Grade 1 Readers Build Good Habits Launch

|Author Study: Leo Lionni and Lionni as a Mentor |

|Desired Results for the Reading Unit |

|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |

|Learn about Leo Lionni’s life |

|Inquiry question: What defines a Leo Lionni book? |

|Understand Leo Lionni and his style of fiction writing across texts (comparing problem/solution and/or characters) |

|Identify the problem in a story and its solution |

|Be aware of lessons being taught in the stories |

|Relate to the conflicts/lessons to our own lives |

|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our|

|Identify character traits |actions?) |

|Exposure to descriptive words(ing) |How do I know how a character is feeling |

|Aware of setting and its meaning to the story |How and Why does Leo LIonni teach us lessons |

|Identify problem and solutions |What makes characters individuals |

|Recognize and understand lessons being taught and relate them to our own lives |How do we use setting to help us understand the story |

|Empathize with the characters in individual situations |How does knowing about Leo Lionni’s life help us understand the characters and situations he writes about |

|Familiarize themselves with Leo Lionni’s life |Why do we have to understand the author’s reason for writing the story |

|Assessment Evidence |

|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |

|Author chart |should be collected?) |

|Student generated charts |Listening to turn and talk |

|Charts created during lessons (compare/contrast, characteristics, venn diagram, responses |Video/audio to show evidence of student learning |

| |Reading response notebooks |

| |Conferences |

| | |

|Resources |

|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |

|Author Study handbook by Leslie Zackman |Leo Lionni book basket in library |

|Leo Lionni books |Reader’s notebooks |

|Research online about Leo Lionni and other curriculum maps | |

|Desired Results for the Writing Unit |

|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |

|Understanding Leo Lionni’s style of fiction writing |

|Write a fiction story in the style of Leo Lionni |

|Recognize the importance of problem/solution/lessons in a story |

|Understanding that a story happens in a logical order with characters that are consistent in the story |

|Write with descriptive language |

|Understand importance of setting in a story |

|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our|

|Write a logical, sequential fantasy story |actions?) |

|Use descriptive words/phrases when writing about setting/characters |How do we get important ideas/lessons across in our stories |

|Use features of Leo Lionni’s writing style in their own writing |How do we write our story in an order that makes sense to the reader |

|Use setting in writing |Why is is important to write about problem/solution in our stories |

| |How do we write our stories to sound like a Leo Lionni story |

|Assessment Evidence |

|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |

|Published written story with illustrations like Leo Lionni |should be collected?) |

|Charts created during lessons (characteristics of his stories, character webs, problem/solution, |Writng in writing folder |

|descriptive words) |Conferences |

| |Listening to turn and talk |

| | |

| | |

|Resources |

|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |

|Leo Lionni books |Leo Lionni book basket in library |

|Author Study handbook by Leslie Zackman |Charts created during lessons (see public displays) |

|Date |Lesson 1 |Lesson 2 |Lesson 3 |Lesson 4 |Lesson 5 |

| |CCSS RL 1.9 |CCSS RL 1.7 |CCSS RL 1.3 |R.L 1.7 |R.L 1.7 |

|WEEK 1: |Connect: Last time we talked about|Connect: Yesterday, we were introduced to|Inquiry Instructional Strategy: |Inquiry Instructional Strategy: PARTNER |Readers make noticings about characteristics in |

|Reading Workshop |non-fiction books. Today we are |our cool author Leo Lionni. We practiced|PARTNER READING |READING |Leo Lionni books. |

|IMMERSION WEEK |beginning our INVESTIGATING LEO |identifying the author in our fiction |Connect: Last time, you learned about|Connect: Last time, you learned to tell |*Create a chart with things we notice so far about|

| |LIONNI unit! We are going to be |books. |asking questions to your partner |about the characters to your partners. You|Leo Lionni books. |

|Inquiry Focus |reading fiction books, which are |Teach/Model: |about what the book reminds you of. |are doing a wonderful job! |For examples: characters as animals, spicy words, |

|Question: |made up stories. Teach/Model: |Today, I have a book in my hand titled |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |problem & solution and life lessons. |

|What defines a Leo|Before we read today, lets talk |“It’s Mine”. Hmmm, this title makes me |Today, we are going to have a new |Guess what? Today, we are moving on to |Connect: Last time we learned about searching and |

|Lionni book? |about Leo and his writing/life. |think about the characters. Maybe they |special to ask our partners. Today’s|another special. We are learning more |finding the problem in our stories. Wow, we have |

