Index 2008 []

2008 CQ Index


Antennas: Antenna plots, Britain (WA5VJB), Mar., p. 74

Antennas: Antennas for amateur radio astronomy, Britain (WA5VJB), Jan., p. 72

Antennas: How NOT to assemble antennas; plus a look at PAVE PAWS radar, Britain (WA5JVB), May, p. 68

Antennas: Transmitting loops, Britain (WA5VJB), Nov., p. 68

Antennas: Yagi basics - plus some history, Britain (WA5VJB), Jul., p. 82

Mobiling: The Mobile “Secret,” Reinhardt (AA6JR), Feb., p. 79

One-element rotary for 18 MHz, A, Lindholm (W1XX), Oct., p. 13

Six meters at last … or how I overcame CC&Rs and made an old wish come true, Richmond (W4YO), Jun., p. 36

So you want to put up a tower…, Lindholm (W1XX), Jun., p. 26

Weekender, The: Build your own capacitors - A Butternut story, Salas (AD5X), Jul., p. 66

World of Ideas: Hamming from the shadows, part IV, Ingram (K4TWJ), Feb., p. 66

World of Ideas: Hamming from the shadows, part V, Ingram (K4TWJ), Mar., p. 56


Ham radio returns to World War II, Perera (W1TP), Nov., p. 26

Radio Classics: Boatanchor Heresy, Veras (K9OCO), Jan., p. 74

World of Ideas: In the Spotlight: More vintage homebrew - Part II, Ingram (K4TWJ), Nov., p. 80

World of Ideas: In the Spotlight: More vintage homebrew, Ingram (K4TWJ), Oct., p. 56


Talk is Cheap! (Microphone construction project), Genaille (W4UW), Nov., p. 44

Weekender, The: Automatic antenna grounding system for multiple feeds and multiple receivers, Salas (AD5X), Jan., p. 66

Weekender, The: Build your own air-wound coils - Part 2, Salas (AD5X), Jun., p. 80

Weekender, The: Build your own air-wound coils (Part 1), Salas (AD5X), May, p. 66

Weekender, The: Build your own capacitors - A Butternut story, Salas (AD5X), Jul., p. 66

Weekender, The: Build your own capacitors for trap antennas, Salas (AD5X), Aug., p. 46

Weekender, The: Building 12-meter traps for a 12/17-meter trap dipole, Salas (AD5X), Sep., p. 61

Weekender, The: Building a 12/17-meter trap dipole, Salas (AD5X), Oct., p. 78

Weekender, The: Building an inexpensive 40- and 15-meter vertical antenna, Salas (AD5X), Dec., p. 64

Weekender, The: High-voltage DC power supply notes - Reader feedback, Jun. p. 82

Weekender, The: High-voltage DC power supply notes, More, Salas (AD5X), Apr., p. 80

Weekender, The: LED reader feedback, Salas (AD5X), Mar., p. 68

Weekender, The: Minimizing RFI in your home and shack, Salas (AD5X), Feb., p. 72

Weekender, The: Snap-on ferrite tests, Salas (AD5X), Nov., p. 65

World of Ideas: In the Spotlight: More vintage homebrew, Ingram (K4TWJ), Oct., p. 56


Announcing: 2008 CQ WW DX Contest, Sep., p. 94

Announcing: 2008 CQ WW RTTY DX Contest, Jul., p. 32

Announcing: 2008 CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest, Jan., p. 36

Announcing: 2008 CQ WW VHF Contest, Jun., p. 44

Announcing: 2008 CQ WW WPX Contest, Feb., p. 44

Announcing: 2008 Inductees CQ Amateur Radio, Contest, and DX Halls of Fame, Jul., p. 36

Announcing: 2008 Nominations open for the CQ Amateur Radio, DX and Contest Halls of Fame, Jan., p. 83

Announcing: 2009 CQ WW DX 160 Meter Contest, Nov., p. 38

Announcing: 2009 CQ DX Marathon, Dec., p. 26

Announcing: The 11th Annual CQ WW Foxhunting Weekend plus the results of the 2007 CQ WW Foxhunting Weekend, Moell (KØOV), May, p. 28

