Ms. Chapman's Class (Pre-AP)

Ella Minnow Pea Vocabulary ReviewDirections: Number, write down, and underline each word. Then answer the corresponding sentence in a complete, thoughtful sentence. The more you put into using this review well, the better your score on your exam will be.Nounsaltruism – What kinds of professions do you think are the most altruistic?amphora – What kinds of things did the Greeks store in amphorae (plural of amphora)?annals – What sort of accomplishment would you like to become so famous for that it is written down in the annals of history?apiary – If bees could talk, what kinds of conversations do you think you would overhear in an apiary?appellation – Explain what kind of appellation an epithet is.blasphemy – If you spoke blasphemous things Islam in Saudi Arabia, what do you think your punishment would be?brevity – When you are writing a story, is elaboration or brevity more difficult?cataract – If you were given the choice, would you like to canoe over a cataract? Why or why not?cenotaph – Imagine that the principal of Bellaire asks you your opinion on to whom the school should build a cenotaph to at the front of the school? What great historical figure would you choose, and why?charlatan – Do you believe that magic is real, or that magicians are just charlatans?confluence – Do you find group projects frustrating, or do you think that they lead to the confluence of many great ideas?conjecture – Give an example of conjecture that you might hear about in a court case.countenance – What kind of countenance would you have if you bit into a slice of your birthday cake, only to discover it was made of mud?cretin – How would you react if someone called you a “cretin?”cusp – Explain what it means to be “born on the cusp.” (Look it up if you don’t know.)cynic – What would a cynic probably think if someone offered him or her a free trip to Europe?diatribe – Describe a time when you heard a diatribe.discourse – What are some characteristics of professional discourse?disposition – If you were choosing your perfect pet dog, what kind of disposition would you want it to have?edict – Name three kinds of people who get to give edicts.elision – Give an example of elision that occurs in the Star-Spangled Banner.émigré – Do you think that émigrés to a new country deserve the same rights as citizens who were born there?grievance – What were some of the American colonists’ grievances against Great Britain?guise – What will you go in the guise of for Halloween?insurrection – How would a very strict teacher deal with insurrection in his classroom?manacle – Do you believe that marriage is a kind of metaphorical manacle?manifestation – If you were sick with the flu, how might that illness manifest itself?moratorium – What does it mean if you teacher tells you that she is declaring a moratorium on talking?noggin – What is inside of your noggin?obeisance – What kind of person would cause you to act with extraordinary obeisance?plight – How do you feel about the plight of people who have contracted Ebola?prohibition – Do you think that Bellaire should impose a prohibition on chewing gum, since many students are sticking it on the floor and under desks?pyre – Would you prefer to be buried or burned on a funeral pyre after death?ramification – What kinds of ramifications would you face if you got caught driving by a police officer before you had your license?renegade – If you were in the military and your commanding officer asked you to do something you thought was wrong, would you follow her directions or would you go renegade?reprisal – When someone hurts you, do you tend to react with reprisal or forgiveness? Why?sagacity – What kinds of people are known for their sagacity?scintilla – If you were cooking spaghetti, what would you want to add a scintilla of to the pot?semblance – Describe a character from a fairy tale who put on a caring, kind semblance, but in reality was wicked and cruel.Shangri-La – What do you think Shangri-La would look like?sojourn – If you were Penelope, would you forgive Odysseus for his sojourn on Calypso’s island?stupefaction – Explain how to cast the Stunning Spell from the world of Harry Potter, and what happens when you use it. (You may have to look this one up.)swan song – Explain the history of the expression “swan song.” (You will have to look this up.)vigilante – Explain how George Zimmerman was a vigilante.” (You will probably need to look this up.)Verbsallay – If you were babysitting a young cousin and he was afraid of the dark, how would you allay his fears?buoy – When you are having a bad day, what helps to buoy you up?capitulate – If you are playing chess and your opponent declares “checkmate!” do you keep playing until your king is captured, or do you capitulate?circumvent – If there were a big traffic jam on the route that you normally take home, explain how you would circumvent that problem.divulge – Under what circumstances should you divulge a dangerous secret that a friend has told you?emancipate – Explain what the Emancipation Proclamation was.embroil – If you were a crewmember sailing with Odysseus, would you be upset with him for embroiling you in so much drama, or would you be glad for the adventure?essay – Keeping in mind the verb-form definition of “essay,” why do you think we call a paper in which you attempt to explain something an “essay?”expatriate – How would you feel if you were expatriated to Canada?extirpate – Do you think gardeners should extirpate weeds, or can they sometimes be beautiful?fetter – Do you think that today schools fetter students’ creativity? Explain.incinerate – If you were to try cooking dinner, how likely are you to incinerate the meal?ostracize – Describe a time when you felt ostracized.procure – Explain how you would go about procuring a fancy emerald necklace?rescind – Why might a university rescind an offer of admission to a student they had previously accepted?rouse – Are you difficult to rouse from sleep, or do you wake up easily?subdue – If an angry dog were coming towards you and running away was impossible, how would you subdue it?venerate - Do you believe that we venerate athletes too much in our society?Adjectivesabashed – Do you blush when you are abashed?asinine – Describe a television show that you think is asinine, and explain why.clandestine – Think of three kinds of jobs where you would need to behave placent – Explain why being complacent is bad.corporal - Write one synonym and three antonyms for corporal.despondent – What is a situation where you would feel despondent?diabolical – What is something diabolical that a sibling (or cousin) has done to you?dire – If you had a dire need to go to the bathroom, how would you ask your teacher to excuse you?egregious – In your opinion, do you think egregious crimes deserve the death penalty?epistolary – Why might an author choose to write a novel in an epistolary format?gallant – Do you think boys have an obligation to behave gallantly, or is that sexist?harrowing – If you were to go to a haunted house, would you find the experience to be fun or harrowing? Why?imminent – If you here on the news that a hurricane is imminent, what should you do?indolent – How do you act when you are feeling indolent?infernal – Name some places that have an infernal climate.innate – What do you have an innate talent for?insolent – If a police office pulls you over and asks you if you know that you are speeding, and you reply in an insolent manner, what is likely to happen?jocular – Give an example of a character from a book that you have read who has a jocular disposition, and explain how.lofty – If someone speaks to you in a lofty tone, how does that make you feel?marital – What do you think the key to a good marital relationship is?mellifluous – Name two things that are mellifluous, and two things that are the opposite of mellifluous.nascent – What are the nascent months of the year?ominous – Name three places that would have an ominous atmosphere.omnipotent – Explain the two root words of “omnipotent.”omniscient – Explain the two root words of “omniscient.”orthodox – How would someone with a very orthodox attitude feel about tattoos and body piercings?paltry – What kind of grade will you get on an assignment if you give it a paltry effort?pedestrian – If someone tells you that your outfit is very pedestrian, how would that make you feel?pious – For what kinds of jobs would you need to be very pious?potent – How did the Cyclops feel after drinking Odysseus’ potent wine?pyrrhic – Explain what a pyrrhic victory is.resilient – When you suffer a defeat, do you react in a resilient manner or do you let it get you down?rote – What kinds of things do you learn from rote memorization?sentient – At what times is a person not sentient?superfluous – If there were a superhero named Super Fluous, what would he or she be like?taciturn – What are some disadvantages of having a taciturn personality?terrestrial – What does the word “extraterrestrial” literally mean? verboten – What kinds of behaviors are verboten according to your family’s rules? ................

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