Victory and Defeat in the Greek World: Guided Reading

Name___________________________________________________ Class ______________________ Date ___________________

Section 3 Guided Reading and Review Victory and Defeat in the Greek World (textbook pp. 113?116)


A. Main Ideas As you read Section 3, draw a line through the term, name, or place in each group that is not related to the others. Explain how the remaining items are related.

1. Marathon




2. Mount Olympus

C H A 3. Acropolis P T E R

4. Sparta


Xerxes Pericles Aspasia

Delian League



direct democracy

Peloponnesian War


B. Reviewing Key Terms, People, and Places Match the descriptions in Column I with the terms, names, and places in Column II. Write the letter of the correct answer in each blank.

Column I

_____ 5. Site of the first Athenian victory over the Persians _____ 6. Leader who urged Athens to build warships _____ 7. Alliance among Greek city-states to protect

against the Persians _____ 8. Government where a large number of citizens take part

in government affairs _____ 9. Encouraged the cultural growth of Athens through

public festivals _____10. Conflict that brought the end of Athenian greatness

Column II

a. Marathon b. Peloponnesian War c. Aspasia d. Delian League e. Themistocles f. direct democracy

? Prentice-Hall, Inc.

26 ? Guided Reading and Review

Chapter 5 Section 3


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