Unit Plan Template - Weebly

Unit Plan

|Unit Author |

|First and Last Name |Jessica Blake |

|School City, State |WVSU, West Virginia |

|Unit Overview |

|Unit Title |

|Exploring Your Five Senses |

|Unit Summary |

|Day 1 |

|A KWL chart will be started and students will make an entry in their science journal drawing what they may know about their senses. |

|I will read the book My Five Senses by Aliki followed by a class discussion of how we learn. Students will complete a graph about the five senses indicating |

|which sense/senses they might use to learn about the pictured objects explaining why they chose those senses. |

|Students will be given a letter to take home to their parents, introducing them to the unit topic and giving them a blog address created for extended learning |

|exercises of our five senses. |

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|Day 2 |

|“Brain and Senses” As a whole class we will go through the interactive introduction to our brain. Our brain and central nervous system control everything we |

|do, say, see, hear, smell, and feel! |

|Students will complete an online Treasure Hunt discovering information about their five senses using the following two links: |

| and . |

|Students will write in their five sense journal about their sense of smell and sense of touch. |

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|Day 3 |

|Students will complete “My Five Senses Matching” Worksheet, followed by a Student Self-Assessment. |

|I will read the book Forest Friends’ Five Senses by Christina Garelli followed by a class discussion, comparing animal senses to human senses. |

|Students will watch a movie, made on Movie Maker by me, called “Super Sense-ative.” A movie about amazing animal senses. |

|Students will write in their five senses journals about animal senses. |

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|Day 4 |

|The class will take a Listening/Seeing Walk: Take the children outside and have them listen and watch their surroundings. While on the walk I will ask |

|students about what they are hearing and seeing and write them down for us to discuss when we get back to the classroom. Once we are back inside the class |

|will reflect on what they heard and seen outside. |

|The class will gather at the reading carpet and we will play an interactive game about our five senses to reinforce how each sense is used. (Interactive |

|PowerPoint I have created) |

|Students will write in their five senses journals about their sense of sound and sense of sight. |

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|Day 5 |

|Students will be creating a Math Rainbow (example is attached) to find different ways to make the number 10 using colors. The rainbow will be projected on the|

|SmartBoard. We will review the math problems as a class and students will fill in their own rainbow of addition. |

|I will read Sense Suspense: A Guessing Game For The Five Senses by Bruce McMillian. As I’m reading the story I will pause and allow students to guess which |

|sense is being described. |

|Students will write in their five senses journals about their sense of taste. |

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|Day 6 |

|Students will create a chart using Kidspiration (example provided under assessment tools) and print out their final product to later discuss with the class. |

|Students will complete “My Five Senses Chart” by cutting and pasting what item belongs under each sense. |

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|Day 7 |

|Students will complete the “Potato Head” assessment. |

|Then students will share with the class their Kidspiration chart by describing why they choose the images they did to be put into their charts. |

|We will return to the KWL chart filling in the remaining portion. |

|Students will write something they learned about their senses in their five senses journal. |

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|Subject Area |

|Science/Technology |

|Grade Level |

|Kindergarten |

|Approximate Time Needed |

|30 minutes for 7 days |

|Unit Foundation |

|Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks |

|WV 21st Content Learning Skills |

|21C.O.PK-2.1.TT.1 Student uses keyboard and mouse to enter name and User ID, types sentences and follows on-screen prompts to successfully operate computers. |

|Student uses printers, audiotapes, and other technologies. Student names common technologies (e.g., CD player, DVD player, video camera, cell phone). |

|21C.O.PK-2.1.LS.2 Student can accurately interpret and create simple visuals (e.g. charts, maps, graphs and models) and use this information to solve problems |

|and communicate information. |

|21C.O.PK-2.1.LS.3 Student articulates thoughts and ideas, representative of real and imaginary experiences, clearly and effectively through oral, written or |

|multimedia communication. |

|21C.O.PK-2.1.TT.6 Student, working in a teacher–led whole group project, enters simple data into a spreadsheet and creates graphs electronically (i.e., use of |

|chart wizard). |

|21C.O.PK-2.2.LS.2 Student identifies parts of a system and explains how those parts interact with one another. |

|21C.O.PK-2.3.LS.3 Student understands the defined learning goal and uses age-appropriate instructional rubrics and tools to assess his/her performance in |

