Kappa Kappa Psi History Test - University of Florida

Name ______________________________

Final Exam – Spring 2004

Write the following dates: (1 pts each)

1. Founding date of Kappa Kappa Psi: _______________________________

2. Founding date of Alpha Eta: _______________________________

3. Founding date of Tau Beta Sigma: _______________________________

4. Founding date of Beta Xi: _______________________________

5. Year of the first band at UF: _______________________________

6. Year of the first National Intercollegiate Band: _______________________________

Answer the following questions in the space provided.

7. Name the first woman in a UF band: _______________________________

8. Name the founder of Tau Beta Sigma: _______________________________

9. Where the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi are located:


10. List the Founding Fathers of Kappa Kappa Psi beginning with the “Guiding Spirit”: (4 pts)

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11. What is the current official publication of Kappa Kappa Psi? (1) __________________

12. Prior to World War II, what was the official publication of Kappa Kappa Psi? (1)


13. When was Bohumil Makovsky born? ___________________________________________

14. Who founded the National Intercollegiate Band? (1) ______________________________

15. Explain in your own words how Bohumil Makovsky was influential in Kappa Kappa Psi. (4)











16. What are the official colors of Kappa Kappa Psi? (1) _____________________________

17. What vote is required to amend the Alpha Eta Chapter Constitution? (1 pt each)

A. 2/3 of active members present

B. More than 50% of total active members

C. 3/4 of voting members present

D. Unanimous consent of all active members

18. This elected chairperson is ironically not normally a chair (or co-chair) of any standing committee: (2.11)

A. Parliamentarian

B. Warden

C. Ways and Means Chairperson

D. Historian

19. This officer will be an advisor to the Ways and Means Committee:

A. President

B. Treasurer

C. Ways and Means Chairperson

D. Secretary of the Treasury

20. Newly elected and appointed officers will serve for how long? (3.2)

A. One semester

B. One Year

C. Until they graduate

D. Until the cows come home

21. What vote is required to impeach an officer and remove him/her from office? (3.8)

A. 2/3 of active members present

B. More than 50% of total active members

C. 3/4 of voting members present

D. Unanimous consent of all active members

22. According to the Secretary’s records, there are 32 active brothers, 4 conditional brothers, and 8 inactive brothers on the roster. Before calling the meeting to order, the President counts 15 actives (including 4 officers), 4 conditionals, 6 alumni, and 1 life member present. Can he call the meeting to order? (4.5)

A. Yes, there are at least 17 brothers in the room, so quorum is met.

B. Yes, at least half of the Executive Board is present, so quorum is met.

C. No, more than 50% of the officers must be present for quorum to be met.

D. No, more than 50% of voting members must be present for quorum to be met.

23. Conditional members may do all of the following EXCEPT: (6.10)

A. Serve as a big brother

B. Attend Chapter meetings

C. Observe Ritual

D. Watch TV at their own leisure

24. Assuming Alpha Eta currently has 40 active brothers, 5 conditional brothers, and 4 alumni who regularly attend Chapter meetings, how many votes are required to expel a Membership Candidate from the Membership Candidate Class? (7.3)

A. A majority of voting members present

B. 5, as set by the Chapter Constitution

C. Unanimous consent of the 40 active brothers

D. 10, or 25% of the eligible active membership, as set by the Chapter Constitution

25. Which of the following are standing committees of the Alpha Eta chapter? (Section II)

I. Ways and Means

II. Chapter Music

III. Social

IV. Constitutional Review

A. I and III.

B. I, II, and III.

C. I, II, III, and IV.

D. I and II.

26. According to the AH Bylaws, quorum at the Special Initiation Meeting is: (4.1.6)

A. No different from that of any other chapter meeting.

B. Set at 75% of all active brothers of the chapter.

C. Set at 100% of all active brothers of the chapter.

D. Set at 50% of all active brothers of the chapter.

27. Each member shall be allowed how many unexcused absences per semester without question? (5.4)

A. Five

B. Two

C. As many as his/her schedule requires

D. Zero

28. Which standing committee would be responsible for making sure there are enough people available to help Dr. Waybright set up the stage for his Wind Symphony concert? (2.9)

A. The Correspondence Committee

B. The Service Committee

C. Bryan Allen’s “special” committee

D. A monkey we have chained up in the uniform room.

29. Our chapter motto is:

A. “It is an honor to be selected to serve.”

B. “Strive for the Highest.”

C. “Do a good turn daily.”

D. “Be prepared.”

30. The Fraternity motto is:

A. “It is an honor to be selected to serve.”

B. “Strive for the Highest.”

C. “Do a good turn daily.”

D. “Be prepared.”

31. Alpha Eta is in the ___________________________ District. (1)

32. List the states in our District: (3)

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33. What is the Kappa Kappa Psi Mission Statement? (3)







34. What is the Kappa Kappa Psi Vision Statement? (3)





35. Write is the Kappa Kappa Psi Creed: (5)










36. Write the Greek Alphabet in the correct order (Greek capital and English spelling only): (3)

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37. The official song of the Gator Band is ___________________. (1)

38. Write the Kappa Kappa Psi Preamble & Purposes: (10)









________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



































39. What does promulgate mean? _______________________________________________



40. List the band directors in chronological order. (You do not need to write the years they served.) (4)















41. The nickname of the Gator Band is ___________ and it was coined by ____________. (1)

A. “Pride of the Southland”; Gerre Reynolds

B. “Pride of the Sunshine”; David Gasson

C. “Pride of the Sunshine State”; David Strickler

D. “Pride of the Sunshine”; David Strickler

42. The motto of the Gator Band is: (1)

A. “We play anything, anytime, at any place.”

B. “We play it sweet! Play it hot! There ain’t nothin’ we ain’t got!”

C. “We play anything, anywhere, at anytime.”

D. “We try to please every fan.”

43. At what school was the first Tau Beta Sigma organization founded? (1)


44. At what school is the Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma located? (1)


45. Match the Beta Xi Sisters with their respective office. (2 pts)

_______ President A. Angela Garmon

_______ 1st Vice President B. June Stoeber

_______ 2nd Vice President C. Monica Hammerle

_______ Recording Secretary D. Megan Elwell

_______ Treasurer E. Kari Carswell

_______ Chapter Sponsor F. Jessica Dent

46. What is the biggest difference in the Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma Mission Statements? (2)


47. Alpha Eta has served as Big Brother for 5 other chapters. Name at least 3 of these chapters and the schools at which they are located. ________________________________________


48. Name the chapter and school at which Alpha Eta’s big brother chapter is located.


Write the words to the following songs on a separate sheet: (5 pts each)

49. The Fraternity Hymn

50. The Brother Song

51. The University of Florida Alma Mater – Second Verse Only

52. The Alpha Eta & Beta Xi Joint Song

53. The “Baby Seals” song. (This is just a joke, and an attempt to lighten the mood as you finish your test…..but if you know any of the words, write them just for fun.) (

Ungraded questions:

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. They are meant to measure the adequacy of the Membership Education program and to gauge your understanding of the facts you have learned. These are to be done on your own.

1. In your own opinion, what is the most important thing that you have learned over the past 10 weeks?




2. Which is more important and why: brotherhood or service?




3. Discuss the importance of attending District/National Conventions and activities.








4. Discuss the importance of the band to the University. How can you increase the band program’s reputation?







5. How has the Membership Candidate class demonstrated brotherhood? What can be done to strengthen this bond?








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