Greek Roots 6 - Johnston County

1. arch - first, chief, ruler

a. archetype - a universal symbol that all people recognize across cultures

b. monarch - a ruler who rules alone (has all the power)

c. oligarchy - rule by a small group of people (2 - 3)

d. gynarchy - rule by a woman

e. archbishop - the top bishop in a religious system

f. architect - the first person who designs a plan for building a building or object

g. hierarchy - a system ordering people by rank (like the military)

2. cracy, crat - govern, government

a. technocracy - a government by technicians

b. democracy - rule by all people

c. autocracy - rule by one’s self

3. demo - people

a. democracy - rule by all people

b. demographics - info about a group of people

c. pandemic - universal, general, an epidemic over a large region

d. demagogue - person who tries to stir up people by appealing to emotions, prejudices in order to become a leader (selfish ends) such as Hitler

e. endemic - prevalent in or restricted to a particular nation, region, group

4. gam - marriage

a. monogamy - the act of being married to one person

b. monogamous - being faithful to one spouse

c. misogamy - hatred of marriage

d. bigamy - having 2 or more husbands or wives at the same time

e. polygamy - having more than 1 spouse

f. heterogamous - being married to someone of the different sex

5. gyn - woman

1 gynocracy - rule by women

2 gynecologist - a doctor who helps women

1 gynarchy - government by a woman or women

a. philogyny - love or fondness for women

b. misogynist - a person who hates women (especially a man)

6. pan - all

a. panoramic - a view all around or a wide view

b. panacea - a supposed cure for all diseases, a cure-all

c. pantheism - belief that God is everything and in everything, worship of all gods.

d. pandemic - universal, general, an epidemic over a large region

7. phil - love

a. philanthropist - one who does nice things for mankind (ex. Rockefellers)

b. bibliophile - a lover of books

c. philosophy - a love of wisdom, the study of

d. Francophile - a person who is very fond of France and all about it

e. Anglophile - a person who is very fond of England and all about it

f. hemophilia - a hereditary condition in which the blood fails to clot quickly enough.

g. philately - the collection and study of postage stamps, postmarks, stamped envelopes, as a hobby.

8. biblio - book

a. bibliopegy - art of bookbinding

b. bibliotheca - library or book collection, a bookseller’s catalogue

c. bibliography - list at the end of work that names the books and sources used

d. bible - a sacred book

e. bibliophile - a lover of books

9. miso - hatred, bad, wrong

a. misogynist - a person (especially a man) who hates women.

b. misadventure - unlucky accident, a bad adventure, bad luck.

c. misplaced - put in the wrong place

10. pod - foot

a. podiatrist - one who cures feet problems

b. antipodes - any 2 places directly opposite each other on the earth.

11. soph - wise, wisdom

a. sophomore - literally, a wise fool, a second year student in a high school

b. sophistry - unsound or misleading but clever, possible reasoning (argument)

c. pansophism - to pretend to have a worldly wisdom

12. type - model, print

a. prototype - original pattern or model, the first

b. typify - be typical, exemplify, be life

c. archetype - the original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind are made.

d. typewriter - a machine that creates print (type)


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