Awards: A success story (WA2CKP) and DX awards, Melinosky (K1BV), Jan., p. 92

Awards: Counties galore! Melinosky (K1BV), May, p. 90

Awards: County Hunting - Looking ahead, Melinosky (K1BV), Jul., p. 93

Awards: County Hunting record keeping, Melinosky (K1BV), Jun., p. 100

Awards: County Hunting Q&A, Melinosky (K1BV), Apr., p. 95

Awards: More Q&A plus DX and US awards, Melinosky (K1BV), Oct., p. 94

Awards: Q&A and the DARC awards, Melinosky (K1BV), Sep., p. 80

Awards: Record keeping, Melinosky (K1BV), Dec., p. 92

Awards: Short-term awards and YLRL series, Melinosky (K1BV), Aug., p. 82

Awards: South African Radio League awards, Melinosky (K1BV), Feb., p. 92

Awards: USA-CA updates, Polish awards, Melinosky (K1BV), Nov., p. 96

Awards: What counts for USA-CA? plus SSTV awards, Melinosky (K1BV), Mar. p. 90

Championship fun on the CQWW Foxhunting Weekend, Moell (KØOV), Apr., p. 24

Contesting: 2008 CQ Contesting Hall of Fame inductees, Dorr (K1AR), Jul., p. 96

Contesting: Contest activity: Another view of the future, Dorr (K1AR), Feb., p. 99

Contesting: Contesting and cheating, Dorr (K1AR), Apr., p. 104

Contesting: Contesting secrets, Dorr (K1AR), Oct., p. 106

Contesting: Farewell to Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, Dorr (K1AR), Dec., p. 98

Contesting: Interpreting contest results the right way, Dorr (K1AR), Jan., p. 99

Contesting: Multi-op contesting: Some practical advice for everyone, Dorr (K1AR), Nov., p. 106

Contesting: My Dad and contesting, Dorr (K1AR), Mar., p. 98

Contesting: Preparing for battle, Dorr (K1AR), Aug., p. 96

Contesting: Slow CW: Is there room for it in contesting? Dorr (K1AR), Sep., p. 92

Contesting: Solar activity and contesting, Dorr (K1AR), May, p. 98

Contesting: The old days of contesting, Dorr (K1AR), Jun., p. 98

CQ WW DX Contest All-Time Records, Capossela (K6SSS), Oct., p. 24

New rules for CQ WPX Awards expand eligible bands and modes, Bolia (N8BJQ), Mar., p. 38

Results of the 2007 CQ DX Marathon, Sweeney (K9EL), Jun., p. 22

Results of the 2007 CQ WW DX CW Contest, Cox (K3EST), Sep., p. 13

Results of the 2007 CQ WW DX SSB Contest, Cox (K3EST), Aug., p. 20

Results of the 2007 CQ WW RTTY DX Contest, Vinson (W6OTC) and Cortese (I2UIY), May, p. 13

Results of the 2007 CQ WW VHF Contest, Lindholm (W1XX), Feb., p. 34

Results of the 2007 CQ WW WPX CW Contest, Merchant (K6AW), Mar., p. 24

Results of the 2007 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, Merchant (K6AW) and Thompson (K5ZD), Jan., p. 18

Results of the 2008 CQ WPX RTTY Contest, Vinson (W6OTC) and Cortese (I2UIY), Jul., p. 26

Results of the 2008 CQ WW DX 160 Meter Contests, Blank (N2NT), Dec. p. 13

Rookie’s guide to contesting, A, Decker (KB1OGL), Oct., p. 18

VHF Plus: It’s VHF-plus contest time, Lynch (N6CL), Jun., p. 92


Digital Connection: CW Skimmer (and the MELP Yelp), Rotolo (N2IRZ), Oct., p. 82

Digital Connection: D-STAR digital data, CruptoUP, Rotolo (N2IRZ), Apr., p. 74

Digital Connection: Hamsphere: A world inside a paper cup, Rotolo (N2IRZ), Aug., p. 72

Digital Connection: PSK-31: DigiPan hints & tips, Rotolo (N2IRZ), Feb., p. 74

Digital Connection: The digital playground - An overview of modes, Rotolo (N2IRZ), Jun., p. 54

