Chemistry Syllabus

Biology Syllabus



Upon completion of this course all students will have a basic understanding of the development and study of Biology. Concepts covered will be: nature of science and scientific methods, cellular structure as the basis of life, chemistry of life, heredity and cellular reproduction, evolution and classification, and ecology. In addition discussions of the ecological consequences human activities and choices will be included.


Students will be required to take and maintain class notes and do follow-up reading at home on material presented in class discussion. Students will be expected to complete labs, and produce write-ups of their general findings. Material will be presented online, so students will be required to view and take notes on materials available at my website: . Students will of course be expected to study for, take, and pass a series of tests to demonstrate their comprehension of material covered in each of a series of 12 major units. A comprehensive Semester Final will be given.

|Unit One – 2 weeks |Unit 7 – 2.5 weeks |

|Chapter 1 |Chapter 8 |

|Biology – Study of Life |Mendel and Heredity |

| | |

|Chapter 2 -2 weeks |Unit 8 – 2 weeks |

|Chemistry of Life |Chapter 9 |

| |DNA – The Genetic Material |

|Unit 2 - 2 weeks | |

|Chapters 3 |Unit 9 –2 weeks |

|Cell Structure |Chapter 10 |

| |How Proteins Are Made |

|Unit 3 – 2 weeks | |

|Chapter 4 |Unit 10 – 2.5 weeks |

|Cells and their Envirnoment |Chapter 11 |

| |Gene Technology |

|Unit 4 – 2 weeks | |

|Chapter 5 |Unit 11 – 2 weeks |

|Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration |Chapter 12-13 |

| |History of Life on Earth and |

|Unit 5 -2 weeks |The Theory of Evolution |

|Chapter 6 | |

|Chromosomes and Cell Reproduction |Unit 12 – 2 weeks |

| |Chapter 14 |

|Unit 6 – 2 weeks |Classification of Organisms |

|Chapter 7 | |

|Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction |*All times allotted are approximate. |

|Unit 13 – 2 weeks | |

|Ecology | |

|Current Issues in Biology |*All times allotted are approximate. |

|Teacher Name: Mr. Robert E. Gilbertson |

Contact Information

|E-mail: |

|Website: |

|Phone: 017-021-66214(cell) 499-382-3196947 (h) |

|Planning Period: A4 and B2 |


|Room 129 |


|Students should gain a deep respect for, and an understanding of, the fundamental laws which govern the biological world. They |

|should also gain an understanding of the relationship between biology and their everyday lives. This course will prepare the |

|student for Physics, Chemistry, College and life in the world at large. Therefore students should realize that there will be |

|regular homework and frequent testing. |


|DoDEA Grading Scale: |

|90-100 = A |

|= B |

|= C |

|60-69 = D |

|59 or below = F |

|Weekly grade reports will be sent to parents at the beginning of each week. |


|Tests scores for a quarter will be averaged and count as 40% of the total grade for that quarter. This grade will be added to the |

|homework and quiz grades to determine the final quarter grade. Grades for each assessment will be curved based on the average of |

|the top two scores, or 90% of the possible, whichever is higher. Students who experience an unexpected absence on a test day will |

|be expected to make up the test before or after school on the first day following the absence. If the student has a planned absence|

|for a school function or athletic event the student is encouraged to complete work in advance, tests should be taken before the |

|planned absence. Plan ahead. |

| |

|All tests will be completed in one session, this means that when the bell rings you must turn in the test. If you know you will be |

|leaving during a test day then you must make alternative arrangements before starting the test. |

| |

|Re-takes are allowed on tests and quizzes, if arranged within 2 school days of the return of the test. The retake will be taken |

|either before or after school or during Seminar. The maximum score that can be achieved on a re-take of a test is 80% and up to |

|100% on Quizzes. Alternate forms of the test may be used. |


|Homework is an integral part of this class and may require some online work. All homework, such as labs and study guides, are |

|assumed to contribute to a greater understanding of the subject matter. Failure to complete assignments will result in difficulty |

|understanding some concepts. 40% of the quarter grade will be determined by scores on homework. An additional 20% will be |

|determined by in class quizzes that may be given to demonstrate understanding of specific concepts covered by the homework. |


|Late work will be accepted only one school day late, for a 10% reduction in score, If turned in two days class it will receive a |

|20% reduction (in addition to points lost due to poor quality work). Any work turned in after that must be done after school or |

|during seminar in the chemistry room, and will be given 50% credit. Any work turned in after the associated test has been taken (or|

