OIP DISTRICT Implementation ... - greenfield.k12.oh.us

OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATHEMATICS


|Smart Goals |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area:_Mathematics_________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions __________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 1: The percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase from 68.5% to 80% AND MATHEMATICS 55.8% TO 80% by spring of 2017 AS measured BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 1a: All staff members will implement Ohio’s Learning Standards. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area:_Mathematics_________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions __________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 1: The percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase from 68.5% to 80% AND MATHEMATICS 55.8% TO 80% by spring of 2017 AS measured BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 1a: All staff members will implement Ohio’s Learning Standards. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area:_Mathematics_________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions __________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 1: The percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase from 68.5% to 80% AND MATHEMATICS 55.8% TO 80% by spring of 2017 AS measured BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 1a: All staff members will implement Ohio’s Learning Standards. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |Oct. 2013 |May 2017 |Actual Results |Feb. 2018 |

| | | |2015 |2016 |2017 | | |

|1.a 2 Create and revise curriculum maps. |Schedule time to |Teachers and |Fall |Ongoing |Ongoing | |In-service/waiver days, ODE |

| |create Curriculum maps|principals | | | | |website, computer labs, |

| |and Data to | | | | | |Promethean boards, and Release |

| |Instruction Frameworks| | | | | |time for grade levels |

|1.a.3 Gather/evaluate/organize resources. |Resource inventories, |Teachers |Spring |Ongoing |Ongoing | |In-service/waiver days, ODE |

| |pacing guides, and | | | | | |website, computer labs, and |

| |lesson plans | | | | | |Promethean boards; establish |

| | | | | | | |textbook committees; pilot |

| | | | | | | |textbook programs in |

| | | | | | | |preparation of purchasing new |

| | | | | | | |resources. |

|1.a.4 Implement Ohio’s New Learning Standards. |Classroom observations|Teachers and | | | | |Curriculum guides/resources, |

| |lesson plans & OTES |principals | | | | |and classroom observation tool |

| |rubric | | | | | | |

|1.a.5 Evaluate and refine implementation of Ohio’s New Learning Standards. |Formal/informal |Teachers, | | |Spring | |In-service/waiver days, ODE |

| |classroom assessments,|principals, and | | | | |website, curriculum |

| |classroom |SOESC consultants | | | | |guides/resources, classroom |

| |observations, lesson | | | | | |assessment records, and |

| |plans, and pacing | | | | | |classroom observation tool |

| |charts | | | | | | |

|1.a.6 Administer and evaluate growth measures for instructional implications. |MAP & SLOs |Technology |Spring |Spring |Spring | |Assessment programs, computer |

| | |coordinator, | | | | |labs, DASL, and staff |

| | |principals, | | | | | |

| | |teachers, and | | | | | |

| | |intervention staff| | | | | |

| | |members | | | | | |

OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATHEMATICS


|Smart Goals |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area _Mathematics________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions __________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 1: The percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase from 68.5% to 80% AND MATHEMATICS 55.8% TO 80% by spring of 2017 AS measured BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 1b: All staff members will implement high-yield instructional practices (could include but not limited to: Marzano, FIP, Hattie) for all students (Subgroups Targeted—SWD, ED & Gifted). |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area _Mathematics________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions __________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 1: The percentage of students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase from 68.5% to 80% AND MATHEMATICS 55.8% TO 80% by spring of 2017 AS measured BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 1b: All staff members will implement high-yield instructional practices (could include but not limited to: Marzano, FIP, Hattie) for all students (Subgroups Targeted—SWD, ED & Gifted). |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |October 2013 |Feb. 2016 |Actual Results |May 2016 |

| | | | | | | | |

|1.b.3 Collect and analyze MAP and SLO data disaggregated by SWDs, ED & Gifted |TBT, BLT & DLT |Principals, MAP |MAP—Fall, Winter| |SLO—Fall & | |MAP and SLO Data with |

|subgroups. |minutes |Coordinators, TBT,|& Spring | |Spring | |Subgroups |

| | |BLT, DLT | | | | | |

|1.b.4 Utilize the MAP & SLO disaggregated data to identify students’ skill |TBT, BLT & DLT |TBT, BLT DLT | | | | | |

|strengths and weaknesses. |minutes | | | | | | |

|1.b.5 Complete the MAP Data to Instruction Framework/High School Instructional |Frameworks attached |TBT & BLT | | | | |Data to Instruction |

|Framework. |to TBT minutes, BLT | | | | | |Framework and the High |

| |minutes | | | | | |School Instructional |

| | | | | | | |Framework |

|1.b.6 Pre-assess students’ skills to determine the impact of instructional |TBT minutes, BLT |Teachers | | | | |Pre-Assessment |