Digital Connection: WINMOR and the process of software development, Rotolo (N2IRZ), Dec., p. 70

Math’s Notes: Simple digital data transmission modes, Math (WA2NDM), Jun., p. 50

Public Service: APRS for public service - on motorcycle and on foot, Moseson (W2VU) & Ortiz (K2DO), Jul., p. 56


4OØCE DXpedition to Montenegro, Kremer (F6FQK), Jan., p. 13

DX: DX for the new year and “making lemonade,” Smith (N4AA), Jan., p. 94

DX: DX news, plus G3SXW on QSLing, Smith (N4AA), Apr., p. 98

DX: DX news, W3HC retiring, IRCs update and XE1CI, Smith (N4AA), Jun., p. 103

DX: Involving young hams in DXpeditions, Smith (N4AA), Dec. p. 87

DX: OH2BU DXpedition honor roll, DX news, Peter Dahl products and more, Smith (N4AA), May, p. 94

DX: Preview of the 2007 Most Wanted Survey, Smith (N4AA), Feb., p. 95

DX: St. Barthelemy, Bouvet, and more, Smith (N4AA), Mar., p. 93

DX: Stating your callsign on the air, plus “news” on Glorioso, Smith (N4AA), Nov., p. 98

DX: Still waiting for Cycle 24, plus DX pileup signal levels, Smith (N4AA), Aug., p. 85

DX: The “Magic Band,” Smith (N4AA), Sep., p. 84

DX: While you’re waiting for the sun…, Smith (N4AA), Oct., p. 97

DX: You can work ‘em! Plus Brunei and St. Lucia, Smith (N4AA), Jul., p. 98

Jeff’s Walk: VK4XJJ’s solo trek across Australia, Wood (WV5J), Feb., p. 48

“The Responsible Person” - Bringing amateur radio back to Afghanistan, Kountz (T6EE/KE6GFF), Mar., p. 13

World of Ideas: Giving HF a Go, Ingram (K4TWJ), Aug., p. 48

World of Ideas: Giving HF a Go, Part II, Ingram (K4TWJ), Sep., p. 54

YU8/OH2R: Project Goodwill Kosova, Laine (OH2BH/4O3B), Jul., p. 13


A CQ Exclusive: A Cray-based internet protocol HF CW DX contest simulator, Heisseluft, Apr., p. 44

Math’s Notes: Cone of Silence, The, Math (WA2NDM), Apr., p. 50


World of Ideas: Keys 2008: A captivating mix - Part 1, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jun., p. 60

World of Ideas: Keys 2008: A captivating mix - Part 2, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jul., p. 50


So you want to put up a tower…, Lindholm (W1XX), Jun., p. 26

Washington Readout: 2007 - The amateur radio year in review, Maia (W5YI), Mar., p. 52

Washington Readout: 700 MHz: The Spectrum Rush of 2008, Maia (W5YI), Apr., p. 52

Washington Readout: Amateur radio licensing and callsign systems, Maia (W5YI), Oct., p. 72

Washington Readout: Early history of two-radio communications, Maia (W5YI), Nov., p. 54

Washington Readout: FCC’s Universal Licensing System: What you need to know, Maia (W5YI), Feb., p. 62

Washington Readout: Forming an amateur radio club: What you need to know, Maia (W5YI), Jul., p. 61

Washington Readout: Getting the vanity callsign of your choice, Maia (W5YI), May, p. 36

Washington Readout: How to get a 1x2 or 2x1 vanity callsign when none supposedly are available, Maia (W5YI), Dec., p. 46

Washington Readout: Motorola seeks to acquire parent of Yaesu, Maia (W5YI), Jan., p. 30

Washington Readout: Operating amateur radio internationally, Maia (W5YI), Aug., p. 36

Washington Readout: RF safety regulations and the radio amateur, Maia (W5YI), Jun., p. 66

Washington Readout: Your amateur radio questions answered, Maia (W5YI), Sep., p. 64


Amateur Radio Rallies, The Importance of Attending, Kotowski (SMØJHF), Apr., p. 30

Announcing: 2008 inductees, CQ Amateur Radio, Contest and DX Halls of Fame, Jul., p. 36

