Saginaw Valley State University


Scope & Sequence

High School

|I. Perform |II. Create |III. Analyze |IV. Analyze in Context |V. Analyze and Make Connections |

|1. Apply skills and knowledge to perform |2. Apply skills and knowledge to create in|3. Analyze, describe, and evaluate works |4. Understand, analyze and describe the |5. Recognize, analyze, and describe |

|in the arts. |the arts. |of art. |arts in their historical, social, and |connections among the arts; between the |

|Sing and play with expression and |Improvise stylistically appropriate |Demonstrate extensive knowledge and use of |cultural contexts. |arts and other disciplines; between the |

|technical accuracy a large and varied |harmonizing parts. (ART.M.II.HS.1) |the technical vocabulary of music. |Classify by genre or style and by |arts and everyday life. |

|repertoire of vocal and instrumental |Improvise singing harmony within small |(ART.M.III.HS.1) |historical periods or culture, unfamiliar |Explain how elements, artistic processes, |

|literature with a moderate level of |groups, sing a known melody and take turns |Technical Vocabulary |but representative aural examples of music |and organizational principles are used in |

|difficulty, including some selections from|trying/hearing various harmonies. |Dynamics: Cresc, Decresc, piano, forte, |and explain the reasoning behind their |similar and distinctive ways in the various|

|memory. (ART.M.I.HS.1) |(Harmonies in 3rds are basic) |sfz, subtio, etc. |classifications. (ART.M.IV.HS.1) |arts and cite examples. (ART.M.V.HS.1) |

|Expression |Use syllables or vowel sounds to begin the |Articulation: staccato, tenuto/legato, |Classify |Similar/Distinctive Ways in Various Arts |

|Use dynamics appropriately remembering |idea of feeling comfortable with creating |etc. |Gregorian Chant – lack of meter, antiphon |Set design, pit, and choreography all work |

|that they are relative to melody and |harmonies (oo’s and aah’s) |Tempo markings: allegro, lento, adagio, |setting |together to create one overall production |

|harmony of the song and the pitch and |Improvise playing harmony |moderato, etc. |Renaissance – use of lute, harpsichord, |for a musical. Set design represents the |

|timbre of instruments |Play one note when it sounds like it would |Style: swing, straight eighths, cut |lack of vibrato in tone |visual arts department, the pit represents |

|Technical Accuracy |fit with the song (I chord or tonic) |time/alla breve, etc. |Siberia – throat singing |the music department, and choreography best|

|Articulation |Add the V chord or dominant | |Classical Indian – usage of sa, re, ga, ma |represents the dance department |

|Rhythms |Walking bass line (jazz and/or blues) |Analyze aural examples of a varied |(Indian solfege) | |

|Tempo | |repertoire of music, representing diverse | |Compare characteristics of two or more arts|

|Key signatures |Improvise rhythmic and melodic variations |genres and cultures, by describing the uses|Identify sources of American music genres, |within a particular historical period or |

|Instrumental Literature |given pentatonic melodies, and melodies in |of elements of music and expressive |trace the evolution of those genres, and |style and cite examples from various |

|Basics list |major and minor keys. (ART.M.II.HS.2) |devices. (ART.M.III.HS.2) |cite well-known musicians associated with |cultures. (ART.M.V.HS.2) |

|Chorales: J. S. Bach “16 Chorales” |Improvise Singing |Musical genres and cultures |them. (ART.M.IV.HS.2) |Renaissance Periods |

|Marches: composers, Karl King, John |Have students take a familiar piece, |Have students describe the difference |Identify American music genres |Does music from the Renaissance period |

|Phillip Sousa, etc. |classical or popular, best to find a |between Jazz and Blues |Jazz (Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, |match up with the visual arts from the same|

|Ballads |karaoke or instrumental recording, change |Have students describe the difference |Billie Holiday, Theloneus Monk, Miles |period? |

|Overtures |the rhythm and melody in a slight variation|between the different eras of classical |Davis, Charlie Parker, Winton Marseilles) |Does music from the Renaissance period |

|Vocal Literature |Improvise Playing |music |Rap (Sugar Hill Gang – Rappers Delight, Run|match up with theatre? dance? |

