• Each square is worth 5, 10 or 25 points.

• If each member of your team strikes out 25 squares, your team will get an additional 100 points!!

• If you get a BLACKOUT, your name will go into a drawing for a PRIZE!!!!

• Contest runs Feb. 1 thru Feb. 29

• Turn in your completed Bingo cards to Pam Tesch or Laura Schaber

|Eat one new fruit that|No junk food* today. |30 minutes of |Stretch for 5 minutes|Eat a healthy |Try a new healthy |

|you have never tried. | |exercise, 3 days in a|after each workout |breakfast every day |recipe |

|Write it down. | |row |this month |for one week |this month* |

|Don’t use your mobile |Put a 10# sack of |Jump rope for 5 |Dance for at least 30|Relax, read a good |Eat at least 5 |

|phone while driving |sugar in a backpack |minutes –10 days of |minutes |book on your own or |servings of fruits |

|today |and walk one mile |the month |anytime this month |with a child |and vegetables today |

|No fried food for one |20 minutes of |Eat a meal made with |Complete 20 push ups-|Enjoy a glass of hot |Gather with your team|

|week. |strength training |only non-processed |4 times this month |tea |members and do |

| |4 times this month |foods | |one day this month |something fun! |

|Valentine’s Day- Drink|Drink 8 glasses of |Super Bowl Challenge*|Make a green |Go to the Farmers |No pop for one week. |

|or eat something red! |water each day for |--see below for |smoothie* and drink |Market or a local | |

|Kiss or hug someone! |one week. |details |it |Coop or Good Food | |

| | | | |Store** | |

|Wash/sanitize your |Get 8 hours of sleep |Limit caffeine to no |Visit the Health Desk|Do 20 |Eat one new veggie |

|hands before each meal|three days in a row |more than four cups |and take your blood |sit-ups |that you have never |

|today. | |of coffee today |pressure |4 times this month |tried. Write it |

| | | |twice this month | |down. |

*If it is not listed on the food pyramid, it is a junk food!

* Bonus points given if you attach a copy of your healthy recipe to this Bingo card

* Google “green smoothie”—you will find a galore of good recipes!

* Lacrosse 

Rochester - ttp://

Winona - Bluff County Coop Store 

Farmers Market in Rochester 

*Super Bowl Challenge= 20 jumping jacks for each touchdown

10 push-ups or sit-ups for each field goal

20 squats for each safety


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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