

|he she see sees flea fleas; he sees a flea; fleas |

|      |

|she sell sells shell shells; she sells shells; shells |

|      |


Lesson 3 and (See chart below before you practice these new letters)

|ik ik ik ik iki iki iki iikk iikk kik kik iii kkk iii ik ik ik |

|      |

|rf rf rf rf rfr rfr rfr rrff rrff rfr frf rrr fff rrr fff rf rf rf |

|      |

|kkik kkik ijkl ijkl aid aid hill hill hills hails ii kkik ki |

|      |

|ffrf ffrf frrf frrf free frees read reads ede ee ffrf ee |

|      |

|he reads; she reads; he sees her read; reads; as |

|      |

|he sails freee; she likes seashells; he she sees; a |

|      |

and continued…


|ik ik ik iki iki iki iikk iikk kik kik iii kkk iii ik iki iikk |

|      |

|he sails free; she likes seashells; he she see; sail |

|      |

|she said hi; he said hi; she said hi; he said hi; as |

|      |

|his head has hair; his hair is red; red hair; head |

|      |

|deer are dear; deer lie here; deer hide here; dear |

|      |

|she likes red heels; she likes red dresses; red; red |

|      |


Review Let’s review all of the letters you have learned so far—asdfjkl;heir—wow!

|aajj aajj a j a j sskk sskk s k s k ask ask jak jak; |

|      |

|ddkk ddkk d k d k ffjj ffjj f j f j fdkj fdkj ffjj ddkk |

|      |

|rrff rrff r f r f iikk iikk i k i k rfik rfik rrii rrii rid rid |

|      |

|eedd eedd e d e d hhjj hhjj h j h j edhj edhj eehh |

|      |

|fad fade jak jaks ask asks skid skids kid kids ajaj |

|      |

|dark darker fake faker; rake fred rakes dkfj ;; ark |

|      |


Review of asdfjkl;heir continued…


|far far fare fare fair fair fear fear fee reef reefs |

|      |

|deed deeds heed heeds head heads hee hee she |

|      |

|dear deer deers jeer jeers kid kids like likes likes |

|      |

|jill jill jed jed lee leah jess jesse jessie freddie; |

|      |

|here here hear hear head head hears hears heed |

|      |

|she he she he shed sheds shred shreds red read |

|      |


Review of asdfjkl;heir continued…


|dish dish he he had had kid kid lid lid fill fill ash; ash; hash hash all all fall fall fire fire half half red red ;;; |

|      |

|fir fir shell shell jar jar jars jars ajar ajar hall hall halls halls elf elf shelf shelf air air hair hair fair fair fairer |

|      |

|ear ear hear; hear; all all ears ears hears hears sir sirs sire sires see see sees sees; she sees fire; fire fire; |

|      |


Think of the home row keys as being a nice cool temperature—a comfortable place to rest your fingers. Now, think of all of the other keys on the keyboard as being hot—it’s okay to touch them quickly and then return to the home row where it is nice and cool. This results in a quick steady press of keys outside the home row.

You’re building

muscle memory with each keystroke! Your brain is so amazing!

Look at the chart below.

For the letter “H”:

• Notice the color for H key is the same as that of the J key. It is also the color of the tip of the pointing fingers.

• You will use your right pointing finger to type the H key.

• Be sure to keep all other fingers on the home row while you stretch your right pointing finger to the left of the J key and press on H. Quickly bring your finger back to the J key.

For the letter “E”:

• Notice the color for the E key is the same as that of the D key. It is also the color of the tip of the middle fingers.

• You will use left middle finger to type the E key.

• Be sure to keep all other fingers on the home row while you reach your left middle finger up to the E key press it. Quickly bring your finger back to the D key.

Keyboarding Technique

Definition: the technical skill of being able to use the correct fingers on the correct keys without looking at the keyboard.

The ONLY way to do this is to PRACTICE!

Look at the chart below.

For the letter “I”:

• Notice the color for the I key is the same as that of the K key. It is also the color of the tip of the middle fingers.

• You will use your right middle finger to type the I key.

• Be sure to keep all other fingers on the home row while you reach your right middle finger up above the K key and press on I. Quickly bring your finger back to the K key.

For the letter “R”:

• Notice the color for the R key is the same as that of the F key. It is also the color of the tip of the pointing fingers.

• You will use left pointing finger to type the R key.

• Be sure to keep all other fingers on the home row while you reach your left pointing finger up to the R key press it. Quickly bring your finger back to the F key.

Home Row Position

On the F and J keys you can feel a little bump. This is a good way to tell if your pointing fingers are on the right keys on the home row.

Gee…I sure hope the person typing on this page remembers to NOT look at their keyboard while practicing!

You’re not peeking,

are you?


Don’t worry about your speed…that will come naturally if you just pay attention to your technique right now. (

Remember to think of the home row keys as cool to touch…while the other keys are HOT! So, hurry back to home row position!

You’ve done

Unit 1!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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