Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Character Word ...

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Date: ___________

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Characters Word Scramble

For most of the student characters I've used their first names ? unless they are commonly called by their last names in the book. And for the teachers I've used their last names.





3) UROLEDBEDM ________________

4) OGLALCMNGA ________________



6) TRMDLOVOE ________________







10) NETIPUA ________________

11) IUELRLRQ ________________

12) OKHOGRIP ________________



14) NRO


15) CRBSASBE ________________

16) EEVLNIL ________________

17) RHEMEION ________________

18) RCDAO ________________

19) HHCOO ________________



21) STORUP ________________



23) TILKICFW ________________

24) AFGN


25) EBRABC ________________

26) EYLGO ________________

27) RAPAVTI ________________

28) BEAN


29) IRFNZEE ________________

30) RRNOTEB ________________

Character Names to Choose from:

Harry Hermione Dumbledore Hagrid Crabbe Lily Petunia Hooch Parvati

Flitwick Quirrell Goyle Dudley Bane Voldemort Firenze

James Vernon Griphook Hedwig Filch Ron Neville Norbert

Binns McGonagall Scabbers Fang Sprout Draco

'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' was written by JK Rowling and she is the copyright holder. This puzzle is for educational purposes only and is used under fair use of Copyright for educational purposes. I do not make any claims to any copyrights of these great stories or characters.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Characters Word Scramble - ANSWER KEY

1) Harry 2) Dudley 3) Dumbledore 4) McGonagall 5) Hagrid 6) Voldemort 7) Lily 8) James 9) Vernon 10) Petunia

11) Quirrell 12) Griphook 13) Hedwig 14) Ron 15) Scabbers 16) Neville 17) Hermione 18) Draco 19) Hooch 20) Filch

21) Sprout 22) Binns 23) Flitwick 24) Fang 25) Crabbe 26) Goyle 27) Parvati 28) Bane 29) Firenze 30) Norbert

Writing prompts:

Who is your favorite character from 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'? And explain why. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

What Hogwarts house would the Sorting Hat put you in? (Explain why.) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

What greasy haired Potions professor is not on this list of characters? _________________________________________________________________________________________

'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' was written by JK Rowling and she is the copyright holder. This puzzle is for educational purposes only and is used under fair use of Copyright for educational purposes. I do not make any claims to any copyrights of these great stories or characters.

I try my best to ensure accuracy, but if you do come across any issues please let me know. questions@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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