Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 1

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 1

Word Study

1. Give the Greek name for Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan. Give the Roman name for Demeter, Hera, Hestia. What was Pluto’s other name?


1. What was Chaos?

2. Who were the first gods?

3. What name was given to their beautiful children? To the monsters that were born to them?

4. What happened to Uranus?

5. Who became he chief of the gods?

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 2

Word Study

1. How did the following words come to have their present meanings?

a. Martial-of warlike disposition

b. Iris-of an appearance resembling the rainbow

c. Vulcanization-the application of heat to rubber

d. Museum-a collection of works of art

e. Nemesis-a just or deserved fate

f. Nectar-a delicious or inspiring beverage

3. The names of what three months are derived from persons mentioned in this chapter?

6. Can you think of any other names used for advertising that are derived from persons mentioned in this chapter? Or can you find symbols used in advertisements that recall the old gods and goddesses?

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 3

Word Study

3. Explain the origin of the following words: labyrinth and the Greek word for “spider.” Why is a library or a learned society sometimes called an “Athenaeum?”

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 4

Word Study

2. What does “an Adonis” mean? What does “psyche” mean in Greek? Give an English derivative from this word. What does “zephyr” mean? What is its origin?

3. Give the Greek forms for Venus, Jupiter, Jove, Diana, Cupid, and Neptune.

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 5

Word Study

5. Give the Greek names of the following deities: Latona, Juno, Diana, Neptune, Jupiter.

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 6

Word Study

2. Give the Greek names of the following deities: Diana, Vulcan, Venus, Jupiter, and Jove

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 7

Word Study

1. Explain the origin of the following words:

• Panic-extreme or sudden fear

• Cereal-grain

• Boreal-northern, cold

• Auroral-rosy

• Aurora borealis-northern lights

• Zephyr-a gentle breeze

• Protean-changeable, very variable

• Bacchic-jovial or riotous

• Siren-a steam whistle or fog signal

2. Give the Greek names of the following deities: Jupiter, Ceres, Neptune, Bacchus, Aurora. What was the name of the staff that Bacchus carried?

4. Some think that “satire” is connected with “satyr”. Do you see any connection?

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 8

Word Study

1. Give the Greek names of these deities: Pluto, Bacchus, Juno, Mercury, Cupid, Diana, and Aurora.

3. Explain the title, “poet laureate,” given to the official poet of the court of England.

5. How did the Greeks explain the origin of the word echo? Of the name o the Ionian Sea?

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 9

Word Study

4. What is an obolus? Asphodel? A lyre?


1. What was the region of the underworld called?

4. Who was the ferryman of the underworld?

5. Who was its guardian?

6. Into what three parts was it divided?

7. What were the Furies?

8. Who was Hecate?

9. Who was the god of sleep? Of death? Of dreams?

Myths and Their Meaning: Chapter 10

Word Study

1. Explain the derivation of the following words:

• Chimera-an absurd creation of the imagination

• Labyrinth-a complicated or confused situation


6. Who was Medusa?

7. Whose help did Perseus win?

8. How did he overcome the Gorgon?

9. What maiden did he rescue on his way home?

19. What was the Minotaur?

20. With whose help and how did Theseus overcome him? Was he grateful?

21. What forgetfulness killed the father of Theseus?

22. What was the Chimera?

23. How did Bellerophon conquer it?


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