Mrs. Reed's Literature & Language Classroom – A place for ...

WordDefinitionSynonymAntonymORIGINAL Sentence from Student-HIGHLIGHT VOCAB WORD)1Forfeitlose the right to or lose by some error, offense, or crime2Precedentan example that is used to justify similar occurrences3Abyssa bottomless gulf or pit4Reticenttemperamentally disinclined to talk5Jettisonthrow away, of something encumbering6Intransigentimpervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason7polymatha person of great and varied learning8cuckolda man whose wife committed adultery9Mercilesshaving or showing no forgiveness10Fraya noisy fight11Quid Pro Quosomething given in exchange for something else12Upstartan arrogant or presumptuous person13Tyrannygovernment in which the ruler is an absolute dictator14Stationone's proper or designated social position15Disquietingcausing mental discomfort16Factiona dissenting clique17Retractiona disavowal or taking back of a previous assertion18Primpdress or groom with elaborate care19Preendress or groom with elaborate care20Vacuousdevoid of intelligence21Enterprisea purposeful or industrious undertaking22Abetassist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing23Dissidenta person who objects to some established policy24Pseudonyma fictitious name used when performing a particular role25Partisana fervent and even militant proponent of something26Consigncommit forever27Oblivionthe state of being disregarded or forgotten28Benignpleasant and beneficial in nature or influence29Perplexedfull of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment30Proteantaking on different forms31Speculationan investment that is risky but could yield great profits32Embezzleappropriate fraudulently to one's own use33Prosperousin fortunate circumstances financially34Extortobtain by coercion or intimidation35Sordidimmoderately greedy and selfish36Checkeredpatterned with alternating squares of color (2 sided history/personality)37Sullymake dirty or spotty38Indifferenceunbiased impartial unconcern39Deliverancerecovery or preservation from loss or danger40Torridcharacterized by intense emotion41Redeemrestore the honor or worth of42Virtuositygreat technical skill, fluency, or style43Disparageexpress a negative opinion of44Scoundrelsomeone who does evil deliberately45Obfuscatemake obscure or unclear46Equivocatebe deliberately ambiguous or unclear47Grievancea complaint about a wrong that causes resentment48Intemperateexcessive in behavior49Terraina piece of ground having specific characteristics50Obliteratedo away with completely, without leaving a trace ................

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