Español 3060: Gramática y composición


Department of Foreign Languages

Fall 2012



MWF 12:30-1:20pm

Elizabeth Hall 106

Instructor: Dr. Isabel Asensio

Office: EH 230

Office Hours: Mondays 10am-12pm; Tuesdays & Thursdays 1-2pm; or by appointment

Office Phone: 626-6777


Course description and learning outcomes

The main objective of this course is to teach the student to write a composition in Spanish that is well organized, well planned and that exhibits a solid grammatical basis. The purpose of these writing assignments will be to demonstrate that the student understands and knows how to work within the four basic functions of discourse: description, narration, exposition and argumentation. The student will also be introduced to the concept of writing as a process and will have the opportunity of working in peer writing groups, receiving feedback and giving feedback. By the end of the semester, the student should feel more confident about writing a text in Spanish.

In order to achieve these objectives, there will be various writing exercises in class as well as group work and discussions. The student will write several rough drafts and we will approach writing as a process rather than as a one-time assignment. In order to solidify grammar skills, there will be various reviews of the grammar most pertinent to each specific function of discourse. In order to help the student be exposed as much as possible to the target language, only Spanish will be spoken in the classroom.

The class will focus on the study of the Spanish-speaking world. The compositions that the student will write will have Hispanic culture as a main theme. Whichever country or culture the student decides to study, it is recommended that the student start reading newspapers as soon as possible and exploring current events that relate to his/her topic of interest (especially for compositions 3 and 4) in order to be well-informed about the latest news. Starting the research now will give the student a solid basis when the time comes to write the expository and the argumentative essays.

Course materials

[pic]Valdés, Dvorak, and Hannum, Composición: Proceso y síntesis, quinta edición.

Course Requirements

• Compositions: The student will write four compositions, typed and double-spaced, of 400 – 500 words. Accents and tildes will need to be included. No hand-written rough drafts (borradores) or final drafts (composiciones) will be accepted. The final drafts (80 points) will be handed in along with the rough drafts and revisions (20 points) utilized to complete the final project (100 points). Make sure that you keep all the notes, materials and rough draft that you use during the creative process.

Composición 1: Describe a person or a place from a Spanish-speaking country. You need to be personally acquainted with the person or place.

Composición 2: Narrate an anecdote, story or event of something that happened to you in a place related to the Spanish-speaking world.

Composición 3: Expose, utilizing an objective perspective, an issue, whether social, political, environmental, etc., framed within Spain, Latin America or the Hispanic community in the United States.

Composición 4: Write an argumentative essay about an issue, whether social, political, environmental, etc., framed within Spain, Latin America or the Hispanic community in the United States.

Once the student receives his/her final draft back from your instructor, the student has the chance to rewrite the final essay for a maximum of 10 extra points (essays that receive a grade of 90-100 points are not eligible for this option).

• Preparation and participation: Daily attendance is required. Consistent and enthusiastic participation in class is expected. The student will receive 5 points each day for attendance and participation. In order to participate in class, students should arrive on time each day with their assignments prepared. They should actively participate in all class activities, using the Spanish language. Failure to do so, or consistently relying on English to communicate, will result in the loss of credit. During each class period the instructor will evaluate the students’ level of preparation and participation and will give credit according to performance. Needless to say, if the student is absent, the student will get 0 points for class participation that day.

• Exams: There will be four short exams based on the corresponding grammar section for the function of discourse.

• Peer Review Groups (Grupos de consulta): The student will participate in Peer Review Groups (Grupos de consulta). In these groups, the student will review one or more rough drafts written by his/her peers. If the student does not attend class that day or does not bring his/her own rough draft, the student will automatically receive 0 credit points for the assignment. No exceptions made.

• Grammar homework (Tareas de gramática): The grammar homework is found on the Student Handbook (you may purchase the Student Handbook at the Copy Center). The student will submit the assignments on the days indicated in the syllabus at the beginning of class. Hand-written assignments and late assignments will not be accepted.

