In order to apply for access to the new remote access system, the remote portal access agreement must be completed for each physician/office staff user.

? All forms must be signed by the physician for Nurse Practitioners / PA and office managers, all other staff forms can be signed by the office manager.

? All office staff should check off DRRAS (Physician Office Staff / Vendor) on the form and indicate the campus where access is needed.

? All physicians who currently do not have access to portal must complete the form and check off Dashboard.

? All physicians who currently have a remote portal account will automatically have access to this new application.

? Any staff that does not have access to the clinical application must complete the Physician Office Staff request form (instructions are on the form).

? Any vendors that require access should go through their Meridian Health contact.

? All forms to be faxed to Meridian IT Customer Support at (732) 897-7318

? Once access is granted, you will be contacted via email regarding your login information and sent documentation on how you will access the new system. Please do not provide a generic email account (i.e. info@)

? All forms should expect at least a 5 business day turn-around.

System Specifications for Remote Portal Access:

? Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003. Please note Windows 95 and 98 is not supported.

? Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher ? Citrix ICA Client Version 10 (Instructions will be attached with confirmation email.)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IT Customer Support at 732-897-7333.


INTRODUCTION: This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for remote access to certain Meridian Health information systems through the Meridian Portal, including Dashboard/ESA. By signing the Agreement, the person seeking access to information systems states and agrees that they understand all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound by them. Remote access to the Meridian Health information systems, pursuant to this Agreement, is provided at the sole and absolute discretion of Meridian Health.

AUTHORIZED USE: Authorized remote access to certain components of Meridian Health patient records, as well as access to other information systems, through the Meridian Portal is granted only upon proper execution of this Agreement and submission of the properly authorized request form, which is the last page of this Agreement. Authorized persons using the systems through the Meridian Portal shall be responsible for proper use of the information set forth in this Agreement.

CONFIDENTIALITY: The right of access to the Meridian Health information systems, as covered by this Agreement, is intended to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of care for Meridian Health patients. All authorized persons using the right of access shall be personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of PHI (Protected Health Information) to the fullest extent as required by professional ethics, as well as the Federal Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

USER ID/PASSWORDS: 1. User shall select passwords that bear no obvious relation to the user, the user's organizational group, or the user's work project, and that is not easy to guess. 2. A user ID and password may only be used by the single, authorized person for whom they are designated. Passwords may not be "shared," "loaned," "transferred," "borrowed," or otherwise used in any fashion with, to, or from any other person. 3. The authorized person for whom a user ID and password is designated, shall be absolutely and unconditionally responsible for their proper use. Use of the user ID/password by the authorized user shall be the equivalent of their signature being affixed to all transactions being entered. 4. For users such as vendors, students, temps, physician office staff, consultants, or any other nonMeridian employee user with remote access to information systems, User agrees to immediately notify IT Security if any username, user ID or password becomes obsolete or available at any time to an unauthorized individual. 5. Passwords may be changed at any time at the discretion of the authorized user. Passwords MUST be changed if the user has any reason to believe the integrity or confidentiality of his/her password has been compromised. 6. If the authorized user has any difficulty at any time with his/her password, the user must contact the IT Customer Support at 732-776-3333 or 732-897-7333 for assistance.

VIOLATIONS: 1. Any Meridian Health information system user who violates this Agreement shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including revocation of access and termination of employment (or disciplinary action up to and including termination of a physician's medical staff appointment or panel participation in accordance with the Meridian Health medical staff bylaws and rules and regulations). 2. Under HIPAA, a violation of patients' right to privacy may be subject to fines and/or criminal penalties up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to 10 years. 3. Meridian Health shall have the right to revoke passwords at any time with or without cause. If a password has been revoked with cause, at the sole discretion of Meridian Health, a new password will generally not be reissued for at least one year and may never be reissued. Cause for action


regarding improper use of the Meridian information system shall include, but may not be limited to, the following:

a) Sharing, lending, transferring, loaning, etc. a User ID/Password to another person. b) Unauthorized access to or use of the information of the computer system. c) Any tampering with any Meridian Health information system d) Any violation of a term or provision of this agreement.

4. If a non-physician, Meridian Health employee uses a physician's access code, such violation shall be considered a Level II disciplinary infraction under the provisions of the noted in the Meridian Health Employee Handbook.

5. If a user who violates this Agreement is a Vendor, Contractor or otherwise has a written employment agreement with Meridian Health, such violation shall be cause for termination of the contract, whether or not such cause is specifically stated in the employment contract. By signing this Agreement, the user agrees that this Agreement is incorporated into their employment contract by this reference.

6. Failure to maintain confidentiality of a patient's condition and/or illness is a Level II infraction.

BUSINESS USAGE: All electronic media is the sole property of Meridian Health. Every Meridian system user is to ensure that this technology is used for proper business purposes and in a manner that does not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary, PHI, patient, or other sensitive information. All users shall be aware by virtue of this Agreement that their use of the information systems will be monitored, and that they shall have no expectation of privacy when using the Meridian information system, including, but not limited to Siemens, Email, and Internet.

SUPPORT: The portal application is supported during normal business hours. System user understands that portal issues occurring outside of normal business hours will be addressed by IT the following business day, during normal business hours.