|Essential |Charted: |are like my brother and I who used to |special question is all about Leo |about Leo Lionni and what makes him a |learned so much this week about Leo Lionni. I |

|Question: |Who is Leo Lionni? (video) |fight and say ITS MINE…NO ITS MINE!! I |Lionni’s favorite character-SWIMMY. |special author. Today, we are going to see|think we are starting to see what makes a Leo |

|How can we teach |-Author/ illustrator |wonder who the characters are? Let me |Our special question is Can you tell |if we can find the answer to this Special |Lionni book special. |

|our students to be|-wrote over 40 kids books |see if this book tells me more about Leo |me about the characters in your |question: What is the problem in your |Teach/Model: |

|deeper readers? |-MOST of his books have |Lionni. Will it tell me more about the |story? |story? Lets see if we can find the problem|Today, we are going to go back to independent |

| |CHARACTERS that are animals |types of books that he writes and |Read aloud the book Swimmy. Model for|in our Leo Lionni story today. Use the read|reading. Now that we looked for the problem in the|

|Activities are |-Problem/Solution |illustrates? Let’s read to find out. |students how to describe SWIMMY. |aloud Swimmy. |story, how about playing detective? Think about |

|more or less |-Lesson to be learned As we get |Active Engagement: Read sections of the |Chart the words that describe Swimmy:|Active Engagement: Have the students turn |this….was there a solution or answer to the |

|created to go |ready to read today, we are going |book It’s Mine. Pause and ask questions |Helpful, Brave, Kind |and talk to their partners about a time |problem in your book? |

|along with |to think about our special author.|about the character. Have the students |Active Engagement: Have the students |they had a problem. What was the problem? |Read aloud the story _________(Choose best Lionni |

|immersing the |Active Engagement: Have students |turn and talk about what they think about|look through the illustrations in |Give real life examples. Use this to |book which shows a clear solution. |

|students in Leo |explore a series of books on their|conflict (when there is a problem) Give |Swimmy. Ask them to make observations|engage the students in the conversation |Active Engagement: |

|Lionni’s work |desks. Include Leo Lionni books |real life examples. Someone bumps you |and record them on the chart. |about what a problem is. Then, move on to |Have students turn and talk to each other about a |

|while thinking |as well as other genres. Students|outside. Or you’re waiting in line and |Link: As you go off to read with your|focus on identify the problems in their |time they resolved a problem they had. What was |

|about the stories.|will sort the books and then |someone cuts in front of you. After the |partners today, think about the |books. |their solution? Hopefully with giving them |

|Students are |explain their reasons. Chart their|read aloud, ask groups to act out the |characters in your book. How can you|Link: As you go off to read with your |real-life examples, they can better identify the |

|introduced to the |responses. This book has |character parts from the book. (Role |describe your character? |partners today, think about Today’s |solution in their fiction books. |

|author Leo Lionni |characters. The animals are |play) Have students try and guess which |Conference: |Special. What is the problem in your |Link: |

|and begin learning|talking. This other book is |part of the book the group is |Conversation Share |story? |As you go off to read independently, think about |

|about his writing |different because… |representing. | |Conference: |whether there is a solution in your book. First |

|and life. |Link: We are going to be reading |Link: Again we will be reading the Leo | |Conversation Share |you have to think the problem, then ask yourself, |

| |Leo Lionni (Frederick) together, |Lionni books together as a class. You | | |was it solved? |

| |but now you will read your own |are going to now read your own books | | |Conference: |

| |books independently. |independently. Think about the | | |Conversation Share |

| |Conference: |characters in your story. How do they | | | |

| |Conversation Share |act? | | | |

| | |Conference | | | |

|Date |Lesson 1 |Lesson 2 |Lesson 3 |Lesson4 |Lesson 5 |

| |w.1.3 w.1.5 L.1.1 L.1.2 |RL.1.3 RL.1.7 w.1.3 w.1.5 L.1.1 | | | |

| | |L.1.2 | | | |

|WEEK 1: |Writers think about what the |What does your character look like and | | | |

|Writing |characters are like in a Leo Lionni |how will we know. |Writers think about what they know |Writers think about a problem in the |Writers make sure to explain how the characters |

|Workshop |story and create one for their own | |about their character and write a |story and write an ending with a solution|are feeling in their story. |

| |story! |Writers like Leo Lionni decide on |problem for their character to have. |describing the action | |

