May 15, 2008

Annual Meeting

Thursday November 12, 2020

Via Zoom Conference Call


Dr. David Paul, Chair Dr. Aguida Atkinson

Bridget Buckaloo Tiffany Chalk

Dr. Garrett Colmorgen Representative Ruth-Briggs King

Mawuna Gardesey Dr. Karyl Rattay

Logan Herring Dr. Agnes Richardson

Rev. John Holden Forrest Watson

Dr. Rita Landgraf

Lolita Lopez

Representative Melissa Minor-Brown

Susan Noyes, Co-Chair

Brian Olson

Liz O’Neil

Representative Bryant Richardson

Representative Bryan Townsend

Leah Woodall



|I. Call to Order |The meeting was called to order by Dr. David Paul, Chair, at 10:31am. |No further action |Dr. David Paul, Chair|Resolved |

| | |required. | | |

|II. Announcements |Dr. Paul shared that congratulations are in order for Dr. Garret Colmorgen who |No further action |Dr. David Paul, Chair|Resolved |

| |received the Tilden Award by the Medical Society of Delaware for his work in |required. | | |

| |maternal and fetal health in Delaware. The Tilden Award is given annually for | | | |

| |medical achievement to a Delaware physician who exhibits superior leadership, | | | |

| |vision, innovation, and who has shown a life-long commitment to service for the | | | |

| |betterment of patients, local community, and the nation. | | | |

| |. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Dr. Paul has met with some professors from Delaware State University recently and | | | |

| |welcomed them to today’s meeting. | | | |

| |November 17th is World Prematurity Day, so please wear purple in honor of this day. | | | |

|III. Consent Agenda|The Consent Agenda consisting of the 9/9/20 DPQC minutes, and the Delaware Perinatal|No further action |Dr. David Paul, Chair|Resolved |

| |Quality Cooperative (DPQC) meeting from 9/17/2020 and 10/15/2020 were approved. The |required. | | |

| |minutes from the SDOH and Well Woman Work Group to be posted to Basecamp when | | | |

| |available. | | | |

|IV. Renewal of |Susan Noyes; Dr. Garrett Colmorgen; Lolita Lopez; Forrest Watson and Representative |No further action |Dr. David Paul, Chair|Resolved |

|Members with |Ruth Briggs-King’s terms will be expiring after three years; their term was renewed |required. | | |

|Expiring Terms |in today’s meeting for an additional three years by unanimous vote. | | | |

|V. Perinatal | Dr. Colmorgen shared some updates about the DPQC: the Collaborative has started |No further action |Dr. Garrett Colmorgen|On-going |

|Collaborative |collecting data for the OB Hemorrhage Project via Healthy Soft; Khaleel has looked |required. | | |

|Update |at some of the recent data and after the OB Hemorrhage training blood loss lowered | | | |

| |but then increased in recent months. Have been unable to hold simulations due to | | | |

| |COVID restrictions but plan to set these up 2x a year. | | | |

| |Due to COVID the Collaborative has developed COVID calls that originally occurred | | | |

| |weekly and now are occurring biweekly, have had 16 calls to date where the | | | |

| |Collaborative members discuss COVID management at each institution across the state | | | |

| |and answer questions and everyone is working together and helping one another. | | | |

| |Dr. Colmorgen and Kim Petrella will be attending a training on how to run effective | | | |

| |Collaboratives. | | | |

| |There is a virtual meeting for Implicit Bias among OB providers on 11/19: “Blind | | | |

| |Spot: Hidden by a Seas of Good People” Zoom presentation will occur on Nov 19th | | | |

| |5-7:30pm; 1.75 CME;s for live presentation; limited to 100 seats on Zoom; will be | | | |

| |available for 1 week for other to view. | | | |

| |The DPQC has received a grant to increase Buprenorphine Waivers for providers. | | | |

|VI. University of |April Lyons-Als presented the University of Delaware Preconception Peer Educator |On-going |April Lyons-Alls |On-going |