Announcing: 2008 Nominations Open for CQ Amateur Radio Halls of Fame, Jan., p. 83

CQ Interviews: Dr. Eric Haseltine, AB3DI, Former Associate Director of National Intelligence for Science & Technology, Moseson (W2VU), Apr., p. 13

CQ Interviews: Dr. John Townsend, W3PRB, space program pioneer, Greer (N4KZ), Jun., p. 13

CQ Interviews: Vice Admiral John Scott Redd (Ret.), KØDQ, Former Director, National Counterterrorism Center, Moseson (W2VU), Feb., p. 13

Hams and Math: Improving an ambivalent relationship, Thomas (W8QYR), Feb., p. 52

Keeping the Regional Hamfest Alive, Crestol (W1RC), Apr. p. 35

Lights! Camera! Action! The art and science of looking your best on SSTV, Kemp (KZ1Z), Oct., p. 44

Magic in the Sky: A radio is born (tour of AOR), Reinhardt (AA6JR), Jan., p. 60

Prefix frolics - A WPX crossword puzzle, Luscre (K8ZT), p. 34

Saving the Hobby for KG7HF, Decker (KB1OGL), April, p. 47

Theory of proper message-handling, Shrader (W6BNB), Oct., p. 35

Update: Carnegie-Mellon’s “Boss” wins DARPA Urban Challenge, Feb., p. 24

Visiting the Radio Society of Great Britain: A farewell visit to Lambda House, Mahillo (EB1BSV), Jun., p. 46

Young hams shine with awards, scholarships, Moseson (W2VU), Sep., p. 30


Beginner’s Corner: Mobile power cables for portable operations, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Jul., p. 74

Mobiling: Big signals from small packages, Reinhardt (AA6JR), Aug., p. 62

Mobiling: Looking north, Reinhardt (AA6JR), Nov., p. 85

Mobiling: The Mobile “Secret,” Reinhardt (AA6JR), Feb., p. 79

Mobiling:, Correspondence update: Pickups and drill bits, Reinhardt (AA6JR), May, p. 54

Public Service: APRS for public service - on motorcycle and on foot, Moseson (W2VU) & Ortiz (K2DO), Jul., p. 56

World of Ideas: Rolling with the bike mobiles, Part 1, Ingram (K4TWJ), Apr., p. 68

World of Ideas: Rolling with the bike mobiles, Part 2, Ingram (K4TWJ), May, p. 60


Beginner’s Corner: “What are you doing?” A primer on outdoor operations, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Jun., p. 72

Beginner’s Corner: A different sort of test session, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Apr., p. 82

Beginner’s Corner: Ground, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Mar., p. 70

Beginner’s Corner: Mobile power cables for portable operations, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Jul., p. 74

Beginner’s Corner: Moving in, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Dec., p. 60

Beginner’s Corner: Propagation primer: Dealing with Mother Nature, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Feb., p. 101

Beginner’s Corner: The basics of making low-band contacts: an introduction, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Jan., p. 80

Beginner’s Corner: What flavor is your ham radio? Yoshida (KH6WZ), Aug., p. 54

Beginner’s Corner: An experienced beginner, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Oct., p. 68

Beginner’s Corner: Do we have the right stuff or the wrong stuff when on the radio? Yoshida (KH6WZ), Sep., p. 68

Beginner’s Corner: What do I do now? Extra help for new hams, Moseson (W2VU), May, p. 72

How It Works: How HF signals get from here to there, Ingram (K4TWJ), Mar., p. 82

How it Works: The what and why of oscilloscopes, Part I, Ingram (K4TWJ), Sep., p. 71

How it Works: The what and why of oscilloscopes, Part II, Ingram (K4TWJ), Nov., p. 88

How It Works: Those neat switching power supplies, Ingram (K4TWJ), May, p. 74

How It Works: Times, Seasons and Communications, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jan., p. 68

How It Works: VOMs, noise bridges and antenna analyzers, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jul., p. 68

