Program outline - Weebly

Program outlineUnit National Title and CodeICPPP211C Develop a basic design conceptCourse National Title and CodeThis unit is part of the ICP40310 Certificate IV in Printing & Graphic Arts (Multimedia), a course contained in the ICP10 Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package. For full details on this unit/course visit the .au website.OverviewThis online program will teach participants how to develop a basic design concept by exploring the elements and principles of design and applying this knowledge to create industry standard designs. This unit requires the individual to demonstrate a set range of design skills while working in consultation with others to ensure production and final user requirements have been met.Intended AudienceThis introductory unit is intended for participants that have no formal design training and will work in the Printing and Graphic Arts / Multimedia industry or who will implement these skills and knowledge into their own industry. For those students that have previous design training, this program will offer new techniques and an opportunity to develop their existing skills and knowledge further. Duration7 weeks / 35 hoursPre-requisitesSuccessful completion of Year 10 is required for Certificate IV level courses. Student requirementsTo complete this unit, students are required to have access to:a PC or Apple Macintosh computer and the following industry standard software programs:Adobe Photoshop CS6 (30 day free trial is ok)Adobe InDesign CS6 (30 day free trial is ok)Web browser and internet accessAccess to (30 day free trial is ok)sketchpad drawing materials eg lead pencils, colour pencils, ink pens, erasers, etcAssessmentAssessment in Vocational Education and Training is based on competency. You will either be graded ‘Competent’ or ‘Not Yet Competent’. If you are deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’ you will be given another chance to submit the assignment task. Assessment planThe assessment tasks to be completed for this unit are:Assessment MethodAssessment NameWeek DueFormative Practical Portfolio Task Assessment 1: Flyer design7Summative Review Questions / TestAssessment 2: Exam7Assessment submissionAll work submitted for assessment must be the student’s own work and presented in their own words. All sources of information must be referenced appropriately. Within the context of these assessment tasks, the instructor fulfills the role of client, production manager or supervisor. Work submitted for “approval” must demonstrate care and attention to detail, such that the student inspires confidence that the work is being undertaken competently.OutcomesBy the completion of this program students will be required to demonstrate the elements of competency of this unit:1. Assess brief requirements 2. Assemble layout 3. Render a simple graphic design 4. Produce finished artwork Program scheduleWeek 1: Introduction to designOverviewThis week we will dive into the world of design where you will learn how to identify good and bad design, learn terminology and access a great range of online resources. ContentWhat is design?History of designExamples of great graphic design (what to do)Examples of poor graphic design (what not to do)Design and typographic terminologyOnline resourcesResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to SoftwareComplete Lessons 1 and 2 Adobe Photoshop on Discuss any questions or comments on the Photoshop forum on the class website. Design activityClass introductionsVisit and create a cartoon version of yourself, including various elements that make up who you are, such as your personality and things that you like and like to do. Upload your cartoon character in the week 1 discussion forum, and write 200 words as an introduction to the group about yourself and what you hope to achieve in this program. If you would like, please feel free to leave links to your social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) which will allow you to engage with participants outside of this workshop. Case studyYou are a Graphic Designer at a creative agency. You have been given a new project to produce a flyer for a client who is opening a new organic and sustainable café. The first thing you need to do is collect a range of printed and online flyers to ascertain what to do and what not to do. From your flyer selection, choose one of the best and one of the worst designed flyers and upload to the Week 1 Case Study discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm. Provide a brief (150 word) justification for each.Respond to at least two other participants’ flyer selections. Do you agree with them? Explain why/why not and comment by Sunday 11:59pm.Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingOnline course content (PDF) and relevant links to further learningToondoo for icebreaker activityReference search for flyersDiscussion forum post and two responsesWeek 2: Elements and principles of designOverviewThis week we learn about the elements and principles of design and the rules of composition to make an effective design. Later in the course, you will learn how to break these rules!ContentElements of designPrinciples of designRules of compositionResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to Organix flyer PDFSoftwareComplete Lessons 3 and 4 Adobe Photoshop on Discuss any questions or comments on the Photoshop forum on the class website. Design activityElements and principles of designResearch online and in printed materials to find one example of each of the elements and principles of design used in a creative way. Upload examples to the discussion forum and write an explanation (150 words) as to why you chose this example and what appeals to you, by Thursday 11:59pm.Respond to at least two participants and discuss whether you agree or disagree with them and why, by Sunday 11:59pm.Case studyThe client with the new café gives you an existing flyer they previously had produced by a competitive creative agency. The client is unhappy with the final design and sought out your agency to get a new version created. In your expert opinion, you can tell that the flyer is not designed well. The client wants to know what areas need improvement in the design. <<organix_flyer_design.pdf>>Write a list, or highlight on the design, the areas needing improvement and the areas, if any, that are acceptable, so you can explain to the client why the design is not suitable. Remember, you are discussing a competitor so you must be objective in your reasoning. Post your list to the Week 2 Case Study discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm. Review the other participant’s feedback. Do you agree with them? Explain why/why not and comment by Sunday 11:59pm.Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingOnline course content (PDF) and relevant links to further learningOnline and printed search for examples of designCritical analysis of existing flyer designDiscussion forum post and two responsesWeek 3: The role of the designerOverviewThis week we learn about the scope of the designer and the different roles they play. You will also get to explore some well known designers and see the impact they have in this field. ContentWhat does a graphic designer actually do?Understanding the client briefPreparing a quoteWorking with clientsResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to SoftwareComplete Lessons 1 and 2 Adobe InDesign on Discuss any questions or comments on the InDesign forum on the class website. Design activityInspiring designersMost designers have their favourite designers whose style and creativity inspire them. Select three of your favourite designers and provide a link to their website and explain why they appeal to you (150 words each). If you do not currently have three favourite designers, do some research and choose three designers that you find inspiring and would like to follow their work, by Thursday 11:59pm.Respond to at least two participants by Sunday 11:59pm. Case studyYou have compiled a list of all the areas needing improvement in the flyer and you think it will be a good idea to give the client a list of recommendations as well. Alongside your list of areas needing improvement, write specific recommendations as to how each area can be improved. Post your recommendations to the Week 3 Case Study discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm. Review at least two other participants’ recommendations. Do you agree with them? Explain why/why not and comment by Sunday 11:59pm. Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingOnline course content (PDF) and relevant links to further learningResearch of favourite designer and reflection of their workRecommendations for improvement based on critical analysisDiscussion forum post and two responsesWeek 4: Typography and colourOverviewThis week we learn about two key components of design: typography and colour. Knowing how to use these effectively can make your design; using them ineffectively will break your design. ContentTypefacesTypography guidelinesColour modelsColour palettesTechnicalities and limitations of colourResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to Top 100 Fonts (PDF)SoftwareComplete Lessons 3 and 4 Adobe InDesign on Discuss any questions or comments on the InDesign forum on the class website. Design activityFont selectionMany professional designers have ‘go-to’ fonts; fonts they often use, especially during jobs that have a quick turn-around, because they know they are highly suitable in specific uses and it saves a great deal of time.Look at the Top 100 Fonts and research commonly used fonts by top graphic designers.Choose 10 fonts that you are able to download for use and write a list of possible uses for each font, by Thursday 11:59pm, week 4.Respond to at least two participants by Sunday 11:59pm, week 4. Case studyYou ask the client if they have any font or colour preferences. They tell you that they do not and ask you to come up with a selection of fonts for the flyer as well as an appropriate colour theme that can also be used for other designs such as the website. The flyer is for a new organic and sustainable café and the client would like the design to be modern and elegant, yet also slightly rustic. You need to provide the client with a list of fonts, including size and style, for the following typography hierarchy:Main headingSub-headingBody textBody text - highlightedContact information(Remember, no more than 3 fonts should be used on a page, so experiment will different styles and sizes to create difference.) You also need to come up with a colour palette/theme, which you will create in Adobe Photoshop. Select 8 colours (do not include black or white) that work together to convey:organicsustainablemodernelegantcafé.Post your font selection and colour palette to the Week 4 Case Study discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm. Review the other participants’ recommendations. What do you think? Provide your comment and feedback for at least two other participants by Sunday 11:59pm. Based on feedback, you may want to revise your fonts and colour palette. Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingOnline course content (PDF) and relevant links to further learningCritical analysis of fontsFont selectionDiscussion forum post and two responsesWeek 5: Render a simple graphic design – Begin assignmentOverviewThis week we learn how to break the design rules – knowing how to effectively do this gives you a whole new world to explore. You will work on the layout and design of your assignment. ContentStages of productionConsidering the target audienceHow to break the design rulesResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to Assessment brief – café flyerSoftwareComplete Lessons 5 and 6 Adobe Photoshop on Discuss any questions or comments on the Photoshop forum on the class website. Design activityBreaking the rulesLook at the design artwork on . Find a design that breaks a design rule yet still works. Upload a link to the discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm and write 200 words to describe the design and how it works and if you think it was a conscious decision to break the rules.Respond to at least two other participants by Sunday 11:59pm.Case studyThe client is happy with you choice of typography and colour palette. You now need to create colour roughs to plan the layout and design of the flyer. Post your colour roughs to the discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm. Review the other participants’ layouts. Provide feedback and suggestions for at least two other participants by Sunday 11:59pm. Based on feedback, you may want to revise your concept. Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingOnline course content (PDF) and relevant links to further learningCritical analysis of design artworkDesign of colour roughsCritical analysis of other participants colour roughsDiscussion forum post and two responsesWeek 6: Complete finished artwork – Finalise assignmentOverviewThis week we learn about tips and tricks you can employ to enhance your design. You will produce a first draft of your assignment this week and incorporate feedback from instructor and other participants. ContentTips and tricks to enhance your designResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to SoftwareComplete Lessons 5 and 6 Adobe InDesign on Discuss any questions or comments on the InDesign forum on the class website. Design activityWork on first draft of assessmentCase studyThe client has approved the colour roughs you will now create the design using Adobe Creative Suite. Post a PDF of your first draft to the Week 6 Case Study discussion forum by Thursday 11:59pm. Review the other participants’ drafts. Provide feedback and suggestions by Sunday 11:59pm. Based on feedback, you may want to revise your draft. Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingOnline course content (PDF) and relevant links to further learningDesign of first draftCritical analysis of other participants first draftDiscussion forum post and two responsesWeek 7: Submit finished Assessment 1 + examOverviewOur final week! This week you will finish your flyer and submit. You will also take the exam whenever you are ready. ContentAssessmentResourcesComputer with internet access and Adobe Creative SuiteAccess to class websiteAccess to ExamSoftwareComplete Lessons 7 for Adobe Photoshop and InDesign on Discuss any questions or comments on the forums on the class website. Design activityStudy!Revise your course content and prepare for your exam. Case studyFinalise the flyer and submit your final design by Thursday 11:59pm. Write a 350 word justification for your flyer that you can present to the client, including why you chose the fonts, colours, layout and the overall design. Review the other participants’ final designs. Provide feedback by Sunday 11:59pm.ExamTake online examTake the online exam at any time during this week. The questions will be both multiple choice and short answers. You must get all questions correct. You will be given two attempts at this exam. Multi-literacies approachOnline learning videos at for software trainingDesign of flyerCritical analysis of other participants flyerDiscussion forum post and two responsesOnline examICPPP211B Develop a basic design conceptAssessmentFlyer for Organix café Student’s nameStudent ID #Assessor’s nameDue dateAssessment taskCase study: You are a Graphic Designer at a creative agency. You have been given a new project to produce a flyer for a client who is opening a new organic and sustainable café. The first thing you need to do is collect a range of printed and online flyers to ascertain what to do and what not to do. The client with the new café gives you an existing flyer they previously had produced by a competitive creative agency. The client is unhappy with the final design and sought out your agency to get a new version created. In your expert opinion, you can tell that the flyer is not designed well. The client wants to know what areas need improvement in the design. Write a list, or highlight on the design, the areas needing improvement and the areas, if any, that are acceptable, so you can explain to the client why the design is not suitable. Remember, you are discussing a competitor so you must be objective in your reasoning. You have compiled a list of all the areas needing improvement in the flyer and you think it will be a good idea to give the client a list of recommendations as well. Alongside your list of areas needing improvement, write specific recommendations as to how each area can be improved.You ask the client if they have any font or colour preferences. They tell you that they do not and ask you to come up with a selection of fonts for the flyer as well as an appropriate colour theme that can also be used for other designs such as the website. The flyer is for a new organic and sustainable café and the client would like the design to be modern and elegant, yet also slightly rustic. You need to provide the client with a list of fonts, including size and style, for the following typography hierarchy:Main headingSub-headingBody textBody text - highlightedContact informationYou also need to come up with a colour palette/theme, which you will create in Adobe Photoshop. Select 8 colours (do not include black or white) that work together to convey:organicsustainablemodernelegantcafé.Once the client (your instructor) is happy with you choice of typography and colour palette. You now need to create colour roughs to plan the layout and design of the flyer. Once the client has approved the colour roughs you will now create the design using Adobe Creative Suite. Submit a PDF of your first draft.Incorporating feedback, finalise your designSubmissionSix items to be submitted online:Research of flyersAreas of improvement and recommendations for existing flyerTypography hierarchy and colour paletteColour roughsDraft of completed flyer as high-resolution PDF fileFinal artwork as high-resolution PDF file.ExamTake the online exam at any time during week 7. The questions will be both multiple choice and short answers and will come directly from the course content. You must get all questions correct. You will be given two attempts at this exam. Assessment checklistDid the studentYESNO1. Assess brief requirements OO2. Assemble layout OO3. Render a simple graphic design OO4. Produce finished artwork OOAssessment outcomeStudent’s performance was:CompetentNot yet competentAssessor’s nameAssessor’s signatureDateFeedback for studentStudent’s signatureDate ................

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