14th District Agricultural Association

CALL TO ORDER: 1:40 PM by President Barton

DIRECTORS PRESENT: Bill Barton, President; Stephanie Fontana, Vice President; Don Dietrich, Director; Jody Belgard, Director, Tony Campos, Director, Michael Pruger, Director; MariaElena de la Garza, Director.


DIRECTORS EXCUSED: Director Estrada, Director Campos, Director Flores

CEO: Dave Kegebein


INTRODUCTION: President Barton welcomed new Director MariaElena de la Garza. Director de la Garza summarized her background and interest in the Fairgrounds. She is the Executive Director of the Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County and looks forward to bringing her experience to this board.


DIRECTOR COMMENTS: Director Dietrich requested that the GM provide monthly reports on the Entry Guide update and efforts to increase Fair entry participation.

CONSENT CALENDAR: The Consent Calendar was presented. Director Dietrich moved, Director Fontana seconded approval of the Consent Agenda. Motion carried 5-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, and Pruger. Director de la Garza abstained.


GM reported that the current cash balance is about $450,000, & the line of credit will be paid off ($150,000) in a couple of weeks leaving a balance of roughly $300,000. After further discussion, Director Pruger moved, Director Dietrich seconded approval of the Financial Reports for September and October. Motion carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.


MANAGER’S REPORT – GM reported that the Department Heads meeting was held last month and next years theme will be “Bounty of the County.” The Entry Guide will be completed earlier and an effort to increase entries is underway.

We continue to address and comply with the California Regional Water Resources Control Board regulations regarding trash, dust and surface water control.

GM met with a local non-profit that is interesting in developing sports fields for kids and there is interest in the Fairgrounds and adjacent properties. Director Dietrich reported on conversations he’s had with the County Parks Department regarding potential partnerships.



1. Election of Officers. Director Dietrich moved, Director Pruger seconded nomination of Director Fontana for President in 2018. Director Pruger moved and Director Belgard seconded nomination of Director Dietrich as Vice-President. Motion to approve new officers carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.

2. Approve Signature Changes on Santa Cruz County Bank Account – GM provided an update and made the recommendation that signatories be updated to include Dave Kegebein, Loretta Estrada, Jody Belgard, Stephanie Fontana, Don Dietrich and Lynne Grossi. Director Dietrich moved, Director Fontana seconded motion to revise signatory’s as recommended. Motion carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.

3. Review & Approve 2019 Building Rates. GM provided overview of new recommended fee schedules. Director Dietrich expressed concern that rates not be increased to the point that the community can’t utilize the facility. Director Dietrich further commented that in his opinion the Fairgrounds should be operating as a governmental service rather than a business trying to make a profit. The CEO reminded the Board that the facility is far behind on deferred maintenance and pointed out that all rental facilities are currently booked far in advance with rental demand exceeding supply. This being an unsubsidized government facility that does not receive taxpayer funding the Fairgrounds needs to be “self-sustaining”. After discussion Director Belgard moved, Director Fontana seconded approval of 2019 Building Rates. Motion carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.

4. Review & Approve 2018 Fair Admission Fees. After discussion Director Belgard moved, Director Pruger seconded approval of recommended 2018 Fair Admission Fees. Motion carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.

5. Review & Approve 2018 Concession & Exhibitor Rates. After discussion Director Dietrich moved, Director Belgard seconded approval of recommended 2018 Concession & Exhibitor Rates. Motion carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.

6. Review & Approve 2018 Camping Rates. After discussion Director Belgard moved, Director Fontana seconded approval of recommended 2018 Camping Rates. Motion carried 6-0, Ayes - Directors Barton, Fontana, Belgard, Dietrich, Pruger and de la Garza.

CORRESPONDENCE New Director Guidelines distributed to board members, as requested by CDFA. Director Dietrich recommended that this be put into Policy Manual – agreed to by President and GM.


1. Strategic Planning – update. Directors Dietrich and Campos researched “Project Rational” for a community outreach program. Director Dietrich provided an update on the effort on a proposed “Project Rationale” that would address 1) usefulness of the property in general and 2) “what do you want to see at the Fair?” There was discussion about the need to include the various areas of the county and adjoining counties and how would that be accomplished. Also discussed were traffic challenges from north County and the desire by some (UCSC) to have sophisticated technology available onsite. After discussion, it was agreed to try to schedule a meeting with a facilitator for February 27, 2018 with this discussion to be the focus of the meeting.

2. Western Fairs California Fairs Alliance – estimated that between $8 and $12 million will become available to the fairs state-wide based on fair-related sales tax allocation. Funds will become available in 2020. Also some funds in State Park Bond Act for fairgrounds infrastructure ($18 million). There was further discussion of other assembly bills that secure funding for the fairs.

3. Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation Update. Ron thanked everyone for the Holiday Gift Fair participation – attendance up 20%, very happy vendors. Social media outreach was very effective. Sold out all 135 spaces and looking for ways to expand next year.

4. Rodgers House News Update. Jody reported that the report is in your packet, all is well, Happy Holidays!

5. Ag History Project Update – Holiday Dinner Potluck is tonight!!

Jody Belgard thanked President Barton for being a great President for 2 years, and welcomed Director Fontana in the New Year. President Barton thanked the Board for their work.

Next Regular Board Meetings are:

January 23, 2018, 1:30 in the Board Room

Other Upcoming Events

December 20, 2017, Holiday Party with Fairgrounds Foundation and Fair Staff, 6:00 p.m. in the Heritage Hall

Western Fairs Association Conference – January 3-6, 2018 in Anaheim, CA

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:55 pm.


Approved by: _____________

Date: ____________________


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