| | |important character traits of their | | | |

|REVISED 2014 |Connect: When we were looking at the |animal character. |Connect: We know how our characters | |Connect: |

| |different Leo Lionni books today we | |look and act like now we are going to |Connect: |Teach/Model: |

| |noticed that most of his books have |Connect: Earlier we worked on creating |think about a problem that they might |Teach/Model: |Active Engagement: |

| |characters that are animals. Today |our own animal character and describing |have. |Active Engagement: |Link: |

| |while we write we are going to create|what they looked like. Well while we were|Teach/Model: I noticed in Leo Lionni’s |Link: |Conference: |

| |animal characters for our own stories|reading Swimmy earlier today I noticed |books that all of the characters that |Conference: |Share: |

| |and tell what they look like. |that Leo Lionni really described what |he writes about, have problems that |Share: | |

| | |Swimmy looked like and acted like. |need solved. Refer to the problems of | | |

| |Teach/Model: Lets look back at | |the different characters (Swimmy-Big | | |

| |Frederick and see how Leo Lionni |Teach/Model: |Fish eating his friends; It’s | | |

| |describes how Fredrick looks. |When we were reading and Leo Lionni was |Mine-Always fighting, Toad mad; Fish is| | |

| |(Read & Chart) |telling us how Swimmy was acting it |Fish-Fish can’t breathe when going to | | |

| |Discuss how Lionni describes how |taught us about Swimmys character. I |see exciting things). Now since we are | | |

| |Fredirck looks. |learned that because Swimmy helped all |trying to create stories just like Leo | | |

| | |the other fish work together to solve a |Lionni I was trying to see how I could | | |

| |Now using Lionni as my guide I am |problem that he was smart and that he was|make my character have a problem just | | |

| |going to try and create an animal of |a good leader. How about when Swimmy… |like Leo Lionni! | | |

| |my own, like you will do at your seat|what does that tell us? |Model creating a problem for the | | |

| |during writers workshop. | |character based upon their character | | |

| |-Model creating a character (sketch, |Today we are going to choose an animal |traits from the previous day. Use | | |

| |looks likeusing graphic organizer |character and create a web of chosen |graphic organizer “Problem & Solution”.| | |

| |provided. |character traits for the animal that we |Model having the character trying to | | |

| | |made. |solve the problem and it not working. | | |

| |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: Turn and talk and tell|Active Engagement: Turn and Talk and | | |

| |Turn and Talk and tell your partner |your partner what kind of character you |tell your partner one problem that you | | |

| |about the character you want to |want your animal to be. Are they nice? |are thinking your character may have. | | |

| |create. What do they look like? What |Are they brave? Tell your partner how you|If your partner can’t think of | | |

| |is their name? |are going to show us this in your writing|anything, ask them about a problem that| | |

| |2-3 share. Reinforce animal as a |later. |they had in their own lives and if | | |

| |character and using Lionni to help |Link: Students choose an animal to be |their character might have that problem| | |

| |you when you’re stuck. |their character and create a web of |too. | | |

| |Link: Go back to seats and use |traits they want for their character. If |Link: Now that you have some good ideas| | |

| |graphic organizer to sketch their |they can they will come up with ideas for|in your brain lets go back to our seats| | |

| |character and list what their |how they can show these characteristics |and come up with a problem for your | | |

| |character looks like. |in their story. |character and ways that they may solve | | |

| |Small group: |Small group: |it! | | |

| |Writing need: |Writing need: |Small group: Adding a problem to our | | |

| |Share: 2-3 students |Share:2-3 students |stories. | | |

| | | |Writing need: | | |

| | | |Share 2-3 students | | |

|Date |Lesson 6 |Lesson 7 |Lesson 8 |Lesson 9 |Lesson 10 |

| |CCSS RL 1.7 |CCSS R.L 1.3 |CCSS R.L 1.3 |CCSS RL 1.3 |CCSS RL 1.6 |

|WEEK 2: |Focus Skill-Sequencing) |Focus: |Inquiry Instructional Strategy: PARTNER|Inquiry Instructional Strategy: |Good Readers read with fluency- They |

|Reading Workshop |Introduce Centers |How does the setting change in the |READING |PARTNER READING |make their reading sound like |

| | |story? |Today’s Special |Today’s Special |talking. |

|Presentation of one |I can put a story in the order so it |Why is the setting important in a Leo|What does the character do? |What is your character doing? Why are|Practice reading scripts for readers |

