School District 87 (Stikine)

Writing Assessment Process for Intermediate and Secondary Teachers

1) Present Big Idea (learning outcome related) and discuss to ensure understanding

2) Present Final Task and Writing Prompt (topic)

STAGE ONE (keep in mind three selections may not be required and quantity of reading selections can vary based on grade level)

3) Present Literature and for each selection have students read, partner discuss and record ideas in relevant spaces in the Student Writing Assessment Booklet


4) Discuss criteria for good writing and record on board. Ask students to complete appropriate ‘box’/section in booklet

5) Partner talk to discuss many forms of writing to meet criteria and assignment. Report out and remind students that poetry in NOT an option in this case. Have students complete the appropriate section of the booklet.

6) Have students individually think for a moment about possible topics to address the prompt. Allow partner talk then full class discussion to share ideas. Have students complete the next box in booklet.

7) Guide students to brainstorm ideas for their response to the prompt/topic. Allow reasonable time and work one-to-one if necessary. Have students share with partners then add new ideas (if any) in the next box in the booklet. Consider optional ‘draw’ space to plan.

8) Ask students to contemplate a writing goal (may review criteria) and record it in the next box in the booklet.

9) Complete STAGE TWO: Reflections by having students consider their thinking during this class and record reflections in the next box in the booklet.


10) Provide 45 minutes for students to complete written response in appropriate space in the booklet.


11) Once finished, ask students to complete the ‘after writing’ reflections.

12) Page 5 in the writing booklet may need to be revised, depending on the class and teacher decisions about criteria. The T-Chart causes students to assess their response in relation to established criteria and how well they met the criteria.


13) Establish a team to assess the written responses using Grade appropriate Performance Standards for Impromptu Writing. In the event this is done for Grades 11 and 12, use the Provincial Scale for Personal Response Writing from Grade 12 Provincial Exam assessments (or better yet, develop a rubric that supports assessment FOR learning and use it).


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