Greek homework - Dr. Shirley

Greek Chapter 25 NAME / ὈNOMA ΣOY: _______________________

1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT. Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 25, Section 25.7 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 25, Section 25.9

Add the vocabulary words to your stack of flash-cards. Check here when done ___

Go through the stack once, Greek to English Check here when done ___

Go through the stack once, English to Greek, if time permits Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 25, Sections 25.1 - 25.3

Write out the conjugation of δύναμαι 3 times Check here when done ___

Chant the endings of δύναμαι 5 times Check here when done ___

Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily. Check here when done ___

5. Chapter 25, Section 25.4

Write out the conjugation of κεῖμαι 3 times, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily. Check here when done ___

6. Chapter 25, Section 25.5

Write out the conjugation of κάθημαι 3 times, while saying the Greek aloud. Check here when done ___

Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily. Check here when done ___

7. Chapter 25, Section 25.6 - Sentences for reading and translation

Type out, read aloud and translate the sentences











8. Translate into Greek

1. Can you see Peter ? No, I cannot see Peter, but I can hear Luke.

2. Jesus can heal the blind (man), but the disciples cannot heal the lepers.

3. Let us glorify the one (who is) able to keep us from the evil (guy).

4. The father reclines (at table) with the disciples of the Lord.

5. Reclining (at able) Jesus said to Peter, "Are you able to follow after me ?"

6. The woman who (use Relative pronoun) was seated on the throne was Babylon.

9. Chapter 25, Section 25.8

a) In your GNT, read John 20:1-10 aloud several times. Check here when done ___

b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :

c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.

What corrections might you make to your translation :

Are there any things you have a question about :

10. Review and Consolidation :

1. Review chapter 22 Check here when done __

2. Review vocabularies for chapters 2-5 Check here when done __

3. Make a note here of any questions you may have :


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