|book by each group at |makes sense. |Lionni book? |What does the character say? |they doing that? |theater |

|end of week/unit? | | | | |Practice with their small group |

| |What happens First, Next, Then (Then,|Create a mural to show the setting. |Other guiding questions: | |Getting to know our scripts |

|Independent work-- |Then…) Last? | |Why is the character important in the | |Start to read the dialogue |

|Books for centers: | |teach how the setting affects the |book? | | |

|Fish is Fish |Sort the Pictures to show the |problem. |What happened in your story? | | |

|It’s Mine |sequence of the story (using a story | |How are the characters important? | | |

|Swimmy |board or similar graphic organizer). |Guide students to discover that |Why is this character doing that? | | |

|Frederick |-Write out stories in order |settings change. Students will |Its about what the characters are doing| | |

|Cornelius |-glue pictures |actually need to create 2 murals. |and experiencing! | | |

|Alexander and the |-draw pictures | | |Connect: | |

|Wind-Up Mouse |-does it include problem/solution | |Connect: |Teach/Model: | |

| | |settings change |Teach/Model: |Active Engagement: | |

|Readers Theater |Look at your sequence: |-how does it affect the problem |Active Engagement: |Link: | |

|Scripts--10 line |Which pictures show the problem? |-create setting |Link: |Conference: | |

|dialogue with at least|Which pictures show the solution? | |Conference: |Share: |Connect: |

|4 characters (one | | |Share: | |Teach/Model: |

|should have five) |Embed within Read aloud: | | | |Active Engagement: |

| |Readers notice more about Leo Lionni | | | |Link: |

| |books | | | |Conference: |

| |Talk about the character traits for | | | |Share: |

| |the book “Swimmy”. | | | | |

| |Examples: SHY, EXCITED, BRAVE, |Connect: | | | |

| |LONElY, LEADER…… |Teach/Model: | | | |

| | |Active Engagement: | | | |

| |Connect: |Link: | | | |

| |Teach/Model: |Conference: | | | |

| |Active Engagement: |Share: | | | |

| |Link: | | | | |

| |Conference: | | | | |

| |Share: | | | | |

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|Date |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |Lesson |1-12-11 |1-13-11 |1-14-11 |

|WEEK 2: |Writers like Leo Leonni think about |Writers like Leo Leonni think about |Writers like Leo Leonni think about |Writers like Leo Leonni recognize how|Writers like Leo Leonni recognize how|

|Writing Workshop |the problem that their character |the solution to the problem that |their whole story before beginning to |he begins each of his stories by |he describes the characters and their|

| |could encounter in their story. |their character could encounter in |write. Writers can organize all of |describing the setting of the story |day to day activities and add it to |

| | |their story. |their ideas onto a story web |and begin their story by describing |their stories. |

| |Connect: | | |the setting. Leo Lionni also | |

| |Teach/Model: Create a T-chart with |Connect: |Connect: |introduces the characters after | |

| |problem solution. Today focus only |Teach/Model: Work on the solution |Teach/Model: Create a story web based |describing the setting. |Connect: |

| |on possible problems that your |side to the T-chart |on the character you chose, and the | |Teach/Model: use a few books to |

| |character can encounter. Remember |Active Engagement: Students work on |problem solution you decided on. Also |Connect: |demonstrate his wording |

| |what your animal is and what problems|the solutions to the problems they |include on the web the setting, other |Teach/Model: Use a few books to |Active Engagement: |

| |can be logical to your animal, or |wrote on their personal T-chart |characters…. |demonstrate his style of |Link: |

| |social problems. |Link: |Active Engagement: Students will create|introductions |Conference: |

| |Active Engagement:Students work on |Conference: |their own story web based on their work|Active Engagement: |Share: |

| |their own T-chart deciding on |Share: |during the week, and new ideas. |Link: | |

| |possible problems for their animal | |Link: |Conference: |remind students to use their |

| |Link: | |Conference: |Share: |character chart when describing their|

| |Conference: | |Share: | |character |

| |Share: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Date |Lesson 6 |lesson 7 |lesson 8 |lesson 9 |lesson 10 |

|WEEK 2: | | | | | |

|Reading Workshop |Characters are in a setting. Where |Readers notice the problems that a |Readers notice that there are solutions|Readers notice that the problems that|Readers notice that there are |

| |are they what does it look like? |character faces in the story. They |to problems in stories. |a character faces in the story. They|solutions to problems in stories. |

