Anatomy and Physiology - IPCISD

Anatomy and Physiology/2015-2016

Text: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology: Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

Personal Contact Information

Erin Nimetz


Room D-14

E-mail is a very easy way to make contact with me. Consider using this as a tool during the year if you need to speak with me for any concerns or questions.


M-F mornings: 7:40-8:00

After School: 3:30-4:00

Materials Needed

Three ring binder with tabbed dividers (5)

Pencils and Pens (Please ONLY blue or black ink!!!)

Plenty of filler paper (notebook paper…not spiral paper)

Two rolls of paper towels

Course Description

This course offers a challenging look at the human body and how it works. The load that this course demands is heavy and should not be taken if the student is not willing to put forth the work ethic. Due to the inherent memorization that this course demands, there will be many parts of the body (i.e. bones, muscles etc) that will be required that the student knows. This requires memorization. Once this memorization of the anatomy is completed, learning the physiology will be much easier thus an enhanced comprehension of this field of study. Please know that, if taken seriously and with full effort, this course can help you tremendously if you desire a biology or pre-med degree in college. Also please know that if you are not planning on going into a biological field of study, I will expect the same effort. THIS IS NOT A “BLOW-OFF” COURSE. IT IS VERY HARD WORK AND REQUIRES SUBSTANTIAL STUDY TIME.

Course Expectations/Grading Procedures

1. Homework, Class work, Quizzes, and Some Parts of Dissections: 40%

2. Tests, Projects, Some Parts of Dissections: 60%

Classroom Rules

1. Class begins when the tardy bell rings. If you are tardy to class, the sign in sheet must me signed and dated upon entering class.

2. You will not be allowed to go back to your locker for any reason. Bring all materials needed to class.

3. My expectation is that all assignments should be completed and turned in on the due date. This is an upper level course and will be treated as such!

4. Do not talk while I am talking. Most likely you will need to hear what I have to say.

5. I will dismiss you from class….not the bell.

6. NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN CLASS. Gum will be permissible until trash and gum deposits become problems.

7. Be courteous and respectful to everyone (Classmates, faculty, animals etc.).

8. Clean up after yourself. This is especially important when we start dissections!


Discipline Management

• Students will receive a warning for the following infractions and will initial the discipline infraction sheet:

o Not having materials or supplies

o Not having homework

o Talking in an inappropriate way or at an inappropriate time

o Poor use or wasting of time

o Candy/Drinks

o Disrepect or Discourteous

o Unexcused Tardies

• 2nd offense: infraction documented and initialed; parent contact

• 3rd offense: infraction documented and initialed; another parent contact

• 4th offense: infraction documented and initialed; electronic referral to office

• I, the teacher, reserve the right to immediately remove a student from the classroom if a serious situation arises as determined by me, the teacher.

Major Course Projects

• A biomechanics project will be required of students during the end of the first semester and beginning of the second. The end product of this project will be considered an exam grade; there will be daily grades given for any in class work on this project.

• Cat dissections will be performed during the second semester. Students will be paired in groups and will be expected to cooperate with each other for the duration of the dissection. There will be multiple grades given over the cat dissection.

o Cat skeleton quiz/test

o Cat muscular system quizzes/test

o Daily dissection grade (based on progress made toward a daily goal)

o Brain/spinal cord/eye removal test

Extra Help Opportunities, Late Work and Re-Do Policy

If you are having any problems, please see me ASAP!! We can set up a time to meet so that you do not get behind! I am here to help you…please take advantage of that!

Tests can be corrected for up to a 70 and must be corrected within 2 days of the return of your test grade.

Late work will be accepted according to the Science Department Policy.

1 day late= no higher than a 70

2 days late= no higher than a 50

3 or more days late= do not accept

Anatomy and Physiology

The following is a sketch outline of the topics and chapters we will

be following throughout the school year. We will probably not get to all of this material,

but I am going to try!!

|Chapters/Tests |Six Weeks |

|Chapter 1: Foundations of Human Anatomy and Physiology |First |

|Chapter 2: Cells and Tissues | |

|You will receive a prefix/suffix and word root packet this six weeks for weekly quizzes and periodic | |

|tests. | |

|You will receive the skeleton packet during this six weeks. Be sure not to neglect this packet. DO NOT | |


|Chapter 3: Membranes and the Integumentary System |Second |

|Chapter 4: The Skeletal System | |

|Chapter 5: The Muscular System | |

|Chapter 6: The Nervous System |Third |

|Chapter 7: The Sensory Systems | |

|You will receive the muscle packet during this six weeks. Be sure not to neglect this packet. DO NOT | |


|Chapter 8: The Endocrine System |Fourth |

|Chapter 9: The Respiratory System | |

|Begin cat dissections!! | |

|Chapter 10: The Blood |Fifth |

|Chapter 11: The Cardiovascular System | |

|Chapter 12: The Lymphatic and Immune Systems | |

|Continue cat dissections!! | |

|Chapter 13: The Digestive System and Nutrition |Sixth |

|Chapter 14: The Urinary System | |

|Chapter 15: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems | |

|Finish cat dissections!! | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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