RESERVATION: Meridian Health reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Agreement for any reason, with or without prior notice, in its sole and absolute discretion. Changes may be necessitated by technological changes, by changes in laws or regulations or by budgetary limitations. This is not an all-inclusive list of reasons for change. In addition, Meridian Health may terminate this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion.

Please keep this Agreement for your information and record.



Request for Remote Access (Portal Access)

. Please print legibly. Please complete form in its entirety. Illegible or incomplete forms will delay processing. Please note that being granted remote access to an application does not give you access to the application. It gives you the ability to use it remotely if you have an existing sign-on and password for that application.

User's Legal Name: First:


Company/Practice Name (For Physician Office or Agency/Vendor):

Campus/Location (for MH Employees): JSUMC RMC OMC



E-mail address: (Non-generic office e-mail address or personal e-mail address.)


Corp Other: Work Phone No.:

Type of User:

Meridian Health Employee Physician's Office Staff

Physician Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner Agency/Vendor/Consultant

Please indicate only the system(s) to which user is requesting remote access in order to perform your job in accordance with

the Minimum Necessary Standards set by HIPAA. The applications below are the only applications currently available


Dashboard Document Imaging E-mail ESA [If you do not have access to ESA, please follow

procedure for enrolling for ESA through selection 23 on your clinical

system master menu.] IDX Lawson

Other (Please specify):

Kronos Matrix Novius PACS DRRAS (Physician Office Staff / Vendor) (Check applicable JSUMC, OMC, RMC) Softmed (specify access)

By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the attached Meridian Health Portal Access Request

Agreement. I shall abide by the terms of the Agreement and shall at all times, during and after the course of my tenure at Meridian

Health, maintain the confidentiality of all information (electronic, written, and oral) to which I may have access in the course of my day.

I understand that failure to abide by these terms will result in disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. I have read and

agree to these policies.

Users Signature:

Today's Date:

Name of Manager [Meridian Health Employees only] (Please Print):

Signature of Manager [Meridian Health Employees only]:

Name of Physician or Physician Practice Manager [Physician Practices Only]:

Signature of Physician or Physician Practice Manager [Physician Practices Only]:

Please fax this page to IT Customer Support at (732) 897-7318. Confirmation of access being granted will be sent to the e-mail address provided above no later than two (2) business days after receipt of request. Please contact IT Customer Support on x3333 or 732-776-3333, should you not receive confirmation or if you have any questions regarding this form. Please check your e-mail carrier's "Junk Mail" folder prior to calling as on occasion our confirmation winds up in it.



Meridian Health

User Agreement for Access to Information Systems


This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for access to all Meridian Health information systems that are supported by the Information Technology Department (I.T), which include, but are not limited to, Siemens (SMS), Email, Internet, and VPN. By signing this Agreement, the person seeking access to information systems states and agrees that they understand all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound by them. Access to the Meridian Health information systems, pursuant to this Agreement, is provided at the sole and absolute discretion of Meridian Health.

AUTHORIZED USE: Authorized access to certain components of Meridian Health patient records, as well as access to other information systems, is granted only upon proper execution of this Agreement in addition to submission of the proper authorized request form. The user's level of access will be consistent with user's employment status and functionality. If user has any change in employment status or functionality, it is the user's responsibility to immediately notify the responsible departments so that access can be adjusted accordingly in compliance with the minimum necessary standards. Failure to do so may render the user "unauthorized" and in violation of the terms of this Agreement.. Authorized persons using the systems shall be responsible for proper use of the information set forth in this Agreement.

CONFIDENTIALITY: The right of access to the Meridian Health information systems, as covered by this Agreement, is intended to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of care for Meridian Health patients. All authorized persons using the right of access shall be personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the patients information to the fullest extent as required by professional ethics, as well as the Federal Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

USER ID/PASSWORDS: 1. User shall select passwords that bear no obvious relation to the user, the user's organizational group, or the user's work project, and that is not easy to guess. 2. A user ID and password may only be used by the single, authorized person for whom they are designated. Passwords may not be "shared," "loaned," "transferred," "borrowed," or otherwise used in any fashion with, to, or from any other person. 3. The authorized person for whom a user ID and password is designated shall be absolutely and unconditionally responsible for their proper use. Use of the user ID/password by the authorized user shall be the equivalent of their signature being affixed to all transactions being entered. 4. For users such as vendors, students, temps, physician office staff, or any other non-Meridian user with access to information systems, User agrees to immediately notify IT Security if any username, user ID, or password becomes obsolete or available at any time to an unauthorized individual. 5. Passwords may be changed at any time at the discretion of the authorized user. Passwords MUST be changed if the user has any reason to believe the integrity or confidentiality of his/her password has been compromised. 6. If the authorized user has any difficulty at any time with his/her password, the user must contact the Help Desk at 897-7333 for assistance.

TRAINING: 1. The Department shall provide training in the use of certain systems and applications. (Check with your manager or the Help Desk for current schedules). 2. At any time that an authorized user needs or desires, he/she may obtain refresher training in order to receive full authorization.

Revised: 5/18/2007

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