|strategies. |minutes | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|1.b.7 Implement high-yield instructional practices that could include but not |Observations; |Teachers and | | | | |Curriculum |

|limited to FIP, Marzano & Hattie for all students (Subgroups targeted: SWDs, ED & |Feedback; |principals | | | | |guides/resources, |

|Gifted). |Instructional Rounds;| | | | | |Classroom Observation |

| |TBT minutes—Adult | | | | | |Feedback Tool, and |

| |Actions & Student | | | | | |formal/informal |

| |Results w/ BLT | | | | | |classroom assessments |

| |Feedback | | | | | | |

|1.b.8 Post-assess students’ skills to determine the impact of instructional |TBT minutes, BLT |Teachers | | | | |Post-Assessment |

|strategies. |minutes | | | | | | |

|1.b.9 Evaluate and refine the implementation of high-yield instructional practices|Observations; |Teachers, | | | | |Curriculum |

|(Subgroups targeted: SWDs, ED & Gifted). |Feedback; Formative &|principals, and | | | | |guides/resources, |

| |Summative |special program’s | | | | |Classroom Observation |

| |assessments; TBT |director | | | | |Feedback Tool, and |

| |minutes—Adult Actions| | | | | |formal/informal |

| |& Student Results w/ | | | | | |classroom assessments |

| |BLT Feedback | | | | | | |

|1.b.10 Collect and analyze MAP and SLO data disaggregated by SWDs, ED & Gifted |TBT, BLT & DLT |Principals, MAP |MAP—Fall, Winter| |SLO—Fall & | |MAP and SLO Data |

|subgroups. |minutes |Coordinators, TBT,|& Spring | |Spring | | |

| | |BLT, DLT | | | | | |

| |Observation notes; |Administrators | | | | | |

|1.b.11 Administrators will make systematic and frequent classroom visits and |Feedback summaries, | | | | | | |

|provide feedback on classroom instruction as evidenced by observation notes, feedback|etc. | | | | | | |

|summaries, etc. | | | | | | | |

OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATH


|Smart Goals |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area __ ___Math_ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ____________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 2: each subgroup will meet Ohio’s Annual Measurable Objective Targets in Reading and Math each year. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 2A: All staff will vary instructional activities by process and product based upon the individual needs and strengths of the students. |

| |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area __ ___Math_ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ____________ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 2: each subgroup will meet Ohio’s Annual Measurable Objective Targets in Reading and Math each year. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 2A: All staff will vary instructional activities by process and product based upon the individual needs and strengths of the students. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

| | | |2015 |2016 |2017 | | |

| |Meeting logs |Principals, BLT |X |X |X | |Subs, scheduling, release |

|2.a.2 Provide structures (e.g. TBT, department teams) and schedules and common planning/meeting| | | | | | |time |

|for collaboration and support for all core content. | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Assessment data, |Principals, |X |X |X | |PD, Scheduling, results of |

|2.a.3 Provide classroom interventions, resources and/or collaborative team teaching, varied |Examine Step 3 in |Intervention | | | | |assessments, students |

|learning experiences and differentiated practices to address ALL students individual needs. |TBT minutes and BLT|Personnel | | | | |records |

| |feedback | | | | | | |

| |Walkthroughs and |Principals, BLT |X |X |X | |PD, Time, Core Curriculum |

|2.a.4 Use state adopted common core curriculum and intervention resources and materials to |Observations | | | | | | |

|address students’ individual needs. | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|2.a.5 Implement the 5 Step Process in TBT’s in each building with fidelity. |TBT minutes |Principals |X |X |X | |Time, PD |

| |collected in | | | | | | |

| |binders or Google | | | | | | |

| |Folders | | | | | | |

OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – GRADUATION


|Smart Goals |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area __________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions _______X____ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 3: By 2017, the district’s 4-year graduation rate will be 93% and the district’s 5-year graduation rate will be 95% as measured by the state local report card. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 3a: The staff will heed early warning signs regarding a lack of academic success by implementing appropriate interventions. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |Dec. |Mar 2015 |Actual Results |May 2015 |Actual Results |Oct. 2015 |Actual Results | |Actual Results|

| |2014 | | | | | | | | |

|Student Performance Indicator |Oct. |Jan 2014 |Actual Results |Mar 2015 |Actual Results |May 2015 |Actual Results | |Actual Results|

