North Carolina Paralegal Association


February 2009

Greetings NCPA Members. I hope this finds everyone doing well. Welcome to all our new NCPA members. Look forward to seeing to those of you who are able to attend NPCA’s Annual Seminar and Meeting.

District I Diane N. Morgan, NCCP (DMorgan@)

Anyone in District I who is interested in getting together at the annual meeting for a short “meet & greet” please contact Diane at dmorgan@.

District II Tiffany Driver Clark, NCCP (tiffany@)

Raleigh Wake Paralegal Association (RWPA) meets the second Wednesday of the month at the Holiday Inn off Glenwood Avenue from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Contact Crissie Curtis at ccurtis@ for membership information.

Research Triangle Paralegal Association holds meetings the third Wednesday of June, August, and October. For more information see .

District III Trudy Rutherford, NCCP (emr0128@)

Note that Cumberland County Paralegal Association holds its monthly membership meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Locations vary. For more information see .

District IV Blanche S. Berkowitz, NCCP (bberkowitz@)

Many district members attended Guilford Paralegal Association's February 10th meeting at the Guilford County Courthouse with guest speaker Jeff L. Thigpen, Register of Deeds.  He presented a very informative presentation on e-filings, e-notaries and general filing information.

District IV members are excited to attend the Annual Seminar in Wilmington on March 26th.  There is a plan to meet as a group on Thursday evening.

Legalis and Huseby is hosting a Greensboro gathering on February 19th and district members will use this as a good networking opportunity.

Guilford Paralegal Association, an NCPA affiliate, holds informative monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of every month.

District V Vicki Sgro, NCCP (Vicki.Sgro@)

The Metrolina Paralegal Association (“MPA”) holds monthly membership meetings the second Thursday of each month.

District VI Michele A. Tuttle, CLA, NCCP (Michele@)

Any suggestions for a meet and greet, please contact Michele.

District VII Stephanie Ivans, NCCP (stephanieivans@)

Future events are being planned. If you have any suggestions please contact Stephanie at 828-507-0583 or by e-mail at stephanieivans@.

Asheville Area Paralegal Association has monthly membership meetings on the First Thursday of each month. More information is posted online at .

District VIII Beth Falgout, NCCP (bfalgout@nc.)

Anyone in District VIII who is interested in getting together at the annual meeting for a short “meet & greet” please contact Beth.

District IX Beverly G. King, NCCP (bev.@)

Anyone in District IX who is interested in getting together at the annual meeting for a short “meet & greet” please contact Beverly.

The Catawba Valley Paralegal Association holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at various locations. For more information about upcoming meetings please contact lpoovey@phd-.

Affiliates Director – Teresa Stacey, NCCP (TAS@)

If any Paralegal Association would like to become an Affiliate of NCPA please contact Teresa at the email address above for more information.


If you have any articles or anything you would like to see in the FORUM please send it to Melissa A. Rutledge NCCP, Senior Editor at marutledge@.


NCPA Annual is scheduled for March 26-28, 2009 in Wilmington. Deadline to Register for the seminar is March 16, 2009. Please see website for full details.


NCBA Paralegal Division and the NC Paralegal Association are co-sponsoring a NCCP Review Course on April 4th, 2009 at the Bar Center, Cary

8:30 registration, full day CLE (6.0 CLE credits).

For more information please see : .

Attached is a brochure for the review course.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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