JULY 5, 2005

The regular meeting of Jonestown Borough Council was held on the above date at 7:00 p.m. with President Beth Heckman presiding. The following members were in attendance: Joel Lehman, Dawn Sellers, Tammy Blair, Roy Lefever (dismissed @ 7:30) and Robin Wolferd. Also attending were Mayor Tyler Longenecker, Attorney Colleen Gallo, Engineer, Erik Harmon, Maintenance Lead, Richie Deibert and Secretary/Treasurer, Joan Keefer. Excused absence from the meeting was Vinnie DeMedici. A motion was made by Roy Lefever, seconded by Tammy Blair, to approve the Minutes of the August 4, 2015 Meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by Robin Wolferd, seconded by Dawn Sellers, to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of August, 2015. Motion carried. SPECIAL GUESTS – Paul Snyder, Maintenance Supervisor from the Northern Lebanon School District, and David Lohr, Project Manager from Houck Services, Inc. were present to discuss the NLSD Curb & Sidewalk project at the Jonestown Elementary School (Hazel Street). Construction began to replace the curb and sidewalk along Hazel Street before obtaining authorization from the Borough; which is required by Section 208 of the Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance (Chapter 21). Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc. communicated with the Northern Lebanon School District regarding requested modifications of sections of the Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance pertaining to maximum curb height and/or maximum cross slope of sidewalks. Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc. met with the Northern Lebanon School District and contractor on-site August 18, 2015 to review and discuss options. As a result of this meeting, the contractor) on behalf of the NLSD) has submitted a waiver request to construct a portion of the new sidewalk with a cross slope greater than 2 %. Copy of waiver request will be included in meeting minutes. Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc. has reviewed the request and recommends approval, with the condition that NLSD shall adhere to all other applicable state and federal regulations. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Roy Lefever, seconded by Joel Lehman, to approve granting the waiver, providing the two end caps, where the ADA ramps are located, and to follow the state and federal laws (standards), with a completion date of November 15, 2015. Motion carried.Erik Harmon will contact Paul and Dave to proceed, providing them with the sidewalk schematics. PUBLIC COMMENT – No Report.PERSEVERANCE FIRE COMPANY REPORT – No Report.BOROUGH ENGINEER – Erik Harmon (report attached to minutes)Chestnut Street – Street Reduction & Infiltration Project (Growing Greener 2012)Light-Heigel coordinated with DEP regarding the Borough’s request for additional funding and prepared a letter justifying the funding request. DEP has approved the addition of $24,822 to the grant agreement, with $23,728 funded by DEP and additional $1,094 match commitment form the Borough. Erik requested approval amending the grant agreement. A motion was made by Dawn Sellers, seconded by Roy Lefever, to approve the additional expense of the grant match being $1,094.00. Motion carried.Erik reported the pre-construction meeting for this project is scheduled for Thursday, September 3, 2015 @ 8:00 a.m. Arthur ‘Pat’ Aungst, the contractor for the Growing Greener 2012 grant, plans to begin the project next Tuesday, September 8, 2015.DCNR Grant – Baseball Dugout ConstructionA review by DCNR resulted in only a few minor revisions to the bid documents. Approval from DCNR is expected later this week. Erik requested approval to advertise for bids, with a bid opening on October 6, 2015. A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Roy Lefever, to approve advertising for bids for the DCNR Grant - Baseball Dugout Construction, with a bid opening on October 6, 2015; paid from the Park Fund. Motion carried.MS4 – Conceptual Cost Opinion for a Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pollution Reduction PlanErik Harmon gave a presentation at the recent Planning Workshop Committee meeting in regards to revising the storm water budget, including pollution reduction. At the request of Borough Council, Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc. (LHAI) has prepared a conceptual cost opinion for implementing the Best Management Practices (BMPs) necessary to comply with the Pollution Reduction requirement for municipalities located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A copy of the conceptual cost opinion was provided to the Borough at the August workshop meeting. Addition copies are available for review. Discussion followed.Signs OrdinanceA final (draft) version of the signs ordinance was presented at the August Planning Workshop Committee meeting. The ordinance is being revised as a result of the discussion at that meeting. A copy will be sent to the Solicitor for review, upon completion of the revisions.Grant Opportunity for MS4s in Chesapeake Bay Watershed (DEP)Erik strongly encourages council to consider the grant opportunity he emailed them. A number of projects could be converted into rain gardens and are a possibility for this grant opportunity. Examples are as follows: Outfalls along Lancaster and Mill St, the basin below the borough office building, or turning the borough parking lot into porous pavement. Applications are now being accepted for grants to provide funds for the construction of urban storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce the discharge of nutrients and sediments delivered to the Chesapeake Bay. The due date for applications is October 9, 2015. The maximum funding amount per applicant is $200,000. Construction must be completed within two years. Funding recipients will be selected on a competitive basis. Matching funds are not required, but points will be added for those applications with local matching funds. LHAI’s estimate to complete the grant application is $1,050. The scope of work included in this estimate is listed below: Discussion followed.Concept Sketch PlanApplication FormConceptual Cost Opinion A motion was made by Roy Lefever, seconded by Robin Wolferd, to approve Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc. completing the grant application to DEP for the three recommendations Erik provided, with a 10% match, at a cost of $1,050.00; paid from the Storm Water Fund. Motion carried.MAINTENANCE – Richie Deibert – Richie reported the technician the Borough was to use to fix the dump truck is no longer interested. Richie called a few places and Zimmey’s Automotive is the best option. Zimmey’s quote to fix the dump truck is $2,900. The dump truck will be down for up to four weeks; due to the nature of work needed. The dump truck will be fully rebuilt, on the rear differential by Jasper, with a warranty. Richie requested approval to have Zimmey’s Automotive repair the dump truck at a cost not to exceed $3,000. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Dawn Sellers, seconded by Roy Lefever, to approve having Zimmey’s Automotive repair the dump truck at a cost not to exceed $3,000; paid from the General Fund account. A roll call vote was taken as follows:Dawn Sellers – YesJoel Lehman – NoTammy Blair – YesRobin Wolferd – NoRoy Lefever – YesBeth Heckman – NoTie vote: Mayor Tyler Longenecker – Yes Motion carried.Richie reported on sealing the Borough parking lots. WT Paving & Sealing has given the lowest cost estimate of $2,450. The costs for each area are as follows: Office Parking Lot - $850, Concession Stand - $650, Playground Parking lot - $950. Richie requested council approve WT Paving & Sealing seal and paint the office parking lot, at a cost not to exceed $850; paid from the General Fund account. A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Roy Lefever, to approve WT Paving & Sealing seal and paint the office parking lot, at a cost not to exceed $850; paid from the General Fund account. Motion carried.Richie requested council approve WT Paving & Sealing seal and paint the concession stand lot and the playground lot, at a cost not to exceed $1,600; paid from the Park Fund account. A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Robin Wolferd, to approve WT Paving & Sealing seal and paint the concession stand lot and the playground lot, at a cost not to exceed $1,600; paid from the Park Fund account. Motion carried.Discussion followed.Richie updated council as to the remaining $571 in the budget to repair/replace traffic signs, requesting approval to replace 19 signs in the Borough with the remaining funds at a cost of $519.41; which includes shipping. Those signs include 8 snow emergency signs, 6 stop signs, 3 one way left signs and 2 one way right signs.A motion was made by Roy Lefever, seconded by Robin Wolferd, to approve replacing 19 signs in the Borough, not to exceed a cost of $520.00. Motion carried.Richie requested council approve purchasing cold patch, at a cost not to exceed $450.00. The total cost estimate, including delivery, is $435.00.A motion was made by Robin Wolferd, seconded by Tammy Blair, to approve purchasing cold patch, at a cost not to exceed $450.00; paid from the General Fund account. Motion carried.Richie recommended an ordinance be enacted, requiring residents to keep their trees and shrubs from entering into the Borough’s right-of-way. This has been worked on, and will be included in the streets and sidewalks ordinance.Richie stated the Mayor requested maintenance employees wear some sort of uniform, and shared an interest in selling hats. Richie had a few samples to pass around, along with a rough cost estimate. Richie opened discussion, asking council their thoughts on uniforms. Discussion followed. Council decided to have Richie purchase a shirt to wear at seminars and training; paid out of his monthly budget.Richie reported when the website was originally created for Jonestown Borough, the account holder (who set-up the website) is the person who could turn over the domain to the Borough. Richie sent an email to the account holder three weeks ago, and has yet to receive a response. The cost for another domain name with ‘Go Daddy’ is $64.00 for five years. Discussion followed in regards to possibly having future problems with changing emails. A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Roy Lefever, to approve the expense of $64.00 for purchasing a new domain name with Go Daddy. Motion carried.Richie opened discussion in regards to crack sealing roads in the Borough. Discussion followed.A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Roy Lefever, to approve renting equipment to perform crack sealing roads in the Borough at a cost not to exceed $2,500. Motion carried.Richie reported cameras in the park are working well. The maintenance department is working closely with the Jonestown State Police, and one arrest has been made. Council requested payback for those damages, a public apology, and performing community service. Council agreed to have Richie contact the State Police and relay council’s request. Richie received proposals for