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R2 Supplement No. 1200-91-1

Effective September 23, 1991

POSTING NOTICE. Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Title was Supplement No. 53 to FSM 1220.


Page Code (Number of Sheets)

1221 3

1225 1


Document Name (Number of Pages)

1220 6


1221 - Changes responsible organization from Management Systems and Administration (MSA) to Personnel Management (PM). Changed paragraph numbering in R2 Supplement 39 to read 1222 and 1222.5.


Regional Forester


R2 SUPPLEMENT 1200-91-1




1221.3 - Position Management System Standards. It is recognized that the basic part of an organization structure is the position and that a systematic approach to work force management is a key to good organization/position management.

8. The Director of Personnel Management (PM) is responsible for administering the organization/position management system. This responsibility includes coordinating with various staffs as needed in order to:

a. Provide for developing and recommending policies and procedures for the position/management system.

b. Review and make recommendations on proposed organizational changes (FSM 1225).

c. Develop administrative ceiling recommendations.

d. Review and make recommendations on unit requests for additional ceilings (normally limited to the beginning of the fiscal year and mid-year).

9. Organization/position management systems for the Regional Office and each National Forest shall include the following as a minimum:

a. Current organization chart, updated annually, showing all permanent continuing positions (FSM 1221.3).

b. Position functional/role statements (FSM 1225.23) down through group leaders, GM-13 and above specialist positions reporting to group leaders or above, and zone or detached specialists in the Regional Office.

National Forest functional/role statements for line and staff down through group leaders; GS-12 and above specialist positions reporting to primary staff or above, detached or shared specialists; and zone positions including zone leader, and GS-9 and above supervisors and specialists reporting to the zone leader.

c. Procedures documented in Forest Service Manual supplement describing the process for obtaining the line manager's approval for position changes and/or minor organization changes within the unit.

10. Change Proposals Requiring Regional Forester's Approval. Forest Supervisors and Directors will submit proposals to the Regional Forester as a package under the 1220 organization responsibilities file designation. Requests will be routed to Personnel Management for completion of staff work, scheduling, and recommendation. Organizational changes requiring Regional Forester approval are found in in this R2 Supplement to 1225. The proposal package will include:

a. Organizational Chart. The current approved organizational chart showing proposed changes in relation to present organization. This may be done by making ink changes to the current chart.

b. Role Statement. A current position role statement, when applicable, showing proposed changes in relation to current role. Show changes in ink on copy of current statement.

c. Narrative Statement. The narrative statement should demonstrate in terms of quality and/or quantity what can be anticipated by implementing the proposal. It shall include (a) how management will be improved by change; (b) why this proposal is the best means to solve the problem indicated, and what alternatives were considered; (c) how the proposed change relates to the existing organization; and (d) opportunity for minority and women candidates.

d. Position Job Description. Current and proposed.

e. Completed Forms SF-52, Request for Personnel Action; and AD-734, Request for Candidates.

Approval of an organizational/position change by the line officer does not approve the suggested grades or provide additional ceilings or funds. Unit heads are responsible for staying within the established ceiling, funding, and other controls established by the Regional Forester.

After Regional Forester approval, the proposal package will be routed to Personnel Management for classification and placement actions.

Personnel Management will coordinate closely on change proposals with the objective of providing quick, efficient, and effective service to the requesting unit. Personnel Management will work with the Forest or Regional Office staff on personnel actions following Regional Forester approval of the proposal.

Documented approval will be returned to the requesting unit by Personnel Management.

Personnel Management will prepare letters recommending and/or authorizing change(s) or documenting rationale for non approval for all change actions requiring Regional Forester approval.

11. Employee Ceilings Management. Regional ceilings distribution will be based on work force management planning. Ceiling count will be in terms of full-time equivalents (FTE). Tentative distribution will be made by the Regional Forester to Forests annually in the tentative budget advice after receiving the Chief's ceiling for the Region. Forests will report ceiling adjustments needed in their budget adjustment request.

Regional Office ceilings will be administered for the Regional Office as a unit and not distributed to each staff. Control for staffs will be according to approved work force plans and organization charts with changes approved by the Regional Forester through the above proposal process.


