To Kill a Mockingbird: Vocabulary with Definitions

To Kill a Mockingbird: Vocabulary with Definition – Part I – chapters 1-15

These definitions are based on the way the word is used in the story. Please familiarize yourself with the words prior to reading so you are aware of their use in the novel. You will be quizzed over these words.

Vocabulary Part I: Chapters 1-15, 30 total words

QUIZ DATE: Friday, 11/14/14

Chapters 1-2

1. indigenous—occurring or living naturally in an area

2. malevolent—having or exhibiting hatred

3. sojourn—a brief, temporary stay

4. malevolent—having or exhibiting hatred

Chapters 3-4

5. amiable—pleasant; good-natured

6. fractious—inclined to make trouble; unruly

7. tyranny—a government in which a single person assumes absolute control

8. contentious—tending to fight; quarrelsome

Chapters 5-6

9. aloof—distant; unfeeling

10. benevolence—inclination to perform charitable acts

11. ensuing—following immediately afterward

12. prowess—superior skill or ability; strength or courage

Chapters 7-8

13. aberrations—deviations from the proper course

14. cleaved—adhered to closely; clung to

15. feeble—physically weak from age or sickness; frail

16. vigil—wakefulness maintained in reverence to another person, usually after one’s death

Chapters 9-11

17. analogous—possessing connections, similarities

18. articulate—to speak clearly and in distinct syllables

19. inconspicuous—not noticeable or prominent

20. provocation—causing aggravation or annoyance

Chapters 12-13

21. altercation—an angry dispute; quarrel

22. acquired—obtained possession of something

23. formidable—hard to overcome or deal with

24. prerogative—a right or privilege

25. altercation—an angry dispute; quarrel

Chapters 14-15

26. edification—intellectual, spiritual, or moral improvement

27. peculiarities—strange or unusual qualities

28. perish—to be destroyed; die

29. resignation—the act of resigning, withdrawing

30. obscure—not clearly expressed; hard to understand

To Kill a Mockingbird: Vocabulary with Definition – Part II – chapters 16-31

These definitions are based on the way the word is used in the story. Please familiarize yourself with the words prior to reading so you are aware of their use in the novel. You will be quizzed over these words.

Vocabulary Part II: Chapters 16-31, 30 total words

QUIZ DATE: Wednesday, 12/3/14

Chapters 16-17

1. acrimonious—bitter, stinging, or caustic in nature or speech

2. corroborating—making more certain; double-checking; conspiring

3. countenance—appearance; face

4. profane—hold contempt for, usually towards God or sacred principles

5. scrutiny—a thorough searching; a close examination or inquiry

Chapters 18-19

6. brash—tactless; bold

7. expunge—strike out; erase

8. predicament—an unpleasant situation

9. volition—the act of making a conscious decision

10. wrathfully—with great anger, hatred, or ill-will

Chapters 20-21

11. acquit—declare someone innocent

12. detachment—lack of interest or involvement

13. discreet—careful; good at keeping secrets

14. perpetuated—made something last, go on

15. vengeance—punishment in return for a wrong

Chapters 22-23

16. aggravate—to annoy or anger someone

17. cynical—distrustful of human nature

18. fret—to worry

19. resentments—feelings of ill-will toward someone

20. vehement—with conviction or force

Chapters 24-25

21. apprehension—hesitation

22. devout—devoted to divine worship or service

23. squalid—foul and repulsive; neglected

Chapters 26-28

24. eccentricities—oddities or peculiarities in conduct

25. furtive—secret or shifty; sneaky

26. notoriety—the state of being known for some unfavorable act or quality

27. recluse—a person shut off or apart from the world; someone living in seclusion

Chapters 29-31

28. acquiescence—agreement or consent by silence

29. contradict—to assert the contrary or opposite of

30. eluded—avoided or escaped by cleverness or speed


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