| |2014 | | | | | | | | |

OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – GRADUATION


|Smart Goals |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area __________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions _______X____ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 3: By 2017, the district’s 4-year graduation rate will be 93% and the district’s 5-year graduation rate will be 95% as measured by the state local report card. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 3a: The staff will heed early warning signs regarding a lack of academic success by implementing appropriate interventions. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |Dec. |Jan 2016 |Actual Results |Mar 2016 |Actual Results |May 2016 |Actual Results |Oct. |Actual Results |

| |2014 | | | | | | |2016 | |

|Student Performance Indicator |

|Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area __________ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions _______X____ _ Goal 4: |

|Operational/Cross-content-____________ |

|Goal 3: By 2017, the district’s 4-year graduation rate will be 93% and the district’s 5-year graduation rate will be 95% as measured by the state local report card. |

|Strategies, Indicators and Progress Measures |

|Strategy 3a: The staff will heed early warning signs regarding a lack of academic success by implementing appropriate interventions. |

| |Baseline Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |Progress Measure |

|Adult Implementation Indicator |Dec. |Jan 2017 |Actual Results |Mar 2017 |Actual Results |May 2017 |Actual Results |Oct. |Actual Results |

| |2014 | | | | | | |2018 | |

|Student Performance Indicator |Oct. |Oct 2016 |Actual Results |Jan 2017 |

| |2014 | | | |

| | | |June-Aug.|Sept.-Nov|Dec.-Feb.|March-May | |

| | | | |. | | | |

|3.a.2 Identify and intervene with students when they accumulate 5, 10 and 15 cumulative days|Attendance records, |Principals |X |X |X |X |Technology, Documentation |

|of absence. |parent attendance |Counselors | | | | |records |

| |letter contact log |Teachers | | | | | |

| | |Secretaries | | | | | |

| |Credit Recovery |Principal, Counselors, | | |X |X |Technology |

|3.a.3 Provide online credit recovery options. |Documentation |MVLC Coordinator | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |At-Risk |K-5 Classroom Teachers; | |X |X |X |At-Risk Identification, |

|3.a.4 Identify at-risk students (Attendance—missed 5 days or more the 1st nine weeks) and/or |Identification, |6-8 Teacher-Based Teams;| | | | |Parental Contact& Academic |

|(Academic Performance—Grades 9-12-Inelgibility list; Grades K-8—Fall MAP—““At Opportunity” in|Parental Contact& |9-12 Homeroom Teachers | | | | |Supports Form |

|Reading and/or Math and/or Grades K-3—Reading Improvement & Monitoring Plan). |Academic Supports Form| | | | | | |

| |documenting reasons | | | | | | |

| |for identification | | | | | | |

|3.a.5 Grade-level TBTs/Homeroom Teachers will document at-risk students’ attendance, academic|At-Risk |Grade-level | |X |X |X |At-Risk Identification, |

|performance, and interventions/academic supports provided. |Identification, |TBTs/Homeroom Teachers | | | | |Parental Contact& Academic |

| |Parental Contact& | | | | | |Supports Form |

| |Academic Supports Form| | | | | | |

| |documenting reasons | | | | | | |

| |for identification | | | | | | |

| |At-Risk |K-5 Classroom | |X |X |X |At-Risk Identification, |

|3.a.6 Elementary, Middle School and High School Teachers will contact 18 at-risk students' |Identification, |Teachers;6-8 | | | | |Parental Contact& Academic |

|parents including 4 positive parental contacts via phone, email, written correspondence or |Parental Contact& |Teacher-Based Teams; | | | | |Supports Form |

|personal contacts per nine weeks. |Academic Supports Form|9-12 Homeroom Teachers | | | | | |

| |documenting reasons | | | | | | |

| |for identification | | | | | | |

|3.a.7 Provide Preschool & Kindergarten parents with a presentation stressing the importance |Attendance Sheets |SOESC Attendance |X | | | |SOESC Resource Person |

|of their child receiving an education and attending school. | |Resource Person & |2015 | | | |Refreshments |

| | |Elementary | | | | | |

| | |Administrators | | | | | |

|3.a.8 Build relationships with students through high school homerooms and middle school TBTs |Agendas |Administrators, homeroom| |X |X |X |Time in the Schedule |

|by meeting with the same group of students for 20-30 mins. every 2-3 weeks for the year. | |teachers and classroom | | | | |Agendas |

| | |teachers | | | | |Student incentives |

|3.a.9 Establish a Career Planning Program for Grades K-12 |Attendance sheets; |Guidance Counselors, ELA| |X |X |X |Guest speakers, Career |

|Elementary—Career Day(s) with a focus on the importance of education and attendance |Digital Career |teachers and Family & | | | | |portfolios |

|Middle School/High School—OhioMeansJobs with a focus on a different aspect every year Grades |Portfolio |Consumer Science | | | | | |

|6-12. | |teachers | | | | | |


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