Naples American High School

Naples American High School

Course Syllabus

|Course Name: |Algebra MAA301 |DoDEA Course Description Website: |

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|Textbook |Larson Algebra 1 | |

|Teacher Name: |Ms. Brandon | |

|Phone Number: |629-4502 | |

|Planning Periods: |1st and 7th | |

| Location: |223 | |

|Philosophy |

|The purpose of this course is to allow the student to gain mastery in working with and evaluating mathematical expressions, |

|equations, graphs, and other topics in a year long algebra course. |

|Materials |

|Notebook |

|Writing Utensils |

|Grading Policy |

|A |90-100 |

|B |80-89 |

|C |70-79 |

|D |60-69 |

|F |59 or below |

|Assessment |

|Students will demonstrate their knowledge through tests, homework assignments, hands-on demonstrations, projects, and reflections. |

|Homework |

|Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and checked for completion. 5 points is given for full completion, 2.5 for partial and|

|a 0 for no attempt. Quizzes are given after the homework assignment has been corrected to measure comprehension. Quizzes are |

|also worth 5 points. This will be a total of 10 points possible and identified in gradespeed as HW/Quiz and the section number. |

|Late Work Policy |

|Make-up work due to an excused absence can be made up for full credit. |

|Tutoring/ Extra Help |

|Students may receive help from other students in class or schedule an appointment with the teacher. Students may seek assistance |

|during seminar. |

|Classroom Management |

|Students will follow school regulations as outlined in the parent/student handbook. |

|Students will show respect to themselves, their peers and their teacher. |

|Students will not in any way engage in behavior which disrupts or hinders student achievement for themselves or others. |

|Additional Information |

|When a student misbehaves, I may give him/her a warning. If the behavior continues or is of a more serious nature, a consequence |

|will be administered and the parents notified. This might be a detention, lunch detention, removal from the group activity, etc. |

|When an offense becomes more serious and a student refuses to comply, the student will be referred to a counselor or administrator.|

|Content Outline |

|The course will review many topics, including: |

|Variables and Expressions |

|Real Numbers |

|Equations |

|Functions and Linear Equations |

|Inequalities |

|Solving Systems |

|Polynomials |

|Rational Expressions |

|Exponentials |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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