|meeting the goal within the timeline established by the teacher. |

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|WV Science |

|SC.O.K.1.1 ask questions about themselves and their world. |

|SC.O.K.1.4 explore and describe objects and events using the five senses to develop observational skills and make predictions based on personal observation. |

|SC.O.K.1.7 collect and record information in a variety of ways (e.g., drawings, weather calendar, or graphs). |

|SC.O.K.2.1 using the five senses, identify living and non-living things. |

|SC.O.K.2.6 identify colors. |

|SC.O.K.3.4 work in groups, listen to and be tolerant of different viewpoints. |

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|WV Math |

|M.K.OA.4 for any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer |

|with a drawing or equation. (CCSS Math.K.OA.4) |

|M.K.MD.3 classify objects into given categories, count the numbers of objects in each category, and sort the categories by count. Category counts should be |

|limited to less than or equal to 10. (CCSS Math.K.MD.3) |

|M.K.G.1 describe objects in the environment using names of shapes and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, |

|beside, in front of, behind and next to. (CCSS Math.K.G.1) |

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|WV Reading/Language Arts |

|ELA.K.R.C1.5 with prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of an informational text. (CCSS RI.K.2) |

|ELA.K.W.C9.2 use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and |

|supply some information about the topic. (CCSS W.K.2) |

|ELA.K.W.C11.2 with guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. |

|(CCSS W.K.8) |

|ELA.K.SL.C13.1 participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger |

|groups. |

|•follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). |

|•continue a conversation through multiple exchanges. |

|ELA.K.SL.C14.2 add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. (CCSS SL.K.5) |

|ELA.K.SL.C14.3 speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. * (CCSS SL.K.6) |

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|WV Social Studies |

|SS.K.C.1 develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, |

|volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings). |

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|ACEI Standards |

|Development, Learning, and Motivation |

|2.2 Science |

|3.3 Development of critical thinking and problem solving |

|3.4 Active engagement in learning |

|4.0 Assessment |

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|ISTE Standards |

|1 Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity |

|2 Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments |

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|Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes |

|Students will be able to name the five senses. |

|Students will be able to name a body part used for each sense. |

|Students will be able to describe how the five senses work together. |

|Students will be able to classify objects using only one sense. |

|Students will be able to summarize data on a graph. |

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| |Essential Question | |

| | |How do you learn about the world around you? |

| |Unit Questions | |

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| | |•How do the senses help you? |

| | |•Which sense do you think is most important? |

| | |•Why do you think that sense would be better? |

| | |•Why do you think it is important to use all of the five senses? |

| |Content Questions | |

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| | |•What are the five senses? |

| | |•What can we do with our senses? |

| | |•What part of our body do we use for the sense of sight? Hearing? Touch? Smell? Taste? |

| | |•How does it look? Feel? Smell? Sound? Taste? |

| | |•Can you feel color? Smell it? Hear it? |

| | |•Which sense would you use? |

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|Assessment Plan |

|Assessment Timeline |

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|Before project work begins |

|Students work on projects and complete tasks |

|After project work is completed |

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|KWL Chart |

|Science Journal Predictions |

|Five Senses Matching/Student Self-Assessment |

|Observations of student journals. |

|Interactive PowerPoint |

|Math Rainbow |

|My Five Senses Chart |

|“Potato Head” Assessment |

|Kidspiration Web Presentation (with rubric) |

|Return to KWL Chart |

|Collect Five Senses Science Journal for final review graded with a rubric. |

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|Assessment Summary |

|A K-W-L chart will be used to have students brainstorm and contribute what they know about the senses and what they would like to find out about the subject. |

|The chart will be used at the beginning of the unit and throughout as students make new discoveries. Students will also use science journals to illustrate |

|/dictate their understandings and discoveries using their senses. During the unit, students will make predictions about the senses and check their predictions |

|recording both processes on pre and post graphs. Teacher observation and questions will be used throughout the unit to probe for understanding and to provide |

|feedback when necessary. Students will discuss their observations and record information about their senses in their science journals. After the unit work, |

|students will complete an assessment worksheet where they will make connections about what they have learned about the five senses. Students will also complete|

|a Kidspiration web on the five senses to share with their classmates. |

|Unit Details |

|Prerequisite Skills |

|Students should know the location of their body parts. |

|Students should be able to make distinct observations of their surroundings. |

|Students should have basic computer skills. |

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|Materials and Resources Required For Unit |

|Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) |

| Camera | Laser Disk | VCR |

|Computer(s) |Printer |Video Camera |

|Digital Camera |Projection System |Video Conferencing Equip. |

|DVD Player |Scanner |Other SmartBoard |

|Internet Connection |Television | |

|Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) |

| Database/Spreadsheet | Image Processing | Web Page Development |

|Desktop Publishing |Internet Web Browser |Word Processing |

|E-mail Software |Multimedia |Other Kidspiration |

|Encyclopedia on CD-ROM | | |

|Printed Materials |Math Rainbow Example |

| |My Five Senses Matching Worksheet |

| |“My Five Senses Matching” Student Self-Assessment |

| |Science Journal “Five Senses” Rubric |

| |“My Five Senses Chart” and Assessment Rubric |

| |“Potato Head” Assessment and Rubric |

| |Summative Assessment Rubric for Kidspiration Presentation |

| |Letter to Parents about Classroom Blog |

|Supplies |KWL Chart On Poster Board |

| |Science Journals |

| |Crayons |

| |Pencils |

| |Number Lines |

| |Scissors |

| |Glue |

|Internet Resources |“Come To Your Senses” |

| |“The Brain and Senses” |

| |“Sid The Science Kid” |

| |“My Five Senses” |

| |“Microbe Magic” |

|Other Resources |Brandenberg, Aliki. My Five Senses. New York: HarperCollins, 1989. Print. |

| |Garelli, Christina. Forest Friends’ Five Senses. New York: Random House Inc., 2001. Print. |

| |McMillian, Bruce. Sense Suspense: A Guessing Game For The Five Senses. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1994. Print. |

Assessment Tools:









Name:_____________________________________ Date:________________

Five Senses Rubric for Sense Journal

| |1 pts |2 pts |3 pts |

|Sense of Smell |1 |2 |3 |

| |Was unable to identify what we smell|Correctly identified either what we |Correctly identified what we smell |

| |with, or an example of something we |smell with, or gave an example of |with, and gave an example of |

| |can smell. |something we can smell. |something we can smell. |

|Sense of Touch |1 |2 |3 |

| |Was unable to identify what we touch|Correctly identified either what we |Correctly identified what we touch |

| |with, or an example of touch. |touch with, or gave an example of |with, and gave an example of |

| | |something we can touch. |something we can touch. |

|Sense of Taste |1 |2 |3 |

| |Was unable to identify what we taste|Correctly identified either what we |Correctly identified what we taste |

| |with, or an example of something we |taste with, or gave an example of |with, and gave an example of |

| |can taste. |something we can taste. |something we can taste. |

|Sense of Hearing |1 |2 |3 |

| |Was unable to identify what we hear |Correctly identified either what we |Correctly identified what we hear |

| |with, or an example of something we |hear with, or gave an example of |with, and gave an example of |

| |can hear. |something we can hear. |something we can hear. |

|Sense of Sight |1 |2 |3 |

| |Was unable to identify what we see |Correctly identified either what we |Correctly identified what we see |

| |with, or an example of something we |see with, or gave an example of |with, and gave an example of |

| |can see. |something we can see. |something we can see. |

|Sense Story |1 |2 |3 |

| |Was unable to create sense story, or|Correctly created sense story, or |Correctly created sense story, and |

| |write about a sense. |was able to write about a sense in |was able to write about a sense in 2 |

| | |more then 1 sentence. |or more sentences. |

|Knowledge of Senses |1 |2 |3 |

| |Has poor understanding of senses. |Has fair understanding of senses. |Has good understanding of senses. |

| |Unable to recall 0-1 senses |Able to recall and discuss 2-3 |Able to recall and discuss 4-5 |

| | |senses. |senses. |


Summative Assessment Rubric

Five Senses Unit


| |[pic] |[pic] |

|Student was able to communicate knowledge that we taste with our | | |

|mouth. | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|Student was able to communicate knowledge that we hear with our ears.| | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|Student was able to communicate knowledge that we see with our eyes. | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|Student was able to communicate knowledge that we touch with our | | |

|hands. | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|Student was able to communicate knowledge that we smell with our | | |

|nose. | | |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

|Student was actively engaged in learning process. | | |


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