|Eric Whitacre – Seal Lullaby |Have solo(ists) improvise a melody using |Have students describe the difference |DMC, Jay-Z) |Are the characteristics similar culture to |

|Randall Thompson – The Pasture |only the 5 notes of the Pentatonic scale |between early rock and current rock and |Country – (Hank Williams, Glen Campbell, |culture? (throughout the world?) |

|Moses Hogan – I Am His Child |while band plays I-IV-V-I |roll. |Minnie Pearl, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, | |

|Persichetti – Dominic Has a Doll |Have students improvise melody using | |Kenny Rodgers, Taylor Swift, Lady |Explain ways in which the principles and |

| |pentatonic scale plus other neighboring |Identify and explain compositional devices |Antebellum) |subject matter of various disciplines |

|Sing music written in four parts, with or |tones |and techniques and their purposes, giving |Rock – Elvis, Beatles, Rolling Stones, |outside the arts are interrelated with |

|without accompaniment. (ART.M.I.HS.2) |Improvise harmony underneath a pentatonic |examples of other works that make similar |Aerosmith, Metallica, AC/DC) |those of music. (ART.M.V.HS.3) |

|Sing |melody, either major and/or minor |uses of these devices and techniques. |Pop – The Temptations, The Funk Brothers, |Various Subject Matters |

|Ralph Manuel – Alleluia | |(ART.M.III.HS.3) |Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, Michael |Science – physics (frequency) |

|The Awakening |Improvise original melodies over given |Identify compositional devices and |Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Mariah |History – music history (composers, styles)|

| |chord progressions, each in a constant |techniques |Carey, Celine Dion) |English – lyrical assessment |

|Perform an appropriate part in large and |style, meter, and tonality. (ART.M.II.HS.3)|Finale, Sibelius, SmartMusic, GarageBand | |Mathematics – note values, time signatures,|

|small ensembles, demonstrating |Improvise Singing |Explain compositional devices and |Identify various roles that musicians |addition, subdivision |

|well-developed ensemble skills. |Have students create melodies using scat |techniques |perform, cite representative individuals | |

|(ART.M.I.HS.3) |syllables (Jazz) to begin |Have students compose a short song using |who have functioned in each role, and |Explain how the roles of creators, |

|Perform |Improvise Playing |the above stated software |describe their activities and achievements.|performers, and others involved in the |

|Using all musical skills: dynamics, |Have students create melodies using a small| |(ART.M.IV.HS.3) |production and presentation of the arts are|

|articulation, correct notes, key signature|portion of the main theme |Evaluate the use of music in mixed media |Identify various roles |similar to and different from one another |

|changes, time signature changes |Have students create a melody using the |environments. (ART.M.III.HS.4) |Composer- one who creates/ writes music |in the various arts and disciplines outside|

|Listening to their own sections and other |entire main theme |Movies |Arranger- one who takes an already composed|of the arts. (ART.M.V.HS.4) |

|sections in ensemble, whether they are | |Have students describe how various types of|piece and creates a variation on it |Roles in the Various Arts |

|instrumental and/or vocal |Compose music in several different styles; |music affects the mood of the various |Lyricist – one who creates lyrics to set to|Musical: Choreographer-dance; Director – |

| |demonstrate creativity in using the |scenes in a movie |a provided melodic line or chord |oversees all , light design; Set Design – |

|Perform music using instruments |elements of music for expressive effect. |Radio |progressions |creates sets for the stage, scene-to-scene;|

|(traditional and non-traditional) and |(ART.M.II.HS.4) |Have students experiment with sound |Instrumentalist – those who play |Sound Engineer- microphones, levels; Vocal |

|electronic media. (ART.M.I.HS.4) |Compose |effects, for example a radio show |instruments |Director – instructs vocal lines, soloists,|

|Instruments |Sing basic chord progressions (I.IV.V) and | |Vocalist – those who sing |and chorus |

|Traditional: flute, clarinet, saxophones,|have students create melodies first, |Make informed, critical evaluations of the |Conductor – one who leads a large vocal or | |

|trumpet/cornet, etc. |followed by lyrics |quality and effectiveness of performances, |instrumental ensemble |Analyze and consider the use of music and |

|Non-traditional: Blue Man Group style; |Students should use solfege to help notate |compositions, arrangements, and |Producer – one who provides musical |media for the future. (ART.M.V.HS.5) |