|Delaware |Project: Virtual Life Planning to Teens which occurred at The Warehouse in | | | |

|Preconception Peer |Wilmington. This was a pilot project to educate teens about key health and life | | | |

|Educator Project |planning topics and to help teens make personal choices. The group met at Kingswood | | | |

| |and was adapted to Zoom due to COVID; the group played Healthy Relationship Jeopardy| | | |

| |and peer educators facilitated the games and discussions. Brianna Ferrante, PPE VP | | | |

| |and Julianna Buck, PPE President, Anaya Patterson from The Warehouse, Khi~Aire | | | |

| |Martin and Aeryon Driver shared their experiences with the project. | | | |

|VII. Update on |Rep. Melissa Minor Brown shared new workgroup, the Doula Workgroup, a division of |On-going |Rep. Melissa Minor |On-going |

|State Doula |the SDOH workgroup, has met to review visitation with Doula’s and Doula Support in | |Brown | |

|Visitation |light of COVID restrictions on visiting at birthing institutions. Some women had to | | | |

| |choose between their partner or their Doula to attend the birth of their baby. Due | | | |

| |to the meeting of the Doula Support Group, all birthing institutions will now allow | | | |

| |a Doula to attend the birth in addition to the partner. The group will continue to | | | |

| |meet to discuss the role of the doula prenatally, in the birthing process sand | | | |

| |post-partum. Doula’s can also be an asset to narrow the disparity among black women | | | |

| |and the group wants to increase awareness of the positive relationship doula’s play | | | |

| |in the birthing process and in birthing outcomes. | | | |

|VIII. Infant |With the state facing possible budget shortages due to COVID Infant Mortality |On-going |Dr. David Paul and |On-going |

|Mortality Program |funding will more than likely be facing budget cuts for FY22. A two page white pages| |Leah Woodall, DPH | |

|Funding |that summarizes the improvements made to infant mortality in Delaware is available | | | |

| |for review and will be emailed to everyone on DHMIC email list; Leah reviewed state | | | |

| |budget process as the week of January 3rd the Governor presents his FY22 budget | | | |

| |recommendations and in February the DHSS and DPH budget will be presented to the | | | |

| |Joint Finance Committee; then the markup period occurs and then the budget will be | | | |

| |approved. | | | |

|IX. Workgroup |Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality- did not meet. |On-going |Dr. David Paul |On-going |

|Report Outs |SDOH: They are creating a pilot related to homeless women, homeless pregnant women | | | |

| |and homeless women of child bearing age; DHSA has come to the last meeting and Rita | |Dr. Rita Landgraf | |

| |has spoken with a key researcher in Ohio with Healthy Beginnings and will be | | | |

| |partnering with them and Ray Fitzgerald with DHSS provided data on pregnant women | | | |

| |going through social services; they are putting a sub-committee together to develop | | | |

| |white paper and possible budget for a program that will be designed and piloted. | | | |

| |Well-Women: the group met 9/16, will be looking at postpartum warning signs and what| | | |

| |would meet the needs of the women in Delaware; reviewed data from HWHB 2.0 | | | |

| |Benchmarks from the first year of the program; elevated the work of the Black | | | |

| |Maternal Health and Black Maternal Health Breastfeeding week and reviewed an | |Susan Noyes | |

| |overview of the HWHB Zone Mini Grantees. | | | |

|VII. Adjourn-ment|There being no further business before the Committee, the chair adjourned the |No further action |Dr. David Paul, Chair|Resolved |

| |meeting at 11:48am. |required | | |

Minutes prepared by: JoEllen Kimmey

Minutes reviewed by: Mawuna Gardesey

Minutes respectfully submitted by: JoEllen Kimmey

Minutes reviewed and approved by CHAIR: Dr. David Paul

Upcoming DHMIC Meetings: TBD.

Save the Date: Annual Summit will be April 13, 2021



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