Grade 9 Applied Course Work:

Grade 9 Applied


____ 3x paragraphs of your choice (typed 12pt. font in full sentences and edited include all rough and good copies attached)

____ 3x short story answers to questions (typed 12pt. font in full sentences and edited include all rough and good copies attached)

____ Your best test (fully answered with all mistakes corrected – Short Story, R&J, of Mice and Men)

____ 1x newspaper article (must have a headline, picture with caption, and 5Ws typed 12pt. font in full sentences and edited include all rough and good copies attached)

____ Romeo & Juliet Journal entry & mask (rough &good copy, typed 12pt. font and edited, typed paragraph explaining your mask’s theme)

____ Romeo & Juliet Act 1, 2, 3 &4 question worksheets (rough copy and typed good copy, neatly presented, using full sentences)

____ Poetry Wall project (good copies presented on Bristol board)

____ 2x media reading answers to questions (typed 12pt. font in full sentences and edited include all rough and good copies attached)

____ Novel Study – reading log and all Q-chart questions for each chapter.

____ Of Mice and Men essay (good copy, typed 12pt. font using MLA format)

____ Personal Essay (from start of school) and Final course Reflection (all rough

copies plus typed good copies).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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