LESSON PLAN - cv033.k12.sd.us


|Date: November5th-9th,2007 |Week # 12 |Baltic School District |

|Class |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday | |

| | | | |Review and discuss plurals |Reading a web page | |

|Reading |Long a words with ai, ay | |Read as a Class: A Turkey |Practice page. 98 |Pr. p. 100 | |

| |Build words with magnetic |Decodable reader :Bert does not|For Thanksgiving |High frequency words Practice |Selection test | |

| |letters as a class. |like Bugs |page. 286-302 |page 99 | | |

| |Build words Practice page 93 |-Find and chart words with long|Think and Share page. 303-304 |Discussion on what are similes | | |

| | |a sound | |Shared Lit: The Blizzard |Leveled reading groups | |

| | |Text page. 282-283 | |Thanksgiving USA: | | |

| | |Build background | |Text page. 306-309 | | |

| | |Listening comprehension: Happy |Leveled reading groups | | | |

| | |Holidays – Practice page 94 | |Leveled Reading Groups | | |

| | |Shared Lit: My First Chinese | | | | |

| | |New Year | | | | |

| | |Long a word work | | | | |

| | |Drawing conclusions | | | | |

| | |Practice page .95 | | | | |

| | |Compare/contrast as a class: | | | | |

| | |Thanksgiving and 4th of July | | | | |

| | |High frequency words | | | | |

| | |Practice page. 96 | | | | |

| | |Partner read page. 286-302 | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Handwriting | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Practice Cc, Ee, Ff, Gg, Jj, Qq| |

| | |Practice g, j, q pg. 40 |Practice G, J, Q pg. 42 |No Handwriting |Write Words with Cc, Ee, Ff, | |

| |No Handwriting |Write Sentence and Words with |Write Sentence and Words with | |Gg, Jj, Qq | |

| | |g, j, q pg. 41 |G, J, Q pg. 43 | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Lang. | | | |*Combining Sentences | | |

| |No Language Arts/Writing |Mixed review |*Predicates pp. 12-13 on white |Pg 14-15 as class on the | | |

| | |p. 9 together on white boards |boards |overhead | | |

| | |– Pr. p. 5 with partner |Pr. and Ext. p. 7 |*Reteach ws # 8 |No Language Arts or Writing | |

| | |Review Lesson |*Practice on white boards |*Practice ws # 8 | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Writing: Lesson 8 | |Writing Workshop | | |

| | |The Finish Line | |Writing a Story/Passage with a | | |

| | | | |correct Finish Line from Lesson| | |

| | | | |8 | | |

| |Introduce words – |Word Wall Work | | | | |

|Spelling |Long a: ai, ay |Practice Long a: ai, ay | |Partner Review: | | |

| |* Spelling worksheet-workbook |Blend Words and Build Words |Spelling Test on #1-12 |Practice Spelling words and |Spelling Test on all 20 words | |

| |#37 |Spelling Worksheet |Practice Long a: ai,ay |word wall words on white boards| | |

| | |#38 |Spelling Worksheet # 39 |Spelling Workbook page 40 | | |

| | |Play Sparkle | | | | |

|Classes |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Content Standards |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Math |Math story book | | | | | |

| |Get on the Bus |Unit 1 review |* pp. 94A-94B |Problem of the Day | | |

| |pg. A-F |pg. 91-92 |Intro. Ch. 7 | | | |

| |Problem solving pp. 89-90 | |Counting Money |Lesson 7.2: Quarters and | | |

| |Practice Flashcards |Unit One |pp. 95-96 |Half-Dollars |Count collections | |

| | |Assessment |Check What you Know |pg. 99-100, Pr. 7.2 |pg. 101-102 | |

| | | |*Self Correct |Problem solving worksheet 7.2 |Pg. 7.3 | |

| | | |Lesson 7.1 Pennies, Nickels and| |Problem solving worksheet 7.3 | |

| | | |Dimes | | | |

| | | |Pg. 7.1 | | | |

| | | |Problem solving worksheet 7.1 | | | |

|Science | | | | | | |

| |In Mrs. Gunderson’s Room | |No Science Today |In Mrs. Gunderson’s Room |No Science Today | |

| | |No Science Today | | | | |

| |(See Mrs. Gunderson’s Lesson | | |(See Mrs. Gunderson’s Lesson | | |

| |Plan) | | |Plan) | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Social Studies |Mrs. VanLeur’s class | | | | | |

| | |No Social Studies Today |No Social Studies Today |No Social Studies Today-VanLeur|Mrs. VanLeur’s Class | |

| |Read and discuss pg 66-67 How | | | | | |

| |and Where People Lived | | |(Mrs. Gunderson’s) |Finish WB 16 | |

| |Do page 16 in workbook | | |Finish WB #16 |Start Lesson 3: From my Orchard| |

| |Listen to Audio on Where people| | |Start Lesson 3: From my Orchard|to You | |

| |lived: Then and Now | | |to You |Watch: Taking a Field Trip | |

| | | | |Watch: Taking a Trip Lesson 3 |Lesson 3 video | |

| | | | |video |Workbook 17 | |

| |Mrs. Gunderson’s class)- | | |Workbook #17 | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Read and discuss pg 66-67 How | | | | | |

| |and Where People Lived | | | | | |

| |Do page 16 in workbook | | | | | |

| |Listen to audio on Where people| | | | | |

| |lived: Then and Now | | | | | |

|Specials | | | | | | |

| |Music |Computer & Library |PE |Counseling |PE | |

| |1:45-2:15 |2:00-3:00 |12:35-1:05 |9:00-9:30 |12:35-1:05 | |

| | |Early Dismissal at 2:00 | |Music | | |

| | | |ART (Alternate) |1:45-2:15 | | |

| | | |10:50-11:20 | | | |

| | | | | | | |


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