Nutrition: It’s all about Consistency

Nutrition: It’s all about Consistency

by Kelton Graham

This is information I received from a nutritionist.

Pre Meet Meal (About 3 to 4 hours before 1st event).

Lots of carbs, some protein, minimal fat. (No sausage/bacon)

At least 1 fruit or veggie (For antioxidants + vitamins and minerals)

Add salt, pick salty foods

Lots of fluids.

Don’t Eat appetizers + desserts, alfredo sauce, greasy or fried foods, creamy foods, high sugar foods, spicy foods, entrée salads, foods that you have never eaten before.

If more than 1 hour before 1st race

16 – 20 ounces of Gatorade and carbs/protein/snack.

Example ½ peanut butter and jelly sandwich, sports bar, nutrition snake, chocolate milk (10 ounces) trail mix, ¼ turkey sandwich.

1 Hour before 1st race

(30 grams of carbs, large piece of fruit, ½ sports bar, 5 fig newtons, ½ bagel, 3 large hard pretzels.)

Caffeine pre-meet (keep to a minimal)

(about 2 cups of coffee can actually help a little)

1. Try this in practice first.

2. Use same amount each week.

3. Bring own source.

During Meet if less that ½ hour before events.

12 to 16 ounces of Gatorade and small snack (Fruit, gram cracker, dried fruit, bagel pieces, granola bar, orange, grapes.


Timing Matters: Two most important meals are breakfast and post practice.

Breakfast jumpstarts the metabolism and gives you more energy.

Cereal Guidelines – whole grain, less than 15g per serving, 3 grams fiber/serving fortified with vitamins and minerals. An English muffin is 10 grams.

Recovery Window: 30 minutes after practice. 40 to 60 grams of carbs, 10 –15 g protein and fluids, nutrition shake, chocolate milk, cereal and milk, yogurt, and granola bar.

Fluids: 3 cups of fluids for every pound loss. Too much weight loss 1% of body weight.

Example: If a 160 pound swimmer weighs 154 after practice he should get his weight up to 158 before getting back into training.

Refueling: 32 ounce bottles.

Bring water bottles to practice (don’t share water bottles, I’ve had kids get mono from sharing water bottles.) Goal = three cups of fluid for every pound lost in practice.

Alcohol: Not productive, calories cannot be used, also causes muscle dehydration, injures are more likely because muscle cells are dehydrated.

Self-monitor: Clear Urine.

Chronic undereating: Poor recovery, fatigue in workouts, soreness, weakness, poor sleep, irritability. Eat right amount of protein for recovery, ¾ of weight. Example a 160 pound swimmers needs 120 grams of protein during training.

10 grams of protein – 1 oz of meat.

Carbs should match training. During normal training have 2 servings each meal (2 slices of bread, bagel etc) . During enhanced training increase accordingly. During Taper 1 serving. Keep empty calories to a minimal (soda, chips, candy, desserts)!

Try to hit 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 3 servings of wholegrain.

Supplements: The purity of supplements is not guaranteed. Sobe is a waste of money, Red Bull is like coffee, not helpful.


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