repairing/paving road patches in the Borough; N. Broad St. and S. Mill St. The two proposals were: Lebanon Valley Asphalt - $14,000, Woodland Contractors - $16,000-$17,000. Richie attempted to get a third quote, and couldn’t; but Colleen stated the Borough satisfied the requirement. Colleen said to keep a list of who was contacted. Discussion followed.A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Dawn Sellers, to approve Lebanon Valley Asphalt repair/pave patches on N. Broad St. & S. Mill St.; contingent upon them supplying the necessary documentation. Motion carried.Richie gave council an update on line painting. Miller Asphalt will not be performing the line painting. Lincoln Asphalt Paving & WT Company have been contacted; Richie is waiting to hear back from them.MAYOR – Mayor Longenecker is holding a meeting with the crossing guards and the new Elementary School Principal this coming Friday.SOLICITOR – Colleen Gallo; Reilly, Wolfson, Sheffey, Schrum & Lundberg – No Report.SECRETARY – Joan Keefer – Joan requested approval for Thursday, October 29, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. as Trick or Treat night. (City of Lebanon is held this night; as Jonestown Borough usually follows their schedule).A motion was made by Robin Wolferd, seconded by Joel Lehman, to approve Thursday, October 29, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. as Trick or Treat night. Motion carried.Joan requested approval for Phil Shirk to hold a free movie in the park night (not advertised) for the Northern Lebanon Midget Football team, cheerleaders, and possibly friends on October 2, 2015 at 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. The movie is rated PG. Discussion followed. Council agreed not to allow the Northern Lebanon Midget Football team to hold a movie in the Park. Further discussion followed in regards to organizations holding events in the park; possibly of charging a fee. Council made no decision at this time.Joan stated a request made from Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz for a volunteer/volunteers to speak at either September 22nd or September 29th Northern Lebanon Rotary “Breakfast with Champions” meeting @ Esther’s Diner on Rt. 22 @ 7:00 a.m. (Includes free breakfast). No council members were available at this time. Council asked Joan to call Vinnie DeMedici and see if he is interested; and then follow up with contacting Jo Ellen Litz.A request was made for approval to allow the volunteers of the Jonestown Fire Police control traffic at the Hinklefest on September 18th, 19th & 20th, 2015. Colleen stated this approval has been made in the past. Council decided to make a formal approval; as this event may not have been on the previous list of approvals.A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Dawn Sellers, to approve volunteers of the Jonestown Fire Police control traffic at the Hinklefest on September 18th, 19th & 20th, 2015. Motion carried.Joan requested approval of the Jonestown Borough Non-uniform Pension Plan MMO (Minimum Municipal Obligation) as $0.A motion was made by Robin Wolferd, seconded by Beth Heckman, to approve the Jonestown Borough Non-uniform Pension Plan MMO (Minimum Municipal Obligation) as $0. Motion carried.Robin Wolferd sent paperwork in for the Borough’s Non-uniform Pension Plan which will begin in January 2016.Joan received requests for the Borough to make donations to the Lebanon Valley Conservancy, Inc. ($25.00), and Matthews Public Library ($500.00).A motion was made by Dawn Sellers, seconded by Robin Wolferd, to approve donating $25.00 to the Lebanon Valley Conservancy, Inc. Motion carried.A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Tammy Blair, to approve donating $225.00 to Matthews Public Library. Motion carried.The budget meetings are scheduled for September 8, 2015 (Tuesday) & October 14, 2015 (Wednesday).The Fall Newsletter deadline is Friday, September 11, 2015.INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS – Dawn Sellers, Ron Gue, and Vinnie DeMedici – Colleen stated council decided to discuss forming an ad hoc committee, of no more than 3 Council members, to meet regularly (monthly) to continue to forward progress on the development of the square and Market St. Council decided to meet at 6:00 p.m. before each council meeting. Colleen stated no more than 3 council members may be present. .LOCAL BUSINESS – Dawn Sellers and Roy Lefever – No Report.GRANTS – Mayor Longenecker and Beth Heckman – Mayor Longenecker requested the following be put under Old Business on the October agenda: Council to consider performing income surveys to apply for other areas of funding through the Community Development Block Grant.PARK FACILITIES, GRANTS, RECREATION & EVENTS – Mayor Longenecker, Robin Wolferd, and Roy Lefever – Council held discussion in regards to approval for the 5K/Duck Race expenses. No formal action was necessary at this time.Discussion was held in regards to banning tents at the boat launch area and banning smoking in the park. Colleen recommended this be placed under Old Business on the October agenda; and to consider doing this when amending the sign ordinance.No discussion was held in regards to keeping the park and recreation expenditures out of the general fund and vice versa; an item on the agenda.CHRISTMAS TREE & LIGHTS – Mayor Longenecker reported the wires were removed from the poles the Christmas lights were displayed and discussion followed. Mayor Longenecker suggested starting a fund for Christmas Lights, and having a contest for residents. Colleen recommended explaining to residents