Kids’ Korner: A tale of two ham families, Decker (KB1OGL), Dec., p. 80

Rookie’s guide to contesting, A, Decker (KB1OGL), Oct., p. 18

World of Ideas: Giving HF a Go, Ingram (K4TWJ), Aug., p. 48

World of Ideas: Giving HF a Go, Part II, Ingram (K4TWJ), Sep., p. 54


Magic in the Sky: Advancements: Keeping the dream alive, Reinhardt (AA6JR), Oct., p. 80

Magic in the Sky: I Miss the FCC, Reinhardt (AA6JR), Apr., p. 66

Magic in the Sky: The raison d’être, Reinhardt (AA6JR), Jul., p. 64

Zero Bias (Editorial): A New President … But No New Sheriff, Moseson (W2VU), Dec., p. 10

Zero Bias (Editorial): “Into the Impossible” - Remembering Arthur C. Clarke, Moseson (W2VU), May, p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): “The sunspot cycle is dead! Long live the sunspot cycle!,” Moseson (W2VU), Mar., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): 97.1(b), Moseson (W2VU), Oct., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): Connections, Moseson (W2VU), Nov., p. 9

Zero Bias (Editorial): From Dayton … to Mars, Moseson (W2VU), Jul., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): Getting Technical, Moseson (W2VU), Jan., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): Half empty or half full redux, Moseson (W2VU), Aug., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): Half empty or half full? Moseson (W2VU), Jun., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): More Than Ever, Moseson (W2VU), Feb., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): Trying new things … and more new things to try, Moseson (W2VU), Apr., p. 8

Zero Bias (Editorial): Vanishing act? Moseson (W2VU), Sep., p. 8


CQ Book Review: The Old Timer - 60 Years in the hobby of Amateur Radio 1947–2007, Cain (K1TN), Nov., p. 36

CQ Market Survey: HF Transceivers, West (WB6NOA), Feb. p. 26

CQ Reviews: Begali Morse paddles, Ingram (K4TWJ), Dec., p. 22

CQ Reviews: bhi Radio Mate compact keypad for the FT-817, FT-857 and FT-897, Britain (WA5VJB), Jul., p. 44

CQ Reviews: Elecraft K3 transceiver, Locher (W9KNI) and Tavan (NX6I), Nov., p. 20

CQ Reviews: FlexRadio Systems FLEX-5000A software defined radio transceiver, Campbell (K3NC), Oct., p. 26

CQ Reviews: Heil ProSet Media Pro headset mic, Moseson (W2VU), May, p. 21

CQ Reviews: LDG AT-1000 Pro automatic antenna tuner, West (WB6NOA), Nov., p. 32

CQ Reviews: MFJ-998 automatic antenna tuner and MFJ-925 antenna tuner, Salas (AD5X), Jan., p.26

CQ Reviews: TalkSafe by RPF Communications, Salas (AD5X), Dec., p. 35

CQ Reviews: Ten-Tec Omni-VII HF/6m Transceiver, Moseson (W2VU), May, p. 20

CQ Reviews: TW Antennas TW-2010 Traveler portable HF antenna, West (WB6NOA), Sep., p. 24

Hot Stuff at Hamvention, Part I: New radios and amplifiers seen at Dayton in May, Moseson (W2VU), Aug., p. 30

Hot Stuff at Hamvention, Part II: Antennas and accessories seen at Dayton in May,

Moseson (W2VU), Sep., p. 32

QRP: Three little rigs (Elecraft K3, Brendon transceiver kit, 1S4 “Peanut Whistle” QRP transmitter), Ingram (K4TWJ), Jun., p. 84

What’s New: 80-meter vertical, compact rotatable dipole, receiver pre-amp and more, Luscre (K8ZT), Mar., p. 64

What’s New: Crystal calibrator, mini FM transmitter, hams in WW II book, from the mailbag, Luscre (K8ZT), Jul., p. 86

What’s New: HF transceiver kit, lightweight antenna, automatic antenna switcher and more, Luscre (K8ZT), Jan., p. 84

What’s New: HF/6m transceiver, two compact antennas and the “DV Dongle,” Luscre (K8ZT), Apr., p. 88

What’s New: Monoband and multiband verticals, K3 filters, mobile mounting device and more, Luscre (K8ZT), Jun., p. 88