| | |can identify the problem. |They can identify the solution in the |can identify the problem in the |They can identify the solution in the|

| |Talk about the character traits for |*Using the book Swimmy. |story. |story, |story. |

| |the book “Swimmy”. | |*Using the book Swimmy. |* The Biggest House in the World |* The Biggest House in the World |

| |Examples: SHY, EXCITED, BRAVE, |Connect: | |Connect: | |

| |LONElY, LEADER…… |Teach/Model: |Connect: |Teach/Model: | |

| |Connect: |Active Engagement: |Teach/Model: |Active Engagement: |Connect: |

| |Teach/Model: |Link: |Active Engagement: |Link: |Teach/Model: |

| |Active Engagement: |Conference: |Link: |Conference: |Active Engagement: |

| |Link: |Share: |Conference: |Share: |Link: |

| |Conference: | |Share: | |Conference: |

| |Share: | | | |Share: |

| | | | | | |

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Characters are in a setting. Where are they what does it look like?

|Date |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |1-10-11 |1-11-11 |1-12-11 |1-13-11 |1-14-11 |

|WEEK 2: |Writers like Leo Leonni think about |Writers like Leo Leonni think about |Writers like Leo Leonni think about |Writers like Leo Leonni recognize how|Writers like Leo Leonni recognize how|

|Writing Workshop |the problem that their character |the solution to the problem that |their whole story before beginning to |he begins each of his stories by |he describes the characters and their|

| |could encounter in their story. |their character could encounter in |write. Writers can organize all of |describing the setting of the story |day to day activities and add it to |

| | |their story. |their ideas onto a story web |and begin their story by describing |their stories. |

| |Connect: | | |the setting. Leo Leonni also | |

| |Teach/Model: Create a T-chart with |Connect: |Connect: |introduces the characters after | |

| |problem solution. Today focus only |Teach/Model: Work on the solution |Teach/Model: Create a story web based |describing the setting. |Connect: |

| |on possible problems that your |side to the T-chart |on the character you chose, and the | |Teach/Model: use a few books to |

| |character can encounter. Remember |Active Engagement: Students work on |problem solution you decided on. Also |Connect: |deomonstrate his wording |

| |what your animal is and what problems|the solutions to the problems they |include on the web the setting, other |Teach/Model: Use a few books to |Active Engagement: |

| |can be logical to your animal, or |wrote on their personal T-chart |characters…. |demonstrate his style of |Link: |

| |social problems. |Link: |Active Engagement: Students will create|introductions |Conference: |

| |Active Engagement:Students work on |Conference: |their own story web based on their work|Active Engagement: |Share: |

| |their own T-chart deciding on |Share: |during the week, and new ideas. |Link: | |

| |possible problems for their animal | |Link: |Conference: |remind students to use their |

| |Link: | |Conference: |Share: |character chart when describing their|

| |Conference: | |Share: | |character |

| |Share: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Date |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |1-17-11 |1-18-11 |1-19-11 |1-20-11 |1-21-11 |

|WEEK 3: |No School |Readers can empathize with |As we study Leo Lionni’s books we | As we continue in the author study |As we continue to study Leo Lionni we|

|Reading Workshop |MLKJR |characters. They think about how |notice that we come away from the |we notice how Leo Lionni develops |notice the language that he uses |

| | |they would feel if they were the |stories having strong feelings about |settings in his stories. |really helps to make the stories come|

| | |characters in the story because it |the characters. That's because Leo |Teach/Model: Look through several |alive. |

| | |helps them to understand the story |Lionni develops his characters with the|books and notice the different | |

| | |better. |thought about how a reader might |settings in the stories and how it |Teach/model: Look at the juicy/spicy |

| | | |empathize with that character. Today we|supports character development and |words in the setting to give examples|

| | |Title: Cornelius |are going to look at what Leo Lionni |problem and solution. |to the students. |

| | |Connect: |does to make us have strong feelings | |Titles: |

| | |Teach/Model: Today I want to show |for Cornelius. | |Swimmy |

| | |you how readers can have empathy for |Title: Cornelius | |Connect: |

| | |characters while they are reading. In|Connect: | |Teach/Model: |

| | |the beginning when Cornelius was able|Teach/Model: In Cornelius I notice the | |Active Engagement: |

| | |to walk upright – the other |craft that Lionni uses that makes me | |Link: |

| | |crocodiles didn’t even care. If I |empathize with Cornelius. | |Conference: |