that the safety upgrade requirements given by Met-Ed, in regards to placing lights on the electric poles. More information will be in the Jonestown Borough Fall Newsletter.PERSONNEL – Robin Wolferd, Mayor Longenecker, Beth Heckman, and Vincent DeMedici – The Personnel Committee reviewed the Personnel Policy Manual; making these changes; there are now 6 holidays, and the committee added one additional ‘floating’ holiday. This will be used either the day after Thanksgiving, or for Christmas Eve day. Beth Heckman stated the committee will have further discussion in regards to the policy.COST REDUCTION AND FINANCES – Joel Lehman and Dawn Sellers – No Report.CODES & CODE ENFORCEMENT – Mayor Longenecker and Vincent DeMedici – Mayor Longenecker reported $352.00 was paid to Scot Adams, Constable this year. OLD BUSINESS – Council reviewed and held discussion on the following items placed on the agenda; no further action was taken.2015 National Incident Management System (NIMS) reporting matrix. A requirement that municipalities complete the matrix for their respective jurisdictions.Amend Signs Ordinance; Ban smoking in the Jonestown Park, and amend the Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance.Rental property ordinance.Tax Collector replacement; sample ordinance was scanned and emailed to Council & Mayor.Joel Lehman opened discussion in regards to transferring funds to reimburse the General Fund/Capital Improvements from the Storm Water Fund for costs incurred from the design work completed by Arora & Associates on Chestnut Street. Joel contacted Arora & Associates and based on their billing codes, and based on the quote they provided, 32 hours of the project went into their turn back and 420 hours went into the design of the storm water for East Market St. and down Lancaster St. Arora & Associates figured $36,610.00 being the actual storm water related aspect from the project. Combining that amount with the engineering costs from Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc., the total amount of 53,610.00 is what Joel requested be reimbursed back into the General Fund/Capital Improvements. Colleen stated, now that the Borough has numbers to put with what was dedicated towards the design of storm water, and Erik Harmon was able to provide the Borough with specific numbers from Light-Heigel & Associates, Inc., is what the auditors need in order to have the monies transferred. Discussion followed. Mayor Longenecker stated his opinion that he highly disagrees with this decision. Residents have been paying a storm water fee in the amount of $70.00 per year for storm water, having no indication of these monies being used for anything other than storm water; this is not to be used for something that happened in the past. Mayor Longenecker stated the fee is to be used as it has been designed. Robin Wolferd opened discussion in regards to dropping the storm water fee for the Fire Company. The Borough donates to the Fire Company yearly, then sends them an invoice to pay a storm water fee. Colleen Gallo suggested council be prepared to hear from other non-profit organizations in the Borough if this decision is made. Council discussed possibly amend the language in the storm water ordinance to waiving the fee for volunteer emergency service organizations. A lengthy discussion followed. Council decided to have Erik Harmon move forward and work on the storm water fee ordinance; preparing the language as waiving the fee for volunteer emergency service organizations.A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Dawn Sellers, to approve reimbursing the Capital Improvements Fund from the Storm Water Fund for storm water plans and the engineering fees for Market Street & Lancaster Street in the amount of approximately $53,610.00. A roll call vote was taken, results as follows:Joel Lehman – yesDawn Sellers – yesTammy Blair – yesBeth Heckman – yesRobin Wolferd – yesMotion passed.NEW BUSINESS – Beth reported the chairperson for the Personnel Committee is Robin Wolferd. Vinnie Demedici will remain on the committee.Beth Heckman requested assigning a council point person for the EIT litigation updates. Council decided to have Joan Keefer call Tucker Hall, or contact Swatara Township for an update.Beth Heckman requests approval to purchase a two drawer file cabinet for personnel records, for the borough office. The president and personnel chair will each have a key.A motion was made by Joel Lehman, seconded by Tammy Blair, to approve purchasing a two drawer file cabinet for personnel records, for the borough office, at a cost not to exceed $200.00. Motion carried.Beth Heckman will contact Joan when a cabinet is decided upon.Mayor Longenecker requested purchasing flat files to file large plans in the office. This will be put on the next agenda.Mayor Longenecker has considered creating a large graphical representation of a “Jonestown Master Plan” to display in the Borough Office. The Mayor, Richie and Light-Heigel& Associates, Inc. will start this project.Upon motion and second, Council recessed into Executive Session at 9:50 p.m.Council reentered regular session at 10:04 p.m.A motion was made by Robin Wolferd, seconded by Tammy Blair, to ratify the expense of a paid holiday being Good Friday to Joan Keefer, Richie Deibert & Craig Carl, and the expense of paying Richie Deibert for the fourth of July and Memorial Day holidays. Motion carried.Upon motion and second, Council adjourned at 10:05 p.m.Respectfully submitted, Joan Keefer, Secretary/Treasurer ................

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