ESL Level 2 - Grammar Writing

ELL Level 2 - Grammar Writing

Course Outcome Summary

|Course Information |

|Developers |ELL Steering Committee |

|Development Date |5/25/2006 |

|Revised Date |1/10/2008 |


Level 2 Grammar/Writing provides the low beginning ELL student with the skills to utilize rules of grammar for the present tenses. Additionally the student will reproduce letters, words, and numbers; and write personal information and sight words.

Target Population

According to NRS Low Beginning ELL definitions for grammar/writing, the individual can write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English. Can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information.

|Competencies |

|1. |Use the rules of grammar |

|  |You will demonstrate your competence: |

|  |1.1  In a class/lab, workplace, and other real-life situations. |

|  |1.2  In oral and written form. |

|  |Your performance will be successful when: |

|  |1.1  Learner uses present continuous affirmative and negative statements and questions. |

|  |1.2  Learner uses present tense affirmative and negative statements and questions. |

|  |1.3  Learner uses the expressions "there is" and "there are". |

|  |1.4  Learner uses phrases of time. |

|  |1.5  Learner forms statements and questions using the verb "to be". |

|  |1.6  Learner forms statements and questions using all possessive adjectives. |

|  |1.7  Learner recognizes simple word order. |

|  |1.8  Learner forms questions using question words. |

|  |1.9  Learner forms statements and questions using can/can't. |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Use the present tense of the verb "to be" to form affirmative and negative statements and questions. |

|  |b.  Use contractions for the forms of the verb "to be". |

|  |c.  Use subject pronouns to form statements and questions using the correct subject-verb agreement. |

|  |d.  Use "can" and "can't" in statements and questions. |

|  |e.  Identify and use the possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, and their. |

|  |f.  Use possessive adjectives to respond to the question "Whose ____ is this?" and "Whose _____s are these?" |

|  |g.  Use the present continuous tense to form affirmative and negative statements and questions. |

|  |h.  Use the present tense to form affirmative and negative statements and questions. |

|  |i.  Use and discriminate between the expressions "there is" and "there are". |

|  |j.  Identify and employ basic time expressions appropriately (i.e. today, now, everyday, tonight, right away, |

| |later, at ____ o'clock). |

|2. |Reproduce letters, words, and numbers |

|  |You will demonstrate your competence: |

|  |2.1  In a class/lab, workplace, and other real-life situations. |

|  |Your performance will be successful when: |

|  |2.1  Learner forms recognizable words, capital and lower case letters, and numbers. |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Write personal information correctly (marital status, gender, birth date, and emergency information). |

|  |b.  Use capitalization and spacing appropriately. |

|  |c.  Distinguish capitals from lower case letters. |

|3. |Write personal information and sight words |

|  |You will demonstrate your competence: |

|  |3.1  In a class/lab, workplace, and real-life situations. |

|  |Your performance will be successful when: |

|  |3.1  Learner reproduces personal information and sight words. |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Spell personal information words correctly. |

|  |b.  Identify and spell correctly common sight words found on personal information forms |

|  |c.  Identify other common sight words and spell correctly. |

|  |d.  Discriminate and write dictated words and phrases. |

|4. |Complete a personal information form |

|  |You will demonstrate your competence: |

|  |4.1  In a class/lab, workplace, and real-life situations. |

|  |4.2  On a variety of simple informational forms. |

|  |Your performance will be successful when: |

|  |4.1  Learner fills in simple autobiographical information on forms. |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Complete a simple personal informational form. |


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