Greek History, F’06 FINAL EXAM Dr

Greek History, F’06 FINAL EXAM Dr. Judy Ann Turner

CLA 3930, sec. 0016 Study Guide

Final Exam scheduled time: Tues.12/12/06 3:00-5:00 P.M. in our classroom. BRING a BLUEBOOK. Do NOT write in Bluebook before exam begins.

Do parts 1,2,3,4 during first hour of Final exam period.

To do on Exam test sheet:

Part I: Greek Transliteration: 10 points (Review Grk alphabet & translit. assignments)

Part 2: Slide Identification: 20 Points (5 of the 8 reviewed in class 12/5; 4 pts. ea.)

Part 3: Map Identification: 20 points (10 items from map assign.-study returned Map)


Do rest of Exam (Parts 4 and 5) in a Bluebook during the exam period.

Part 4: Mini-essays: 50 points = 2@ 25 pts. ea.)

Study Guide for Part 4: 2 short essays (=25 points each) taken from the 2 groups

below: Study main points & significance of each item below. Prepare to write on main significance and most important details of at least 3 from each group.

(Actual exam Choices will be more limited, probably 3 items in each group.)

On Exam, you will choose one from each Group and write on those 2 items.

Group A Group B

1.Athens' 'radical' democracy & legal system 6. Plato, Symposium: as ex. of society.& philos

2. the Sicilian Expedition 415-13 B.C. 7. post-Sokratic Greek philosophy

3. Aristophanes, Frogs: hist. sig. & situation 8. Greek Medicine

4. Sokrates—basic philosophy & his death 9. Pelopidas & Epaminondas

5. Greek theater: tragedy & comedy 10. Philip II of Makedonia

PART 5: MAIN ESSAY (100 POINTS) for 2nd hour of Final Exam session.

*hints: 1) Choose question you know most about; 2) THINK about what a good, succinct answer would be; 3) Outline answer before writing; 4) Cite specifics/examples to support general points & ideas.

5) Questions are broad, & you cannot write down all you know, so be selective of most imp. pts.

Choose one of the 2 questions below:

SAMPLE QUESTIONS: Actual exam questions will be very similar.

1 How significant was the polis system in Greece’s greatest disasters, achievements, and legacy for history?

2. Perikles’ Athenian empire and Alexander the Great’s empire had different origins and goals, but were similar their violent, fairly sudden ends. Discuss. Agree? Disagree? Why?

*******Good luck & Happy Holidays!!!******


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