|if the assignment has been graded and returned) will not be accepted. Exception: if an assignment is late due to an “unexpected” |

|absence it will be accepted for full credit on the first school day the student returns to school. No other exceptions. If a |

|student is going to be absent for a school function or athletic event students are expected to get all assignments before the |

|student leaves. Plan ahead. |

| |

|It is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments were missed during an absence. All work is posted on my |

|website so it can be accessed, study guides and labs can be downloaded and printed at home. Lost assignments can also be recovered |

|online. A student who is absent will not be given any more time to complete the assigned task than the rest of the class (for full |

|credit). Exception: in the case of an extended illness students will need to make special arrangements with the instructor. Failure|

|to follow these rules will result in work being classified as late. All discussion of make-up work will occur before or after |

|school or during Seminar, not during class time. Labs will be made up before or after school or during Seminar (only by special |

|arrangement). |

| |

|All assignments will be posted to my website by COB the day they are assigned; and will be accessible from the school web site. |

| |


|I am available before school (0730), during Seminar, or after school most days. Students should schedule specific times to meet |

|with me to avoid conflicts. Students experiencing problems with homework are encouraged to call me at home before 10:00PM for help |

|(09-382-3196947). Students should also call to set up appointments before school to ensure I will be there. |


|Property – keep hands and other body parts off of others’ stuff |

|Rights – each student is responsible for his/her own behavior and as such will be held accountable for his/her actions. |

|Opinions – everyone has their own, and though they do not agree with yours, you will be expected to be tolerant and respectful of |

|others. |

|If the teacher is talking you should not be. You do not have the right to deprive your neighbors of an education. |

|Stay in your seat during instructional time. |

|Students are expected to be prepared for class every day, so bring your homework, books, binder, pen/pencils, good work habits and |

|good attitudes to class every day. Failure to do so is the number one cause of problems in this course. |

|Food and drinks are not permitted in the lab. However, a clear water bottle with a lid is permitted on hot days only. |

|Students should make constructive use of class time. On rare occasions when there is any “downtime” between assignments, student |

|will be expected to work on Study Guide or complete homework assignments. Student work should begin and end with the bell. |

| |


|How each person behaves is a CHOICE. If a situation arises which disrupts the learning atmosphere, the following actions will be |

|taken: |

|1st offense: verbal warning |

|2nd offense: 30 minute after school detention |

|3rd offense: 60 minute after school detention and parent/guardian contact |

|4th offense: Referral to the office and parent/guardian contact |

|Failure to meet a detention will result in moving to the next offense level. |

|Offenses are cumulative throughout the school year. |

|Students should arrive in class promptly and with the necessary materials. |

|Students must be prepared to function in a mature and orderly fashion. Chemistry Applications is a rigorous academic course; it is |

|imperative that every student demonstrate an ability to moderate his/her own behavior. |

|Students are expected to conduct themselves honestly.   |

|Dishonest work (plagiarizing, copying from other students, etc) will receive no credit and a referral to the office.   This |

|includes labs, projects, tests/quizzes and regular assignments.  If I suspect with reason that you are involved in copying the work|

|of others, all parties involved will lose credit.  |

|If I suspect that there is wholesale copying of assignments, an unannounced quiz over the material may be substituted for the |

|assignment. |

|All students in the class will be expected to participate in the quiz. |


The following should be brought to class each day, by each student!: #2 pencil or pen (black or dark blue only), Paper for Note taking and Quizzes, Study Guide, Textbook or Copy of unit handouts, notes from viewed online materials, and calculator as needed.


This contract will be kept on file to maintain that all parties are aware of expectations and responsibilities.

I, ___________________________, have read and understand the Chemistry Applications Syllabus. I know that it is my responsibility to keep up with the rigor of the program. I know that it is my responsibility to continually monitor my progress and make the mature decision to seek out extra help during Seminar Class and/or afterschool. I know that it is both my parent’s and my responsibility to check GradeSpeed online regularly and contact the teacher directly if there are any concerns or discrepancies.

__________________________________ ________________________________

Student Signature Date

__________________________________ ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Name___________________________________________________

Please Print – Last, First

Phone Number _________________________________ (cell) (home) (work)

Parents Contact E-Mail _________________________________

One that is checked regularly



Note to parent               

Any information you give me will be held in the strictest confidence. This information will be used to provide weekly e-mail grade reports. If at any time you should feel the need to contact me please use my e-mail address: (                                            


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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