INFORMATION FOR Lyla Nabulsi’s ESL classes - SY 2014-15WIESBADEN MIDDLE SCHOOLGRADING POLICY: In alignment with DODDS policyA - 100-90B - 89-80C - 79-70D - 69-60F - 59-0 GRADING CATEGORIES FOR ESL %Class work, ticket out, homework 10Composition – paragraphs, reports30Quizzes20Tests30Reading Logs 10HOMEWORK:Daily - All students are to read 20-30 minutes each night. They are to log the date, beginning page, ending page, title of book and summation on the reading log. The parent is to sign the form to verify the student has read 10 out of 14 days. There will be four reading logs due each quarter. Not handing them in is not an option.When not completed in class – any classroom activity not completed in class due to student being disruptive must be completed as homework. Parent will be notified.CLASSROOM MANGEMENT:Basic rule: Be in the right place at the right time with the right materials and the right attitude.Specific rules: Student shouldUse the bathroom and get a drink of water or a bottle of water before entering room. If emergencies occur, students need to quickly tell the teacher and go to the restroom. If student needs to see the nurse, a referral form must be completed by the teacher and handed to the student. Be in assigned seat with pencil sharpened and all needed materials for class (notebook, text when it applies, reading material) ready when the bell rings; when the student is tardy, it will be marked as such in ASPEN. Three tardies constitute an administrative lunch detention.Do not borrow necessary materials from other students; have your own materials or ask your teacherBegin your daily “Edit It” activity when you sit downWrite down all homework assignments listed on the board in your planner. Decide if you place homework due in your planner on the date assigned or date due or both. Be consistent.Look over POD projected on screen and follow instructionsHand-in any and all assignments due in the appropriate file Raise hand to be called on and respect others when speaking by not interrupting themAsk permission to sharpen pencil during classReplace any borrowed teacher’s or school’s materials. This includes the computers, listening center CD’s, CD players and books. Suspension of use of these materials will result if items are not handled properly. Compartmentalize any problems or playful activity by keeping these outside the classroom; focus on class activities and keep hands to him/herself.If leaving the room is necessary, sign out by the door and take magnetic pass.If an assignment is completed before other students are finished, read/utilize the materials located on the table in “baskets.”Check grades on GRADESPEED during seminar and make up all missing work.Keep all graded work in your notebook for the quarter or in a folder stored in your teacher’s room in case a grade is not recorded or is recorded incorrectly; bring the paper to the teacher to have grade corrected; In addition, check the NO NAME file for missing work if you know you did the work but have no grade or a 0When absent, check GRADESPEED and with teacher to determine what was missed; make up as soon as possible. Most work is attached to the assignment on GRADESPEED.Raise hand to ask questions or move around in the roomMake arrangements with parents to stay after school any night for extra help for this class or any other that I can help you with. I stay until at least 15:45 Tuesday-Thursday and later on Monday and Friday.Follow all rules and procedures when there is a substitute teacher Quiet down when gong is hit or teacher claps three timesStop all activities to hear announcements Talk quietly and respectfully when working in a group; share work equally. Bring problems with other students to the teacher by asking to talk outside or after schoolDo not bully other students or allow yourself to be bullied. Report all incidents not seen by the teacher to the teacher immediately.If there is a fire drill or other class interruption that requires the class to be in the hall or leave the building, follow in a line and do not talk.Check my webpage daily for handouts CONSEQUENCES OF DISOBEYING RULES: For excessive talking, not turning in work, or disrespectful behavior toward teacher/student/equipment.WarningLunch detention either that day or the next, depending on the time of day. If lunch detention is the next day, the student needs to bring lunch and stay in with teacher. Parent will be emailed. When the student wastes an excessive amount of class time by not staying on task and completing work, the parent will be called for permission to keep the student after school for one hour to make up work not completed that day.Written explanation of incident by student to be taken to parent and have signed and returnedParent emailed and asked to assistStudent sent to Mr. PondParent conference requestedREQUIRED SUPPLIES:AVID notebook with a section for this class. In the front of the notebook, the student needs a folder into which (s)he places homework needing completing on the left side and completed homework on the right side. This procedure helps the student stay organized and remember to complete and hand-in homework. It avoids losing homework stuffed in a book bag.Small composition booksHighlightersScissorsGlue stickErasersPens and pencilsPlannerRulerREQUEST FROM TEACHER TO PARENTAlert the teacher of any trips planned and if the Internet will be accessible while away. Students must complete all work assigned during the time gone either before leaving or upon return. According to DODDS’s policy, the student has the same number of days to make up work as (s)he missed. The teacher will have a website to consult and all assignments will be attached on GRADESPEED.Alert the teacher of any illnesses or special accommodations the student needs either continuously or for a short period of time. This includes any kidney problems the student may have and allergies. DAILY ROUTINE FOR ESL CLASSESTake care of personal needs before classBe in seat with materials ready to work when bell ringsBegin journal immediately Teacher takes rollTake out planner and write down homework; remember to always complete reading log.Go through class activities:Go over “Edit It”Daily Oral LanguageDaily or weekly idiomDaily/weekly analogyBegin that day’s activities which may varyLook up vocabulary and write in vocabulary notebook (definitions and other activities)Vocabulary SMARTBOARD activityGuided readingComputer activityWriting in journalGroup activityOral reportsCornell Notes over PowerPoint presentationsGroup readingBrain Pop activitiesSTUDY SKILLS INCORPORATED IN CLASS ACTIVITIES: Students will learnHighlighting (who, what, when, where, how, why) in non-fiction and fiction readingsCornell notes over text and readingsGuided reading; marking and charting the textVocabulary techniques: flashcards, diagrams, SMARTBOARD activities, context clues and embeddingOutlining reading material from textParental responsibility: supply student with a specific time and distraction free place to study.ASSIGNMENTS:Always posted in GRADESPEED, Google Aps, and mrsnabulsi.Assignments will includeDate due (sometimes this might be extended, but usually not)Explanation (Often this includes a template which the student should follow)Rubric (The expectations/how the student will be graded. It is very important for the student to read the rubric before, during and after the assignment to make sure the student meets all expectations)Type of assignment: PowerPoint, WORD documentPossible templateCOMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS:Problems with incomplete work or behavior will be communicated immediatelyGrades emailed by Friday after second week of classPowerPoint of completed work and of week to come on websitesLinks on ESL - : mrsnabulsi. and Google Aps/DRIVE/Shared with Me and calendarGRADESPEED including assignments attachedMy email address: My telephone at school: 0611-7052240 Ext. 2578My planning periods: Blue Days: 7:30-9:15 Gold Days: 7:30-9:15I, ________________________________________, parent/guardian of _________________________ have read and understand all materials on this information sheet and letter. My email is ______________________________________.Parent Signature _____________________________________ Student ________________________________ Date__________ ................

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