Guided Reading Activity

Guided Reading Activity Answer Key

The Ancient Greeks

Lesson 3 Classical Greece

A. 1. Ionian, Asia Minor, Marathon A.2. Xerxes, Salamis, Plataea B. 1. Delian, Aegean B.2. democracy, ostracism B.3. slaves, fields, construction B.4. citizens, public, housekeeping C. 1. Athenian, Peloponnesian C.2. Peloponnesian War, Athens, Macedonian Summary and Reflection A complete answer should include: differences between Athens and Sparta offered the two city-states increased effectiveness when they combined forces to defeat the Persians and win freedom; however, those same differences led to mutual suspicion and then to the outbreak of the Great Peloponnesian War; for 67 years, Athenians fought from behind city walls and Spartans used their resources to keep Athens surrounded; by the time the Athenian fleet was destroyed at Hellespont, and the Athenian empire destroyed, the Classical period of Greek culture and government was over and Macedonia was in a position to conquer Greece.


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