1222.5 - Organization and Responsibilities of Line Units.

1. Capital City Supervisors. Capital City Forest Supervisors headquartered in Chadron, Nebraska; Custer, South Dakota; and Laramie, Wyoming perform a unique role in conducting State-level activities of importance to the Forest Service representative for a wide variety of liaison activities providing a focal point for State-level communications.

To fulfull this role, the Capital City Forest Supervisor establishes and maintains a Forest Service "presence" within the Capital City location. This does not imply or convey any added line authority. Rather, it represents the assignments of duties coincidental to the Capital City location.

In defining this role, it is recognized that these are areas of "gray" which make it impossible to set direction for every conceivable situation. Forest Supervisors, Directors, and members of their staffs must be sensitive to variations in local situations and apply common sense and judgment.

The specific elements of the role of Capital City Forest Supervisors are as follows:

Maintains Forest Service liaison with a wide range of Capital City contacts, including Governor's Office, Congressional Delegation offices, State and Federal agencies, State-level organizations (livestock, conservation, timber, mining, and so forth). college and university personnel, and key individuals. Provides information to organizations and groups as appropriate.

Maintains working knowledge of current Forest Service issues (National Forest System, State and Private Forestry, and Research) and management concerns within the State.

Provides information, as needed or requested, to Regional Office staffs, other Forest Supervisors on current issues, concerns, and sensitive situations.

Facilitates contacts, as needed or requested, between Regional Office staffs, other Forest Supervisors, and Capital City contacts. This activity should in no way terminate or curtail the use of traditional communication links between Regional Staffs, other Forest Supervisors and Capital City contacts.

Provides leadership role in identifying the need for and scheduling coordination meetings with units of State and Federal government (that is, State affairs meetings, periodic BLM coordination meetings, and so forth).

Monitors and reports on State legislation activities of interest to the Forest Service.

Facilitates contact with Capital City news media.

As designated by the Regional Forester(s), represents the Forest Service on "State-oriented) committees (that is, State Emergency Board, State Rural Development Committees, State Forestry Advisory Committees, USDA Food and Agriculture Council, and so forth) (FSM 3610.4).

Provides State-level briefings on a wide range of special activities or greater than local interest (that is, major Forest Service policy changes, unusual fire situations within the State, and so forth).

2. Coordination with non-Capital City Supervisors. To effectively fulfill this role, there must be ongoing, two-way communications between the Capital City Forest Supervisor and other Forest Supervisors. Capital City Forest Supervisors must be kept apprised of significant events relating to current and emerging issues of interest beyond the local level.


1225.04 - Responsibility.

1225.04e - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director. Regional Forester approval is required for any of the following organizational changes:

1. Proposals that would establish, abolish, or change a position that reports directly to a Forest Supervisor or Regional Office Director.

2. Proposals that would establish, abolish, or change R-2 zone organizations or detached specialist positions.

3. Proposals for organizational change that would require facility relocation.

4. Proposals which would transfer or change primary functional assignments from one primary staff position to another.

5. Any proposal to increase Regional Office permanent staffing.


1225.2 - Documentation and Procedures for Obtaining Approval. Requests for organizational changes which require Regional Forester approval should be accompanied by the following supporting information:

1. A narrative explanation of the changes and factors which make the change desirable.

2. A description of any alternatives considered and reasons for recommended alternative.

3. An estimate of the one-time and recurring costs required to implement the proposed change.

4. A description of effects on existing staffing. Include:

a. Net change in permanent FTE's for organization.

b. Net change in average grade level.

c. Extent to which any employees would be displaced.

d. Extent to which the change would respond to objectives of the R-2 Hu man Resource Management Plan, for example, "bottleneck", interdisciplinary positions, employee development, career ladders, impact on females and minority employees, and so forth.

5. Current and proposed organization charts.

6. Requests for organizational change should be submitted for review during the months of January or July of each year. However, Forests may submit organizational change proposals at any time and proposals will be considered within 30 days. Forward requests to the Personnel Management Director for review and processing.


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