| | |were Cornelius I would feel upset |Ex. Right away I am able to empathize | |Share: |

| | |that nobody cared. I remember when I|with Cornelius because of the | | |

| | |first learned how to ride my bike and|illustration I see that he looks | | |

| | |I was so proud of myself. When I told|different than the other crocodiles. I| | |

| | |my best friend Hania she said, "Who |understand how he feels different. | | |

| | |care? Bikes are silly!". That made |Later on in the story, Leo Lionni | | |

| | |me feel upset just like Cornelius |develops Cornelius's character and we | | |

| | |must have felt. |find out that he is proud of the | | |

| | |Show another example: And so one day |different things he is able to do. He | | |

| | |Cornelius angrily decided to walk |gives specific details about what he | | |

| | |away……… |can do. That makes me think about the | | |

| | | |good things I am able to do that I feel| | |

| | |Link: |proud about so I understand how | | |

| | |Conference: |Cornelius feels. | | |

| | |Share: |Could go back into other books and see | | |

| | | |if Lionni does something else to make | | |

| | | |us empathize with his characters | | |

| | | |Active Engagement: | | |

| | | |Link: | | |

| | | |Conference: | | |

| | | |Share: | | |

|Date |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |1-17-11 |1-18-11 |1-19-11 |1-20-11 |1-21-11 |

|WEEK 3: |No School |Writers like Leo Leonni work on |Writers like Leo Leonni write a |Writers like Leo Leonni use spicy |Leo Lionni uses the technique of… |

|Writing Workshop |MLKJR |writing the problem that the |solution to the problem that their |words to paint a picture for the |Connect: |

| | |character encounters into the story |character encounters. |reader |Teach/Model: |

| | | | | |Active Engagement: |

| | |Connect: | | |Link: |

| | |Teach/Model: | | |Conference: |

| | |Active Engagement: |Connect: | |Share: |

| | |Link: |Teach/Model: |Connect: | |

| | |Conference: |Active Engagement: |Teach/Model: | |

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|Date |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |1-24-11 |1-25-11 |1-26-11 |1-27-11 |1-28-11 |

|WEEK 4: |Leo Lionni chooses words that are |Readers come to the text with |Readers pause and ponder to consider |Readers pause and ponder to consider |Readers can explore big ideas while |

|Reading Workshop |descriptive and fresh to help paint a|everything they know about the topic |new ideas while they are reading |new ideas while they are reading |they are reading and make personal |

| |picture in our minds |already in their minds. It could be |because it helps to stop and think a |because it helps to stop and think a |connections to help with |

| | |a memory, information they know about|little bit and either make a new |little bit and either make a new |understanding the big ideas |

| |Connect: |the topic or a connection to that |connection or add new information to |connection or add new information to | |

| |Teach/Model: |topic in some way. Readers use that |what they already understand |what they already understand |Connect: |

| |Active Engagement: |background knowledge while they are | | |Teach/Model: It’s Mine - model |

| |Link: |reading to help make meaning |Connect: | |Wouldn’t share in the beginning |

| |Conference: | |Teach/Model: Tico –pause and ponder | |Shared in the end |

| |Share: |Connect: |Active Engagement: |Connect: | |

| | |Teach/Model: Fish is Fish Pick a book|Link: |Teach/Model: |Active Engagement: |

| | |and tell everything you know about |Conference: |Active Engagement: |Fish is Fish |

| | |the book before reading to show how |Share: |Link: |Being happy with what you have |

| | |that helps you as a reader – might | |Conference: |Being content with who you are |

| | |come across words you know – just | |Share: |Turn and Talk with a partner to |

| | |from thinking about what you already | | |discuss connections |

| | |know | | |Link: Important to try this |

| | |Active Engagement: | | |independently |

| | |Link: | | |Conference: |

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|Date |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |1-24-11 |1-25-11 |1-26-11 |1-27-11 |1-28-11 |

|WEEK 4: |Leo Lionni uses the technique of… |Writers edit their work |Writers draft an "about the author" |Writers publish |Writers celebrate |

|Writing Workshop |Connect: | |blurb | | |

| |Teach/Model: |Connect: |Connect: |Connect: |Connect: |

| |Active Engagement: |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |Teach/Model: |

| |Link: |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: |Active Engagement: |

| |Conference: |Link: |Link: |Link: |Link: |

| |Share: |Conference: |Conference: |Conference: |Conference: |

| | |Share: |Share: |Share: |Share: |

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