What’s New: New OWA Yagis, wall plates, coax assembly tools, innovative solder and more, Luscre (K8ZT), Nov., p. 92

What’s New: Pair of linear amplifiers, dual-band handheld and PSK digital modem, Luscre (K8ZT), May, p. 80

What’s New: Portable field radio, portable antenna, interface, software and more, Luscre (K8ZT), Oct., p. 90

What’s New: Quad-band compact rotatable dipole, audio speech products and more, Luscre (K8ZT), Feb., p. 86

What’s New: Radio control software, ham radio gifts, copper strap, log analysis software, Luscre (K8ZT), Sep., p. 77

What’s New: SDRs, Jupiter upgrades, vertical antenna, Christmas key, DXCluster for OS-X, Luscre (K8ZT), Dec., p. 66

What’s New: Ten-Tec Jupiter HF transceiver (40th anniversary edition), RIGblaster Duo, atomic clocks and new books, Luscre (K8ZT), Aug., p. 78

Word of Ideas: It’s goodie time! Ingram (K4TWJ), Dec., p. 52


Beginner’s Corner: Propagation primer: Dealing with Mother Nature, Yoshida (KH6WZ), Feb., p. 101

How It Works: How HF signals get from here to there, Ingram (K4TWJ), Mar., p. 82

How It Works: Times, Seasons and Communications, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jan., p. 68

Propagation: August propagation a mixed bag, Hood (NW7US), Aug., p. 98

Propagation: Electromagnetic (EM) force, part I, Hood (NW7US), Jan., p. 101

Propagation: Electromagnetic (EM) force, part II, Hood (NW7US), Feb., p. 104

Propagation: Fair conditions predicted for the 2008 CQ WW CW Contest, Hood (NW7US), Nov., p. 109

Propagation: Field Day 2008, Hood (NW7US), Jun., p. 108

Propagation: Good conditions predicted for the 2008 CQ WW SSB Contest, Hood (NW7US), Oct., p. 108

Propagation: Ionosphere, The, Hood (NW7US), Mar., p. 101

Propagation: Speculation plus NVIS, Hood (NW7US), Sep., p. 96

Propagation: Sporadic-E propagation, Hood (NW7US), May, p. 101

Propagation: Weather and the ionosphere, Hood (NW7US), Jul., p. 103

Propagation: What is Aurora? Hood (NW7US), Apr., p. 106

Propagation: Winter opportunities on the bands, Hood (NW7US), Dec., p. 101

Role of galactic cosmic rays in 160-meter propagation, A theory on the, Brown (NM7M) and Luetzelschwab (K9LA), Nov., p. 13

VHF Plus: Another Maunder Minimum? Lynch (N6CL), Apr., p. 90


Public Service: APRS for public service - on motorcycle and on foot, Moseson (W2VU) & Ortiz (K2DO), Jul., p. 56

Public Service: Cooperation, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Oct., p. 62

Public Service: Firestorm! Hams fill various roles in S. California wildfires, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Jan., p. 44

Public Service: From bike races to hurricane relief, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Dec., p. 28

Public Service: Ham warnings vital in twister outbreak, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Apr., p. 60

Public Service: Hams hailed as heroes, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Feb., p. 54

Public Service: Hams respond to China disaster, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Aug., p. 13

Public Service: Hams: “A Godsend when it comes to emergencies,” Josuweit (WA3PZO), Mar., p. 44

Public Service: MARS moves front and center, Josuweit (WA3PZO), May, p. 48

Public Service: Public service at global opposites, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Sep., p. 48

Public Service: SATERN turns 20, Moseson (W2VU), Jun., p. 70

Public Service: Yikes! It’s Ike, Josuweit (WA3PZO), Nov., p. 60


Jeff’s Walk: VK4XJJ’s solo trek across Australia, Wood (WV5J), Feb., p. 48

QRP: Fun times, fun rigs, Ingram (K4TWJ), Aug., p. 66

QRP: Mini-rigs in tins and cans, Ten-Tec’s Argonaut V and more, Ingram (K4TWJ), Feb., p. 82