Final Grade

|Composiciones (incluyendo borradores y revisiones) |40% |

|Preparación y Participación |10% |

|Exámenes |25% |

|Grupos de consulta |10% |

|Tareas de gramática |15% |

|A = 100-94% |B+ = 89-87% |C+ = 79-77% |D+ = 69-67% |E= 59-0% |

|A- = 93-90% |B = 86-83% |C = 76-73% |D = 66-63% | |

| |B- = 82-80% |C- = 72-70% |D- = 62-60% | |

Class Policies

Make-up work and/or late work: Grammar homework, compositions, and exams are due as indicated on the schedule. Late assignments will not be accepted or graded. Exceptions to this policy must be arranged beforehand. Any valid reason for missing class or an exam due to truly extenuating circumstances should be presented to the instructor for consideration in advance of the activity in question, whenever reasonably possible. You may call me, or e-mail me in such an extenuating circumstance. If you desire a response from me, e-mail is most highly recommended. If you anticipate a problem, please talk to me about it as soon as possible. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what was covered in class the day you were absent and be prepared for the next class period. I would recommend that you exchange phone numbers / email with a classmate to keep yourselves informed of class activities in case of an absence.

Academic honesty: It is expected that students will submit their own work. A complete description of the university’s policy regarding cheating and plagiarism can be found in the WSU Student Code (Section IV, Part D, Paragraph 2). Plagiarism will result in failure on an assignment or in the course, depending on its severity.

Discrimination harassment statement

WSU is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of discrimination based upon race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, creed, age, lack of American citizenship, disability, status of veteran of the Vietnam era, sexual orientation or preference or gender, including sexual/gender harassment. While diverse viewpoints and opinions are welcome in this class, in expressing them, you will be expected to do so in a manner that is respectful towards others, even when you disagree with them. If you have questions regarding the university’s policy against discrimination and harassment you may contact the university’s AA/EO office (626-6239) or visit its website: .

Students with disabilities: Students with medical, psychological or learning limitations or disabilities who desire academic adjustments or accommodations, must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (tel. 626-6413). This contact should occur at least ten days prior to the time an academic adjustment or accommodation is needed.

Core Beliefs: Students are to determine, before the last day to drop courses without penalty, if any course requirements conflict with their core beliefs. If there is such a conflict, the student should consider dropping the class. A student who finds this solution impracticable may request a resolution from the instructor. This policy does not oblige the instructor to grant the request, except in those cases when a denial would be arbitrary and capricious or illegal. This request must be made to the instructor in writing and the student must deliver a copy of the request to the office of the department head. The student's request must articulate the burden the requirement would place on the student's beliefs.

Department Assessment Policy: The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature requires a final portfolio from all graduating majors during the last semester of their senior year. If you are a major or a minor, or are even considering becoming a foreign language major, please save (on computer disk, if possible) at least one example of your best work from this class and all other language classes you take towards fulfillment of your major.

Horario provisional del curso

|Semana 1 |

|lunes |Introducción al curso. |

|27 agosto | |

|miércoles |Capítulo preliminar: “La escritura y el habla.” |

|29 agosto |Leer antes de clase págs. 2-3. |

| |En clase: actividad A en pág. 6. |

|viernes |En clase: ejercicio sobre la revisión, págs. 11-13. |

|31 de agosto |Gramática: las sílabas y los acentos. |

|Semana 2 |

|lunes |LABOR DAY |

|3 de septiembre |Día del trabajo en los EE.UU. |

|miércoles |Capítulo 1: “La descripción” |

|5 de septiembre |Leer antes de clase pág. 15. |

| |En clase: actividad C en pág. 19. |

|viernes |“Técnicas de organización y expresión”; “Estrategias del escritor.” |

|7 de septiembre |Leer antes de clase págs. 20-22. |

| |En clase: actividades en págs. 22-23. |

| |Gramática: los signos de puntuación. |

|Semana 3 |

|lunes |Gramática: Ser/Estar - adjetivos en la descripción. Págs. 33-36. |

|10 de septiembre | |

|miércoles |Revisión de gramática. |

|12 de septiembre | |

|viernes |Grupos de consulta 1. |

|14 de septiembre |Traer borrador a clase. |

|Semana 4 |

|lunes |Revisión de gramática. |

|17 de septiembre |Entregar tarea 1 (Ejercicio A en pág. 58 del “Student Handbook”) |