|brooms, trash cans, utensils, etc. |their melodies on staff paper |improvisations applying specific criteria. |direction, facilitator and mixes music as |Analyze Music & Media |

|Electronic Media | |(ART.M.III.HS.5) |well as creates music, especially for pop |Discuss how music is used in various media |

|Use of iPad/iPod apps, Finale, Sibelius, |Arrange pieces for voices or instruments, |Critique |genres |forms today |

|Smart Music, etc. |other than those for which the pieces were |Have students critique a performance, | |Bring/show examples |

| |written, in ways that preserve or enhance |either their own and/or another group |Analyze the impact of electronic music |Based off of music and media in the past |

|Perform from an instrumental or vocal |the expressive effect of the music. |within school or outside of school |media in society and culture. |five years, discuss where it can go in the |

|score of at least four staves. |(ART.M.II.HS.5) | |(ART.M.IV.HS.4) |next five years |

|(ART.M.I.HS.5) |Arrange pieces for voices |Evaluate a performance, composition, |Electronic music in society/culture | |

|Perform |Arranging vocal lines that may benefit not |arrangement, or improvisation by comparing |How has technology evolved in the past 10 | |

|Perform an accompanied duet, trio, |only the piece but also the choir in a |it to similar or exemplary models. |years? In the past 20 years? | |

|quartet, 4 part voicing, etc. |better way |(ART.M.III.HS.6) |How has technology changed the face of | |

| |Having alto’s sing a baritone part an |Compare/contrast |music? | |

|Sight read accurately and expressively, |octave higher |Have students listen to a professional |Listen to music from the 50’s and today. | |

|music with a moderate level of difficulty.|Arranging a pop choral arrangement from |recording and a recording of the same song |How much is live versus electronic? What | |

|(ART.M.I.HS.6) |what is written in the score to what is |they played and explain the similarities |other similarities/ differences are there? | |

|Accurately Sight Read |truer from the original recording |and differences. | | |

|Time signature, any changes |Arrange pieces for instruments | | | |

|Key signature, any changes |Arrange a part for another instrument that | | | |

|Repeats, coda’s (D.S., D.C., Fine) |is not present in the band or needs extra | | | |

|Accidentals/ transitions |reinforcement | | | |

|Style changes (straight eighths, swing, | | | | |

|cut time, etc.) |Compose and arrange music for voices and | | | |

|Tempo, any changes |various acoustic and electronic | | | |

|Solfege syllables |instruments, demonstrating knowledge of the| | | |

|Expressively Sight Read |ranges and traditional usage of the sound | | | |

|Dynamics |sources. (ART.M.II.HS.6) | | | |

|Mood |Compose/Arrange for voices | | | |

| |Students compose an 8-16 measure piece | | | |

| |using 2 part harmonies, keeping in mind the| | | |

| |ranges of each part | | | |

| |Students compose an 8-16 measure piece | | | |

| |using 4 part harmonies, keeping in mind the| | | |

| |ranges of each part | | | |

| |Students adapt/arrange a familiar song, | | | |

| |popular or classical, creating simple 2, 3 | | | |

| |or 4-part harmonies | | | |

| |Compose/Arrange for instruments | | | |

| |Have students compose a simple 8-10 measure| | | |

| |song for their instrument | | | |

| |Have students compose a simple 8-10 measure| | | |

| |song for an instrument not theirs or in | | | |

| |their family, for example a woodwind | | | |

| |compose for a brass or percussion | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Create or adapt music to integrate with | | | |

| |other media. (ART.M.II.HS.7) | | | |

| |Create/Adapt | | | |

| |Watch a relatively short movie scene | | | |

| |without any audio. Have students interpret | | | |

| |what is occurring in the scene and decide | | | |

| |what kind of music will help enhance the | | | |

| |emotions within the scene | | | |

| |Have students use recording software (e.g. | | | |

| |GarageBand) to record music they either | | | |

| |composed as a band/choir or arranged off of| | | |

| |a familiar piece and set it to the movie | | | |

| |clip | | | |

| |Have students assess the scene for sound | | | |

| |effects (not music related) that can be | | | |

| |added to the scene | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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