QRP: Nonstop action & nonstop fun! Ingram (K4TWJ), Dec., p. 73

QRP: Still Hot and Rompin’, Ingram (K4TWJ), Apr., p. 84

QRP: Three Cheers (Treats) for QRP, Ingram (K4TWJ), Oct., p. 86

QRP: Three little rigs, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jun., p. 84


Antennas: Antennas for amateur radio astronomy, Britain (WA5VJB), Jan., p. 72

VHF Plus: First ISS reflection QSO claimed, Lynch (N6CL), Feb., p. 89

VHF Plus: Getting ready for SuitSat-2, Lynch (N6CL), May, p. 84

VHF Plus: Proposed geosynchronous satellite could change playing field of amateur satellite communications, Lynch (N6CL), Mar., p. 86


How It Works: Those neat switching power supplies, Ingram (K4TWJ), May, p. 74

Math’s Notes: Follow-up on frequency standard, Math (WA2NDM), Oct., p. 52

Math’s Notes: Frequency-to-Voltage converter, The, Math (WA2NDM), Aug., p. 44

Math’s Notes: Low-cost test equipment, Math (WA2NDM), Jan., p. 38

Math’s Notes: Simple digital data transmission modes, Math (WA2NDM), Jun., p. 50

Math’s Notes: Step Up/Down Regulators, Math (WA2NDM), Mar., p. 49

Math’s Notes: Ultra Capacitors, Math (WA2NDM), Feb., p. 107

Math’s Notes: Voltage-to-frequency converter, The, Math (WA2NDM), Jul., p. 46

Math’s Notes: Wireless power transmission, Math (WA2NDM), May, p. 44

Math’s Notes: Are you really operating on frequency? Math (WA2NDM), Sep., p. 44

Math’s Notes: Simple linear power supplies, Math (WA2NDM), Nov., p. 50

Math’s Notes: Simple switching power supplies, Math (WA2NDM), Dec., p. 38

Role of galactic cosmic rays in 160-meter propagation, A theory on the, Brown (NM7M) and Luetzelschwab (K9LA), Nov., p. 13

Washington Readout: RF safety regulations and the radio amateur, Maia (W5YI), Jun., p. 66

World of Ideas: Hamming from the shadows, part IV, Ingram (K4TWJ), Feb., p. 66

World of Ideas: Hamming from the shadows, part V, Ingram (K4TWJ), Mar., p. 56

World of Ideas: Thinking outside the box, Ingram (K4TWJ), Jan., p. 52


DX: The “Magic Band,” Smith (N4AA), Sep., p. 84

Magic of Wireless, The, (Airplane Enhancement), Knadle (K2RIW), Mar., p. 32

Our Readers Say: More on Airplane Enhancement, Taylor (K1JT) and Knadle (K2RIW), May, p. 5

Six meters at last … or how I overcame CC&Rs and made an old wish come true, Richmond (W4YO), Jun., p. 36

VHF Plus: Another Maunder Minimum? Lynch (N6CL), Apr., p. 90

VHF Plus: Aurora substorms mystery solved? Lynch (N6CL), Oct., p. 102

VHF Plus: First 70 centimeter DXCC, Lynch (N6CL), Aug., p. 92

VHF Plus: First ISS reflection QSO claimed, Lynch (N6CL), Feb., p. 89

VHF Plus: First-ever 2-meter terrestrial QSO between ZS (South Africa) and FR (Reunion Is.), Lynch (N6CL), Nov., p. 102

VHF Plus: Getting ready for SuitSat-2, Lynch (N6CL), May, p. 84

VHF Plus: It’s VHF-plus contest time, Lynch (N6CL), Jun., p. 92

VHF Plus: Launch and recovery of Oklahoma State University’s ASTRO 7 balloon, Lynch (N6CL), Jan., p. 87

VHF Plus: Meteor showers nobody saw, The, Lynch (N6CL), Jul., p. 88

VHF Plus: Pioneer ARISS astronaut’s son (W5KWQ) follows father (W5LFL) in space, Lynch (N6CL), Dec. p. 95

VHF Plus: Proposed geosynchronous satellite could change playing field of amateur satellite communications, Lynch (N6CL), Mar., p. 86

VHF Plus: The Earth’s magnetotail: The aurora-moon connection, Lynch (N6CL), Sep., p. 88


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