|miércoles |Capítulo 2: “La narración” |

|19 de septiembre |Leer págs. 38-42. |

| |En clase: actividad B en pág. 44. |

|viernes |Examen 1: sílabas, acentos, signos de puntuación, ser/estar. |

|21 de septiembre |Entregar composición 1. |

|Semana 5 |

|lunes |En clase: actividad D en págs. 48-49. |

|24 de septiembre |Gramática: los pronombres. |

|miércoles |En clase: actividad E en págs. 50-51. |

|26 de septiembre |Gramática: los pronombres. |

|viernes |“Punto de vista y tono.” |

|28 de septiembre |Leer antes de clase págs. 53-55. |

| |En clase: actividad A en pág. 55. |

|Semana 6 |

|lunes |Gramática: Los tiempos pasados. Págs. 63-65. |

|1 de octubre | |

|miércoles |Revisión de gramática. |

|3 de octubre | |

|viernes |Grupos de consulta 2. |

|5 de octubre |Traer borrador a clase. |

|Semana 7 |

|lunes |Revisión de gramática. |

|8 de octubre |Entregar tarea 2 (Ejercicio C en pág. 63 del “Student Handbook”) |

|miércoles |Capítulo 3: “La exposición” |

|10 de octubre |Leer antes de clase págs. 69-76. |

|viernes |Examen 2: los pronombres, los tiempos pasados. |

|12 de octubre |Entregar composición 2. |

|Semana 8 |

|lunes |“La tesis” |

|15 de octubre |Leer antes de clase pág. 77. |

| |En clase: actividad B en págs. 90-91. |

|miércoles |“Las citas” |

|17 de octubre |Leer antes de clase págs. 91-92. |

| |En clase: actividad A en pág. 92. |

|viernes, 19 de octubre |FALL BREAK |

|Semana 9 |

|lunes |Gramática: La voz pasiva. Págs. 107-112. |

|22 de octubre | |

|miércoles |Revisión de gramática. |

|24 de octubre | |

|viernes |Grupos de consulta 3. |

|26 de octubre |Traer borrador a clase. |

|Semana 10 |

|lunes |Gramática: las oraciones impersonales. |

|29 de octubre | |

|miércoles |Revisión de gramática. |

|31 de octubre |Entregar tarea 3 (Ejercicio B en pág. 65 del “Student Handbook”) |

|viernes |Gramática: las formas no personales del verbo. |

|2 de noviembre | |

|Semana 11 |

|lunes |Examen 3: la voz pasiva, las oraciones impersonales, las formas no |

|5 de noviembre |personales del verbo. |

| |Entregar composición 3. |

|miércoles |Capítulo 5: “La argumentación” |

|7 de noviembre |Leer antes de clase págs. 167-171. |

| |En clase: lectura en las págs. 171-172. |

|viernes |En clase: actividad A en págs. 177-178. |

|9 de noviembre | |

|Semana 12 |

|lunes |Gramática: El subjuntivo. Págs. 155-164. |

|12 de noviembre | |

|miércoles |“Pros y contras.” |

|14 de noviembre |En clase: actividad B en págs. 181-182. |

|viernes |“La voz creíble.” |

|16 de noviembre |Leer antes de clase pág. 192. |

| |En clase: actividad B en págs. 193-194. |

|Semana 13 |

|lunes |“El tono.” |

|19 de noviembre |Leer antes de clase págs. 194-195. |

| |Entregar tarea 4 (Ejercicio C en pág. 73 del “Student Handbook”) |

|miércoles |Grupos de consulta 4. |

|21 de noviembre |Traer borrador a clase. |

|viernes |THANKSGIVING |

|22 de noviembre | |

|Semana 14 |

|lunes |Gramática: el estilo indirecto. |

|26 de noviembre | |

|miércoles |Revisión de gramática. |

|28 de noviembre | |

|viernes |Entregar composición 4. |

|30 de noviembre | |

|Semana 15 |

|lunes |Revisión de gramática. |

|3 de diciembre |Entregar tarea 5 (Ejercicio C en pág. 69 del “Student Handbook”) |

|miércoles |Revisión de gramática. |

|5 de diciembre | |

|viernes |Repaso final. |

|7 de diciembre | |

EXAMEN 4: el subjuntivo, el estilo indirecto y otros ejercicios de lengua

[Durante la semana de finales]

Miércoles, 12 de diciembre, 12:30-2:20pm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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